#minecraft dungeons




After a long time I think I am finally ready for the commissions, I will have them open starting today until the end of May.


What I can and cannot do:


  • Any fandom
  • Gore
  • Furry
  • Ship art
  • Character designs‍‍
  • Redraws (I don’t have an emoji for that)


  • NSFW
  • Deadlines(i don’t even know what’s this but I can’t do that)
  • Mechas
  • Vehicles
  • Too complex backgrounds

If you want to know more info you can contact me via inbox.

Payment method via Paypal



random drawings

This is the coolest thing I’ve ever seen in my life



⚠️Echoing Void DLC Spoilers⚠️

Keep reading



It took me longer than I expected to finish all this but anyway. These are the different versions of Archie from what I like to call the Archie squad.

Although I know that I was missing some more of that, I am very sure. But if you want you can put your own versions of Archie, all Archie is welcome in the archie squad.


Messenger! Archie-@sofimoon27

Peanut! Archie-@peanutblues42

Twoa! Archie-@twoa-plus

Mae! Archie- @mae910do

Vampire! Archie-@ninjacat1515

Hero! Archie-@pixzyn

Wild! Archie-@vee-vee-the-starchild

Ev! Archie-@evvokers

(sorry for the tags was necessary)



“Eager to keep the woman from screaming, Archie ginned up the best, most harmless smile he could manage and gave her an innocent little wave”

AAAAAWWW gosh he’s so cute

I love everything about him! The lighting is soooo great and his expression is cute!!


Archie sketch no one asked for

OMG HE IS SO. CUTE. I Love him


Some concept art from Swap!Dungeons an AU of Minecraft dungeons that I and @redcube-apologist we’re creating on Discord

I’ve been following along with the whole swap au on Hex’s Crack Shack server and it is just absolutely

Your amazing artwork just brings it all to life :))))

Loonros is now canon!!

Valorie and Illager! Karl desings.


Scouts escorted Aot and Inheret back to the palace, both were silent. Inheret was a little nervous but Aot on the other hand seemed more than anything annoyed, not that he had been catch out but that he didn’t feel like dealing with his neurotic brother today.

The great gates of the palace opened revealing its large and beautiful pillars that supported the great structure made of sand stone while large tiles adorned the floor. They continued to advance further into the interior of the palace, the tension could be felt more and more as they approached the meeting room where war campaigns were commonly planned and where a harsh welcoming awaited them.

The doors of the room opened, a large table prostrated itself in the center of the room and sitting on one of the chairs was him.

“We have arrived, Prince Akhenaten.” One of the scouts said.

The man just sighed and stood up. His great muscles and cold gaze made him look very intimidating, his distinguished clothing of intense blue that marked him as the military head of the kingdom of Kemet.

“Leave Us Alone!” Akhenaten ordered with a stern tone without moving from his place and instantly the guards obeyed closing the doors of the hall in the process.

“Once more, once more doing what I supposed to tell you not to do, but apparently nothing enters that little head of yours”.

“Why? Why so much effort to damage the image of our great family?” Akhenaten said dismayed by Aot’s behavior.

“Ough, I don’t ‘damage’ the family’s image, they’re just games, there’s nothing wrong, we didn’t do anything wrong! Aot said trying to excuse his behavior, and apparently this made Akhenaten annoyed even more

” you didn’t do anything bad?! YOU DESTROYED A DAMN TEMPLE!!

“So what? It’s not like it’s of any importance to anyone-”

inheret interrupted Aot trying to prevent him from saying something that could make the situation worse.

“Excuse our irresponsability my prince, It was not our intention-” Inheret said trying to apologize.

“Save your words boy, I am not interested in listening to the poor excuses of an inept”.

“Hey leave him alone, it’s not like we had done something so bad, it was just a simple temple without any importance!”.

If Akhenaten was angry before, now he was furious and grabbed Aot’s face with force.

“I don’t know why Father and Seti keep putting up with someone as mediocre and insignificant worm as you, but I’ll tell you one thing, one day their mercy towards you will end and believe me I’ll be very happy to get rid of both of you! PISS OFF!”

With that the short but very aggressive confrontation was over Aot and inheret left the room.


“Save it honey,” Aot said between sighs “I’ll go to my room, take a break I’ll see you later, okay?”.

“are you sure? ”.

“I just want to be alone for a moment.”

With that they both said their goodbyes and went their separate ways. Aot was still upset as he went to his room, he didn’t understand why he was punished for such insignificant things, nor did he understand why Akhenaten was so rude with him, although he had always been like that, since Aot was a child.

Arriving at his room Aot found his younger brother Khepri, who was lying on the floor playing with a small dung beetle. Aot disliked insects but seemed to tolerate them if it made his little brother happy.

“Hey…” Khepri said without taking his eyes off the bug.

“Hey” replied Aot who went to his bed.

“Damn, this time you got into trouble, didn’t you?”

“It wasn’t that bad.”

“you collapsed a sacred sarcophagus, how is that not so serious?”.

“It wasn’t sacred!” Khepri just shook her head with a small smile on his face.

“well if you say so…”.

Aot just frowned as he shook his head and looked up at the ceiling.

Everything was quiet and calm for a while until a small noise from the balcony seemed to draw the brothers’ attention, Aot went to the balcony and without surprise or curiosity opened its doors to discover nothing more and nothing less than Inheret himself.

Aot couldn’t understand why inheret kept doing that if he could easily walk through the door without any concern yet this seemed funny and cute to him.

“Well.. well…” Aot said unsurprised but still happy to see his beloved again.

“hey~ look what I got.” Said inheret showing two cupcakes to Aot.

“oh… where did you get them?”

“From a cupboard inside the kitchen.”

“*GASP* you’re not allowed to be there.”


inheret just shrugged and directed one of the cupcakes to Aot for him to take.

“Didn’t you happen to bring something for me?” Khepri asked who put the bug inside a glass box that he later placed in a nearby drawer.

Inheret just shook his head.

“hmm, sorry, I didn’t know you’d be here… I’m really sorry.”

“No problem with that” Aot said as he took his cupcake and cut it in half giving a part to his little brother who happily accepted his gift. They then ate their dessert while chatting amongst themselves until the sun finally set. It was then that Inheret changed her countenance to a more serious one.

“We need to talk…” Said inheret to Aot whom was not pleased about that…

Chapter one: forbiden tombs


Yes Happy Pride Month ! ️‍️‍⚧️

Just gonna drop the character refs here.


Just one week left, it wont be that long as the first one but is interesting too.


I present to you all: The Scrunkly to end all Scrunklies

This is adorable

Happy birthday Minecraft dungeons!!!!

Inheret and Aot references

This is how Aot’s bf looks like agsgdhv


Nothing new :)
