

My sister died 5 days ago

And in this lifetime she was known as Momo the mermaid. She loved the ocean more than anything. Today I went to the beach for the first time in a while and I felt her there… even more than I did when she was next to breathing and living because machines were powering her life.. I have never been so unafraid to be surrounded by thick salt water… where your vision sees as far as about 4 feet..

Normally, I’m a complete scaredy cat about that sort of thing. But today…when I went under and I felt myself get scared…I could feel her..I could hear her in my head telling me it was okay hunnigirl and to trust the ocean and trust her.. I didnt want to leave. I kept diving under again and again and again. Starting tomorrow I want to try to go out to the beach almost every day because that’s where my sister will be waiting for me to play..

I’m so thankful to have found this connection with her and it hurts so much to have her gone and no longer in this realm..but to be able to swim with her in the ocean she loved so much, casting away any fears I had beforehand is a remarkable, unexplainable feeling… I’m so so so grateful for my sisters connection to the ocean and that I am now able to share that with her as closely as possible.
