
Happy Holidays @sneeg-snag!!! I’m your secret Santa for @mcytblrsecretsanta event! It’s Christmas Ev

Happy Holidays @sneeg-snag!!! I’m your secret Santa for @mcytblrsecretsanta event! It’s Christmas Eve here now so I can finally post your present.

This was actually my first time ever drawing Dream or Tommy and I had a lot of fun with it. I always like to make my secret Santa gifts holiday themed so I hope you enjoy the mainly green and red color scheme. I had a lot of fun with this too.

You requested Exile and so I did kind of a repeated mental state for Tommy. How he was shunned and stabbed in the back by his friends, taken away by Dream, manipulated by his sweet words time and time again like it was salvation, and how he was kept silent and away from others on the island.

Happy Holidays and I hope you enjoy your gift! :3

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