#twst translation



R Jack Howl Gala Couture Voice Lines

Due to event restrictions, Groovy related lines are locked until the event has been cleared. I will update once these are unlocked.

Summon Line: I don’t think this kind of glitzy show really suits me… But this is all so we can restore peace on campus. I’ll just have to do it!

Groooovy!!: –LOCKED–

Home: I’ll definitely succeed in our mission!

Home Idle 1: Ah―Achoo! Ugh, my nose really can’t deal with the perfume that was sprayed on me earlier…

Home Idle 2: Once when we were younger, my sister begged me to make her a flower crown, but it was done so terribly that she ended up crying… Since then, I’ve been really aware of just how much I can’t do small, detailed work.

Home Idle 3: I want figure out the secrets behind Ace’s magic tricks, but he’s too good that I can’t see through it. Grr…

Home Idle - Login: –LOCKED–

Home Tap 1: Those fairies with wings sure are fast. I want to see who’s faster; my flight skills or theirs!

Home Tap 2: Urgh… Crap! The heels on these shoes are so high that it’s hard to keep my balance. It’s hard enough just to stand up straight!

Home Tap 3: I heard from Epel… Apparently everyone in his dorm get special lessons on how to walk properly. Poor guys…

Home Tap 4: Neat, when the sleeves are rolled back, there’s a different pattern on the insides. That’s super stylish.

Home Tap 5: Hm? What’s this book I’m reading? It’s a book on magic tricks. I-I’m just reading ‘cause it was laying around! It’s not like I want to try it myself.

Requested by Anonymous.


SR Ace Trappola Gala Couture Voice Lines

Due to event restrictions, Groovy related lines are locked until the event has been cleared. I will update once these are unlocked. Login line has been captured.

Summon Line: Auuuugh, dude, I’m totally nervous here! Why’d we have to deal with all these selfish faries?

Groooovy!!: –LOCKED–

Home: You better say this looks good on me!

Home Idle 1: These sleeves aren’t really good for magic tricks ‘cause I can’t hide anything in them. Eh, guess it’s alright 'cause I won’t be using any of my tricks in this show.

Home Idle 2: I kinda thought the all-white outfits would be pretty boring. Maybe it’s 'cause of the embroidery and the accessories, but it kinda actually looks good.

Home Idle 3: A little bit ago, a wild butterfly was hovering around my flower crown. Maybe it thought the fake butterflies were its friends?

Home Idle - Login: I’ll get this mess all sorted in a flash. You can totally count on my help!

Home Idle - Groovy: –LOCKED–

Home Tap 1: I wonder if they’re gonna be serving some food during the festivities? Oh, nah, I was just curious what kind of food those palm-sized fairies eat.

Home Tap 2: I’ve practiced magic tricks with my dad and older brother since I was little, so I’m pretty confident with my skills~

Home Tap 3: At breakfast, I used sleight of hand magic to make Deuce’s egg disappear. He was freaking out so much, it was hilarious!

Home Tap 4: I heard that Silver-senpai has a tendency to nod off abruptly. …He definitely wouldn’t fall asleep in the middle of our mission, right?

Home Tap 5: Oh yeah, yeah! Crewel-sensei’s little personal touches are all over this outfit, even down to the little feathers embroidered onto the back!

Home Tap - Groovy: –LOCKED–

Requested by @girl-in-the-tower


SSR Ortho Shroud Fairy Gear Voice Lines

Due to event restrictions, Groovy related lines are locked until the event has been cleared. I will update once these are unlocked. Login line has been captured.

When Summoned: I’m going to show you my specially-made gear now. Don’t take your eyes off of me, okay?

Summon Line: It’s kind of thrilling to be in disguise and sneak in somewhere. I’ll definitely make sure we succeed in our mission!

Groooovy!: –LOCKED–

Home: Ehe, don’t I look amazing?

Home Idle 1: They say that the key to improving one’s design sense is to get constant feedback. Hey, do you want to hang out with me sometime soon?

Home Idle 2: There isn’t that much data available when it comes to fairies. Since we’re getting this opportunity, I want to collect as much information as possible.

Home Idle 3: If you want to know more about flowers or butterflies, you can ask me. I can give you more detailed information than any regular old reference book.

Home Idle - Login: Retrofit complete. The fairy imitation attachment “Fairy Gear” will be activated.

Home Idle - Groovy: –LOCKED–

Home Tap 1: Riddle-san really does know all of the Queen of Hearts’ laws by heart, doesn’t he? Heh, maybe he has a memory card installed.

Home Tap 2: When I handed Grim-san a flower, he immediately ate it. All I wanted was him to say it was pretty…

Home Tap 3: This gear has a function to release fragrances. That’s because I heard from Jack-san that scent is also necessary for a perfect imitation.

Home Tap 4: It’s a nice change of pace to create a Gear outfit based on appearances rather than practicality. Ehe, maybe this is where my sense of fashion awakens!

Home Tap 5: Of course, these wings can’t actually help me fly. But, if I link my flight system to match the movements of the wings, then I can make it look like it does!

Home Tap - Groovy: –LOCKED–

[ORTHO]: They’re not a match for us, Silver-san!
[SILVER]: I hardly recognized you, Ortho.

Requested by @girl-in-the-tower.

SR Ace Trappola Gala Couture Personal Story: Part 2

“I’m counting on you guys, alright?”

(Part 1) Part 2

[Pomefiore Dorm – Ballroom]

Lilia: Oh, I have an idea! Ace, why don’t you show them an example of how to walk properly?

Ace: Eh? Me, an example?

Jack: Heh, that’s a great idea. Try it, Ace.

Ace: Huuh? Why do I gotta!?

Jack: Hey, hey, you’re gonna stir up trouble and then not do it yourself? You think we’ll let you get away with that?

Vil: Sigh… I don’t think we can have a proper lesson in this kind of atmosphere.

Vil: In order to try to bring everyone together, I’ll allow Lilia’s suggestion and have Ace join us just this once.

Silver: Ace will show us a performance, huh. I cannot wait. I’ll make sure to study it intently.

Ace: Eeeeeh~ No way. There’s no reason for me to do any walking practice when I’m going to just be the emcee of the group.

Lilia: Hey, Ace. Don’t you feel a bit frustrated that Jack is looking down on you?

Lilia: You just gotta face him and make him eat his words!

Ace: I mean, I’m not really frustrated or anything…

Ace: But hey wait, who’s side are you on, anyway?

Lilia: I’m on your side, of course. Now, c'mon, hurry and do it.

Ace: Fine, fine, I’ll do it.

Ace: Ehhh. I’m not really sure I can do it though~

Jack: Haha, I’m looking forward to this. If you can’t do it well, I’ll heckle you right back.

Ace: …Mmkay, here I go then.




Vil: …Your center of gravity is unwavering, and your knees extend beautifully without any undue effort. Not bad.

Ace: …Well, I guess that’ll do!

Ace: How was it? Based on everyone’s reactions, I guess I did pretty good?

Vil: I suppose. You’re a little rough around the edges, but… I would give it a passing mark.

Ace: Haha, thaaanks.

Jack: Hey, Ace! How’re you able to walk so well like that?

Silver: Have you modeled before?

Ace: Nope, none. This was the first time I’ve ever walked like this.

Jack: Then, why…!

Ace: Why? I mean, it’s easy. I just put into practice everything Vil-senpai had been saying during your lessons.

Ace: I heard his explanation, and then just winged it the way I thought he wanted it.


Lilia: Kufufu. You’re quite adept to be able to do it so easily just my hearing him explain it.

Ace: Well yeah, something like this is easy-peasy.

Ace: If anything, why can’t you guys do it, even though Vil-senpai is explaining it over and over again? So weird.

Ace: But hey, I don’t mind all the praise. Thaaanks.


Vil: Do you understand now? I’m not demanding anything impossible from you all.

Vil: Although, I suppose a part of it could also be Ace’s natural talent as well.

Ace: Okay, then. No one else’s got anything to say, right? I’ll be heading off then.

Lilia: Oh, you’re done already?

Ace: I told you already. This was just to kill time.

Ace: I’m pretty busy with my own stuff too, so I can’t be looking after shy little Jack forever, y'know~

Ace: Mmkay then, bye~

Lilia: Okay, see you later~!

Jack: D-Dammit… I can’t lose to Ace! I’ll definitely perfect my walking!

Jack: Vil-senpai! Please be stricter with your discipline!

Silver: Same here. We may not be as good as Ace, but we’ll make up for it with our painstaking efforts.

Vil: There’s no need to be that eager, you can reach his level easily if you just practice seriously.

Vil: …But, I suppose that was good motivation, at least.

Vil: Now, break’s over. Let’s resume practice!


Lilia: Hmm… Those two both have very focused looks on their faces now.

Lilia: I see what he did now. What an odd way to “encourage” them. Kufufu.

[Pomefiore Dorm – Lounge]

Ace: Haaah. I was just planning to mess with them a little bit. I didn’t think I’d end up having to join them too.

Ace: Eh, I don’t think I’ll need to worry ‘bout those two now that they’re super fired up. They’ve always been one of the more annoyingly serious crowd, too.

Ace: I sure hope I’ll get to do my part… I’m counting on you guys, alright?

(Part 1) Part 2

SR Ace Trappola Gala Couture Personal Story: Part 1

“I’m counting on you guys, alright?”

Part 1 (Part 2)

[Pomefiore Dorm – Ballroom]

Vil: Stop! Both of you, stop there.

Vil: Walking is not done with just your legs, but by holding your pelvis directly right over your thighs. How many times do I have to repeat this?

Jack: …I’m sorry.

Silver: This is really difficult…

Vil: Sigh… Well, I need to step away for a moment to deal with something for my dorm. While I’m gone, make sure to continue with your individual practice!

Vil: If you slack off or otherwise neglect your training, I will not be pleased. Once I return, I will check for any improvements, so keep that in mind.

Ace: At this rate, I wonder if they’re going to be alright…

Ace: In order for me to hook the queen, we’ll need it to be an irresistible show, but things don’t really look too good.

Lilia: You all look to be in a bind, hm. Although it is fun to watch from the side.

Ace: Uwaa!? …Lilia-senpai? Eh, when did you get here?

Lilia: Kufufu, sorry, sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.

Lilia: I’ve been busy dealing with all the students freezing to the bone, but I was finally able to find some time to come here.

Lilia: I thought I’d come and cheer on Silver, since he is practicing so hard.

Ace: I see~ You coulda just gone and lounged around, but you came all the way to Pomefiore. So nice of you~

Lilia: I could say the same of you. You’re watching those two practice so intently. Aren’t you riddled with worry?

Ace: Well yeah, of course I’m worried! ‘Cause we’re all in this together.

Ace: I mean, look at how Jack’s moving.

Ace: Maybe it’s 'cause he’s nervous, but you really can’t tell that he’s usually so agile from how horribly he’s carrying himself.

Lilia: Hmm… True. His peculiar movements seem to remind me of something the longer I watch…

Lilia: Ah! I know. He looks like a bird that’s hit his head!

Ace: A bird that hit his head?! I can’t say I’ve ever seen something like that, but it sounds like a totally perfect analogy!

Lilia: His legs are shaking, but he’s got such a serious look on his face… That gap makes me laugh!

Ace: Well, now that you mention it, he looks exactly like a flamingo whose head is spinning from being used for croquet.

Lilia: Ooh, a flamingo. I can kind of see how he looks like one, with how cute he looks, being all pink and flustered.

Ace: Yeah, yeah, that. Jack’s so easily flustered. It’s a shame, isn’t it?

Lilia: No, no. I think it’s nice and refreshing.

Lilia: If I look more closely, I see that Silver’s legs are also shaking from the posture he’s holding. It sure brings back memories of when he was just a lad.

Lilia: I feel like I could watch him forever.

Jack: …Tch… Those two are just yammering away… They’re totally enjoying this.

Silver: Jack, don’t lose focus.

Jack: Ah, yes! I have to ignore it, just ignore it… Don’t worry about them, just calm down…

Jack: Okay, this time for sure… Extend my knees, then gracefully… position my pelvis directly right over my thighs…

Ace: Hey Jack, you good~? If you don’t know how to walk straight, I can hold you up!

Lilia: Your facial expression is too stiff, too~ It’s a show, you need to smile. Come on, smile!

Jack: Ignore them… Ignore them…!

Lilia: Ooh, what unorthodox choreography. His right hand and left leg are swinging out together.

Lilia: Combined with Silver’s stiff movements, it does seem to look like two robots dancing. In a way, it’s quite hip. Is that what they are aiming for?

Ace: You two are too nervous! C'mon, c'mon, you guys gotta relax~

Lilia: Yeah, smile, smile! If you keep frowning like that, we won’t get our ticket’s worth!

Lilia: Gimme my money back~! Even though I didn’t actually spend a single madol.

Ace: Yeaaah, yeaaah, give me back the money I lent you the other day to buy a notebook~!


Jack: What is wrongwith you guys!? If you’re just going to bother us, go away!!

Jack: And besides, I paid you back for that notebook the same day!!

Ace: Oh, did you?

Jack: Why’d you remember lending me the money, but not that I returned it, huh?!

Silver: Calm down, Jack. I think you’re a tad off topic.

[door opens loudly]

Vil: Your shouting could be heard from outside in the hallway!!!!!

Vil: You two… You were just playing around and not practicing at all, hm…?

Jack: N-No, we weren’t!

Jack: We were practicing properly, but these two wouldn’t stop heckling us.

Lilia: We were only trying to help soothe your nerves… I’m in shock that you’d say that sort of thing…

Ace: Uwaa, you made him cry~! And after all we were doing to encourage you guys… Jack, you’re the worst~

Jack: He’s totally fake crying!

Jack: Ugh… We’re already dealing with so much trying to get it right. Don’t make it worse on us.

Jack: Vil-senpai, Silver-senpai, I’m sorry. I’ll throw them both out right away.

Vil: Right. It would be annoying for them to continue interrupting your training, yes.

Lilia: Hmm… What a shame. I would have wanted to watch a little longer.

Ace: Eh, that helped kill some time, so I’ll just go somewhere else if I’m gonna be kicked out. Mmkay then, good luck…

Lilia: Oh, I have an idea! Ace, why don’t you show them an example of how to walk properly?

Ace: Eh? Me, an example?

Part 1 (Part 2)

Requested by @girl-in-the-tower.

SR Silver Gala Couture Personal Story: Part 2

“I’d like to ask a favor.”

(Part 1) Part 2

[Botanical Garden]

Silver: Are you ready to meet a fairy, Jade?

Jade: Yes. Now, let me get right to business…

Jade: The things in this box are the promised items that I’ve brought from the Mostro Lounge.

Silver: These are… all metal cookware.

Silver: There’s a frying pan without its handle, and a pot with a hole in it… They are all spectacularly broken.

Silver: Let’s hold these items and stand in a conspicuous location. It would be great if a craftfairy will notice us…

???:Ting ♪

Jade:Oho, that was fast, a fairy is approaching us already.

Silver:It must be a craftfairy.

Jade:Then, it is now time to implement the next step in the strategy.

Silver:Right. If I recall, Jade’s strategy was…

Silver: “While they try to talk to us, keep pretending like we do not notice them.”

Craftfairy:Ting, ting

Silver:However, that desperate ringing sound is so pitiful… Maybe we should respond after all…

Jade:You must endure it, Silver-san. If we do so, I am sure the snubbed fairy will…

Craftfairy:Ta-ting! Ting-a-ling!!


Silver:Hm. They started making something. …And they’re already finished. What a swift hand.

[nudge, nudge]

Jade: Silver-san, the fairy is trying to push at each of us…

Silver: …Let’s take it from them.

Craftfairy:Ting-a-ling! …Hey, you humans! Can you hear me?

Jade: This is… quite astounding. As soon as I received the bell, I was suddenly able to understand their words.

Craftfairy:Well of course! That’s ‘cause I made an absolutely perfect translator bell.

Craftfairy:But putting that aside… That stuff you guys are holding are all broken, aren’t they!? You’ve got a mountain-load of them!

Craftfairy:Aaah~ I can’t take it! Hey, hey, let me fix them. Right now!

Silver:Who would have ever thought that we would be able to receive a translator from a craftfairy just by staying silent…

Silver:It was just as you said, Jade. Amazing.

Jade:Fufu, I am pleased it went well.

Craftfairy:Hellooo. Hey! Are you listening?

Jade: Aah, my apologies. We were so elated at being able to speak with a fairy, that I’m afraid we were too stunned to speak.

Silver: You want to fix all the broken items here, right?

Craftfairy:Yeah, that’s right!

Silver: Then… In return, I’d like to ask a favor.

Craftfairy:A favor?

Silver: I would like for four more of these translator bells, like the ones you just gave us. Could you make them for us?

Craftfairy:Eeh, translator bells? But-But, these are suuuper precious to us, you know.

Craftfairy:Even the ones that I just made, I didn’t give them to you. You’re just borrowing them.

Craftfairy:If I made four of them and gave them to humans, the craftfairy leader, Fairy Macy, might get mad at me…

Jade: I had no idea that these translator bells were that valuable. Now, what should we do…

Silver: Please. I really need it.

Silver: Also, your skills in crafting those translator bells was astounding.

Craftfairy:Eh? R-Really?

Silver: Yeah. You whipped it up breathtakingly fast. And yet despite that, the workmanship is exquisite without the least bit of deformation.

Silver: I can see that you are a highly skilled craftsfairy.

Craftfairy:Wellll, for me, something like that’s a piece of cake, so~

Jade: How modest. I’m sure there are very few fairies with skills such as yours, yes?

Silver: I believe so too. It was a magnificent creation.

Silver: That’s why I would like to request this task of you.

Craftfairy:Hehee~ You guys really have a good eye.

Craftfairy:Hmm, well, it looks like you guys are in a pinch, so… If you’re going to say that much, I guess I can’t refuse you.

Craftfairy:Okay! I’ll make you some translator bells!

Silver: ! …I see.

Silver: Thank you, Fairy. I’m grateful.

Craftfairy:Yeah! But in return… You better let me fix all that stuff up!

Jade: Fufufu. Of course.

Jade: How wonderful that you were able to procure enough translator bells for everyone taking part in the show.

Silver: Yeah. I don’t think it would have gone so smoothly without your help.

Silver: I’m thankful for your assistance, Jade.

Jade: No, I should be the one to thank you.

Jade: Thanks to you, all the cookware we use at the Mostro Lounge are shiny and like-new again.

Jade: With the dorms dealing with this situation, we aren’t able to open for business, you see.

Jade: We thought that the Mostro Lounge’s sales this month would be quite meager, so…

Jade: It is a huge relief to be able to cut costs in such an unexpected way.

Jade: But more than that… You surprised me, Silver-san.

Silver: ? With what?

Jade: With your ability to convince the fairy to create the translator bells.

Jade: I didn’t expect you to flatter them to receive it. You are quite the negotiator, aren’t you?

Silver: Negotiator…? I only spoke from the heart.

Silver: If you speak with sincerity, it does not matter if they are human or fae, they will understand.

Jade: From the heart… I see. Well now, that is a wonderful vision.

Jade: Then, I shall head back to my dormitory.

Silver: …Now all that’s left is to succeed at the show.

Silver: We’ll all have to work together until the very end. This is all to bring peace back to our school.

(Part 1) Part 2

SR Silver Gala Couture Personal Story: Part 1

“I’d like to ask a favor.”

Part 1 (Part 2)

[Interior Hallway]

――While preparing for the show

Silver: Unlike humans, there are some fairies that have created and speak their own languages…

Silver: For us to communicate with them at the gala, we will need “translation devices.”

Silver: During my break in between the lessons, I’ll need to do something to get my hands on some for everyone taking part in the show.

Silver: The best option would be to ask the craftfairies to create them for us, but…

Silver: What should… we do…?



???: ――Oh, excuse me.

Silver: ! Pardon me, Jade. It seems I accidentally fell asleep… Are you hurt?

Jade: Yes, I am perfectly fine. But putting that aside…

Jade: I thought I could hear some kind of troubled muttering coming from the far side of the hallway, but I see it was just you, Silver-san.

Jade: What could possibly be troubling you? If you would like, perhaps I can be of assistance.

Silver: Are you sure? That’ll be a great help.

Silver: So, what’s happening is――

Jade: …I see. So you are wishing to procure these translating devices in order to properly infiltrate the fairy gala.


Silver: In order to do that, we need to find and contact a craftfairy out of all the many fairies that are gathered here.

Silver: However, it will be practically impossible to enter the Botanical Garden to search for one. They will be vigilant for any human presence.

Silver: How could I possibly get in touch with the fairy that I need… That’s what I was wondering.

Jade: Hm… Why not attempt to figure out what that fairy would like, and use it to force them out of hiding?

Silver: Force them out of hiding…?

Jade: Oh, please don’t look so stern. Perhaps that was not a very good choice of words.

Jade: I am not saying to forcibly capture them or anything of the sort. Only to meet with and ask a favor of them.

Jade: Are you at all knowledgeable as to what craftfairies like?

Jade: I’m afraid I’m not familiar with them whatsoever, but I’m sure you may have some inkling, as you were raised in Briar Valley, yes?

Silver: If I recall… Craftfairies love to repair broken things.

Silver: Especially things made of metal. When they see something like that broken, they can’t help but try to fix it.

Jade: How fascinating that they are partial to broken hardware. It seems as though fairies have a different sensibility from that of humans and merfolk.

Jade: Incidentally, if you require that kind of junk… I mean, precious metal items, we would be able to provide some to you at the Mostro Lounge.

Silver: Is that true? Then, if you would please.

Jade: Yes, of course, leave it to me.

Silver: I’m sure that if we were to leave some broken metalware near the botanical garden, a craftfairy would appear.

Silver: Thanks to you, I may be able to contact a craftfairy.

Silver: However, there’s still one issue. They are unable to understand our language.

Silver: Even if we were able to meet the proper fairy, how would we request them to create the translating device…?

Jade: Hm… What do you think about this strategy?

Silver: …I see.

Silver: However, that…

Jade: Silver-san? Is there something wrong with that suggestion?

Silver: No, not at all, it’s a helpful strategy that you’ve come up with. I have no plans to reject it.

Silver: However… I was only worried whether or not I would be able to follow the strategy well.

Jade: If you are concerned, then perhaps I can join you at the botanical garden and assist you in your venture.

Silver: Are you alright helping me that much?

Jade: Of course. After all, this is a huge predicament for the school.

Jade: In addition, I would like to make sure that they have properly repaired the hardware, as well…

Silver: Hm? …Oh. So you’re wanting to take responsibility of your suggestion and make sure it works, then?

Silver: I am thankful for your offer. Then, let us join forces and obtain the device.

Jade: Yes, of course. Well, I shall head to the Mostro Lounge to procure the metalware.

Silver: Yeah. I’ll meet you at the botanical gardens later.

Part 1 (Part 2)

Requested by Anonymous.

SSR Deuce Spade Union Birthday Personal Story: Part 3

“Happy Birthday”

(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3

[Heartslabyul Dorm – Birthday Party Venue]

Idia: Mmkay, next question.

Idia: “If you were to join any dorm other than Heartslabyul, which dorm would you choose?”

Deuce: Somewhere other than Heartslabyul, huh…Then, I’d choose Scarabia!

Idia: Eh? Scarabia’s got all those extroverts that just throw parties whenever they want… What’s so great about them?

Deuce: I believe that in order for me to improve on my number one weakness, Scarabia would be the best place for me.

Deuce: My upperclassmen often point out that I tend to move before I think…

Deuce: Like the other day, I heard Clover-senpai talking about how he needed to buy some cheese…

Deuce: So I grabbed my wallet and said, “I’ll go get it for you!” and ran towards the school store.

Deuce: And I didn’t really think much of it and just bought some regular cheese snacks and brought them back to the dorm, but…

Deuce: What Clover-senpai really wanted was some cream cheese to bake sweets with.

Idia: Who goes through a comedic episode like that at this age!? Why are you even in that much of a rush…?

Deuce: I had heard the day before that he was going to bake some cheese tarts for the Unbirthday Party, so…

Deuce: If I had just stopped to think about it, I think I would have realized that what he needed was cream cheese instead of regular cheese.

Deuce: There were so many opportunities for me to double-check… Like, I could have called Clover-senpai from the school store.

Deuce: But because I just ran off with my own assumption, I ended up having to go buy it twice.

Deuce: Man, I really felt bad and useless…

Idia: Ah… Yeah, I also can’t help but feel bad for you… Hang in there, Deuce-shi. It’ll pass.

Deuce: Thank you. Clover-senpai also told me to not worry about it, but…

Deuce: It’s not just this time that this has happened. And it’s not like I’m not usually calm or anything, but it’s more like I just start moving without thinking.

Deuce: Yeah, there are times where that does end up being a good thing, but when I think about my future, I feel like I need to fix this habit.

Deuce: That’s why if I can ingrain the spirit of deliberation into myself from Scarabia, the number of mistakes that I’d make like this would decrease… I think!

Idia: Yeah, well… It’s not like anything is actually going to be fixed here from this little exercise, so… Good luck, Deuce-shi.

Deuce: Is the interview over now?

Idia: Yup. So next is time for the presentation of the ever-so-popular “gift of good fortune"~

Deuce: It’s the main event of the day! I’m completely prepared! Please don’t go easy on me!!!

Idia: You got it! …Is what I’d like to say, but I don’t know how much throwing power I’d have…

Idia: If anything, I’m feeling apprehensive.

Deuce: Don’t worry! Even if you throw it in the opposite direction…

Deuce: I’ll absolutely make sure to catch it right smack dab in the middle of my face!!

Idia: H-H-How would you do that? I mean, I guess that’s a little reassuring, though…

Idia: …Okay, then I’ll throw this full force.

Idia: Deuce-shi, happy birthday!

(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3

SSR Deuce Spade Union Birthday Personal Story: Part 2

“Happy Birthday”

(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)

[Heartslabyul Dorm – Birthday Party Venue]

Idia: Th-Then… I’ll start the interview…

Idia: “If you could have one person with you on a deserted island, who would you choose?”

Idia: Except that you can’t pick someone from the same dorm…

Deuce: A deserted island, huh… That’s a place where you could go explore caves, or search for legendary treasure!

Idia: Ahh, yeah, you’d see that sort of thing in anime a lot… Stuff like that seems easy when you’re just watching the screen, but it definitely wouldn’t be irl.

Deuce: The things you’d need to have for an adventure like that would be wisdom, stamina, and courage!

Deuce: If that’s the case, I think Jack or Epel might be someone I can best count on, but… AH!

Idia: Eh, what!?

Deuce: As soon as you arrive on an uninhabited island, you really need to find sources of water and food, right?

Deuce: In the movies, they gather clams and fish from the ocean, but I’m not that confident in my cooking skills… Oh, I know!

Deuce: If I were to go to a deserted island, I’d like Bucchi-senpai to come with me! ‘Cause I remember hearing somewhere that he’s really good at fishing.

Idia: I-I see… Well, I guess I can understand that choice.

Deuce: Also, from what I heard from Jack and Epel, Bucchi-senpai is always picking bushels of grass.

Idia: Eh? Grass? Instead of just letting them grow freely? What for?

Deuce: It sounds like he uses them as food. So that means he would be able to tell which plants are edible, right?

Deuce: If I had Bucchi-senpai there, I feel like I would at least not have any worried about food.

Idia: I think I get what you’re saying… But you don’t really think that that Ruggie-shi would willingly share his food, do you?

Deuce: Urgh, you’re not wrong…

Idia: And besides, if he can do so much by himself, then don’t you think he’d just leave you behind and quickly escape the island~?

Deuce: N-No, he… wouldn't… Wait no, but there’d definitely be situations where he’d need the extra hands, right!?

Deuce: Besides, I know how to do simple maintenance on a magical wheel, so I could come in handy if we need to build something… probably.

Deuce: Like an escape boat! …Well, okay, that might be more or less impossible, but I think I could at least make a raft…

Deuce: Anyway, besides building whatever we’d need, I also would have full confidence in my ability to carry heavy things, like logs!

Deuce: If I work hard, then Bucchi-senpai will definitely also lend me a hand… Is what I’d like to believe.Idia: I really don’t know about that… But, eh, that’s a good enough answer for the interview, at least.

(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)

SSR Deuce Spade Union Birthday Personal Story: Part 1

“Happy Birthday”

Part 1 (Part 2) (Part 3)

[Heartslabyul Dorm – Birthday Party Venue]

Deuce: So, it’s time for the customary birthday interview. Whenever I’m somewhere formal like this, I get a bit nervous…

Deuce: Since this is a traditional event, I’ll have to make sure I answer properly and not make any mistakes.

Deuce: Anyway, the presenter chosen by the “Magical Birthday Dice” should be coming soon…

???:Haaaah… I mean, I’ll do it because I was chosen for it, but come on. This mandatory event is super annoying. Excuuuse me…


Idia: Hiee! There’s that stupid loud jock voice…!

Idia: Deu-Deu-Deuce-shi, you were waiting, huh… Already…

Deuce: So you were the one chosen to be my presenter. I’m honored to have you!

Idia:It’s not like I came because I wanted to… Eh, whatever. Anyway… Here’s your present…

Deuce: Thank you very much! Wow, it’s a very large bag. I wonder what’s inside…

Deuce: Oh, this is…!

Idia: My selection of 20 types of cup ramen. It has an array of choices, from local specialties, to some low-sugar varieties that are currently all the rage.

Idia: I bet it’s perfect for a growing highschooler with a huge appetite like you, though, right? I don’t really know anything about that, though.

Idia: These are the flavors I usually eat, but there’s a bunch here, so I’m sure at least one of them will suit your tastes, Deuce-shi.

Deuce: When you say “usually,” does that mean you like cup ramen too?

Idia:Oho, “too,” he says… Fuheehee, looks like I made the right choice.

Idia: I mean, I wouldn’t really say I like them, they’re just convenient to eat. It doesn’t take any time to cook, it’s ready in just a couple minutes.

Deuce: Yeah, yeah! You can easily make some just by pouring some hot water on it, it fills up your stomach, and is super tasty.

Deuce: On days that I have club activities… Especially when we’re practicing more in preparation for a meet, I tend to get too hungry and won’t last until dinner time.

Deuce: It’d dig into my wallet to buy food every day, and even then, there’s only so much I can do to stave off the hunger.

Idia: Ahh… I get you. When I’m concentrating hard on something, it’s fine, but the moment I remember I’m hungry, it’s game over…

Deuce: Yes. Once, Jack told me that boxers drink a ton of water in order to keep from getting hungry…

Deuce: I thought it was a good idea, and tried to imitate them, but honestly, I didn’t really have much luck with that.

Idia: Well, yeah, it’s just water.

Deuce: But, thanks to you, Shroud-senpai, I shouldn’t have to worry about finding something to eat after my club. Thank you!

Deuce: Still, this is pretty amazing. I’ve eaten a ton of different kinds of cup ramen up ‘til now, but…

Deuce: There’s a ton of stuff here that I’ve never even seen before. It’s like a dream come true that I get to eat all these… Wait, huh?

Deuce: Oh, I think this… Yeah, didn’t they stop selling this one here back when I was in elementary school…?

Idia: Ah, yeah, that one is being sold again recently. On top of only being sold via the manufacturer’s official mail order service, there was only a limited quantity being sold.

Idia: The day of release, their website was overloaded with requests, and was already completely sold out in the minute after the site crashed. Now I hear it’s being scalped at premium price.

Deuce: I-Is it alright for me to be receiving something that valuable…?

Idia: Fuheehee, I was able to purchase a whole box of them no problem, so~ Take it, take it!

Deuce: Man, this is so nostalgic… I used to love eating these with eggs.

Deuce: Also, this one with the seafood base is most well-known for being made with milk, but it’s still delicious with eggs…

Idia: Deuce-shi, do you not know how to flavor them using anything but eggs?

Deuce: Well, I mean, eggs go with any kind of cup ramen! There’s no way to screw it up, so I totally recommend it.

Idia: Hmmm… I’m not really sure if I’d ever prep cup ramen like that, since they’re supposed to be hassle free. But hey, if I ever feel like it, I guess I can give it a shot.

Part 1 (Part 2) (Part 3)

Requested by Anonymous.

SSR Ortho Shroud Fairy Gear Personal Story: Part 3

“The finest ‘evolution’”

(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3


Ortho: This is a first for me. Where it’s not my brother who is needed for something, but “Ortho"… me.

Ortho: I was originally brought to the school as one of Nii-san’s magical gadgets, in the first place.

Ortho: I was considered the same as a computer or a magical wheel. So of course, I was to leave this school together with him when he graduated.

Ortho: There was no reason for me to go anywhere else, the best thing for me was to be with him.

Ortho: I’ll always be together with him. That was the best… No, that was the only choice I had.

Ortho: But now it’s different.

Ortho: Ever since I’ve been recognized as "a person” instead of “a thing,” it feels as though I’ve been getting continuously updated.

Riddle: In what way?

Ortho: I’m able to gain experience and learn things every day that I wouldn’t have been able to obtain from the internet or books.

Ortho: For example, I can have meaningless chats with my classmates. Even though there’s no substance to the conversation, it’s still oddly enjoyable.

Ortho: I also had my first experience of skipping class and having a professor scold me.

Riddle: You’re telling me you’ve skipped class?

Ortho: Well, that’s because before, even when I wasn’t in class, no one would ever say anything…

Riddle: That… may be true. But from now on, you cannot miss class without a reason.

Ortho: Okaaay. See, even getting scolded like this is a new experience for me.

Ortho: This mission is the same. Of course, we all worked together to overcome this challenge…

Ortho: And through it, we’d chat, and laugh over the stupidest things…

Ortho: This moment, spending time with everyone like this, is really fun for me.

Ortho: I never thought I’d be so happy to be treated as the individual “Ortho Shroud.”

Ortho: Happiness, fun, pride… I’ve known these terms for a long time, but I finally feel like I finally understand their meaning.

Ortho: This is probably a sign that my heart is continuing to develop.

Ortho: As I continue to spend more and more time with everyone at this school, I’m sure I’ll continue to evolve even further.

Ortho: That’s because I’m the one who embodies the concept of “evolution” most at this school!

Riddle:(So, Ortho is positively accepting of the change in his emotions.)

Riddle:(He is able to earnestly believe in his future and all the possibilities he faces… This may be one of Ortho’s greatest strengths.)


Ace: C'mon, I told you not to yell. Ortho’s got good hearing, so you don’t need to raise your voice.

Deuce: We found a video that may be of use for the show. Can you come take a look at it?

Epel: If you use these movements as a basis, you might be able to show off your Gear more beautifully… I think.

Jack: I’ll also watch the video and practice, so I won’t get upstaged by Ortho.

Grim: I’m going to help you, too! If you make a mistake, I won’t let you live it down!

1: Come over here!
2: Hurry, hurry!


Riddle: Really, as soon as they’ve finished eating, they’re instantly rowdy. I will be collecting my basket and returning to my dorm now.

Riddle: Go on, hurry and go. Everyone is waiting for you.

Ortho: But… I’m still in the middle of tuning everything…

Riddle: Oh, have you already forgotten what you yourself said?


Riddle: I believe you are the one who told me what is necessary in order for you to continue “updating”.

Ortho: Yeah… That’s right, the reason I was able to come up with these new ideas is because I was chatting with everyone.

Riddle: Indeed. And right now, instead of looking at your monitors, you should be looking to those that are calling for you right now.

Riddle: You only have a fleeting amount of time as a student. You understand what I am saying, yes…?


Riddle: …Talking to you today has thoroughly piqued my interest in the field of magical engineering.

Riddle: Once this madness has ebbed, I may have to borrow some technical textbooks from the library.

Riddle: After all, I can’t lose to an underclassman.

Ortho: An… underclassman…?

Riddle: …Well, I certainly cannot call you a “robot” anymore.

Riddle: You completely embody the spirit of diligence of Ignihyde.

Riddle: I am sure your Dorm Leader is quite proud to see another talented student properly join the dorm.

Riddle: I also look forward to studying alongside you at this school, Ortho Shroud.

Ortho: Ehehehe. I can’t believe the Dorm Leader of Heartslabyul is saying that to me… Makes me feel like I need to work even harder.

Ortho: Riddle-san, you best not take your eyes off of me for one second on tomorrow’s stage.

Ortho: I’ll show you the finest “evolution” you’ll ever see!

(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3

SSR Ortho Shroud Fairy Gear Personal Story: Part 2

“The finest ‘evolution’”

(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)


???:Excuse me. May I have a moment?

Deuce/Ace: That voice is…

Deuce/Ace: Rosehearts-ryōchō!! / Riddle-ryōchō!!

Ace: What’s up? Ohhh, were you worried and came to check up on us?

Riddle: That’s right. The two of you didn’t return for dinner, so I brought food for you.

Ace: Eh, seriously!? Thanks!! Man, you’re always so thoughtful!

Riddle: Your attitude is really temperamental, as always, isn’t it?

Grim: Funyaaa!? I smell some food! Must be comin’ from that basket Riddle’s carrying. What’s inside!?

Grim: Sniff, sniff… There’s some open sandwiches, boiled eggs, cheese tarts and fruit. Not bad!

Epel: Grim-kun, you’re really energetic all of a sudden! Just until a second ago, you were just sprawled out sleeping on the floor~!

Grim: Stop it, Epel! Don’t grab me by the neck like that!

Jack: Riddle-ryōchō, I apologize for the fuss. Thank you very much for coming.


Riddle: …Oh, you were here too, Sebek?

Sebek: …Yes. That is, I heard from Silver that they were stuck, so I came to provide them encouragement.

Ortho: And after that, he provided many ideas and helped with tasks, so he’s been very supportive!

Riddle: Heh, that is a good attitude for him to have.

Riddle: There’s more people here than I thought… It was a good decision for me to bring extra. This way, everyone will be able to partake in the food.

Riddle: You should all take a break to eat.

Ace: Alright! Thank you very muuuuch!


Ortho:(Oh, it’s true… When I just did a quick vital scan, everyone’s parasympathetic nervous system has activated.)

Ortho:(Everyone really was needing to take a break. I didn’t even take into account their mental and physical fatigue.)

Epel: Hey, Ortho-kun, you should come over and rest with us too.

Ortho: Don’t worry about me. I’m an AI, so there’s no need for me to eat…

Ortho: And besides, I haven’t gathered enough data to overload the data processing capabilities in this gear, anyway.

Ortho: While everyone is resting, I’ll keep working on a few things.

Epel: Okay… Well, don’t work too hard.

Ortho: Ehehe, I’ll be fine. But thanks, Epel Felmier-san.


Grim: This cheese tart’s super amazing! I’ll nab the leftovers!

1: Grim, you were just sleeping through that whole thing, you know.

Grim: Nuh-huh! I also totally was walking down the runway all dashing-looking!

2: Save it for those who had been working hard.

Sebek: You understand properly, human. Which means this tart belongs to someone like me, who utilized both my brain and my muscles.

Jack: Not only have I been helping with these tasks, but I’ve also been practicing for the show. So I’m even hungrier than usual.

Jack: Besides, I’m not used to wearing high heels and being forced to walk and pose like this…

Riddle: I’m sure. You need to be able to grasp how to walk beautifully in heels. If you are trying to learn how in a short period of time, it’s no wonder you are struggling.

Riddle: However, from what little I was able to watch earlier, you seem to be getting the hang of it. You’ve all been working hard.

Ace: If you wanna praise someone for working hard, I’m the one who got everyone here together to work on this, you know.

Ace: Well, there’s also some people who just came on their own, though.

Deuce: Hey, don’t say that like you’re the only one doing stuff! We’re all working together to solve this situation.

Epel: Yeah. But the one who is working the hardest is…

Ortho: Hmm… Should I look over the drone’s tracking ability once more…?

Ortho: I’ll also adjust the automatic video streaming program as well. Also…

???:Do you have a moment?

Ortho: Riddle Rosehearts-san! What can I help you with?

Riddle: I heard from Ace and the others. So, you’ve been working by yourself to put together all of the equipment for the show, I see.

Riddle: You have a large quantity of machines here. If it were me, I’m sure I would be up all night reading through all of the basic operational manuals.

Riddle: Your skills are something to behold.

Ortho: Ehehe. I’m happy for the praise, but this is nothing.

Ortho: If I had more time to prepare, I could project these illusions all throughout campus, and not just be limited to inside the botanical gardens.

Riddle: All throughout campus? Really? That is amazing. I cannot fathom that at all.

Ortho: When you say things like that, it makes me want to show it off even more.

Ortho: It would be a little difficult to do right now, but… I’ll think up an illusion that will amaze you, Riddle-san, you can count on it.

Riddle: You’ve already amazed me enough.

Riddle: All of the first years gathered here have all been highly praising your abilities.

Ortho: All of them?

Riddle: Indeed. And they’re not only speaking of your skills, but also for the fact that you have been putting forth the greatest effort…

Ortho: I see… Everyone’s talking about me…

Ortho: Well, it’s only natural for me to do all I can. After all, this is a serious ordeal for the school.

Ortho: Ignihyde is basically a sauna, and because of that, the HP gauges of both my brother and the rest of my dormmates are all in the red…

Ortho: I’m sure everyone in the other dorms also have their hands full with their own unexpected issues as well, right?

Riddle: That’s true… The students in my dorm have also been taking turns to make sure our rose trees don’t wilt, and our animals don’t get sick.

Ortho: If I can solve all those problems, then I’ll basically be the hero of the school!

Ortho: And above all, Vil Schoenheit-san said that there was no other person that embodies the theme “evolution” other than me…

Ortho: When I got selected for a position like this, of course I couldn’t help but get excited.

Riddle: Unlike how Ace and Jack were reluctant when they were nominated for this position by their Dorm Leaders… Here you are, standing tall.

Ortho: …That’s because this is a first for me.


(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)

SSR Ortho Shroud Fairy Gear Personal Story: Part 1

“The finest ‘evolution’

Part 1 (Part 2) (Part 3)


Ortho: Yep, the adjustments for my body and the beacons are done. Now, all that’s left is…

Deuce: Ortho, we’ve set up the equipment like you asked.

Epel: Sorry to keep you waiting. We also got all the stuff you asked us to bring.

1: It was so heavy…
2: Is this all you need?

Ortho: Thank you! I was just thinking about moving on to the next step.

Deuce: What’s the next step?

Ortho: The projection mapping rehearsal!

Ortho: I wanted to make some final adjustments, so that I can raise the accuracy of the “illusion camouflage.”

Sebek: Yes, you can never be too careful… That is a good attitude to have.

Ace: Why are you the one who’s acting all proud here…?

Jack: Yeah, but this really is quite an incredible spectacle to see.

Jack: There’s a ton of lights, some cameras and monitors, and an enormous screen…

Epel: And finally, just as you asked, Ortho-kun, we collected as many colored clothes as we could from the guys in our dorms…

Grim: We ain’t got any idea what you want all this for, though.

Ortho: Ehehe. Well first, can I have you two, Ace Trappola-san and Jack Howl-san, change into these clothes?

Jack/Ace: Eh!? Is this…?

Ace: I thought we were going to be rehearsing for the fashion show… Why’re you makin’ us change into our P.E. uniform?

Jack: Seriously. 'Cause our outfits for the stage are super delicate, we have to be super careful taking it off, too, y'know…

Ortho: I’m sorry. In order to make the illusion a success, I want to test out many different patterns.

Ortho: Especially since we won’t know the color of the dress that the Fairy Queen will be wearing tomorrow.

Jack: The color of her dress? Is that related to the mission somehow?

Ortho: Of course it is! It’s not an exaggeration to say that it is the most important concern to succeed in this illusion.

Epel: R-really!? But, what do you mean by “the most important concern”?

Ortho: Ehehe. I think it’ll be faster if I showed you rather than explain.

Ortho: Everybody, watch the screen!

[screen turns on]

Epel: The image projected on the screen is… The Fairy Gala venue?

Deuce: It totally looks real. Not just the trees and flowers, but if you look closely, you can also see birds and butterflies flying around.

Jack: If I listen closely, I can even hear the birds chirping and their wings flapping… It’s like we’re really there.

Ortho: Don’t be too surprised just yet. We still have to perform the illusion.

Ace: …Oh. I think I know what you’re trying to do, Ortho.

Ortho: Really? Okay, then, I’ll ask you to stand in front of the screen, Ace-san.


Deuce: Seeing Ace in his P.E. uniform against the backdrop of the Fairy Gala venue… I gotta admit, it’s kinda surreal…

Ortho: Please keep your eyes on Ace-san. Here we go… 1, 2, 3!

[activates illusion program]

Deuce/Jack/Grim: ACE DISAPPEARED!?

Ace: Ooh, did it go well?

Sebek: …We can’t see Ace’s body, but I can hear his voice. What is going on!?

Sebek: …… Wait, AAAAAAAH!? It’s a m-monster… There’s a monster without an upper body strutting around!!

Ortho: Sebek Zigvolt-san. Thank you very much for the expected reaction. I’m pleased you’re surprised.

Ortho: Haah, it looks like it still needs a few adjustments. I’m going to turn off the light and videos off for a moment.

[turns off projection]

Ace: What’s wrong, Sebek? That’s such a miserable-looking face. Ah, let me guess… You were so frightened that your knees almost gave out?


Epel: I was surprised too… Hey, Ortho-kun. Can you explain what just happened?

Ortho: Yes, of course. Tomorrow, we will be performing an illusion that will make the Fairy Queen disappear.

Ortho: And just now, I activated the program assuming that the queen would be wearing the color red.

Ortho: That is why his top half with the red shirt was able to blend into the background, but…

Ortho: But all the other colors, like the black portions of the sportswear, didn’t really work well with Ace-san’s movements…

Sebek: How bizarre…! But if left like this, the whole venue will be in pandemonium!

Ortho: Yep. That’s why I want the program to instantly adapt to whatever color or material the dress is made out of.

Sebek: …I see. So that is the reason why you had us collect a plethora of different colored clothes.

Ortho: I’m glad you’re able to understand quickly.

Ortho: So, that’s why I was hoping I’d be able to enlist all your help with the preliminary testing and any remedial tasks. Can I ask that of you all?

1: Of course!
2: We’ll definitely succeed!


Ortho: Hmm… In order for it to look completely transparent, I think I want to decrease the latency of the projected image a little more…

Ortho: Ace-san, can you try walking at a speed of 2.78 kilometers per hour this time?

Ace: I don’t understand when you say “per hour” like that! You want me to go faster? Or slower?

Ace: But anyway, how about we take a break soon? I’m so tired from changing my clothes and moving around so much…

Jack: I agree. My eyes are hurting from staring at the monitor for so long…

1: Grim got bored and went to sleep already.
2: I’m kind of zoning out…

Ortho: We can’t take a break like this! The show is tomorrow…

Ace: Hmmm, yeah, but…

???:Excuse me. May I have a moment?

Part 1 (Part 2) (Part 3)

Requested by @girl-in-the-towerand@rotattooill.

SR Silver Gala Couture Voice Lines

Summon Line: Fairies and humans are alike in that each person has their individual personalities. At least, it was that way in Briar Valley.

Groooovy!!: I shall help the show be a success. That is my mission.

Home: I wonder if I look enough like a fairy.

Home Idle 1: Vil-senpai plaited my bangs up. It has opened my field of vision, so it should be very helpful in my training as well. I would like to learn how to set it later.

Home Idle 2: When Ortho saw me in this outfit, he said I looked like a prince from a fairy tale. Does that mean he believes I look like Malleus-sama?

Home Idle 3: Sebek warned me, saying that as one of Lilia-senpai’s disciples, I should not allow even a single stain on this white outfit. How like him to encourage me like that.

Home Idle - Login: We will definitely succeed in our mission. Only then will peace be restored to our campus.

Home Idle - Groovy: These decorative flowers on my shoulders and the top of my head are quite beautiful. …What is my favorite flower? I don’t particularly have one. Every flower has its own charm.

Home Tap 1: Although the outfit is extremely glamourous, it is quite easy to move around in. I’ve taken quite the liking to it, especially these boots. In case of emergency, I can use the heel as a weapon.

Home Tap 2: In order to protect everyone taking part in this mission, I must stay focused. I will make the most of my daily training.

Home Tap 3: Walking in order to specifically captivate others, hm… This is difficult. And here I thought I was proficient enough in physical movements.

Home Tap 4: Back in Briar Valley, fairies that have wings would often fly in tandem with each other. It seemed like so much fun, that when I was a child, I had wanted to be just like them.

Home Tap 5: …Hm? Oh, you prepared a towel for me. Perfect timing, I was sweating from practicing for the show. I thank you.

Home Tap - Groovy: Am I not nervous to perform before a large group? Why, is there some relation between one’s ability to perform and the number of people that are watching?

Requested by Anonymous.

SSR Deuce Spade Union Birthday Voice Lines

When Summoned: It’s super embarrassing to be the center of attention, but… this party’s for me. I’m going to enjoy it to the max!

Summon Line: I heard you helped out with the party prep, huh? Thanks! Make sure you enjoy yourself too, y'know!

Groooovy!!: This was a great day filled with a ton of food and laughter. So now, we all gotta work hard again starting from tomorrow!

Home: I totally look cool, right? …Nevermind.

Home Idle 1: I think Ace and Grim said they were going to show me some magic tricks. But both of them had this weird grin on their faces… I’ve got a bad feeling about this.

Home Idle 2: Rosehearts-ryōchō gave me an alarm clock. A consistent routine is the foundation of being an honor student. I’ll take good care of it.

Home Idle 3: Sebek recommended this reference book to me, but… it’s obviously a book for kids! That jerk…!

Home Idle - Login: My classmates, my club mates, and the guys in my dorm… With all these people to celebrate with, I’m the luckiest guy in the world!

Home Idle - Groovy: My roommates are trying to nab the cup ramen that Shroud-senpai gave me! Let me keep them here for a little bit!

Home Tap 1: My name is on a jacket from the prestigious Night Raven College… Absolutely perfect!

Home Tap 2: You want a few words from the birthday boy?! All of a sudden! Wait, uh… I’m gonna continue to strive towards being an honors student this year! I’ll keep it up from here on out too!

Home Tap 3: When I wear this kind of jacket, it reminds me of the days I’d go and ride my magical wheel on the mountain pass… Really makes me wanna go for a ride now.

Home Tap 4: Oh man. I had so much fun at the party that I couldn’t sleep, so now… I’m crazy sleepy…

Home Tap 5: …Sorry, say that again? My ears are still ringing from that large party popper going off.

Home Tap - Groovy: Hahah! I’m completely covered in cream. Ah, don’t get any closer, okay? You’ll get dirty too.

[DEUCE]: Shroud-senpai, thanks for the birthday wishes!
[IDIA]: Deuce-shi, happy b-day.

Birthday Login Message: I can’t believe you’re here to wish me a happy birthday… Today’s such an amazing day. …Oh, shoot. I definitely have some kind of weird look on my face right now, don’t I? Sorry, I just got so happy I couldn’t help this wide grin. Anyway, thanks so much, Prefect! I’ll make sure to keep doing my best to be someone deserving of your celebrations!

SSR Ortho Shroud Fairy Gear Voice Lines

When Summoned: I’m going to show you my specially-made gear now. Don’t take your eyes off of me, okay?

Summon Line: It’s kind of thrilling to be in disguise and sneak in somewhere. I’ll definitely make sure we succeed in our mission!

Groooovy!: I’ll display my very best illusions now! Here I go… 1, 2, 3!

Home: Ehe, don’t I look amazing?

Home Idle 1: They say that the key to improving one’s design sense is to get constant feedback. Hey, do you want to hang out with me sometime soon?

Home Idle 2: There isn’t that much data available when it comes to fairies. Since we’re getting this opportunity, I want to collect as much information as possible.

Home Idle 3: If you want to know more about flowers or butterflies, you can ask me. I can give you more detailed information than any regular old reference book.

Home Idle - Login: Retrofit complete. The fairy imitation attachment “Fairy Gear” will be activated.

Home Idle - Groovy: Do you like this design? I have some spares of these flower parts, so you can match with me if you want!

Home Tap 1: Riddle-san really does know all of the Queen of Hearts’ laws by heart, doesn’t he? Heh, maybe he has a memory card installed.

Home Tap 2: When I handed Grim-san a flower, he immediately ate it. All I wanted was him to say it was pretty…

Home Tap 3: This gear has a function to release fragrances. That’s because I heard from Jack-san that scent is also necessary for a perfect imitation.

Home Tap 4: It’s a nice change of pace to create a Gear outfit based on appearances rather than practicality. Ehe, maybe this is where my sense of fashion awakens!

Home Tap 5: Of course, these wings can’t actually help me fly. But, if I link my flight system to match the movements of the wings, then I can make it look like it does!

Home Tap - Groovy: All these things I’ve experienced here, like chatting with friends, or working together to accomplish a goal… Is this what the “springtime of youth” is all about?

[ORTHO]: They’re not a match for us, Silver-san!
[SILVER]: I hardly recognized you, Ortho.

Requested by @girl-in-the-tower.

SR Ace Trappola Gala Couture Voice Lines

Summon Line: Auuuugh, dude, I’m totally nervous here! Why’d we have to deal with all these selfish faries?

Groooovy!!: Alright, ladies and gentlemen! Don’t blink or you’ll miss it. Make sure you watch until the end!

Home: You better say this looks good on me.

Home Idle 1: These sleeves aren’t really good for magic tricks ‘cause I can’t hide anything in them. Eh, guess it’s alright 'cause I won’t be using any of my tricks in this show.

Home Idle 2: I kinda thought the all-white outfits would be pretty boring. Maybe it’s 'cause of the embroidery and the accessories, but it kinda actually looks good.

Home Idle 3: A little bit ago, a wild butterfly was hovering around my flower crown. Maybe it thought the fake butterflies were its friends?

Home Idle - Login:I’ll get this mess all sorted in a flash. You can totally count on my help!

Home Idle - Groovy: Whaddya think, how do I look in my outfit? …Hey you, stop laughing through your praise!

Home Tap 1: I wonder if they’re gonna be serving some food during the festivities? Oh, nah, I was just curious what kind of food those palm-sized fairies eat.

Home Tap 2: I’ve practiced magic tricks with my dad and older brother since I was little, so I’m pretty confident with my skills~

Home Tap 3: At breakfast, I used sleight of hand magic to make Deuce’s egg disappear. He was freaking out so much, it was hilarious!

Home Tap 4: I heard that Silver-senpai has a tendency to nod off abruptly. …He definitely wouldn’t fall asleep in the middle of our mission, right?

Home Tap 5: Oh yeah, yeah! Crewel-sensei’s little personal touches are all over this outfit, even down to the little feathers embroidered onto the back!

Home Tap - Groovy: You wanna help? Then go ahead and massage my shoulders as a reward for all my hard work. 'Kay, keep going for 30 minutes now―

Requested by @girl-in-the-tower.

R Jack Howl Gala Couture Voice Lines

Summon Line: I don’t think this kind of glitzy show really suits me… But this is all so we can restore peace on campus. I’ll just have to do it!

Groooovy!!: I’ll show you the special trick up my sleeve. Don’t you dare look away!

Home: I’ll definitely succeed in our mission!

Home Idle 1: Ah―Achoo! Ugh, my nose really can’t deal with the perfume that was sprayed on me earlier…

Home Idle 2: Once when we were younger, my sister begged me to make her a flower crown, but it was done so terribly that she ended up crying… Since then, I’ve been really aware of just how much I can’t do small, detailed work.

Home Idle 3: I want figure out the secrets behind Ace’s magic tricks, but he’s too good that I can’t see through it. Grr…

Home Idle - Login: A fairy gala, huh… It’s a troublesome mission, but since it was entrusted to me, I’ll make sure it’s carried out perfectly.

Home Tap 1: Those fairies with wings sure are fast. I want to see who’s faster; my flight skills or theirs!

Home Tap 2: Urgh… Crap! The heels on these shoes are so high that it’s hard to keep my balance. It’s hard enough just to stand up straight!

Home Tap 3: I heard from Epel… Apparently everyone in his dorm get special lessons on how to walk properly. Poor guys…

Home Tap 4: Neat, when the sleeves are rolled back, there’s a different pattern on the insides. That’s super stylish.

Home Tap 5: Hm? What’s this book I’m reading? It’s a book on magic tricks. I-I’m just reading ‘cause it was laying around! It’s not like I want to try it myself.

Requested by Anonymous.

Episode 6-86 Rhythmic Story



Ace: It’s got a bit of a retro feel, but the start screen looks pretty neat!

Ortho: Right? It might be a ten-year-old game, but even now, it’s still…

Ortho:Eh? Nii-san, your heartrate has been exceeding 90 beats per minute…

Ortho:Are you nervous, maybe?

Idia:W-Why wouldn’t I be!?

Idia: I-I’ve never had to play this with so many people watching before!

Vil:At this rate, will you really be able to clear this game without messing up, Idia?

Vil:If you want to back out, now is the time.

Idia: I can beat a game like this even with my eyes closed!

Idia:Just watch!



Epel: The foe’s been shooting a ton of shots from the moment you started!?

Vil:Yet Idia has been reacting quite smoothly to all of the enemy’s attacks.

Vil:Well done.


Ortho:Look, Nii-san. Vil Schoenheit-san praised you!

Idia:Oh, no, no, this isn’t anything to be shocked about~

Idia:The first few stages of this meteor mode isn’t even that hard. The real fun is still to come!



Kalim:There’s so many enemies shooting at us all of a sudden!

Kalim:A-Are you gonna be okay!?

Deuce:Uwaaah! Idia-senpai, you gotta avoid them!!

Idia: You guys in the peanut gallery are so noisy, it’s hard to concentrate, y'know!?


Ortho:You say that, but you’re still handling the controls really easily.

Ortho:Now, it’s going to get more difficult from here.

Ortho: Everyone, keep watching just how cool my brother is!


Ortho:Finally it’s the boss battle. The enemy’s attacks are going to get even more difficult.

Ortho:But it’ll be a piece of cake for my brother!

Jamil: I can’t believe you really came this far without making any mistakes…

Jamil: …That’s amazing.

Rook: The way you continue to press forward without faltering despite the onslaught of obstacles…

Rook:It’s marvelous!!

Rook:Your game skills are truly spectacular, Idia-kun!


Idia: Maybe it’s not that I’m too good, but it’s that they suck~?

Ortho:So you say, but you look really happy to hear all that.

Ortho:Everyone, please praise him more!


Ace: Woah~ Finally all that’s left is to beat the final boss.

Ace: …But hey, Idia-senpai! There’s an enemy on the right! Watch out!

Idia:Yeah, yeah, Ace-shi, sure.

Idia:You think you can mess me up with a cheap lie like that?

Idia:It’s useless!

Idia:A little trick like that won’t work on me!

Grim:You’re gonna look super lame if you end up losing after acting all cool like that, yanno.

Idia:Urgh… Harsh, Grim-shi.

Idia: Don’t be putting out that kind of death flag into the ‘verse.

Ortho:You’ll totally be fine, Nii-san!

Ortho: Come on, don’t get discouraged, focus on the screen.

Ortho: The final fight is about to begin!

Episode 5-16 Rhythmic Story


Rook: I’m so elated that you all made it to this audition. Merci!

Ace: We’re definitely not gonna let you call us pathetic or ugly like you did before.

Vil:What a talkative potato. If you wish for my approval, then show me what you can do.

Rook:Et ç'est parti! Show us all of your potential!


Rook:Hm. You all are still only little cygnets who have only begun to learn how to flap their wings.

Rook:But those wavering first steps of yours are absolutely adorable! Beauté! 100 points!

Vil:Good grief… You cannot help but praise every little thing.

Deuce:100 points!? S-Sounds like we’ll get a high score…!

Ace: I don’t think it’ll be that easy. Don’t let your guard down and mess up.


Rook:Oh, yes. Not bad at all. However…

Rook:Monsieur Heart. You seem to have lost your balance and stumbled there on the last step.

Ace:Eeh, how could you tell? I thought I bluffed that pretty good and everything~

Rook:My good vision is one of my virtues. I can see every little thing each of you do.

Rook:So don’t hold anything back, alright? Let’s continue with the audition!


Grim:Howzzat~?! I danced it all perfectly!

Vil:Are you finally finished? If so, please leave the room quickly.

Ace:What, you don’t got any feedback for us?

Deuce: E-Excuse us!

Rook:Their dance exudes a sense of desperation. Just as Vil says, they are still very tarnished and rough.



Grim:Fungyaa!! Ace! You stepped on my beautiful tail!!

Ace:That’s ‘cause you swerved into me!

Deuce: H-Hey! This isn’t the time to be arguing! Hurry and get back to dancing!!

Vil:Sigh… Why did they even come here, anyway…?

Rook:Still, how fascinating it is that they are able to stay true to themselves even when in the spotlight like this. Fufufu…

Episode 5-11 Rhythmic Episode


Jamil:Alright, show me just how much your dancing has improved.

Jamil:Try to dance along with me and Kalim as best as you can.

Ace:Hey, Deuce. Don’t mess up today, ‘kay?

Deuce:Obviously. Now that they showed me the ropes, I totally got this down!

Kalim:Hey, Deuce, you’re all tense again. Just relax and let’s have some fun!


Kalim: Woah! You guys have really improved, haven’t you? Awesome!

Kalim:Oh yeah, what if you tried this kind of choreography too?

Deuce: W-wow! How did you do that movement just now!?

Kalim:You gotta go BAM! on the ground with your hands and then throw your legs up like WHAM! Super easy, right?

Ace:I’m not gonna get it if you’re just gonna explain like that…


Ace:Hey, wait? Kalim-senpai. That movement right there, isn’t that from a later part of the dance?

Kalim: Oops, my bad!

Kalim: Whenever I get into it, I can’t help getting too far ahead in the song. Ahaha!

Grim: Man, he’s always such a carefree guy…

Jamil: Seriously… How does it help if the one teaching makes the mistakes…?


Grim:Yay! I got the final pose down perfectly too!

Deuce:Viper-senpai… H-How was that?

Jamil:Well, let’s see, I suppose you did well, considering you were able to dance with the rhythm.

Jamil:You did fairly well in this short period of time. Well done.

Kalim:Oooh! See, you guys can do it. Great job!


Deuce: Haah, haah… Viper-senpai, how was our dancing?

Jamil:Your steps are still a little too sloppy.

Kalim: But hey, at least they’ve gotten to the point where they can keep dancing without stopping, right? Don’t sweat the details so much!

Jamil: I suppose… I guess we could say their dancing is just passable.

Jamil: For the present, not bad on learning this much, at least. Well done.

Episode 5-8 Rhythmic Story


Ace: ‘Kay. Guess we should try dancing the assigned song.

Ace: Grim, I bet you don’t have any dancing experience, you even know how?

Grim: Heheh. I’ll show you my fancy hind-leg footwork!

Deuce: I-I’ve been preparing for this, but I wonder if i can actually do it…

Deuce:Oh hey, Prefect, keep time for us by clapping along, please!


Ace:Nice, it’s all easy peasy so far ♪

Deuce: I gotta stick out my right hand and take a step back… Wait, which leg do I step back with again?

Grim: Funya, we gotta do a peace sign here? I can’t do that with my front paws…

Ace:Heh. C'mon, guys, we haven’t even gotten to the hard stuff yet. What’re y'all even doing?

Deuce: Grr… Just watch, I’ll get it right soon!


Grim: Ace~ You stuck out the wrong hand there~

Ace: Shut up already. I don’t want to hear that from someone who can’t even dance a single part of the song at all.

Grim:Whaddusay!? I’m doing my best to practice, yanno!

Deuce:Seriously, guys… How are you so energetic enough to keep fighting even during all this?

Deuce:C'mon, let’s get back to practice. Prefect, continue playing the song for us, please.


Deuce:Urk… I can’t figure out these complicated steps at all…

Grim:Ace, what do I gotta do to dance better~?

Ace: If you beg me and say, “Ace-sama, please teach me,” maybe I’ll think about helping you out.

Grim: Funyaaa! You’re being so annoying, just cause you can dance a bit!

Deuce:Just watch…! I’ll get good enough at dancing that I won’t need to rely on your help!


Ace:Dammit, I messed up! This choreography is harder than I thought…

Grim: Deuce! You stepped on my tail during that last set!

Deuce: S-sorry. I can’t watch my feet at all…

Grim: Urrh, my tail still hurts, yanno…

Deuce:Urk, I never realized how hard dancing really was…!

R Ortho Shroud College Gear Voice Lines

Summon Line: I’m Ortho Shroud of Ignihyde. Fufu, I look forward to being your classmate from here on out.

Groooovy!!: I really can’t wait to finally enjoy school life as a student of Night Raven College.

Home: I’m going to do my best today, too!

Home Idle 1: Getting scolded for speaking out of turn, or falling asleep in class… Those are pretty standard events in games and anime, so I want to give it a shot too!

Home Idle 2: When I’m talking to others at school, I’m able to gather information that I wouldn’t be able to find on the internet. For example… super exciting rumors about people!

Home Idle 3: I have compiled all the data from the books I need to use to write my report, but… It’s actually pretty hard to put all this into my own words.

Home Idle - Login: Retrofit Complete. Proceeding with the advanced learning attachment… Just kidding~ Let’s have another great day today!

Home Tap 1: Studying is really fun. There’s really a different level of excitement from taking class rather than just receiving data.

Home Tap 2: Ah, if you’re heading to your next class, let’s go together! Did you finish your homework? …I always wanted to say those things. Heheh!

Home Tap 3: My brother made this body to resemble the school uniform. If only he’d wear the uniform jacket properly, too…

Home Tap 4: I’ve always wanted to go to school. One of my childhood dreams finally came true!

Home Tap 5: Are you inviting me to lunch? Of course I want to! I can tell you the rankings of all the popular dishes in the cafeteria later.
