#mcd swap au


Valorie and Illager! Karl desings.

Some hero! Heart of ender doodles

It had been weeks since the last time Archie had eaten something substantial and he had grown desperate. The occasional fallen apple or mushroom would no longer suffice in keeping him alive. He needed to eat real food, and soon. so with the little strength he had left he made his way to the nearest place where he could plead for food. 

A settlement was up ahead…

Archie hurried towards it, feeling a slight bit of hope. It was crushed very quickly. 

No one had the heart to share even a single crumb.

Archie was at a point of desperation that he decided that he would not ask for food but only take it. He knew this was a risky move. If he were to be caught stealing; it could bring about a terrible punishment for him, but that did not matter to him anymore. Archie decided he would go to a nearby bakery. The delicious baked dough lying on the counters made him drool.

Taking a quick look he was able to notice whoever was running the place was absent. He also found a blind spot where he could grab a piece of bread without being seen near the front door of the building. 

Archie hurried to his hiding place and without hesitation, grabbed a large piece of bread and went to sit down. 

Things went horribly wrong from there. 

Before he could nibble on his food, a man grabbed him by the arm and swung him roughly forcing Archie to face him.

The man was a rather old Illager who began to hurl insults at Archie who was desperately trying to explain himself. Unfortunately, the man didn’t care to listen.  The man, with several coordinated blows and pulls directed Archie towards the oven inside the premises, where he took a chain and tied both of Archie’s arms with one end, leaving another end free, which the man took as he went to the other end of the oven, positioning himself right in front of Archie who was begging the man to please just let him go.

Of course the man didn’t pay him any mind as he just pulled on his end of the chain causing Archie’s hands and part of his arms to come into contact with the flames of the oven. Archie screamed in pain at the contact with the fire and only when the skin on his arms was severely burned did the man let go of the chain. 

Archie, without hesitation, ran out of the bakery and then out of town. He sat in a tree and cried as he looked at the chains that had melted and soaked into his skin.  A strange feeling ran through Archie’s head at that time, anger, hatred, revenge, it was the only thing the little Illager could feel. If only he were bigger, stronger maybe, only then he could make him pay.

He could make everyone pay.

Writen by: @lord-kairos
