#mcyt ranboolive


I left Ranboo’s stream and went to foolish’s and the mood change.

Foolish was shift dancing and it scared me it was very loud and happy because serotonin.

Ok please mcyt fans especially ranboo fans, where r u guys getting the michael emotes?? there so cute! Please i would like them thank you

Like did i miss something with them because im british and asleep most the time when ranboo streams or what im so very confused but would like them, cheers

hahaha i’m going to bed I was planning to stay up to watch Ranboo’s stream but it is currently 1:30 in the morning and he’s just said that hes streaming in an hour and a half, so at 3 yh no thanks ranboo love your content but i need sleep.

second time I have been scared by people just appearing in minecraft on streams. first was Ant and Bad appearing on Tubbo’s stream and now Ranboo.

Ranboo what you up to? Please just explain to us. 

Plus what happened on Fundy’s stream because that was just strange.

I’m also really worried that I’m going to miss streams because I’ve stared working.

Tubbo’s notif sent out. I have been getting notifs all day, not all but most.

Ranboo has set a time for his stream. NOTIFS ARE WORKING (somewhat).

I think its cry time tonight. I have a feeling we might be getting a lore stream tonight. I’m now stressing. Good thing I don’t have work or college tomorrow, probably up late


i know We’ve Been Knew that the Panic Room bit was improv but i can’t get over how amazing it is that Ranboo dmed Dream live, in the middle of a monologue, to ask if he’d do this bit with him. They had none of it planned man! Ranboo just said “follow my lead” and fuck if Dream didnt do exactly that!!

I’ve said it before but their ability to improvise is amazing, like its gotten better but that’s because they know more about the story and stuff. But even that part, knowing that was improv and Dream joined not knowing what the hell Ranboo wanted him to do and they pull that shit off is brilliant. It probably helps with not being able to see their faces in that situation, because if it was me I’d be like hyper focused on what the other person was saying.

Plus the fact Ranboo stayed calm while messaging Dream is amazing. I big fan. Of all of it. Especially as a drama student, I know how hard it is to improv, so that whole scene is just so much more impressive to me.

I’m once again talking about Ranboo’s stream from yesterday.

The part where him and Dream start talking lore and the bit where Dream’s being taken to prison and they look at each other and that’s improv.

They know what they’re doing and what they’re talking about. Improv is very difficult, this is coming from a drama student. To do improv that well you have to know your character and the objectives of the character and where the story is going. And for Dream to start looking at Ranboo and for Ranboo to start staring back shows just how well they know they’re characters and the storyline.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Ranboo can act. Like holy shit he’s brilliant, even without being able to see his face and its just voice acting the way he can manipulate his voice and his reactions in the improv is amazing.

I remember doing improv for the first time and we were given the situation of I think it was my older sister had read my diary or something. And my partner for the exercise like halfway through just came out with “I’m psychic”  and it totally threw me off for a couple seconds and I just repeated it back like “You’re psychic?” to give myself a bit longer to think. This was in a lesson but when they’re doing it it’s livestreamed to an audience like…

Can I be that good at it?

Ok what on Earth happened last night??

Ranboo’s stream was so chaotic like what???

I’m here trying to do my homework and they’re talking about a lot of different stuff and Tubbo wtf??? Does he ever sleep?

His script? His dreams?? Tubbo???

So Ranboo’s recent stream…

Puffy blows up the community house, because of Fundy and a button and yh.

Ranboo and Tubbo have Tumblr accounts???

I decided to go to sleep at 2 in the morning just after Ranboo started streaming for me and I miss a lot. Wake up and then go onto Tiktok only to find all of this out.

I’m now currently watching the vod back to see what happens  an Tubbo is now reading a comic. WOW!



Why did none of us think about Ranboo being in his enderwalk state during the disc finale??

Like it was so obvious. Didn’t talk. According to Sam he went to visit Dream almost immediately after they locked him in prison. Like how did we miss this??

i am not the brightest

I mean I don’t think any of us are.

Like a lot of people seem to have forgot the revive book, and Ranboo is the only one I was giving a free pass to cause you know memory boy. But most, if not all of us missed the clues that he was enderwalking. We know he was in his enderwalk state more or less straight after and I dont think he would sleep after that (I think thats how he starts enderwalking right?)

Plus I think Dream might have rehearsed the speech with enderwalk Ranboo because no-one was there during the “if I control the things people care about” speech apart from Tommy and Tubbo, but he knew the speech. 

Why did none of us think about Ranboo being in his enderwalk state during the disc finale??

Like it was so obvious. Didn’t talk. According to Sam he went to visit Dream almost immediately after they locked him in prison. Like how did we miss this??

Why does Ranboo have to keep saying things that make me love his person so much by that I mean like he’s so kind and if he wasn’t a streamer he’d be an actor!!! That is my dream job and after saying that he goes on to say how difficult it is to become an actor. Also the boots… (which someone just mentioned in Tubbo’s stream)

Like he’s such a kind and thoughtful person and Ugh- I can’t describe it.
