#mbc tomorrow


This was the vibe that I felt with the trailer. Dumbass me didn’t check the synopsis nor the trailer with contexts. Just saw Rowoon being flustered and I was like cool found the new drama.

And what a ride. I’ve to say this was not perfect but this needn’t be perfect actually. The plots they incorporated were far braver than needed. Each of the weekly, sometimes biweekly, topics could spawn numerous works and still we won’t get to the bottom of it.

They put the topic in front of us and even if we get uncomfortable we know that they’re the truth of our times. Even if they solved all the issues as easy as a dramatic court speech, as easy as a heartfelt talk, they get the ball rolling.

The characters were infuriatingly loveable. By the time the leads stories were unleashed, you are already in love with them and the pain becomes unbearable then.

Also I cannot specify how beautiful the ending was. They just gave the signs that Jun woong has his thread tied to a lovely person. And left us at that.

Sure I wouldn’t mind a spin-off showing stuff like Jun woong meeting cho Hui as a human. Sure I wouldn’t mind Jun woong rejoining the RM team after 50 years. Sure I wouldn’t mind seeing joong gil and koo ryeon falling back to each other and easing all their pain and heartaches.

But I’m happy with what I got. And hopefully it made people wonder and reflect upon the power of words, online and offline. Because that seems to be a severe problem with these tiring times.

You know what that’s a more satisfactory ending than I was hoping for.

Sure, it would have been nice to see joong gil and koo ryeon get back together, but this is nice too. Because now, at least they have a closure and can take things slow at their own pace, even forever. There’s no society to bury them and no obligations to the living world. And why bother going back to the living world if that world ruptured their connection. They found happiness in the afterlife even if that took centuries.

And anyway their love story was indeed not the main plotline, which I realised as each episode’s protagonist scrolled through the final scenes. But they all helped ryeon come to realise who she needed to save. And in connection saved joong gil from his eternal heartache.

Jun woong going back to the living world as promised and still being the hero. A full circle moment. Boy was born to save people and so he will.

Mr. Lim got his promotion. Also, not him keeping exact count of Jun woong’s time. I can see that someone grew fond of the golden retriever.

Seriously Hell is fashionably fashionable. I love Jade emperor but her costumes are really not making me gape in awe. And then Ha Dae Soo, can they be more obvious naming him Hades, rolls in, with his great eye makeup bodyguards. And I’m like yup, go take away everyone.

Koo ryeon and joong gil are already fashionistas, you won’t have to do much work. Go on, take them and send them for a much needed vacation.

What happened in episode 15. You’re telling me it all ends in one more episode. How?

My poor joong gil nad ryeon. Someone assure me that they’ll be fine. Hell, just rule hell together of that’s what it takes.

Also I gotta admit the people from he’ll have great fashion sense. And great bgm.

On the note of bgm. The entire start sequence , final sequence from last episode, has such appropriate bgm, it just pierces through the heart.

Jun woong, get your puppy serotonin and save everyone. I’m spent crying each episode.

Do you think you’ll be happy if you avoid misery?
There’s no salvation unless you save yourself.
So don’t ever let anyone treat you horribly.
