#merlin headcanons


Lancelot being in love with Arthur’s sibling would include headcanons

anon said: Hii, I would love to read love - lancelot (merlin) love your blog

A/N: hii love!! OMG A LANCE REQUEST I’M SKKSKSKS thank you so much for this, I hope you like the outcome



  • Honestly, Lancelot tried to blame himself for how he felt when he was near you
  • But how could he, when you were such an incredible person? How wasn’t everyone in love with you?
  • His heart beated faster when you laughed, when you smiled, when you so much as greated him at the city
  • The thing Lancelot found the most beautiful about you though, was the fact that you did not make a difference between people regarding their social position
  • You treated everyone the same, were they a simple blacksmith or a princess, and that was fascinating to him
  • Lance knew better than to try to act on those feelings
  • You were a noble, he knew he had no chance
  • Also, the King would probably have him killed for even getting close to you
  • Also, Arthur was not at all pleased about those feelings at first
  • Not because Lancelot was not a noble or something like that, but because he was a jealous brother and it was actually kind of funny
  • Merlin laughed so hard whenever Arthur saw you and Lancelot together that he would make Arthur so mad he would have to polish his armour twice on the same day as a punishment
  • Lance was so noble he would not make any moves on you, afraid of being too forward since he had no evidence you felt the same way about him
  • But then he did, when you put aside your manners as a noble and everything you had been thought about prudence and simply kissed the man
  • Lancelot thought that amazing kiss would be the end of him
  • To have you in his arms, well, that meant everything to him
  • You began to do a bit of sneaking around after that, because there was no doubt left about your feelings for one another
  • If Uther even dreamed about it, you two would be in trouble
  • Merlin knows about you two, of course he does. The young man is very perceptive and being your friend, well, he saw the feelings right in your face in no time
  • Arthur takes a while to figure it out
  • When he does though, he is outraged, finding it absurd that Lancelot had sneaked his way into your heart and chambers
  • But then, he got a glimpse of just how much you loved each other one day and then the future King of Camelot had no option but to accept your relationship
  • He loved you, and he was happy you had found someone so good, loyal and trustworthy as Lancelot to have as yours
  • When he tells you that, you practically jump out of happiness and hugs your brother tightly, because his support meant the world to you
  • Lancelot shakes his hand and smiles like he had never before
  • Actually, he was very certain he was living the best time of his life
  • He had you, after all
  • And no treasure was greater than that to him