#moon pluto



Pluto Aspects: The first things people notice about you

Pluto makes everything it touches very prominent. This post is mostly about hard aspects like the conjunction, opposition and squares but people with the trines and sextiles might relate too. These are my personal observations and not facts.


Your strength, how dominant you are. Your drive and determination. People notice that you wont give up or back down. People notice that you are competetive and wants to be the best. People notice your ego, they notice your confidence or lack of confidence.


People notice your intensity and sensitivity. People notice your feminine attributes like breasts and backside. They notice your issues with your own femininity. People quickly notice that your relationship with your mother was complicated. People notice how manipulative and calculating you are.


Your voice, how perceptive and analytical you are. People notice small details on your face since mercury rules details. People notice how hard it is to lie to you. People notice your lips.


Your physical appearance. People notice how the opposite sex responds to you. People notice your relationship with money. People notice your sexappeal. People notice how possessive and jealous you are.


People notice your extreme ambition. People notice how competetive you are. People notice your relationship to men. People notice your muscles and body shape. People notice the way you walk. People quickly understand that they better not get in your way. People notice your masculine attributes.


People notice your obvious power and influence over other people. People notice how sneaky you can be. People notice how private you are. People notice how other people look up to you. People notice how everyone in the room change when you walk in. People notice how careful others are around you.


People notice your fame and prominence in society. They notice how powerful and important you are. People notice how everyone knows who you are. People notice how you are not someone to mess with. People notice your sex appeal. People notice what a top dog you are.


© 2022 Zeldas Notes


*looking at this iconic queen’s birth chart because I feel like it. do not plagiarize my writing or repost on any other forms of social media under any circumstances.*

Mariska is an Aquarius Sun, Taurus Moon, and Capricorn Rising. As I’ve indicated in previous posts, Liz Greene emphasizes the significance of cultivating your rising traits in order to live your life in the most authentic manner (sun). Mariska has had to embrace ambitious, respectful, and disciplined energy (Capricorn) in order to effectively embody her Aquarius sun attributes, such as being an innovator, rebel, and humanitarian. Since she has been acting for decades, the public can witness this energy at work.

Her role as detective Olivia Benson inspired her to start the Joyful Heart Foundation, which provides assistance to sexually abused women. This is a fantastic example of how Saturn rewards effort in such diverse ways when viewed from the perspective of Aquarius vs Capricorn. In this instance, her hard work and dedication earned her financial reward and also national praise and awards (Capricorn), but it also enabled her to connect, inspire, and mobilize the collective as she tries to relieve the suffering and maintain the dignity of those in need (aqua). I’m sure both aspects/sides of these rewards are emotionally fulfilling.

Since she is a Capricorn Rising, her chart ruler is her Aquarius Saturn at 22 degrees (Capricorn) in the 1st house. Since her chart ruler is in the first house, her actions and manifestations are oriented around herself, her perceptions of her identity, and how she views the world. The 22nd degree in the 1st house rules our early environment. Undeniably, she has received a great deal of attention from the public ever since she was a young child. Her early experiences have, if anything, shaped her into the person she is today. As cliché as it may sound, her chart ruler in the first house indicates that her mission in this life was to just be herself and be able to respond to the stimuli and responses of others around her.

Aqua at 22 degrees in Janduz’s interpretation of the 360 symbolic degrees symbolizes “A diligent, attentive, and observant personality. Teamwork is more beneficial than individual effort, and mutual assistance is a significant advantage.” The 22nd degree is sometimes referred to as the “kill or be killed” degree. And at just 3 years old, Mariska was fortunate to survive a car accident that ripped the entire roof off the car and killed all the adults inside. However, I do not believe we should fear-monger when it comes to this degree. This degree had unique value for Nikola Stojanovic, and while it is not in the lightest sense, it is still powerful. Mariska has had to overcome difficulty in many other aspects of her life, neither surrendering to it or allowing it to beat her, slaying her anxieties and worries. Death is a concept that extends beyond the physical realm. Death is a transformation. And you may go through transformations dozens of times over your lifetime. Only to return and re-invent yourself as something new. If you have the 22nd degree then you have the ability to continually reimagine who you are.

Our moon sign indicates how we self-soothe or how we require our comforts to be addressed. It can also represent the emotional energy we must exude in order to feel secure and stable enough to be productive. Mariska has a Taurus Moon at 20 degrees (a Scorpio degree) in the 4th house. Taurus moons require a great deal of sensory stimulation. They value consistency and might be creatures of habit when it comes to the things that make them happy or comfortable, whether it’s a favorite blanket or food. Her moon in the 4th house emphasizes the importance of having a sanctuary, and she may treasure her privacy in the way she has designed and set up her home and room. Beyond these sensory sensations and indulgences of the Taurus Moon, the Scorpio degree adds extra intensity and a demand for solitude to the equation. Her self-care would necessitate a secure environment to process and release these intense emotions. Additionally, it must be done in a manner that respects her privacy and tranquility.

However, when it comes to intense Plutonian and Martian energy, Mariska is no stranger to dealing with that. Like I stated, Mariska’s mother, Jayne Mansfield, an American actress, was in a car accident that instantly killed her, her boyfriend, and the driver. Mariska also has a Jupiter in Aries in the 3rd house. Asleep in the back of the vehicle, Mariska, then three-and-a-half years old, was left with a zigzag scar (Aries) on one side of her head. Her brothers (3h) also escaped (Jupiter) with minor injuries. It was a miracle they made it out alive. They got lucky. In addition, Mariska’s Taurus moon (the mother) is trine her Virgo Pluto (transformation) in the 8th house (death). She has a 4h moon opposite a 10h Neptune placement. And she’s stated that it always bothered and confused (Neptune) her growing up how she’s always been compared to her mom (moon), especially in regards to her career (10h). I bet that at one point in time, this had left Mariska incredibly confused about her identity, roots, and values (4h) and how exactly she was supposed to present herself (10h Neptune).

But anyway, back to her pluto energy! In an interview, Mariska stated, “I think I learned about crisis very young, and I learned very young that shit happens, and there are no guarantees, and we keep going. And that then we transform it. That’s my superpower.” WHEW. She literally said she transforms it in true Plutonian nature. And without a doubt, she meant every word. She has Uranus-Pluto conjunction in the 8th house, so all her life, she’s has to deal with very sudden and unexpected situations (Uranus) that have entirely flipped her life upside down and acted as catalysts for intense transformation (pluto), especially in regards to the way she merges with others and views the darker aspects of the human psyche. Mariska also has a Scorpio MC, pluto opposite Chiron, pluto trine ascendant, pluto sextile north node, mercury trine pluto, and venus opposite pluto.

I feel this is also why she was such an incredible actress on Law and Order. Every episode consists of violent and horrific crimes for which the audience must accept that victims do not always receive the justice they deserve. And where one must admit that there are horrible, brutal, and cruel people in the world who have no regard for human life. Mariska was nonetheless… (I don’t want to say “strong enough” since I’m not too fond of the statement that those with Pluto placements can endure pain without feeling it, which is not true). She was, however, familiar with this sensation of loss, complex emotions, and critical analysis. It had been something she has had to grapple with her whole life, so I bet that being Olivia Benson has been one of the most meaningful experiences of her life.

Mariska’s Cancer North Node also happens to be in the sixth house. With her Capricorn South Node in the twelfth house, she may have spent a previous life focusing on being an introvert, researching the subconscious and spirituality, and uncovering the innermost depths of her thoughts and fears. In this life, however, that energy is intended to be palpable and expressed in the physical and material realm (6h). But in the ways that most emotionally fulfill her the most (cancer). This energy is reflected in how she serves others (6h), particularly those linked with feminine energy, such as women and children (cancer). And how she has supported the most vulnerable (cancer) members of our society, both on and off-screen, as part of her job (6h). But, again, the south node energy doesn’t just vanish. So her perceptive (12h) and disciplined and determined energy (Capricorn) undoubtedly contributed to her nurturing the types of experiences that she needed to cultivate to work with her karma and learn the lessons that were meant for her this lifetime (that south node-north node axis).

These were just some of the aspects and placements that stood out to me as I looked at her chart. I could go on and on regarding many other placements she has, but I’ll stop here. She’s a super badass lady. I think she’s great.

-rxmxa ✨

How it feels when you have:

pluto-ascendant aspects, pluto in the 10th house, pluto in the 1st house, Scorpio rising, Scorpio moon, pluto- sun aspects, pluto-moon aspects, pluto-venus aspects, 8th house placements (especially moon, sun and Venus).

these individuals give off, “you can never kill me. I will never fall” energy. ⚔️

Attempts made against them to destroy or harm them ultimately fail. It will simply replenish them over time. They are ultimately compensated for their pain. They have an overwhelming need to climb up to the top, whether they’re covered in sweat or their hearts ache from the journey. even after being shunned, defamed and slandered by the public they will not crumble. similar to the way a snake sheds its skin, they become new over and over again. and it’s glorious to watch them. To change, some people require a catalyst.. someone to guide them through it. But these individuals don’t need anything at all. Off willpower alone they transform.

Often times, they are not even aware of just how powerful they are believe it or not. They could stare at their peers in confusion, wondering, why are they looking at me like that? I had to get back up. I didn’t have a choice. And in many ways it can feel like they didn’t for them. They can’t remember a period when they didn’t experience some sort of upheaval in their lives.

There could have been weeks or even years where they lived in survival mode. After spending so much time in the shadows, they don’t even understand how dazzling and beautiful they are until they emerge from them. When they walk into their full power and not only recognize it but also comprehend how to utilize it in the healthiest and most successful manner, get out of their way. Or you will be brought to your knees by their success.

