


Fame and Exposure

My first fill for the fourth round of @buckybarnesbingo! And it’s all @appleschloss’s fault :P

Word/Chapter Count: 3,089 (1/1)
Tags: Modern P*rn AU, Top!Steve/Bottom!Bucky, Smut, Daddy Kink, Roleplay, Silver Fox Steve, Twink Bucky, P*rnstar!Steve, Sex worker!Bucky (see full list of tags on AO3)


Bucky storms into the office, panting, acting as if he had just run half a mile. “Look, I-I know— I know that I’m— I’m—”

“Late?” Steve finishes for him, arms crossed as he leans against the desk. His navy dress shirt exposes the hairs on his chest, the first two buttons loosened, as with his tie. “Typical,” he says with a roll of his eyes. “What’s your excuse this time?”

Bucky fiddles with his hands, not meeting Steve’s gaze. “Um…I had to take a detour?”


“But sir, traffic was heavy!”

Steve surges forward, coming to wrap a hand around Bucky’s jaw to force eye contact. While Bucky gets lost in those sharp blue eyes, Steve’s dark tone causes a shiver to roll through him. “You listen to me, boy,” he growls, “because I won’t repeat myself.”

Bucky’s first ever p*rnshoot ends up being with Captain Rogers, an attractive silver fox who frequents Bucky’s wet dreams.

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