#merlin supernova


Regarding Supernova

The mods of the Merlin Fic Server wanted to make a quick announcement regarding a previously announced fest, the Supernova.

We have had a period of mod and server reorganization, at the end of which it became apparent to us that we do not have the capacity to run the Supernova event as intended. As a result, we have made the difficult decision to cancel the event altogether.

We would like to sincerely apologize to anyone who has signed up or was excited by this fest. We know a lot of people have already put a lot of hard work into developing their ideas, and we hope that you are able to find another way to realize your creation.

- Merlin Fic Server Mods


What are the minimum requirements for the Merlin Supernova?

For this event, the minimum requirements are going to be much higher than any of our previous events as it is a ✨Supernova

Writers:20,000 words
Artists:8 completed pieces
Podficcers: All written words recorded, SFX are optional
Giffers: 16 recolored gifs with text

Please remember that all of these final totals will be split up into four posts as these will be posted as wips, so you do not have to be 100% completely done in August when posting begins. 

Also, if you want to do more than this, you are more than welcome to. There is not a cap on how much you can create.

Additionally, this event is open to everyone.While this is not a rarepair only event, we want to especially encourage rarepair creators to sign up and help us create an explosion of content that is more diverse and inclusive and showcases all the different ships and dynamics that this fandom has.

Sign Ups: What to Expect

Sorcerers(the person providing the idea)

In the general information post I mentioned that there will be about a month to gather your thoughts and come up with a summary for you work. 

The month starts when sign ups open (February 1st) and end when sign ups close (March 19th). I know that’s more than a month.

Since we use airtables for everything, we can transfer your summary information into a viewing gallery so that there’s no risk of any information or formatting being lost. It also makes it easier for artists of different mediums to upload their work in a format that suits them.

On the sign up form, there will be a spot to share your summary or artists storyboard.

As a writer, your summary needs to include the general plot (beginning, middle, and end) and any thematic elements that you want an artist to consider to help them visualize what they would create for your story. For instance, is it a space opera? Do they need to be able to draw spaceships? Is it a high fantasy au where they’d need to draw animals and armor? Is it a modern au where they’d need to draw a lot of cars or cityscapes or- You get the idea.

For artists you will need to come up with a storyboard. This is going to be a series of sketches with notes about what’s going on in each scene. You will also need to include the prompt and how you want the story to end. 

For giffers you will need to come up with a prompt and provide a summary of the scenes and gifs you plan to make for the story as well as how you want the story to end.

For podficcers, this is going to be a little more difficult for you. You will provide a voice sample and list the special effects you are able to do (include accents). You will also provide a prompt, but yours does not have to have an ending (but you can include one if you want).

The sign up form will also have places to list your main pairing, your planned rating, and any relevant Ao3 tags.

Knights (the collaborator)

This sign up form will be much simpler.

Aside from your contact information, you will also list what medium you intend to participate as (writer, artist, podficcer, giffer). If you do more than one medium you can always change later after you get paired up if you and your partner think that a different medium will fit the story better.

The viewing gallery will be anonymous until after summary claims are over. We want to give everyone an equal opportunity to get claimed and focus on the fanwork rather than play favorites. 

Ultimately when it comes to this, we want you all to consider the Sorcerer-Knight pairs as a partnership. You’re working together,not one dictating the other.

Druids(participants who already have a partner)

For those who already have a group, there will be a different form that all of you need to fill out. However only one of you needs to provide your story summary.

There will be a space on the form to list the other members of your group. You will only be counted as a group if everyone fills out the form and lists the same people.

Groups can be up to four members big, but no more than two of one type of medium. For instance, you can have a writer-artist-artist group, a writer-artist-giffer group, etc etc etc.

Am I required to join the Merlin Fic Server?

Nope! You are not required to join the server if you don’t want to. Information, announcements, and reminders will all be handled over email, tumblr, andthe server. There are benefits to the server such as a community and getting to know your fellow Supernova participants, as well as places to discuss your work and find cheerleaders and betas (although beta’s are not required for this). 

But no, you are not required to join the server if you’d prefer not to.

⬅️General Information Post 



What is the Merlin Supernova?
The Merlin Supernova (MSN) is a collaboration event open to all types of creators and all pairings both gen and slash, especially rarepairs! In a very simple sense, think of it as a combination of a traditional big bang and a reverse bang, hence, a Supernova.

I know that’s not really what a supernova is, just go with it.

For this event you can sign up as either the person with the original idea (Sorcerers) or as the collaborator (Knights). If this were a traditional bang, the Sorcerer would be the writer and the Knight the artist and vice versa - if this were a reverse bang then the artist would be the Sorcerer and the writer the Knight.

If you are signing up as a Sorcerer you may use whatever medium you wish! You can be an artist (includes giffers and podficcers) looking for a writer or a writer looking for an artist (includes giffers and podficcers).

This event will also allow writer-writer collaborations as well as pre-decided pairs (as in you know who you want to work with). Additionally, we will allow Sorcerers to have more than one Knight provided that each Knight works with a different medium (for example, a writer can work with both a traditional artist and a podficcer or any combination, just not two of the same).

You will also have the option of signing up as both a Sorcerer and a Knight just in case your idea as a Sorcerer doesn’t get picked up by a Knight.

Still with me? 

Keep reading
