

seems like u got into someone’s nerves… TELL HER HYUN GO BOY GO

candy: i get it…

hyun: no you don’t

candy: dont say that i know its not easy

hyun: no you don’t, don’t presume how i feel

ouch. but well deserved.

rayan’s reaction about the cheating made me so so so so sad im gonna jump i cant take it

the fact that candy says that she heard castiel crying when they finished talking breaks my heart, he called himself an idiot and said he was the only one who really felted, i feel so sad rn THANK GOD i didnt cheat on him.

does candy actually have the AUDACITY to tell rayan that she had something with eric that she lost on their relationship??? i. am. going. to. colapse.

guys if you want some hyun spoilers check it out this facebook page!!! https://m.facebook.com/FrutillaOtomesyNovelasvisuales/

when you don’t cheat that’s what nath says about eric

“ eric… shit, of all woman in this town, he had to declare himself to you.”

“ when the time come, him and i will have a little chat ”

i found them on twitter

it seems like we have a couple more episodes for love life and something else after it, tbh idk what to think about this.
