

Cute comic of Puppy!Sesshomaru by @medainnu on twitter.

Puppymaru is a greedy little potato and his father is a little perturbed by it I like the idea that Inukimi’s milk is poisonous. That one’s definitely going in the headcanon pile

I did the translation myself so any errors are mine. I also took liberties with some of Toga’s dialogue just so that it would make more sense in English.

一番最初に描いた仔犬丸と去年の練習絵と最新のと。ピカチュウとかハム太郎と逆現象起こってるな。 pic.twitter.com/CKHsTm785C — めだ ツインテ雌犬をこよなく愛す会 (@medainnu) June 13, 2022

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