#mention vil


SSR Ortho Shroud Fairy Gear Personal Story: Part 2

“The finest ‘evolution’”

(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)


???:Excuse me. May I have a moment?

Deuce/Ace: That voice is…

Deuce/Ace: Rosehearts-ryōchō!! / Riddle-ryōchō!!

Ace: What’s up? Ohhh, were you worried and came to check up on us?

Riddle: That’s right. The two of you didn’t return for dinner, so I brought food for you.

Ace: Eh, seriously!? Thanks!! Man, you’re always so thoughtful!

Riddle: Your attitude is really temperamental, as always, isn’t it?

Grim: Funyaaa!? I smell some food! Must be comin’ from that basket Riddle’s carrying. What’s inside!?

Grim: Sniff, sniff… There’s some open sandwiches, boiled eggs, cheese tarts and fruit. Not bad!

Epel: Grim-kun, you’re really energetic all of a sudden! Just until a second ago, you were just sprawled out sleeping on the floor~!

Grim: Stop it, Epel! Don’t grab me by the neck like that!

Jack: Riddle-ryōchō, I apologize for the fuss. Thank you very much for coming.


Riddle: …Oh, you were here too, Sebek?

Sebek: …Yes. That is, I heard from Silver that they were stuck, so I came to provide them encouragement.

Ortho: And after that, he provided many ideas and helped with tasks, so he’s been very supportive!

Riddle: Heh, that is a good attitude for him to have.

Riddle: There’s more people here than I thought… It was a good decision for me to bring extra. This way, everyone will be able to partake in the food.

Riddle: You should all take a break to eat.

Ace: Alright! Thank you very muuuuch!


Ortho:(Oh, it’s true… When I just did a quick vital scan, everyone’s parasympathetic nervous system has activated.)

Ortho:(Everyone really was needing to take a break. I didn’t even take into account their mental and physical fatigue.)

Epel: Hey, Ortho-kun, you should come over and rest with us too.

Ortho: Don’t worry about me. I’m an AI, so there’s no need for me to eat…

Ortho: And besides, I haven’t gathered enough data to overload the data processing capabilities in this gear, anyway.

Ortho: While everyone is resting, I’ll keep working on a few things.

Epel: Okay… Well, don’t work too hard.

Ortho: Ehehe, I’ll be fine. But thanks, Epel Felmier-san.


Grim: This cheese tart’s super amazing! I’ll nab the leftovers!

1: Grim, you were just sleeping through that whole thing, you know.

Grim: Nuh-huh! I also totally was walking down the runway all dashing-looking!

2: Save it for those who had been working hard.

Sebek: You understand properly, human. Which means this tart belongs to someone like me, who utilized both my brain and my muscles.

Jack: Not only have I been helping with these tasks, but I’ve also been practicing for the show. So I’m even hungrier than usual.

Jack: Besides, I’m not used to wearing high heels and being forced to walk and pose like this…

Riddle: I’m sure. You need to be able to grasp how to walk beautifully in heels. If you are trying to learn how in a short period of time, it’s no wonder you are struggling.

Riddle: However, from what little I was able to watch earlier, you seem to be getting the hang of it. You’ve all been working hard.

Ace: If you wanna praise someone for working hard, I’m the one who got everyone here together to work on this, you know.

Ace: Well, there’s also some people who just came on their own, though.

Deuce: Hey, don’t say that like you’re the only one doing stuff! We’re all working together to solve this situation.

Epel: Yeah. But the one who is working the hardest is…

Ortho: Hmm… Should I look over the drone’s tracking ability once more…?

Ortho: I’ll also adjust the automatic video streaming program as well. Also…

???:Do you have a moment?

Ortho: Riddle Rosehearts-san! What can I help you with?

Riddle: I heard from Ace and the others. So, you’ve been working by yourself to put together all of the equipment for the show, I see.

Riddle: You have a large quantity of machines here. If it were me, I’m sure I would be up all night reading through all of the basic operational manuals.

Riddle: Your skills are something to behold.

Ortho: Ehehe. I’m happy for the praise, but this is nothing.

Ortho: If I had more time to prepare, I could project these illusions all throughout campus, and not just be limited to inside the botanical gardens.

Riddle: All throughout campus? Really? That is amazing. I cannot fathom that at all.

Ortho: When you say things like that, it makes me want to show it off even more.

Ortho: It would be a little difficult to do right now, but… I’ll think up an illusion that will amaze you, Riddle-san, you can count on it.

Riddle: You’ve already amazed me enough.

Riddle: All of the first years gathered here have all been highly praising your abilities.

Ortho: All of them?

Riddle: Indeed. And they’re not only speaking of your skills, but also for the fact that you have been putting forth the greatest effort…

Ortho: I see… Everyone’s talking about me…

Ortho: Well, it’s only natural for me to do all I can. After all, this is a serious ordeal for the school.

Ortho: Ignihyde is basically a sauna, and because of that, the HP gauges of both my brother and the rest of my dormmates are all in the red…

Ortho: I’m sure everyone in the other dorms also have their hands full with their own unexpected issues as well, right?

Riddle: That’s true… The students in my dorm have also been taking turns to make sure our rose trees don’t wilt, and our animals don’t get sick.

Ortho: If I can solve all those problems, then I’ll basically be the hero of the school!

Ortho: And above all, Vil Schoenheit-san said that there was no other person that embodies the theme “evolution” other than me…

Ortho: When I got selected for a position like this, of course I couldn’t help but get excited.

Riddle: Unlike how Ace and Jack were reluctant when they were nominated for this position by their Dorm Leaders… Here you are, standing tall.

Ortho: …That’s because this is a first for me.


(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)

SR Silver Gala Couture Voice Lines

Summon Line: Fairies and humans are alike in that each person has their individual personalities. At least, it was that way in Briar Valley.

Groooovy!!: I shall help the show be a success. That is my mission.

Home: I wonder if I look enough like a fairy.

Home Idle 1: Vil-senpai plaited my bangs up. It has opened my field of vision, so it should be very helpful in my training as well. I would like to learn how to set it later.

Home Idle 2: When Ortho saw me in this outfit, he said I looked like a prince from a fairy tale. Does that mean he believes I look like Malleus-sama?

Home Idle 3: Sebek warned me, saying that as one of Lilia-senpai’s disciples, I should not allow even a single stain on this white outfit. How like him to encourage me like that.

Home Idle - Login: We will definitely succeed in our mission. Only then will peace be restored to our campus.

Home Idle - Groovy: These decorative flowers on my shoulders and the top of my head are quite beautiful. …What is my favorite flower? I don’t particularly have one. Every flower has its own charm.

Home Tap 1: Although the outfit is extremely glamourous, it is quite easy to move around in. I’ve taken quite the liking to it, especially these boots. In case of emergency, I can use the heel as a weapon.

Home Tap 2: In order to protect everyone taking part in this mission, I must stay focused. I will make the most of my daily training.

Home Tap 3: Walking in order to specifically captivate others, hm… This is difficult. And here I thought I was proficient enough in physical movements.

Home Tap 4: Back in Briar Valley, fairies that have wings would often fly in tandem with each other. It seemed like so much fun, that when I was a child, I had wanted to be just like them.

Home Tap 5: …Hm? Oh, you prepared a towel for me. Perfect timing, I was sweating from practicing for the show. I thank you.

Home Tap - Groovy: Am I not nervous to perform before a large group? Why, is there some relation between one’s ability to perform and the number of people that are watching?

Requested by Anonymous.
