

so it’s samhain/halloween and i’m drunk so i would like to take a moment and say i love girls. thank you for you attention, have a great night/day or whatever

hi. i want to post a quick explanation why i’ve been gone. feel free to ignore this.

hi, everyone. i know i disappeared for a while, i had really bad health issues. i don’t want to get in too much details about it, it was just… bad. but i’m a little better now and i hope i’ll post something this or next week.

also i’m sorry to my mutuals for not for keeping up with all your posts, i will try to be better about this.

and last thing - hello to all my new followers! sorry that this is the first post you seeing from me since i was gone, but don’t worry. i’m actually close to reaching another milestone, so i will make a gift for you all!

so yeah, that’s all. i’m sorry if i’m being a disappointment.






fuck ea i want werewolves

i want a color wheel

I want a chemistry/attraction system.

i want more pronouns

I want swimmable lakes and oceans like they promised. I want better and realistic relationship. I want bands. I want my game to be more challenging and difficult. I want apply all to clothes categories. I want slow dances and seasonal festivals. I want my sims stop glitching every 2.1 seconds. I want-
