#shigaraki tomura


Shouldn’t You Be with Them?

MasterlistMHA Masterlist

MHA Headcanon

Getting upset with the partner after basically being ignored and/or forgotten.

Featuring: Iida Tenya, Aizawa Shota, Amajiki Tamaki, Hawks, Dabi, & Shigaraki Tomura

Warnings: Arguments, accusations, feelings against partners, angsty

Iida: I sat at my desk working on my notes for an Upcoming Math test. Every now and again I would look towards the door. Iida was supposed to help me but he had yet to show up.

“I think he bailed again.” I muttered under my breath. I set down my pencil and leaned back. I ran my hands through my hair, brushing out the knots I found.

I pulled myself back to my desk. I stared at the numbers on the page. My gaze drifted to the door before going to my phone. I grabbed it and pulled up Iida’s contact. I pressed the call button and let it ring. I almost gave up when he finally answered.

“I’m Sorry for not answering sooner, darling. I was speaking Yaoyorozu.” My heart panged a little at her name.

“Oh, did I interrupt something?” I asked.

“Nothing too Major. We were taking a short break. We were discussing some class activities and the responsibility schedule for the next month before bringing it to Aizawa-sensei.”

“O-Oh, um,…” I bit my thumb nail, completely deflating.

“Is something wrong, darling?” I panicked.

“Oh no! I just hadn’t seen you since the end of the day, so I was a little worried is all.”

“Oh, alright. Are you sure that’s all?”

“Yeah. I hope your planning goes well. Talk to you later.” I hung up the phone. I stared down at my notebook, thinking of all the times this same scenario has played out. I only forced myself out of my head when I registered the few drops on my paper.

Sometime later, I ventured out to go get some dinner. I hung out with Kaminari and Sero as I ate. I was heading back up when Iida and Momo came in.

“Darling, it’s lovely to see you.”

“Yeah, you too.” I went to pass him when he stopped me.

“Is everything alright? You seem off and sounded so on the Phone.” I tried to brush him off but he persisted. I sighed and pulled him to the side.

“Shouldn’t you be with them?”

“I-I-I don’t understand. What …”

“I mean I get you made a commitment to your role as Class Prez but… I thought you had made a commitment to me too.” I said quietly. “So, shouldn’t you be with Momo or Deku or Aizawa to fulfill your responsibilities?” I choked ofthe question. I quickly turned and walked always, muttering. “Since that is all you seem to do.”

Aizawa: Everyone knows how Shota is. Every chance he gets, he will take a nap. Yamada even warned me when Shota and I started dating about it. Now we are living together and it’s only slightly different. He stays awake but is very mellow. He also always has a cat with him.

“I’m home, love.” I heard him coming from the front hall. “Where are you?”

“Laundry room.” I called back. I caught onto the neary silent footsteps coming close. I felt him wrap his arms around me from behind. “Hi.” I kissed his cheek.

“Hi.” He rested his head on my shoulder. I continued to sort the laundry. We stood in silence for a little bit. I happened to look down and saw one of our cats sitting there rubbing his head on Sho’s leg.

“Okay. You should go take a bath. Relax.” He nodded. We went to walk out and I saw his shirt and capture weapon were filthy. “Hold on.” I flicked my hand and pulled the clothes off. They flew into my hand. “Thank you.”

“Welcome.” He walked out.

A little while later, I walked into our room and heard Shota mumbling. I peeked in and saw him petting the cats. He was mindlessly talking to them as he sat in the bath. I shook my head amused and moved on.

I was in the kitchen when he came out. I looked at him and choked on my drink, laughing at the cat that was on his shoulder. I gave him a questioning look but he just shrugged. I just continued to make dinner. It was after dinner when he finally came to me.

“I’m exhausted.” I was sitting on the couch with my legs across the cushions. He laid down next to them and cuddled into my stomach. I looked around and surprisingly didn’t see a cat.

“Shouldn’t you be with one of the cats? I mean you have been with them since you got home.” I teased. I began to massage his head. He just gave me a half-hearted annoyed look before dropping his head back down.

We sat there cuddling as I read a book, both hands rubbing his back and head. It was not long before I felt his breathing start to even out. That was until one of the cats jumped onto his back. I laughed as he groaned but he fell asleep nonetheless with a cat sleeping on his back.

Amajiki: Class 3-A was having a Senior picnic of sorts. The whole day had activities to do or you just relax. It was basically a last hooray for us students before graduation. I had got pulled away by a few of my friends right off the bat.

“I want to go to the photo booth!” I laughed as my friend dragged me off. We did a few things until taking a small break.

“Hey, Y/N.” I turned and saw Tamaki.

“Tama!” I hugged him tight before giving him a swift kiss. He held me tight.

“Are you having fun?” He asked quietly.

“Yes, are you? How long have you been here?”

“Only for a little bit.” He said. He looked around admiring the decor. “Want to…”

“L/N! Come on, we’re going to bob for apples.” I turned and saw my friends waving me over. I looked back at Tamaki. He gave me a smile and motioned for me to go.

“Are you sure?” I ask. He nodded and pushed me by the hips to go. “I promise we’ll get some time for us in a little while.”


Periodically throughout the day, you had seen Tamaki. A few times he went to see you and your friends drug you away. Other times you tried to go to him but your friends wouldn’t let you go so easily. It was starting to really irk Me. By the time I got to go to do anything with Tama it was getting dark.

3rd pov

Tamaki watched as Y/N ran around with their friends. At first he was okay but as the day drew on, he became more aggravated. He waited for them to come back but they never did. Even Mirio and Nej noticed the boy was acting strangely. so when night fell and they saw Y/N heading their way, they left.


“Alright, I’m going to go spend some time with Tama. See you guys later. They all said goodbye and I walked over to said boy. I saw Mirio and Nej walk away.

"Bye buddy.” Mirio called.

“Tama!” He looked up at me before away. I kept trying to talk to him but he kept ignoring me. “Tama?” I could see by the way he was sitting he was annoyed. I went to touch him but he jumped away before snapping.

“Shouldn’t you be with them?” He snapped, turning back towards me and pointing at the group. I jumped back shocked. “You’ve spent most of the day with them, why not finish it too?” His voice cracked. I stared at him, spooked by his unusual behavior. He stormed off.

“L/N?” Is everything alright?“ I jumped at the hand on my shoulder.

” Uh, yeah, actually I’m not feeling very well. I’m just going to go back to my dorm. Bye.“ I quickly left before anyone saw me cry.

Hawks: I walked around the empty penthouse trying to figure out what to do until my friends called. My office was shut down for the week due to deep cleaning and inspections. Although I still have worked remotely. A few of my coworkers and I have gone out most evenings though. Hawks usually works late so I never lose the time I get to spend with him.

"Come On, I’m getting stir Crazy.” I muttered checking my phone for the hundredth time. As if by magic it went off with the text I was waiting on. I quickly got ready and left.

3rd POV

Hawks flew through the sky, eager to get home to his partner. In the back of his mind a thought nagged at him but he ignored it. He landed on the balcony and Slipped inside.

“Baby!” He ran his fingers through his hair to get out the knots and shrugged off his jacket. When he got no response he sighed.

He walked through the apartment and found no one. He didn’t find a note or anything. His wings fluttered and tensed in irritation. He sat at a barstool and calmed himself down.

The urge to go and see if they’re Okay was strong but he didn’t.

“Unbelievable.” He muttered. “Could have at least given me a heads up. Plus this is the third time this week.” He got up and made dinner for himself. A few hours passed before he heard the door. He was sitting on the couch on his tablet and didn’t ever look at them.

Y/N’s PoV

“Hey honey!” I chirped. He didn’t react which struck me as odd. “Keigo? Are you alright?”

“Fine.” He said curtly. My confusion grew. I walked around the couch and sat next to him. He still wouldn’t look at me.

“Keigo…” I went to touch his hand but he pulled it away.

“Shouldn’t you be with them?” He nearly growled.

“Who?” I almost didn’t want to ask.

“Whoever you’re going out with every evening! I’ve come home early for the past week for you to only find you’re not here.” He stood with his back to me. “So shouldn’t you be with them?” He stormed into our room, slamming the door.

Dabi: You had been waiting at the street corner, shivering, that Dabi had suggested. You had been standing there for nearly an hour & a half before walking the couple of blocks to the LOV bar. You were upset because Dabi had PROMISED but it turns out his word is shit.

“And you have a stick in your ass!” I paused at the first statement I heard coming through the door. I moved farther inside just in time to hear Shiggy’s reply. I tried to shake off the cold but still could feel the chill. Normally I would ask Dabi to help me warm up.

“Oh yeah? At least I have some self respect unlike your burned bacon ass!” I chuckled slightly but remembered why I was here in the first place. I leant against the far wall staring at the two. Dabi must have felt my stare because he looked my way.

“What are you standing over there for? You look like a creep.” He snorts before going back to arguing with Shiggy. I stared at him agape for a minute before scoffing. I looked off to the side in disbelief at the Man.

“Some promise…” I grumbled. Dabi had promised that we would have the night to ourselves no LOV but here we are. I should have known this is how this would go.

“Come have a drink, babe!” Dabi held up a beer before taking a swig. I rolled my eyes and pushed off the wall. I walked through the bar and he smiled. He went to wrap an arm around me but I shoved it away. I walked on past and into the back towards the bedrooms. “Hey!”

“Hiya Y/N!” Toga skipped up to me with her crazy smile. Normally, I would stop to talk but I wasn’t in the mood.

“Hi. Bye.” I walked past her and up the stairs to Dabi’s room. His room had the minimum since he didn’t stay here 24/7 like most.

I closed the door and sat on the bed. I wrapped my cold hands in the blanket. I would have just left but I needed to warm up. It took at least ten minutes before I could feel my fingertips. It took another ten to feel completely warm. The door opened not long after that.

“There you are.” Dabi walked in. I looked at him with no emotion. He cocked his head to the side watching me with curiosity in his eyes. “Why are you cooped up in here when…”

“Shouldn’t you be with them down there?” I interrupted him. He narrowed his eyes on me. I got up from the bed in a huff. “It’s not like there’s any reason for you not to be with them tonight.”

“What are you getting at?” He growled.

“Nothing at all. See ya later, Dabi.” I said while rounded around him and out the door. I pulled my coat tighter around me as I walked outside.

“Y/N!” I heard Dabi yell from the bar door. I just shook my head and walked home.

Shiggy: The crisp night beach air usually is normally an instant soother for me. Tonight though, I could barely ever catch a whiff of the salty air. I was leaning against a fence a good ways away from the beach. I was walking for Shiggy to come and take a midnight walk with me.

“Where are you?” I asked out loud. I looked up and down the street trying to find the familiar, lanky form coming my way. I looked up at a public clock and read 1:30am. I sighed angrily pushing off the fence.

I looked in the direction of the beach longingly before walking back to the hideout in a huff. Even though we were both villains, we liked to do some normal coupley things. We may have to adjust so we Weren’t caught but it worked.

“If he’s here doing something stupid…” I muttered as I walked in. I bypassed everyone in search of my boyfriend. I searched and eventually heard him yelling from his room. I waved towards him and saw the door open.

“You motherfucker!” I heard his raspy voice yell. I peered in and saw him sitting there with his headset on and Game controller in his hand. From the scattered mess of wrappers, food bags, and drinks, I knew he had been there for a while.

“Seriously?” I asked out loud, annoyed. I went unheard which just made me more mad. I thought about storming in and yelling at him but chose to just leave.

It’s a couple of days before I come back. I needed time to calm down. I was still mad mind you but I didn’t think I would blow up like that bratty UA student. I was sitting at the bar with Dabi when Shigaraki came back from somewhere.

“Well look who showed up.” He said. I just looked at him before turning back to Dabi. I ignored him, causing Dabi to laugh. He keeps trying to talk to me, irritating me beyond no end.

“Shouldn’t you be with your precious video games? I mean they are your escape.” I snapped at him and whipped around to look at him. His red eyes narrowed at me and glared.

“Who shit in your wheaties?” He snarled. I rolled my eyes and pushed past him. “Where are you going?” I glared at the clock and chuckled at the irony.

“Midnight walk.” I shot back and slammed the door behind me.

Tag list: @spicy-therapist-mom@dxnaii-rxse@iris-shihabi@charliesdaze

Don’t Hate It. - Shiggy

Main MasterlistMHA Masterlist

First time trying to hold their hand. Does it go right or wrong?

+Neither you nor Shigaraki were the type to hold hands. For some of the same reasons and some different. For one of Shiggy’s, well obviously his quirk and for you, you were not the type to be all touchy feely in cutesy stuff. Neither of you were really the affectionate types. That is until a day comes that You need a little physical touch.

The day couldn’t go by and end fast enough. Nothing was going right, I was nearly caught by some heroes, and to top it off, it started to storm. As soon as I walked in the door, I threw my soaked coat in some random direction. I shook my hair out, ignoring the displeased yell towards me.

“Ugh!” I threw myself into a booth completely annoyed with the world. My fingers aggressively rapped against the table top. I had been on edge all day, from the moment I woke up.

“Well some one’s in a bad mood.” A deep voice said from across the bar. I glanced toward the bar and saw the black hair male next to our leader. It surprised me to see him out of his room and away from his video games.

“Not now Dabi.” I growled under my breath. A drink was placed in front of me and I saw the black purple Wisps out of the corner of my eye. I took a long drink before leaning back into my seat.

“Awe, is someone also a bit touchy? Oh, everyone! Look out!” He laughed. I rubbed my eyes before burying my face in my hands. I just felt like I really needed a hug, a loving touch, or something.

“Dadi just leave them alone.” Kurogiri said.

“What? I’m not doing anything.” He grumbled. I rolled my eyes and just took another drink. I heard an argument between multiple people ensue. I was left alone for a little while but I could feel eyes on me. Frustration was quickly growing in me. I looked up and around the room. Across the bar, there was a recruit that had been around for a few weeks with his eyes glued on me.

“Great. Him.” I groaned and looked away. It was not even a minute and he was standing next to the table. “Can I help you with something?”

“Nooo… but I think I could help. Get those frustrations out I mean.” He gave me a big smile which I’m sure he meant to be sexy but failed miserably.

“Really?” I asked sarcastically, unimpressed. He nodded, ignoring my sarcasm. He leant down so his face was close with mine.

“Really, really.” He smirked. He reached to touch me. “I have so many ideas.”

“Haha. Careful there, recruit.” I warned, pushing his hand away. His touch was revolting. The frustration was about to snap.

“Oh come on, sweetie. Just come with me and…” He reached out again. I snapped. I shoved him back and shot out of my seat. He stumbled and I grabbed his neck tight. Black webbed out on his skin.

“Walk for a mile and then walk into traffic you pathetic nitwit.” I growled. I shoved him away and he walked out the door. I sighed. That was the first time my quirk worked right allday. I finally noticed the room was silent. “Anyone else?” Gazes immediately moved away from me. Tears fought their way to the surface. I felt like I was going to fall apart, that there is nothing to hold me together.

“Y/N.” A presence came up behind me.

“What!” I turned to see Shiggy next to me. His eyes went from me to the door. “I don’t want to hear it! Can’t you all just leave me alone for one goddamn minute!” I yelled, throwing my hands up and stomping off. I walked to an unused back hall and leant against a wall. There was a big window in front of me, showing me the storm outside.

“Y/N..” I jumped and yelled out. The tears finally broke though.

“What Tomura!?” I yelled. “I know I messed up so what could it be you are here for?” I slammed back into and slid down the wall. “Because it only seems that people come to me when they want something, want to tease on me, or make me their punching bag! So what possibly could you be here for! Huh?”


“What?” I looked up and saw he was sitting next to me on my left. He reached up and pried my hand from my hair. I gasped because I didn’t ever know I was doing it, the ache setting in. His next action shocked me more. He took my right hand in his left and began to rub circles. “Shigaraki?”

“Just take it.” He slowly wrapped his right arm around my shoulders. I set my head on his shoulder cautiously. When he didn’t react beyond pulling me in more, I let my full weight on him. I noticed he had on his two finger gloves and a small smile came to my face.

I gripped his hand and placed my other hand over his and traced random shapes. Underneath, I was soaking in all the soft attention and touches. Shiggy normally hated to wear the gloves so he never really did this soft stuff. Sure we’ve done some more spicy touching but never this.

“Thank you.” I whispered. “I know you hate wearing the gloves.”

“I don’t hate wearing them. I just had no reason too.” His raspy voice said softly into my ear. He moved his arm off my shoulder and brought it forward to set his other hand with the others. “Now I do.”

“Huh?” I lifted my head to look at him.

“I am not a very… touchy person but with you I want to be. I just didn’t know how to ask you.” He said. “With anyone else, I’m not interested. But with you, I want to have everything.So I don’t hate it.”

“I feel the same.” I admitted after a minute of silence. “I had to admit it to myself as well. I haven’t been close enough to anyone in such a long time that I didn’t know what to do.”

“So we are meant for each other.” He laughed and so did I.

“You know, if you hadn’t sent that shit head on his way, I would have dusted him.” I laughed hard, leaning into him more.

“I am just happy my quirk worked. It’s been acting up all day.” I held up my free hand. Black swirled on my fingertips. Tomura let go of my one hand and placed his finger tips against mine, all five. He tapped them before gently lacing his fingers with mine.

“Things happen and I will be… Will be here for you the best I can.” He said. “I know I am far from a great man but…”

“If I wanted a great man, I would not be here.” I said a matter of factly. He laughed. “The dark, brooding, crazy type that has a side obsession of video games myself. They’re more fun.”

“Damn. That specific, huh?” He asked.

“Actually, now that you mention it, I like them to have light blueish hair with a hand problem.”

“Watch it.” He warned with no threat behind it. “You know, now that I’ve gotter a taste of this I won’t go back.”

“Same.” I tightened my grip on his hand.“I hate to admit it but I need a little physical touch every now and then.”

“I couldn’t agree more.” He whispered. I nearly fell asleep when a loud clash of thunder and lightning spooked us both. “Ugh! Can we, maybe move somewhere more comfortable than the floor?”

“Oh, fine you big baby.” I got up and looked down at him expectedly. He got up and took my hand. I yawned as I’ve walked through the halls, hand in hand.

Tag list: @spicy-therapist-mom @dxnaii-rxse @princ3rae @iris-shihabi

Evaluating the LoV based on how I think they’d do at group work:

Spinner 15/10

Are you fucking kidding me? Spinner is the perfectgroup member. He wants to help everyone else, has no ego about it, he woulddo the tedious stuff, the grunt work, and he wouldn’t complian! He’d do everything you asked, turn stuff in on time, and be perfectly polite about all of it. Spinner is hands down my top choice for partner work. You’d be luckyto have him.

Toga 5/10

Here’s the thing. You get what you knew you’d get. You’re not inviting Toga to your group bc she’s going to produce stellar work. You’re inviting her because she’s hot, and she’s interesting, and she’s fun: and she will be all of these things! And she will probably help. But she will probably also derail your effort entirely by stabbing someone or something and going off the rails. So.

Twice 8/10

Just because he’s not the brightest guy in the world does not mean he won’t try, and that is worth more to me than any amount of skill. He would take a little longer to explain everything to, sure, but you could rest easy knowing he’d go out of his way to also study up outside of the group work! And! He’s just a nice guy, okay? A little strange maybe, but who isn’t?

Shigaraki 10/10

C’mon guys. At this point we know he’s a leader. And he cares about his group mates. I know he started off a little whiny, and this might just be my bias showing thru but. I’d trust him with my life. Maybe not with any presenting that needs to happen but like… with my life.

Dabi -15/10

Absolutely not. Never. He does not want to work with you: he will notwork with you. He will be actively disdainful of everything you do, mock you for the effort, and thenSTILL not contribute anything. He will not even show up to the final deadline. Maybe. MAYBE if you go out of your way to forcehim show up. He will do something the way he thinks it should be done with no regard for what youthink.

Mr. Compress 6/10

He was hot, and you got distracted, and he seemed confident. And, for the most part, he’s pretty on track. But, God, is he dramatic. No! You don’t want to make this a whole show! Why— why would you want that? It’s a waste of time! His work is good, but damn is it worth him intrupting you when you talk about the work you’re doing to show off?

Kurogiri 10/10 but at what cost. But at What. Cost.

Gigantomachia 0/10

He— look, he is actuallyuseless if he only listens to one person. And it’s not you. And you have to? What? Prove to him that you’re strong enough to win his loyalty?? This project has a deadline, bro. We don’t have the time. Completely pointless member to have. He might as well not be there.

Mange 7/10

She would be very helpful, and she’d bring snacks, and she’d offer you sage advice and support you. I think she’d make a great group member, buuuuut the points off come from the fact that she would also be a little distracting. I mean, she’d wanna like gossip and take a lot of breaks to chill. It’s manageable tho,,,


Hawks 9/10

Mr. “I just want to be useful at the expense of myself” would, of course, be useful. And, oh Hawks, my beloved Hawks, my favorite character in this world, I want to give him above a 10 but, mmmmm, how to put this? He might, maybe, be… a little bit of a narc, so… Just. Just something to think about.

i was drawing Nomu today and added a birds body to him just for the fun of it, and well this happenei was drawing Nomu today and added a birds body to him just for the fun of it, and well this happenei was drawing Nomu today and added a birds body to him just for the fun of it, and well this happenei was drawing Nomu today and added a birds body to him just for the fun of it, and well this happenei was drawing Nomu today and added a birds body to him just for the fun of it, and well this happenei was drawing Nomu today and added a birds body to him just for the fun of it, and well this happene

i was drawing Nomu today and added a birds body to him just for the fun of it, and well this happened.

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Part 4BNHA/Pokemonhere’s yet  another crossover but this time with some of the villains.i actually rPart 4BNHA/Pokemonhere’s yet  another crossover but this time with some of the villains.i actually rPart 4BNHA/Pokemonhere’s yet  another crossover but this time with some of the villains.i actually rPart 4BNHA/Pokemonhere’s yet  another crossover but this time with some of the villains.i actually r

Part 4


here’s yet  another crossover but this time with some of the villains.

i actually really liked how Dabi and Toga turned out so i grew a little brawl between the two on the bottom.

thx for the support all of you and if you want more i m pleased to do more and as always tell me which one’s your favorite.

(Dabi/Alolan Marowak, Himiko Toga/ Zoroark, Atsuhiro Sako/Alakazam, Tomura Shigaraki/Sableye, Spinner/Sceptile, and Kurogiri/Spiritomb)

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

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story-kat: Art by  Trevoshere (A – B)Posted with Permission (reprint/edit and/or commercial use prohstory-kat: Art by  Trevoshere (A – B)Posted with Permission (reprint/edit and/or commercial use prohstory-kat: Art by  Trevoshere (A – B)Posted with Permission (reprint/edit and/or commercial use prohstory-kat: Art by  Trevoshere (A – B)Posted with Permission (reprint/edit and/or commercial use prohstory-kat: Art by  Trevoshere (A – B)Posted with Permission (reprint/edit and/or commercial use prohstory-kat: Art by  Trevoshere (A – B)Posted with Permission (reprint/edit and/or commercial use proh


Art by  Trevoshere (AB)

Posted with Permission (reprint/edit and/or commercial use prohibited)

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I didn’t have time last week, today a little bit late cause I was at work. Early in the morning I was so stunned and so happy but I couldn’t make a post, this afternoon neither cause I was so sleepy so I just make it now and fast ^^

Fast Deku. OFA power but look who’s there

2nd user! What is his quirk? What is his name? Heard that his quirk is so powerful. Plus he told Deku that he can use it now…

Booster’s quirk? Boom boom quirk? Bakugou? Time traveller? Who are you!?!

Wait! Did he… Dabi gonna disappeared?…

Some people told that this panel is fake… but if Bakugou is really in danger, 1000% sure that Deku gonna activate the 2nd user quirk!


SHE IS ALIVVVVEEEEE!!! I’m son happy that I cannot not sharing pictures of her and the fact that she’s sharing the only and same braincell with Bakugou

Best Jeanist’s team!

Mirko reminds me so much Bakugou with this pose! Gremlin rabbit!

Hori-sensei and his passion for drawing hands! More hands! Shigaraki looks freaking happy… ✋

Pouted Monoma like a crying baby with his hydrated eyes

And to end this chapter, psycho Toga sharing her feeling to Deku. Her feeling is true that danger sense didn’t work. She is so enamoured. Hope Hori-sensei gonna make this fight a fight between Uraraka and Toga and let Deku joins back Bakugou…

Deku (and Bakugou) vs Shigaraki and Uraraka (and Tsuyu maybe) vs Toga

Boku no hero academia chapter 346 spoilers alert!

The group against Shigaraki without Deku

Denki looks so happy to be full energized like this…

Girls power

Monoma looks like a mad hero laughing like that sitting on a chair and hair pulled in the air using Eraserhead’s quirk

And brief moment Bakugou focusing on the mission and not the missing Deku


[ : ]

“you know, your hair is getting quite long, tomura.” you had reached down to run your fingers through your lover’s long and silky hair. your eyes met his crimson ones as you had gazed down at him, who seemed to be laying his head on your lap.

“and why is that such a concern?” tomura had replied with a question. his eyes stared deeply into his lovers’s irises, the one thing out of many the villain loved about you.

a small smile tugged at the corner of your lips, tucking a couple of strands of his hair behind his ear. “it’s not really.” you shrugged your shoulders. “it gets in the way of your work sometimes, doesn’t it bother you?” you pointed out.

the villain could only ponder about what you had just told him. you were right about that, it did so happen get in the way. maybe he should cut it? tomura sighed. “i guess your right.” with that, the male sat himself up soon turning to face his lover.

“i’m always right.” you teased.

a timid grin formed on tomuras lips. “yeah? you are?” he questioned in a teasing tone.

“yes i am.” you would only come closer, caressing a cheek of his.

tomura leaned into your touch, a hand of his own reaching up to touch yours, being careful not to place his free finger down.

“would you like me to cut your hair?” you would ask in a gentle voice, your eyes never leaving your boyfriends. “i do have quite the experience with cutting my own.”

with a small nod of the head, tomura replied. “yeah, that would be nice.”

you grinned, leaning yourself closer towards him to place a small and gentle kiss on his lips. your hands trailing to the back of his neck to rest there.

the gentle feeling of the person he loved the most so close to him still surprised him. it still was a chock him how much he could love a single person and that person feeling the same towards him. that’s all he ever wanted really, for someone to love and cherish him.

“i love you.” the first words that left tomuras mouth as you two separated from your loving kiss. “y/n. i love you so much.” he uttered, his eyes averting to the side to hide the embarrassment that was hidden inside them.

upon hearing your lovers plea, you heart fluttered. it was moments like these that made you fall more deeply in love with him. “i love you too, tomura.”

tomura placed a careful hand onto your cheek to caress it, staring into the eyes he adored so much. “stay with me forever.”

and you could only smile.

“i planned on doing that anyways.”

© please do not post my work anywhere.

☼ — fluff ☁︎ — angst ☾ — smut ☗ — smau

⿻ file name | shigaraki tomura

nothing here. try again?

⿻ file name | dabi

nothing here. try again?

⿻ file name | toga himiko

nothing here. try again?

⿻ file name | bubaigawara jin ( twice )

nothing here. try again?

⿻ file name | sako atsuhiro ( mr. compress )

nothing here. try again?

⿻ file name | chisaki kai ( overhaul )

nothing here. try again?

⿻ back to main file ?yes ▷ no


Warm. Everything is warm as you open your eyes, met with a blanket of darkness and struggling to adjust to the lack of light. You could never tell what time of day it was, Tomura always kept his blackout curtains shut, but if you concentrated enough you could hear the pitched song of the morning birds outside.

There is a weight against your back, long limbs thrown across your torso and hip, Tomura’s hand curled tightly into the material of your t-shirt even in sleep. Restlessness simmers throughout your body accompanied by a dull ache in your shoulder, proof that your boyfriend had not let you move from his grasp the entire time you’d slept.

As you wake you finally notice the uncomfortable, familiar pressure in your lower abdomen that has you gently prying Tomura’s fingers from your shirt. There’s a slow inhale of breath behind you, his body shifting back only slightly to stretch his legs across the bed, groaning softly with the movement. You take the opportunity to roll forward to the edge of the mattress, wincing as your bare feet meet the cool air.

Tomura mutters an incoherent complaint at the loss, his hand patting the space where you had slept, pushing himself onto his elbows once he notices you are no longer there. The muted glow of his desktop monitor reflects back at you in his eyes as he blinks.

“Where are you going?” he murmurs, a childish and whining tone to it. You smile, reaching to run your fingers briefly through his hair.

“Just gotta pee, I’ll be quick,” you reply quietly. You make your way across his bedroom, unsteady as you walk and still half in the clutches of sleep. You do not even reach the doorframe before realising that you’re being followed.

“What’re you doing?” You still as he takes your hand into his own, the seams of the leather artists glove pressing into your palm.

“I’m coming too, obviously,” he mumbles, nudging your shoulder with his forehead, “what a stupid question”.

I get it. He does not know how to cancel this action.
