#mercury pluto



Pluto Aspects: The first things people notice about you

Pluto makes everything it touches very prominent. This post is mostly about hard aspects like the conjunction, opposition and squares but people with the trines and sextiles might relate too. These are my personal observations and not facts.


Your strength, how dominant you are. Your drive and determination. People notice that you wont give up or back down. People notice that you are competetive and wants to be the best. People notice your ego, they notice your confidence or lack of confidence.


People notice your intensity and sensitivity. People notice your feminine attributes like breasts and backside. They notice your issues with your own femininity. People quickly notice that your relationship with your mother was complicated. People notice how manipulative and calculating you are.


Your voice, how perceptive and analytical you are. People notice small details on your face since mercury rules details. People notice how hard it is to lie to you. People notice your lips.


Your physical appearance. People notice how the opposite sex responds to you. People notice your relationship with money. People notice your sexappeal. People notice how possessive and jealous you are.


People notice your extreme ambition. People notice how competetive you are. People notice your relationship to men. People notice your muscles and body shape. People notice the way you walk. People quickly understand that they better not get in your way. People notice your masculine attributes.


People notice your obvious power and influence over other people. People notice how sneaky you can be. People notice how private you are. People notice how other people look up to you. People notice how everyone in the room change when you walk in. People notice how careful others are around you.


People notice your fame and prominence in society. They notice how powerful and important you are. People notice how everyone knows who you are. People notice how you are not someone to mess with. People notice your sex appeal. People notice what a top dog you are.


© 2022 Zeldas Notes






mercury-saturn, mercury-pluto aspects people are not for the weak lmao we could literally be at rock bottom but would still joke about it like “lmao it do be funny,no?”

if your mercury dominant/mercury aspecting saturn or pluto friends are being extra sarcastic today make sure to check in on them LOLLLLL *laughs in mercury dominant*

I THOUGHT THATS NORMAL???? Am a mercury first houser and dominant also conjuncts pluto ‍♀️ ‍♀️

no its not bbygurl thats a coping mechanism

Uhmm. I feel called out.

I also want to say that people with these placements need to watch out for those who will question whether or not you went through a certain traumatic experience because it doesn’t fit their narrative of how a person who went through that/is going through that, will react to it. Esp if you have sag placements too, on chiron/mars/pluto along with the placements mentioned above.

!! this is v true!!

everyone copes w trauma differently and theres no “set” way to feel. if you don’t follow the normals, its okay, your feelings and experiences are still uniquely yours and it is true and validated.

mercury as a 2nd dom, mercury-saturn and mercury-pluto and I feel EXPOSED girl

this is v true!!!!

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