#mcyt dream


Dream as soon as he is left alone..

Credit to my sister for coming up with the idea, even though she isn’t in the fandom.

In this video five of my friends try and stop me from beating minecraft!

Will they succeed or will I kill the ender dragon?

This is Minecraft Manhunt

Ok so spoilers for techno’s most recent lore stream (06/06/2021)

So remember what dream (i think) said a while ago? That all the big lore will start up again with something unexpected. Now I thought this would have already passed. However I’m British and its 6:30 in the morning as I’m writing this so my brain been thinking. We ALL thought Techno would break dream out of prison, NONE of us thought he would get trapped inside the prison with dream.

I think this might be the event, you know the unexpected one. Some will say its Wilbur’s revival but we all knew that was going to happen. I think this out of everything that’s happened since dream said that is the most unexpected thing because none at least that I’ve seen, none of us guessed “Oh yes Technoblade will get trapped with dream, he’s not that stupid.” Yet here we are.

IDK it’s just a little thing that my brain did scrolling through tiktok at mcyt stuff and summaries for the stream.

So more syndicate lore? please. Dream out of prison arc? I hope so. more danger to Tommy? almost definitely. Tubbo loses last canon lift? unfortunately thats a high probability

I’m not freaking out because I saw someone wearing a dream hoodie in public…

Nope. Not in the slightest.

I’m once again talking about Ranboo’s stream from yesterday.

The part where him and Dream start talking lore and the bit where Dream’s being taken to prison and they look at each other and that’s improv.

They know what they’re doing and what they’re talking about. Improv is very difficult, this is coming from a drama student. To do improv that well you have to know your character and the objectives of the character and where the story is going. And for Dream to start looking at Ranboo and for Ranboo to start staring back shows just how well they know they’re characters and the storyline.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Ranboo can act. Like holy shit he’s brilliant, even without being able to see his face and its just voice acting the way he can manipulate his voice and his reactions in the improv is amazing.

I remember doing improv for the first time and we were given the situation of I think it was my older sister had read my diary or something. And my partner for the exercise like halfway through just came out with “I’m psychic”  and it totally threw me off for a couple seconds and I just repeated it back like “You’re psychic?” to give myself a bit longer to think. This was in a lesson but when they’re doing it it’s livestreamed to an audience like…

Can I be that good at it?

can i just say

we’ve never properly gotten dreams POV like we have other characters on the smp

we only ever get to see him from the eyes of other characters, all of which agree he is a bad person

and obviously he is a bad person, the shit he did was fucked up

but of course people are going to assume that from day one when they have no idea what dreams reasoning is if they never get his POV and i honestly think that’s one of the interesting parts about his character for me

First take of dsmp fanart!! I love Ranboo, so I decided he’d be my first step in! Also drew him in enderwalk

I’m wanting to do more dsmp fanart, would you guys enjoy that? :0

Dumbassery is me thinking that Wilbur was going to consider apologizing to Tubbo. And then Fundy. And then Niki. And then Quackity. And STILL being wrong about who it was

Not the way the Labyrinth of Crete held the Minotaur that Theseus killed??? And the various DreamXD references??? And the wacky little phrase that translates to “I feel bad for you”??

Needless to say I’m super pumped for this lol

JRWI enjoyers watching c!slimecicle enjoyers cautiously enter the world of DND podcasts so they may have more of Charlie Slimecicle’s phenomenal characters:

I am patiently waiting for a DSMP fan with a passion for graphic design to whip out some “Legacy” themed Las Nevadas designs so I may cry in style

I may never financially recover from this /j

Stream: “sleepiest ghost builds library with chat” with the time stamp around 16:35


“Oh I see someone in the chat-

*singing* ~Marceline, it’s just you and me in the wreckage of the world. That must be so confusing for-

*speaking* Look, you get it. You know what it is. It’s a gorgeous instrument”

Look, violence is bad and all but quakity lor

Y’all I speedrunned a drawing and it turned out SO GOOD! I am so proud of this and I hope you guys like it too!




Closer look, hopefully tumblr doesn’t destroy the quality
