#mention deuce


SR Ace Trappola Gala Couture Voice Lines

Summon Line: Auuuugh, dude, I’m totally nervous here! Why’d we have to deal with all these selfish faries?

Groooovy!!: Alright, ladies and gentlemen! Don’t blink or you’ll miss it. Make sure you watch until the end!

Home: You better say this looks good on me.

Home Idle 1: These sleeves aren’t really good for magic tricks ‘cause I can’t hide anything in them. Eh, guess it’s alright 'cause I won’t be using any of my tricks in this show.

Home Idle 2: I kinda thought the all-white outfits would be pretty boring. Maybe it’s 'cause of the embroidery and the accessories, but it kinda actually looks good.

Home Idle 3: A little bit ago, a wild butterfly was hovering around my flower crown. Maybe it thought the fake butterflies were its friends?

Home Idle - Login:I’ll get this mess all sorted in a flash. You can totally count on my help!

Home Idle - Groovy: Whaddya think, how do I look in my outfit? …Hey you, stop laughing through your praise!

Home Tap 1: I wonder if they’re gonna be serving some food during the festivities? Oh, nah, I was just curious what kind of food those palm-sized fairies eat.

Home Tap 2: I’ve practiced magic tricks with my dad and older brother since I was little, so I’m pretty confident with my skills~

Home Tap 3: At breakfast, I used sleight of hand magic to make Deuce’s egg disappear. He was freaking out so much, it was hilarious!

Home Tap 4: I heard that Silver-senpai has a tendency to nod off abruptly. …He definitely wouldn’t fall asleep in the middle of our mission, right?

Home Tap 5: Oh yeah, yeah! Crewel-sensei’s little personal touches are all over this outfit, even down to the little feathers embroidered onto the back!

Home Tap - Groovy: You wanna help? Then go ahead and massage my shoulders as a reward for all my hard work. 'Kay, keep going for 30 minutes now―

Requested by @girl-in-the-tower.
