#mcu salt




More proof the MCU has run out of ideas: Thor’s trailer is literally the exact same gag as the TVA disrobing at the start of the Loki show.

It’s also funny, in a depressing way, that the MCU:

1. wants to profit off showing more and more skin because they know people find these actors attractive, but

2. cannot bear to actually portray them in a way that is appealing to people who are attracted to men, presumably because the folks behind the camera refuse to even consider how to make a man’s nudity look good, like ew, no homo (makes them pretty bad at their jobs, don’t it?)

3. and to underline the point, they have to show two ridiculous, insulting reactions from women characters reacting in-story: either fainting like scandalized Victorian ladies at a glimpse of peen or grossly leering and objectifying without the slightest hint of care or respect for their supposed friend.

It displays a profound discomfort with the very idea that the audience might ever look at a man and find him desirable; only the reverse is acceptable.

So they’re not just out of ideas, they’re stooping to even greater depths of homophobia and misogyny to fill their empty, soulless movies.

(And before anyone says “what did you expect,” like. Dude. Compare to Thor 1, which included a shirtless Thor scene… that is the opposite of all the problems above and proves that this isn’t the best we can expect. Let’s not rewrite history. It wasn’t always like this. The MCU has gotten so much worse.)


the mcu needs to die the mcu needs to die the mcu needs to die not just for art or because i hate it or because their movies are algorithmically generated or bc they don’t hire union crews but because it has completely saturated the market and because of the lack of taste it engenders in people im sick of it. im sick of it. stop talking about movie #425 like its changed the game its monopolized the game you’re all chumps


every time i remember steve’s “apology” letter to tony i’m only grateful that steve is dead so i don’t kill him myself

I’d feel a lot better about this if he didn’t die of old age after going back in time and using Peggy’s rose-tinted memories of him to break up her relationship with a kind, brave man with whom she actually had time to fall in love.


so i’ll definitely get hate for this but why do none of you acknowledge that steve practically gaslighted and belittled tony since they first fucking met

this btw comes from someone who’s been gaslighted since i was child, believe me, this shit is really damaging. watching steve looking down on tony is honestly triggering to me when i think about it for too long.

steve hates tony for some goddamn reason in the first avengers, he acts entitled every fucking time tony speaks or breathes. “oooh you’re so egotistical, you think you’re so fucking good huh”, “god tony every time i think you’ll understand you just prove me wrong” like tony isn’t the one trying to talk to steve to reach a common ground

steve acts like tony is the arrogant guy here which ironically enough it’s the complete opposite. everyone in canon and fanon acts like tony is the unreasonable one like steve didn’t spit at the face of 100+ countries for not wanting more ppl to die by the avengers without any consequences. yes steve does belittle tony every time they share a scene, and we’re supposed to be on steve’s side all the time

steve is always right and tony is always wrong that’s what they want to convince you

Can I also point out that when Steve found the missiles in Avengers 1 he never tells Tony “yo, you were right for being suspicious, sorry for acting like a dick.”

Also in the same movie he criticized Tony for being part of the military industrial complex despite espousing a soldier’s ideology, saying nothing about Howard’s contribution, and completely ignoring Tony’s efforts to redirect his company toward sustainable energy instead.



Reblog to have something lgbt happen to you this summer

The Loki series to burn in Hell for all the queerbaiting and transphobia it promoted last year



if anybody wants free serotonin and is on twitter, go read all the replies and qrts on this tweetlmao

Omg this man needs to retire, one unless i fell asleep at some point I dont remember ANY mention of Loki-at all in the movie, not even a hint…and two how do you screw up the three main magic users of The MCU this gd horribly and think you did a great job? If he did such a great job he wouldn’t have to keep trying to explain away his shitty writing. Please tell me he’s not in charge of Loki Season 2…

he’s not in charge of the writing for season 2.

his bff eric “incest is hot” martin is.




Main problem with Loki series is that Marvel wanted to introduce TVA & tell a story that ends with multiverse being opened, instaed of wanting to tell Loki’s story

Yep. Exactly.

We wanted a show ABOUT Loki.

They gave us a show WITH Loki in it. That’s it.

Not clever and certainly not what we asked for and waited for all this time.

I dont think anyone has ever put it better

“We wanted a show about Loki, they gave us a show with Loki in it.”


they didn’t even do that much because idk who the fuck the character played by Tom Hiddleston was, but it certainly wasn’t Loki.



5 years ago, and 4 years ago, and even 3 years ago, I would’ve been over the moon about the announcement that Loki was getting his own show. I would’ve been floating on air, the kind of excited where you could hardly eat or sleep because of the anticipation. I don’t feel any of that now. What I actually feel right now is…dread? Marvel has changed, drastically, and the franchise that enchanted me, that I fell in love with, looks nothing like it did before. It has become something of an unkind stranger, harsh and unwelcoming. My favorite character was made to look weak, turned into a laughing stock, robbed of all his powers and reduced to throwaway plot device in the cruelest, most brutal way they could think of. Marvel just not only allowed him to be tarred and feathered, they…revelled in it. They plotted his demise to make sure it was the most horrible and the most hurtful and they were… so proud of it. The way they bragged, the way they trolled fans. They make me sick. I felt so disillusioned and disenchanted. I felt like an idiot for caring way more about this than I evidently ever should have. I can never believe another word that comes out of their mouths, and I can’t trust them anymore. So you can understand why I feel the way I do about the Loki series. 

Continua a leggere

I think the biggest mistake Marvel made (narratively, evidently non economically) is to have so many people writing the story. Of course it is impossible to have one director and one group of writers if you want to get three or four movies out every year, but they could have least have the same for a whole trilogy, and at least people with similar ideas, so that the characters we see in the avengers movies are almost treated the same as in their trilogies.

to be fair, they did offer Ragnarok’s direction to the director of Thor 2 first, but he said no

apparently they gave him a lot of freedom in directing Thor 2 but changed his work so much in the editing room that it was irrecognizable to him and he didn’t want to go through that again

(they also offered Thor 2 to Thor 1′s director but he also said no because he felt he would not be able to do the film justice vOv)

I’m a bit more unsure on what happened with Whedon other than the reported stress of working on AoU pushing him out of filming the next one


On Loki, Loki’s hair, the series, Disney, character development and a whole lot more

Me again.

I came across a post earlier regarding long haired male characters and how writing teams will cut it off to show “character growth.” This observation gave me an uneasy feeling about Loki’s future and I have a lot of thoughts and feelings I felt compelled to address. I couldn’t pinpoint exactly why the idea bothered me so much, until I started thinking on it a little more, and I realized a lot of it ties into my disappointment at what Marvel is doing with Loki now and the more insidious messages in the show. Not wanting to derail the original post, and wanting to respect the OP’s wishes as expressed in their tags, I decided to make my own post.

Lots of Loki series negativity, and Marvel/Disney negativity under the cut. If you do not want to see such material, keep scrolling. I am not open to debate.

Keep reading

I worship Shuri and Wakanda, but I’m still dying mad that Wanda Maximoff didn’t use her powers to cure Bucky and Tony Stark didn’t make him that new arm.
