#mcu rant



I love how Loki was literally only villainous and constantly treated badly because the plot was reliant on it

I am screaming at the tags:

 …with literally no other reason

asgardians didn’t trust loki? why? oh uhh because he’s out for thor! yeah! pfft everyone knows he’s evil….                                      

 basically if anyone asked him nicely about anything and understood what he was going through the plots just… wouldn’t have happened                                

which is why loki is framed as a villain despite the non-villainous motives and actions the audience notices            

 because if someone had asked loki why he suddenly didn’t want to bring thor back from Midgard he would’ve not acted the way he did     

 loki is too chill and expressing his emotions would legit be enough to neutralise any threat he poses                       

 which is hilarious because when you pay attention you watch the movies dodge utilising loki as a power and knowledge source for.. no reason.               

 no discernible reason at all     

 thor in avengers 1 ignores the fact that loki was dead and has clearly been suffering and speaks for loki’s motive by labelling it ‘revenge’                            

    in thor 2 odin immediately sentences loki to prison… he’s not even asked on why he acted the way he did….      

  he gets sent to prison so no one can gain knowledge on thanos and infinity stones from him                    

  except of course thor goes to him anyways BUT ignores the topic at hand anyways for no reason              

  other than thor doesn’t want loki to know whats going on because he’s 'evil’ and 'not to be trusted’                

 loki legit had the most knowledge on thanos and infinity stones and stuff (maybe second to thanos and his kids who somehow know stuff?)                    

 but he is so painfully underutilised its not even funny                                        

 well actually it is       

 because so many things could have been solved if the movies weren’t adamant on framing loki as intrinsically evil                                                        

sure it didn’t work on the audience BUT in-universe loki’s been tortured imprisoned and constantly silenced for the sake of plot           

 which is a testament to loki’s influence but also tragic since he COULD be better presented and retain the same impact                                                                                                                                    



5 years ago, and 4 years ago, and even 3 years ago, I would’ve been over the moon about the announcement that Loki was getting his own show. I would’ve been floating on air, the kind of excited where you could hardly eat or sleep because of the anticipation. I don’t feel any of that now. What I actually feel right now is…dread? Marvel has changed, drastically, and the franchise that enchanted me, that I fell in love with, looks nothing like it did before. It has become something of an unkind stranger, harsh and unwelcoming. My favorite character was made to look weak, turned into a laughing stock, robbed of all his powers and reduced to throwaway plot device in the cruelest, most brutal way they could think of. Marvel just not only allowed him to be tarred and feathered, they…revelled in it. They plotted his demise to make sure it was the most horrible and the most hurtful and they were… so proud of it. The way they bragged, the way they trolled fans. They make me sick. I felt so disillusioned and disenchanted. I felt like an idiot for caring way more about this than I evidently ever should have. I can never believe another word that comes out of their mouths, and I can’t trust them anymore. So you can understand why I feel the way I do about the Loki series. 

Continua a leggere

I think the biggest mistake Marvel made (narratively, evidently non economically) is to have so many people writing the story. Of course it is impossible to have one director and one group of writers if you want to get three or four movies out every year, but they could have least have the same for a whole trilogy, and at least people with similar ideas, so that the characters we see in the avengers movies are almost treated the same as in their trilogies.

to be fair, they did offer Ragnarok’s direction to the director of Thor 2 first, but he said no

apparently they gave him a lot of freedom in directing Thor 2 but changed his work so much in the editing room that it was irrecognizable to him and he didn’t want to go through that again

(they also offered Thor 2 to Thor 1′s director but he also said no because he felt he would not be able to do the film justice vOv)

I’m a bit more unsure on what happened with Whedon other than the reported stress of working on AoU pushing him out of filming the next one


5 years ago, and 4 years ago, and even 3 years ago, I would’ve been over the moon about the announcement that Loki was getting his own show. I would’ve been floating on air, the kind of excited where you could hardly eat or sleep because of the anticipation. I don’t feel any of that now. What I actually feel right now is…dread? Marvel has changed, drastically, and the franchise that enchanted me, that I fell in love with, looks nothing like it did before. It has become something of an unkind stranger, harsh and unwelcoming. My favorite character was made to look weak, turned into a laughing stock, robbed of all his powers and reduced to throwaway plot device in the cruelest, most brutal way they could think of. Marvel just not only allowed him to be tarred and feathered, they…revelled in it. They plotted his demise to make sure it was the most horrible and the most hurtful and they were… so proud of it. The way they bragged, the way they trolled fans. They make me sick. I felt so disillusioned and disenchanted. I felt like an idiot for caring way more about this than I evidently ever should have. I can never believe another word that comes out of their mouths, and I can’t trust them anymore. So you can understand why I feel the way I do about the Loki series. 

Keep reading

Big Same
