#meg what is your problem


airi: nobody actually cares if you have black undershirts and socks


side note i’ve always been told travel is like, life changing, but i didn’t really think they meant that less than a month after coming back from a cruise i would end my sixteen years in elder care and get a new job

some clarification:

  • oregon is what they call an “at will” state, which means both you and your employer can part ways with the other as soon as you feel like it.
  • however also in oregon your employer can have your contract set so that if you don’t give then however much notice they think they deserve, they can withhold your accrued paid leave
  • yes this is bullshit
  • further bullshit: cascade requires three weeks of notice
  • i decided they can keep their 180$ and i would take a week off between jobs, fuck them very much
  • i am actually going to be pretty okay although y'all know where the kofi button is lmao – i had money i was saving for a new laptop and i also worked overtime this pay period – so i’m covered for rent and food this month. i need to get new shoes but i think i can cover those too.
  • yes i’m going to miss the olds and yes the olds are upset but also: i’m tired.

those turds ARE keeping my PTO. rude.

(yes it’s legal in oregon but 1. i have enough saved to get to the first check 2. lmao good luck trying to replace ME for under 20/hr, assholes 3. it’s only 2 days worth)

(also fuck them, three weeks notice? like hell.)


anyway i was on the 4 (of course) and some dude chose to attack some chick whereupon she not unnaturally pepper sprayed the shit out of him and i got splash damage. then as soon as he got off the bus to go to the ER they started exchanging death threats at the top of their lungs. had to throw the blouse away and wait for the next 4 to come because that one had to go to the bus barn to get scrubbed down. this week has been too much.

got an interview request and let me tell you what, i am so ready to be not at where i work that only the thought of maybe NOT getting the job stopped me from walking out three times today.

i’m tired. i’m so tired and i can’t deal with this any longer.

the job listing opened! i applied!! think every good thought you have to spare!!!!

i’m losing it you guys

my cycle is in about three days and i had to explain the concept of linear time to a guy who used to be a CFO and i’m still not sure he believed me


meg: i bought 50spf spray sunscreen and a zinc rub on what else could i possibly need?

meg, two shades darker in a day despite copious application: my name is boo-boo and i am a foole

trip pics at instagram/the_megventures! there’s still time to sponsor a fruity drink! i love you guys and i hate airports!!!


i’m so tired lmao

is there any feeling like hearing “anyway like three departments are going to be short next saturday” – all of which you are trained in to work in – and being able be like, “damn. sucks. i’ll be on a cruise ship but i’ll be sure to send you pictures of my fruity drink”.

one week! one week until i have twelve whole glorious days of not chirping “pull your mask up pleeeeaaase~✨” every five minutes! one week!!!

aejae is allowed off notice for five minutes and five minutes Only

mom: oh yes, a person i knew in second grade (in palos verdes, at a catholic school) used to work for [behcets guy]! she says he’s very good



meg: mother, how do you DO this????

mom: facebook, mostly

so apparently youngest aunt just texted patti like sorry to hear about your mom and patti was like WHAT ABOUT MOM and apparently mom might have had a stroke while traveling in montana and is in the ER

edit: apparently it happened at the reception and OF COURSE she tried to say she didn’t need to go to the hospital but she couldn’t walk upright and had word salad and they dragged her there

edit 2: patti got hold of their pastor and he got hold of cecil, who got mom to the hospital within half an hour of showing symptoms which is excellent

update: this is dark angel. this is?? dark angel????


i have been enabled to get a wholeass series in English about psycho yanderes and my glee cannot be contained

it is an insult to me, personally, that if you don’t eat you get hungry

real friendship is bullying each other to go eat a vegetable

(i have not eaten a vegetable. i have eaten four pieces of naan and three cups of tea. mer was not impressed with my argument that tea is leaves and bread is made out of plant. i am going to eat as soon as i get back home.)

hello from my new job where my supervisor and i have been sitting around on our phones since 930 am and i am being paid 17$ an hour
