

“How Dare You Destroy The Canon Which I Thought Up In My Head???” me to authors who wrote the character development that I don’t like.

#Steve Rogers #I love the Love between Steve and Peggy but she has her life now #maybe (I hope) with Sousa #you that son of…America who ran after your friend (who was serial killer) for years (?) #and then you returned him, lost him, returned him again and left him with his new frenemy cause the man whom you loved sacrificed himself and dead #you literally went out of this timeline

#Naruto #and Sasuke #what the… #You really think that they has been ignoring Sakura and Hinata for years, but one day they just “daaaamn, what a girl”? #no #You really think that guys who grew without fathers chose to become the worst fathers for their children? #no

#Harry Potter #I think that it’s really strange when child repeats his parents life #his wife looks like his mother #his work is like his father’s #he’s really not tired of fighting?

#Hermione Granger #I can’t accept that she lives with Ron #That all

#Ichigo and Rukia #They should be together #The end of Bleach looks like the Harry Potter end (and a little bit like Naruto final) #I can’t accept it

#Steve McGarrett # Danny Williams #Steve seriously left Danny alone? #Are writers insane? #Danny said that it’s his fear, he think that everyone will leave him sooner or later #And Steve left him alone! #Danny deserves better

#now Geralt from Netflix #he is not bad, but I think this Geralt won’t say that “Lambert, Lambert what a prick” limerick #but Jaskier? Oh yes, he would write a song with this line # Love him

Vinsmoke Sanji and Danny Williams would be perfect emotional support for each other cause they are brothers from another Universes.



The Navy taught Steve the way to stay alive at all costs. What the Navy didn’t teach Steve was how to ask for help. Long years of sustained combat and crime investigation have left mental scars and physical tiredness. Steve’s convinced the best way to face the daily pain is stubbornness and the good old rule: ignore and override. But he hasn’t considered Danny in this scenario.



Of Badges and (Soul)Bonds

Fandom: Hawaii Five-0

Word Count: 40,645

Pairing: Steve/Danny

Rating: Teen 

The night after meeting his new teammates for the first time Danny had felt that now familiar itch on his arm that meant his soul mark was growing and had just known he was going to be stuck following McGarrett around trying to keep them both alive.

Because if meeting Steve and Kono and Chin was another step closer to finding Danny’s soulmate, he’d have to stick around to see how far they could take him.

(A season one rewrite of McDanno as soulmates that no one asked for)

Here on AO3!

Reblog and spread the word! :)



Of Badges and (Soul)Bonds

Fandom: Hawaii Five-0

Word Count: 40,645

Pairing: Steve/Danny

Rating: Teen 

The night after meeting his new teammates for the first time Danny had felt that now familiar itch on his arm that meant his soul mark was growing and had just known he was going to be stuck following McGarrett around trying to keep them both alive.

Because if meeting Steve and Kono and Chin was another step closer to finding Danny’s soulmate, he’d have to stick around to see how far they could take him.

(A season one rewrite of McDanno as soulmates that no one asked for)

Here on AO3!

Reblog and spread the word! :)



Of Badges and (Soul)Bonds

Fandom: Hawaii Five-0

Word Count: 40,645

Pairing: Steve/Danny

Rating: Teen 

The night after meeting his new teammates for the first time Danny had felt that now familiar itch on his arm that meant his soul mark was growing and had just known he was going to be stuck following McGarrett around trying to keep them both alive.

Because if meeting Steve and Kono and Chin was another step closer to finding Danny’s soulmate, he’d have to stick around to see how far they could take him.

(A season one rewrite of McDanno as soulmates that no one asked for)

Here on AO3!

Reblog and spread the word! :)



Of Badges and (Soul)Bonds

Fandom: Hawaii Five-0

Word Count: 40,645

Pairing: Steve/Danny

Rating: Teen 

The night after meeting his new teammates for the first time Danny had felt that now familiar itch on his arm that meant his soul mark was growing and had just known he was going to be stuck following McGarrett around trying to keep them both alive.

Because if meeting Steve and Kono and Chin was another step closer to finding Danny’s soulmate, he’d have to stick around to see how far they could take him.

(A season one rewrite of McDanno as soulmates that no one asked for)

Here on AO3!

Reblog and spread the word! :)


Of Badges and (Soul)Bonds

Fandom: Hawaii Five-0

Word Count: 40,645

Pairing: Steve/Danny

Rating: Teen 

The night after meeting his new teammates for the first time Danny had felt that now familiar itch on his arm that meant his soul mark was growing and had just known he was going to be stuck following McGarrett around trying to keep them both alive.

Because if meeting Steve and Kono and Chin was another step closer to finding Danny’s soulmate, he’d have to stick around to see how far they could take him.

(A season one rewrite of McDanno as soulmates that no one asked for)

Here on AO3!

Reblog and spread the word! :)


Am I writing a stupid long mcdanno fic? Yes.

Has it taken me like 2 years to actually flesh it out from the outline I made? Also yes.

Is it partially so long because am I systematically solving every storyline I didn’t like in later seasons by fixing it in the course of re-writing season 1? Absolutely.

Okay all 15 of you who liked this are gonna read this 30k+ fic when it’s done right?

Am I writing a stupid long mcdanno fic? Yes.

Has it taken me like 2 years to actually flesh it out from the outline I made? Also yes.

Is it partially so long because am I systematically solving every storyline I didn’t like in later seasons by fixing it in the course of re-writing season 1? Absolutely.

hello i’m here for the first time all year just to say i did not spend 10 years of my life watching hawaii five-0 just for it to end with steve flying off to be with catherine, a character he spent the last 4 seasons moving on from and i would really like to know why writers feel the need to throw away a decade of character development just to be like “and then the boy got the girl the end” like ur endings dont need to be boy gets girl the end, they can just be protagonist finds peace the end and will be infinitely more satisfying i am so tired, i do not claim an ending where steve leaves his dog and his family alone for who knows how long to be with a woman who hasn’t been part of his story for years, it’s not valid and it has no rights 

I don’t know how I feel about that episode. Very mixed feelings. The combination of het-affirmation and queerbait may be too strong.

I’ve read a LOT of McDanno fic but it’s been spread across a few years and I have a pretty terrible memory. Lately I’ve been having a hankering for Steve POV - I seem to have a hard time finding it, especially “realistic” Steve POV. Particularly I’m looking for plenty of emotional constipation. Don’t get me wrong, I love Danny (and really part of why I want Steve POV is bc he loves Danny so much) but seems like there is way more from his POV out there. Anyone have some recs for me? I quite enjoy lengthy fics but I think I’ve exhausted most of those so I’m open to whatever. Hope y'all can help me out!


I’m on ep 10 of S7 and Danny getting hung up on Spencer touching his sister’s lower back has made me want screencaps of Steve touching Danny’s lower back (or vice versa) from PREVIOUS episodes,cause I know they exist - can anyone tag me to a set or something??

All right, y'all convinced me, I started on S7 god I love this stupid show, IT’S SO DUMB BUT I LOVE IT SO MUCH FREAKIN PARKOUR AND GLOBAL NUCLEAR PLANT MELTDOWNS AND AWARDS FROM THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND AYFKM tho right now I’m pretty mad the ep Steve is kidnapped is one Scott Caan missed gdi

..if Season 7 is worth it? I mean, I love the cast but the writing on this show is cringe-worthy at times, and can be out of character and it’s grating.  And of course I’m overly invested in McDanno so everything that fucks with that just makes me sad.  After S6 I’ve been living in a fantasyland, but I miss them…

thekristen999: peggyswilliams:Danny squints at the cabin, taking in the walls, the roof, the chair



Danny squints at the cabin, taking in the walls, the roof, the chairs - hell, the bed.  He squints some more, highly suspicious, before saying, “You tricked me.”

Beside him, Steve shuffles.  “Yes.”

“This is civilization.  Well.”  Danny nudges his boot against the rocks around the fire pit.  “Mostly.  It’s civilized.  Civilization-adjacent.  As opposed to the nest of sticks I’d been expecting.”

Steve laughs, throws an arm around Danny’s shoulders to draw him close.  Tucked together, they amble into the cabin.  “You’re so dramatic, Danny.  A nest of sticks?  Were you also expecting stale bread and dripping for dinner?”

Danny scowls, abandoning his heavy backpack beside the table.  “You said we were going camping!  Kept droning on and on about ‘getting away’ and ‘returning to nature’ and other hippie-shit.”

“Nature is ‘hippie-shit?’”

“To one such as myself”–Danny plants a hand over his heart–”nature is absolutely hippie-shit.  Up means skyscrapers and down means the subway, and that is the way the world turns.  At least it was until you came along and sucked me into your life of sunshine.”

A mischievous gleam in his eye, Steve advances, toppling Danny onto the bed and crawling over him. He bops their noses together.  “I’ve got some bad news for you, Danno.  Jersey has nature.  And sunshine.”

Danny gasps, indignant.  “That is a lie.”

“Sorry,” Steve says, ever-so-gravely.  “But it’s true.  There are even confirmed reports of a tree.  Just the one, mind you, don’t worry.”

Danny’s hand, which had been doing something interesting between their bodies, wiggles free to poke a finger in Steve’s face.  “You take that back.”

“I can’t.  It’s on official New Jersey websites.  Who am I to disagree with the government of the Garden State.”

Despite himself, Danny can’t help but laugh, because Steve is such a goof and he loves him so very very much.  “All right, fine.  I will accept that there might be one single tree in my otherwise beautiful home state.  But this?”  He waves at the world right outside their doorstep.  “This is a lot of trees.  Why would anybody need this many?”

“Well, there’s this little thing called ‘oxygen’, but - mmrph!”

Danny interrupts him with a kiss, deep, dirty, full of promise and goofy-stupid happiness.  They indulge in the closeness that a kiss can bring, re-learning each other after such a hectic work week.  Eventually Danny pulls back, smooths his thumbs against the crinkles by Steve’s eyes.  “Why did you let me think we’d be slumming it?”

Steve shrugs, a full-body thing, and rolls away to divest himself of clunky hiking clothes.  Soon they’re tangled together, skin to skin, a nap on the horizon.  There’s something thrilling about being naked in the middle of the rainforest, sunshine streaming through the roof, canvas shutters rolled up and giving them a beautiful view of the beach.

“I don’t know,” Steve says, finally picking up the abandoned thread of Danny’s question.  “It was funny watching you act all stoic about the prospect of camping.  You were trying.  You were willing to sleep in a nest of sticks for me.  It was…” Steve trails off, flushed with equal parts contentment and embarrassment.  “It was sweet.”

“Well,” Danny says, “I am incredibly sweet, yes.  Finally you speak the truth.”

Steve laughs, and pounces, rolling Danny under him.  It’s going to be a good weekend, out in the rainforest, under the Hawaiian sun.

This is sooo lovely. Both were trying hard for the other and each compromised :) Okay, the image of them naked on that bed, nice. But that half cabin is amazing and I wish I was there with them :-P

Post link


I’m counting this as part of my NaNoWriMo word count even if it’s not remotely linked to the main thing I’m working on!

  • I don’t believe any warnings are necessary or there are triggering elements within.
    No betating at this time

By sealie

“Your dæmon hasn’t settled, Steve.” Danny’s mouth fell open. His mind whirled, flabbergasted. “How is that even remotely possible?”

Bran had back flipped off Steve’s shoulder transforming mid-flip from the familiar Capuchin Monkey into a tiny, iridescent bird. Flying fast, Danny could barely identify the type. Humming bird, was his closest guess. The dæmon flittered out of sight high up into the dusk-darkened foliage above their heads.

“Holy cow.” Apolla, Danny’s raven, took a surprised dump on Danny’ shoulder. The aether dissipated without staining within moments of settling on his torn and grubby shirt.

Danny looked to the sky to Steve, and then back to the sky, and finally to stare at his partner of six freakin’ years. Steve’s dæmon had changed.

Steve knuckled the pained knot between his eyebrows. He slumped against the tree trunk by his side. More important matters than the incomprehensible came to the forefront, shouldering away Danny’s shock.

“You said that you were feeling all right!” Danny shrieked. “You’ve got a concussion, haven’t you?”

“Danny,” Steve growled, “will you shut up? Try to remember the hunting party on our heels.”

“Well, excuse me,” Danny hissed back at him. “It’s not every day your entire world view is changed. You’re thirty six. Dæmons settle at puberty. Last time I checked you had hair on your chest.”

Steve raised an eyebrow.

“Oh, you know what I mean.” Danny shot back. They didn’t have time for their normal innuendo and pseudo-flirting. “It doesn’t happen.”

“Clearly, it does. Hence, Bran,” Steve said snottily.

“Why a monkey? Out of all things that you could pick him to show the world, you chose a monkey.”

“Jesus.” Steve pushed off the tree. He caught Danny’s shoulder, half for balance and half to push Danny down the trail.  “Monkeys are intelligent.”

“And idiots infer that you’re intelligent then.”

“I am intelligent,” Steve said easily. The hair on the side of his head was matted with blood, but it no longer flowed. Intelligent people shouldn’t get thumped as much as Steve did.

“It’s unusual that Bran’s male, I can only imagine that made people speculate and wonder about you.” Danny shored up Steve’s side, circling an arm around his narrow waist. Apolla mantled on Danny’s opposite shoulder. “I can only imagine what people would make of him not settling.”

“I think that you’re providing an example for my admittedly small sample of people who know.”

“Who knows?” Danny asked immediately.

“Aunt Deb,” was Steve’s only offering.

“One person in the entire world? Not even Mary?” Danny asked.

Apolla squeezed his shoulder with her claws, chastisingly.

“Seriously, Danny. Now is not the time.”

Danny was never camping with Steve ever again. Trouble magnet was a label that fitted Steve perfectly. An innocent, relaxing overnight trip he had promised – beers, steak and a companionable fire. The fact that they were going to another of his favourite places should have ticked one of the check boxes on Danny’s list of things which add up to a complete and utter nightmare.  

Camping next to an illegal ice lab. Was there any other kind of ice lab, he wondered? It behoved them as investigators on the Governor of Hawaii’s task force to investigate such an occurrence. There had, however, been seven or even more, goons at the shack. They had interrupted a pick-up of the product. There had been a lot of shooting, capture, ropes and tying up. A modicum of rough housing and then, helpfully, the Ice idiots had locked them in a basement storeroom. Steve had ninjaed them out in about thirty seconds. It had been very embarrassing being bench lifted up to the narrow window tucked up by the ceiling.

“Not even Cath?”

“Danny,” Steve said exasperated.

“You planned on asking her to marry you.” You didn’t ask people to marry you who didn’t know the most basic fact about your entire existence.

“It never came up.” Steve flashed a grin at him, which looked weirdly endearing despite the mask of blood streaked across his face.

“Never came up,” Danny echoed. “Unbelievable.”

The degree of control was monumental. Danny could remember being a kid. Apolla had switched between every animal under the sun following the flitter of his thoughts and emotions. She had never stayed still.  Did Bran still want to flip and Steve fought it every single second of the day or had he decided on just a few favourite shapes and couldn’t choose. Over his thirteenth year Apolla had only flittered between her final choice, the raven, a golden retriever and a red, chittering squirrel (which confused no one).

The tiny iridescent humming bird came back and hovered before them as they picked their way down the trail.

“There a five behind you. Hundred yards. Heavily armed.” Bran shimmered, transforming to a raven mid-stroke. He dropped an arm length, stretched out his wings and glided away, with a caw.

“What a bitch,” Apolla said. She lifted off and chased into the sky after Bran.

“Bran can still be anything he wants to be?” Danny asked, hauling Steve in a little closer. Unbelievable.

“Like we were ever going to give up swimming with dolphins or running the trails of Kāne‘ohe or sky diving,” Steve said easily, and honestly. “SEALS: Sea, Air and Land.”

“It can’t be that simple,” Danny muttered breathlessly. Steve was a heavy mother fucker.

Steve stumbled, and would have gone to his knees without Danny’s hold. He was a suddenly heavy weight. They had to stop if only for a moment.

“We’ve got to find a place to hole up.” Breathing harshly, Danny looked back up the trail, footsteps were clear in the mud, even as night started to fall. “Girl guides could track us.”

“The girl guides in Gracie’s troop are very competent.”

“How hard did you get your bell wrung?” Danny asked.

“Double vision. But at least it’s consistent double vision,” Steve admitted.

Danny eeled around Steve, peering up at his changeable eyes. Thankfully, his pupils were equal. A little too pin-prick under the sole illumination of the moon high in the night sky; Danny put that down to the concussion.

“The road’s that way.” Steve brought his hand up like a blade, indicating an angle off the path.

“Wrong,” Danny said. They had scoped out the area before going to check the lab. Danny might not be the greatest woodsman in the universe. But the bank of razor-like hills on their right were still on the right, and no road passed through those hills. The road was ahead of them, and the ocean was on their left.

“What?” Steve blinked at him owlishly and wavered.

“Concussion.” Danny would have bopped him between the eyes, but he had already been hit too many times today. “Your brain’s not working right.”

“Wouldn’t be the first time.” Steve said with just a little too much honesty

“It’s okay, Babe. I actually like the way your brain works.”

“I know, that’s why Bran showed you. And the head injury,” Steve said candidly.

Bran cawed, dropping from the sky. In between blinks, the raven switched to a stubby black bear hitting the ground with nary a thump.

“Come on.” Bran shifted his shoulders, the invitation plain.

“Hey, Steve, you get to ride a bear today.”

“Huh, cool.” Steve let Danny help him straddle his dæmon. There was a definitely greenish cast to his pale face.

Danny had to steady his partner, arm curling around his waist, hip pushed against Bran. The sensation of touching Steve’s dæmon was as warm and as comforting as a hug. The innocent warmth was reminiscent of the few, unavoidable times that he had had to comfort Grace and her dæmon when she had been very small. Steve flashed his endearing grin as he carded his fingers through the coarse fur of Bran’s ruff.

“Let’s get off the trail,” Danny said, strangely dry mouthed. The change in tracks should confuse their pursuers. He was pretty sure that there was no bears on ‘Oahu.

Bear Bran was surprisingly light-footed, but then again the dæmons didn’t obey the laws of physics.

“Can you not do a horse?” Danny asked pragmatically.

“I can do a smaller bear longer and more solidly.” Bran hoofed along fast enough to make Danny break out into a trot.

And in every second of every step he took as he supported Steve, and leaned against Bran, he felt as if he was cherishing his own dæmon.

Steve sunk low across his dæmon’s back. The greenish cast had paled. Danny could tell that he was clinging to consciousness with tooth and fingers clenched.

“Follow.” Apolla glided past them, sable feathers barely visible in the murk. “They’re close.”

“They went this way!” a voice yelled behind them.

To close for comfort, heavy bodies clattered through the jungle.  The strobe of a flashlight briefly illuminated a tree behind them as the thugs widely cast about.

“Get on,” Bran grated.

“What?” Danny asked automatically, although he understood the instruction.

“Climb on my back,” Bran said clearly.

Danny didn’t have a clue how this was going to work, but he didn’t hesitate further, slinging his leg over Bran’s back. Bears, he knew, courtesy of Grace’s homework, could run pretty fast. He curled over Steve, framing him with his body, and scooping his hands to grasp the fur of Bran’s shoulders.  

Bran shuddered and changed. Danny wouldn’t have believed it if he hadn’t felt it under his hands and seen it with his own eyes. Bran stretched out, forelegs extending to morph into giant reptilian wings. His snout elongated and spiral horns grew. The back under them lengthened further and further. Bran shivered out a tail longer than his body decorated with delicate fin-like sails.

Roaring, Bran launched himself into the sky, breathing a rush of flame.

“Holy shit, you’re a dragon!”

Bran’s wings beat once and he soared over the tree tops. A beat of his wings, and they travelled a football field length at a time, leaving the drug runners far, far behind.

Danny laughed out loud.

“A dragon!” he sang out.

Why couldn’t everyone do this? The memories of Apolla when they had been small came back, the joy of change. He had never flown a dragon, though. Still, childhood had been magical.

“Concentrating,” Bran grated. And Steve had gone silent.

The rush of wind in his hair was invigorating. Bran was only yards above the tree canopy, wings brushing the tree tops with every down sweep. The strain was unmistakable in the building shivers in his muscles and sinew.  They needed more height to fly safely, but Danny kind of got the rapidly increasing impression that this was a very temporary thing.

“Going down….”

The abrupt swoop down was stomach flipping. Bran was shifting and changing under them – mass bleeding away into flashes of golden aether. The dæmon disappeared, and they fell. Danny tried to roll, but he was tangled up in Steve, and they could only thump down. Something gave way beneath them, and they were entangled in fabric. For a moment Danny simply breathed, Steve curled at his side. And then abruptly galvanised, Danny fought with material and rods. Finally, he found his feet.

“I don’t believe it! You dropped us on mytent.” They were back at their campsite.

“Good thing you refused to bivouac,” Apolla said dropping down next to the decimated tent.


Steve was deathly pale under the illumination of the moonlight. His eyes were closed and he was silent. He still breathed.  

“Thank god.” Danny managed to manhandle Steve onto his back. He flopped, unconscious, limbs splaying out. “Can you see, Bran?”

“Here,” Apolla muttered. A tiny mouse hung from her beak by its tail.

“Shit.” Carefully, Danny got his hands under the mouse. Apolla released Bran onto his cupped palms. The weight was lighter than a single feather. Stunned for a heartbeat, Danny found motion, and dropped the exhausted dæmon in his shirt pocket.

“Danny?” Steve groaned.

“Hey, Babe? Can you sit up? We’re back at our campsite. Let’s get our SUV and get the Hell out of here, and call the cavalry.”

“Okay?” Steve said brightly, obviously as disorientated as fuck.

Danny got a shoulder under him, and levered Steve to a semblance of standing. As if in an insane three legged race they weaved towards Steve’s truck. Danny got him in the passenger side and firmly buckled in.

“I can drive,” Steve said.

“Not up for argument.” Danny slammed the door shut on him, ending the discussion, and beetled around to the driver seat.

Apolla swooped by his head, and landed on the seat between them, perching by the handbrake.  

Danny flipped down the sun visor and the keys dropped onto his lap.

“Bran,” Apolla said.

“Whoops.” Conscious that he was touching Steve’s dæmon, even if it was so very, very strangely neutral and comforting, he teased the field mouse out of his chest pocket. “Here, Steve.”

Automatically, Steve cupped his hands, taking Bran into his hold.  The dæmon shivered and transformed into the familiar monkey, to curl into Steve’s arms. Steve leaned his head against the headrest and simply breathed.

Danny fired up the engine and peeled out of the campsite as if the drug runners were right on his heels. The back wheels fishtailed across the grass, and then they were on the trail and driving away as fast as he dared. Gravel crunched beneath their tyres. The headlights illuminated the tall trees on either side of the trail as they rushed by. Danny flicked on the high beams, and felt like he surfed all the way to the main road at the bottom of the mountain. He breathed a sigh of relief as they turned left onto tarmac, promising a real road.

“You gonna explain?” Danny asked into the silence as the SUV picked up speed, and in the far distance he could see the electric lights of civilisation.  

“Explain what?” Steve asked quietly.

“Bran? You?”

“Nothing to explain,” Steve said easily, “we are what we are. I guess that if you need an explanation: we never grew up.”

