

Pisceans are the Seers of Ravenclaw house. They excel above other students in all things spiritual. They are often seen with Cancer students as the two are both dizzy dreamers. Ravenclaw Pisceans can always be found in some abandoned hallway, talking to paintings about the things they’ve seen. They have an obsession with the school ghosts and frequently seek them out, preferring their company over the company of humans. These are not students with perfect grades as they are more interested in the wispier sides of life. But they will achieve excellent marks in subjects they find personally interesting. Pisceans in this house are known for being astronomically emotional and tend to avoid people for fear of being judged or hurt. Expect them to become great Oracles or Astrologers.

Aquarians are the inventors of the Ravenclaw house. You can always find them with a manual in one hand and a wand in the other. It is quite dangerous to be friends with an Aquarius in this house, though, because they will always want to test out their newly invented spells and potions on you. They have an easy-going mentality and are perfectly happy to “live and let live.” However, if you attack a Ravenclaw Aqaurius or their projects, friends, or morals you will end up in the infirmary. For a very long time. These students will graduate with perfect marks and will go off to live unconventional lifestyles in solitude. Expect them to work as Wand-makers, Potion inventors and Spell inventors. 

Capricorns in Ravenclaw come with a lot of prestige. Not only are they known for their brutal wit, but they are also confident and hard-working. What they lack in creativity they make up for in skill and precision. They are probably the most confident sign in Ravenclaw and easily become the unofficial leaders of the house due to their charisma and authoritative presence. It’s not easy to trick a Capricorn in this house; there’s a good chance they will have unraveled your plan before you’ve even acted on it. While many people flock to them for help, many others avoid them like the plague. They are an acquired taste. Many peers have issues with Ravenclaw Capricorns because of their large egos and bad temper. Expect them to go into fields with a lot of control such as Magical Law Enforcement. 

Sagittarians are the philosophers of the Ravenclaw common room. They thrive in all subjects but are especially good at astrology. Ravenclaw Sagittarians are never in the same place for long. Their need for mystical information is almost as strong as their need to travel. Some find it hard to even stay at Hogwarts until they graduate and end up creating elaborate scenarios in their heads to keep their restless nature at bay. They are also incredibly funny and can make even the grumpiest student laugh. These students are excellent Quidditch players because being on the pitch helps ease their fidgeting and forces them to concentrate. They have trouble forming and keeping relationships because they get bored of people as quickly as they get bored of places. They are constant wanderers. Expect them to enter fields of magical creature research where they can appease their imagination and have opportunities to move around as well.

Scorpios are the most self-destructive signs in the Ravenclaw house. They obsess over knowledge to the point of breaking; at times they go days without food or sleep just so they can continue absorbing information. They are frequently in trouble for forging passes to get into the Restricted Section and it’s no secret that many have been in deeper trouble for sneaking into the Dark Forest after nightfall. They are extremely secretive and have few to no friends as a result of that. They trust only books and manuscripts and have a generally pessimistic view of people. Their obsessions are intense but short lived, one day spent pouring over Herbology books, the next spent examining the creatures in the Black Lake. Their thirst for knowledge is their greatest strength and greatest weakness. Expect them to be avid students of spells, enchantments, botany, astrology and just about anything else they can get a hold of.  

Libra Ravenclaws are the most intellectual out of all Ravenclaw students. However, they use their vast intellect to create webs of fantasies and theories. They prefer to live inside their heads and are supremely shy. You will find most Libras from this house tucked away in hidden alcoves, frantically writing down their theories and dreams in a old notebook. They have an especially hard time with oral presentations or anything that forces them under the eyes of others. They are also very selective with who they allow into their little worlds, so if you can get a Ravenclaw Libra to open up to you consider yourself lucky. Expect them to be magnificent Authors.

Virgos in Ravenclaw are uncommonly grounded. They thrive on factual knowledge and are ahead of their classmates when it comes to Arithmancy and other forms of mathematics. They have extremely sharp wits and are not afraid to respond unkindly to people who seek to embarrass or hurt them. Virgos in this house have very few friends and like it that way because it frees them up to work on their highly detailed, handwritten, intricately illustrated curse guides, potion manuals and spell books. They are not known for disappearing into their imaginations. Expect them to be remarkable Astrologers or Alchemists.

Leos in Ravenclaw are loud scholars. Oftentimes they are the ones in class shouting out the answers and impressing their professors with their deep knowledge of their subjects. Leos in this house don’t do anything lightly; everything is done flamboyantly and to their best ability. They are extremely determined students and are frequently trying to sneak into the Restricted Section to gain forbidden knowledge. They are highly creative and have so many friends that it becomes hard for them to balance out school work and social activities. Because of this they run on very little sleep during the weekdays and practically hibernate all weekend. Unfortunately, Ravenclaw Leos are not very mature yet and have trouble accepting that they may not know everything. But they’ll grow out of it eventually. Expect them to be sensational Curse Breakers.

It is very odd for Cancers to be placed in Ravenclaw. They are quite possibly the most ghost-like students in the Ravenclaw common room. They are often awake all night because of their deep-rooted obsession with the moon and run on about 3-4 hours of sleep. Don’t be surprised if you see a Ravenclaw cancer sitting alone, muttering to themselves; they are simply daydreaming in vivid detail and have forgotten about reality. These students will have many collections of special stones and rocks which they have enchanted to protect themselves. They are especially known for pointing out that which others wish to ignore and are the frequent bearers of uncomfortable truths. Expect them to be fantastic Divination students if they don’t already possess the Sight themselves. 

Geminis in Ravenclaw are the ultimate communicators. They are often seen in the halls having heated debates with various students at once. So it’s safe to say that they are often in detention because of their uncontrollable need to debate with professors constantly. They especially pride themselves on their knowledge of lesser known languages and are never seen without at least three books. Unfortunately, many Gemini Ravenclaws have trouble completing projects because once their minds settle on one idea, it immediately skips over to another. Most of the projects they do complete were probably better off just being ideas. Expect many of them to be tremendously talented Alchemists.

Taureans in Ravenclaw are constant contradictions. They are highly analytical and logical, yet they always seem to have their heads stuck in the clouds. They have a short attention span in subjects that bore them and often get called out by the Professor. But because of this, they do not get embarrassed easily and are able to laugh at themselves more than anyone. They are superbly patient and love to explain their theories and interests with friends but quickly go sour if they think their friend isn’t listening to them. Taureans live in the house that stresses knowledge over materials, yet they are a materialistic sign and therefore feel internally conflicted constantly. Expect them to be marvelous Hogwarts Professors in later years. 

Aries students in Ravenclaw will be remarkably intelligent but also exceedingly impatient. Their biggest pet peeve is being stuck behind a student who just can’t seem to figure out the riddle to get into the common room. They will not tolerate blatant stupidity and often find themselves being more brutal than necessary because of that! This brings them insurmountable guilt later. They practically live in the library and get upset when someone takes their corner (the one right under that one window where you can see all the dust floating in the air). Arians in Ravenclaw have to be the best at everything and are consequently very hard on themselves. Lucky for them, they thrive under competiton and extreme academic pressure. Expect them to be superb Arithmancers. 
