#medieval village

Hundatora Medieval Village (13th century). Dartmoor, Devon, EnglandHundatora Medieval Village (13th century). Dartmoor, Devon, EnglandHundatora Medieval Village (13th century). Dartmoor, Devon, EnglandHundatora Medieval Village (13th century). Dartmoor, Devon, England

Hundatora Medieval Village (13th century). Dartmoor, Devon, England

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heey everyone, 

over the past 3 days I have been busy, but not busy building. I had focused so much on the village that my progress on the quests was a bit ( actually a lot ) behind. so I spend most of my time doing quests and gathering resources. I did manage to build 2 buildings and I am planning to make a little marketplace. The only thing is that I have never build market stalls, let alone a whole market place. but I am going to do some research and hopefully it will be finished by the end of this week. 

Heey everyone,

yesterday and today is spend most of the time terraforming the cliff and I am still not done. Most of the time is taken up by gathering the recourses, especially getting all the dirt. So I did not have a lot of time to build any buildings, how ever I managed to build two. 


I build a very large building with a little bridge to connect it to a small building. I think that this maybe can be a inn of some sort, but I am not sure yet. I also build just a medium size house, but I did change up the roof colors so that there is more variety in the the color palettes. I am not sure if I have time this weekend to do any building, but I will try to do my best. 

That is it for me today, I hope you will have an amazing day! 
