


What popular movies have you just never seen?

I’ll start. Never saw Megamind or Kung Fu Panda.

well what are you waiting for, bestie?

First Day of posting MetroMind fanart with spanish songs.


markiplier cinematic universe





Shoutout to Roxanne from Megamind for never mentioning that Bernard wore the same outfit for what we assume as weeks straight-possibly months. She wears a new fit in every shot of the montage but him?? Same suit. He wears a suit bicycling. Roxanne said “none of my business”. Queen shit.

She could have assumed that Bernard was a Minimalist or just wore the same outfit daily to reduce choice paralysis or so he wouldn’t have to waste brain power trying to decide what to wear.

THAT or, after seeing Megs and Metz wear the SAME outfits all the time she’s just like, “This is normal. :D”

Either way, total Queen.

Well, she does own the same dress in two different colors. So I’m sure she understands. She’s not just being polite.

Hey, when you find a cute thing you stick with it. Been there. Own the same pair of slacks and blazers in black and green XD

Can’t pass up on those BOGO sales, amirite?



Someone out there has a machine that lets them pull objects from alternate universe into ours. They could conquer this world…but instead they’ve been releasing extra content from canceled movies/shows/games/etc.

Does this mean we would finally get our Megamind sequel?


The satisfaction of finishing a sketch and pulling the tape off.


you know who would serve absolute cunt at the met gala? megamind.

I’m 23 and literally just watched this movie and am obsessed


every april 3rd, without fail




Me: *sees the boots with wheels post*

My Shit Brain: hrm… megamind…



Megamind just casually rolling in and then getting a rock stuck in the wheel and falling

top 10 photos taken moments before disaster

Happy Pride! This is my headcanon for these two! There’s a lot I want to fix with this one, but I’m

Happy Pride! This is my headcanon for these two!
There’s a lot I want to fix with this one, but I’m leaving for a big trip today and I wanted to post it before the end of the month. I’ll probably go back and fix some things after I get back.

Post link


My respect for the Animators who worked on Megamind gets bigger every time I see how perfect the faces expression their emotions

Like guys seriously , look at this Villain over here

Where did this photo even come from I don’t know ?!

Easily one of the most wonderfully expressive characters I’ve ever seen, and I hate the fact that we only got one movie to appreciate him.

(But yeah, where IS that picture from? Looks like some sort of Christmas/winter thing.)

Professor Layton Megamind AU where Paul is Megamind

idk I haven’t figured out the rest


The gloves are coming off…

Also, yay metallic paint!
