#mha wallpaper


This was so fun to draw! Pls let me know if u use it as a wallpaper :)

 ❥ 1080 x 2400 Kai Chisaki (Overhaul) wallpapers / requested by @gummismile> Kindly reblog or lik ❥ 1080 x 2400 Kai Chisaki (Overhaul) wallpapers / requested by @gummismile> Kindly reblog or lik ❥ 1080 x 2400 Kai Chisaki (Overhaul) wallpapers / requested by @gummismile> Kindly reblog or lik

❥ 1080 x 2400 Kai Chisaki (Overhaul) wallpapers / requested by @gummismile

> Kindly reblog or like if saved! Click for better view! <

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i love this man with my whole soul, heart and body lmk if u use them!! and please give it a heart if you save it or just liked it, i’d appreciate it a lot

also, yep i did the “main” design that is present on all of them (also the one that is alone on the last one) and might or might have not made a shirt with it

it was stronger than me, love boom boom boy lots and lots


As always, please like and reblog if you use any of my wallpapers!!


Light/Dark All Might Wallpapers for Android and iPhone. Please share if you use them!!
