#michael b jordan





Part UnoPart Two

Word Count: 604

“What do you mean?” I questioned, finding myself a little lost at his confession. 

“I don’t know” He answered, hanging his head low, with his eyes shut tight. I never seen him in a state like this, let alone know how to react to it. 

“H-how? How do you not kn-” 

“I just, I JUST DON’T. Okay, I’m… I don’t. Fuck” He turned around slapping the brick wall adjacent to him, curling his hands into fists. He breathed out an exhausted sigh, using his elbows to support him as he held himself up on the alley wall. 

“I don’t know Y/N” He opened his eyes to look at me, craning his head to the side. “I don’t know how to- you know. I can’t, not after him” A resilient frown etched upon his lips, while his eyes shone an endless sorrowful blue. 

I cautiously ambled over to where he stood, pitying himself, and warily placed a gentle hand on his broad shoulder. I pulled him around, catching his attention briefly before leaning on my tip toes, and gifting him a small kiss on his temple. 

I grabbed his wrists, while he refused to meet my gaze. I sneaked closer so I was directly under his head, forcing him to pay attention to me. 

“Hey” I started, an apologetic smile on my face. “It’s not your fault, Erik. You need to understand that. It’s also not your responsibility to-” 

“Of COURSE it’s my responsibility Y/N. He’s MY dad for fucks sake” He ripped his arms from my wrists, lashing out on reflex. With his agile reflexes, I flinched on instinct backing away from him slightly. 

“Fuck I’m sorry Y/N. I didn’t mean-. Fucking shit… Fuck” He let out a frustrated growl, pacing around continuously in a circle, while he gripped at his head in indignation. 

“Erik, E-erik. Hold up, Erik. Chill” I tried reassuring, while he continued to beat himself up. I grabbed a hold of his bicep, using all my force to pull him towards me, in which he complied. 

“Erik… look” I pointed to the stars, glancing up as he did. “Your father is there, watching you; observing you. He’s not gone, and he never will” I stared deeply into his broken irises, resting my palm on his moonlit cheek. He curved a reluctant arm around my waist, securing our intimate position before locking his gaze with mine. 

“Your father had spontaneous ideas, and beliefs similar to yours. You share the same determination, persistence, and passion; even a blind person would be able to tell you came from the same blood” He chuckled lightly, a grin I haven’t seen in a while make an appearance on his lips. “But your father knew how to love. He never let his disagreement, his work, his pain and trauma define his love” I explained, remembering all the stories Erik would tell me about his father while we were laying in bed. 

“How would you know that Y/N?” He doubted, shaking his head in apprehension. 

“I know that because…” I reached up, drawing his face closer to mine and placing a delicate, but long kiss on his chapped lips. “Your father loved you. Just like the way I love you” 

He took my hands in his, looking like mouse and an elephant in size comparison, peering into my eyes in uncertainty and boldness. He stayed silent for a couple of seconds, appearing as if he has having a troubling battle occurring inside of him.  

“Y/N I can’t love you… now” He began, delaying his words. “But I promise you. When I can, I’ll give youlove galore


Thats a wrap peoples




Word count: 1384

Part Uno Final Part

I licked my lips in hesitance, attempting to lose myself into the music once again. I felt his hands rile up and down the curves of my waist, dancing along them like tidal waves. 

I swung around sensually, facing him. I brought him into the crevice of my neck; cradling him in my arms, as I worked on his neck, taking in the small groans that would emit from his mouth. 

I locked eyes with Erik, and I stared at him with an antagonizing stare, showcasing what he could’ve had. 


“When will you get that through your thick skull Y/N” He seethed, pushing my rested hand off of his tense shoulder. I cowered in front of him, minimizing my body so I would believe I wasn’t there. 

“Erik, a-all I was, um… asking was th-” I muttered almost silently, clutching my folded palms in my arms. 

“I don’t fucking care Y/N. I told you, I don’t have time for this bullshit” He spitted, cutting me off, and facing the other way as if I wasn’t worth reasoning with. 

“All I was asking why we never go out anymore” I stated, compensating with him, although I knew there was no way to do that, especially with his attitude. 

“Y/N are you fucking deaf? or retarded?” He chuckled sarcastically, flaring his hands in the air. “I just said I DON’T HAVE TIME FOR YOU” 

My blood began to grow thick, and boil with anger. I could feel the adrenaline resonate in the very walls of my veins, and the trapped air getting caught in my throat as I bit my tongue. 

“Just drop it Y/N. Go back to cleaning or some shit; matter of a fact, go make me a san-” He growled, waving me away while he walked casually back to his desk.

“Do you even love me” I questioned, cutting him off from continuing his extremely sexist command. I put my foot down, staring him directly in the pools of abyss he has as eyes. 

“Didn’t I fucking tell you to drop it-” 

“Answer. The. Fucking Question. Erik” I fumed, wearing nothing but a blank, empty stare with a matching scowl. 

“No. I can’t  don’t love you” 


I brought the stranger’s face back to get a better look at him, when I realized it was one of Erik’s little sidemen. In bewilderment, I stepped away from him, contemplating whether I should continue. 

“Hey, are you okay?” He spoke softly, leaning into my ear as he clutched onto my waist. 

“Yeah I’m okay” I reassured, placing my palm on top of his hand. 

“What’s your name?” 

He displayed a bright grin, giving off a warm and gentle feeling, as if the sun was radiating on your cheeks during the mid-summer. I smiled back, noticing small dimples that dug into the sides of his upper chin. 

“Y/N, and yours?”

From behind him, I noticed Erik slip away into the bar behind me, with an empty Hennessy bottle gripped tightly in his right hand. 

“M’baku. So, what’s a beautiful woman do-” He began, before getting cut short. 

“So is this what you’re doing now?” 

Erik appeared from behind me, stepping in front of me, blocking my view of M’baku. He gritted his teeth while he started his second bottle of Hennessy, his veins were apparent in his temple, and forearms as he seethed heavily through his drink. 

“And you” He pointed his finger at M’baku, digging his hand into his chest, getting close and personal to hisfriend. “Get the fuck outta here” He barked, pushing him to the side. 

“What the fuck is wrong with you Er-” He attempted to protest, smoothing down the wrinkles Erik produced on his shirt. 

“I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT” Erik screamed, not caring if he gathered some negative attention from the audience around him. 

M’baku glared at him in disbelief, standing there deciding whether to start something or walk away. But from the ember in Erik’s eyes, he chose to leave the scene. 

I stayed silent, feeling moths soaring in my stomach. I say moths because they’re like butterflies, similar to what Erik use to make me feel, but now it’s slightly less colorful than before. 

“This is what you’re doing now Y/N? You’re hoeing around with my friends?” He thundered, his tone laced with venom and spite. His voiced boomed like the insides of hell.   

“As if you’d considered him your friend, after telling him to fuck off” I retorted, folding my arms together. 

“Why the fuck do you car Y/N? You caught feelings for him? Cause he ain’t the person he say-” He began to degrade his ‘friend’, trying to reason for his actions. 

“Shut the fuck up Erik. You’re one to talk. After all the bullshit you left me through, you shouldn’t even start with me” I spitted. Usually when Erik would try and justify his claim, no matter how much I disagreed with it, I would usually attempt to compromise. But I’m not that bitch anymore. 

“You’re still on that Y/N? You’re still butthurt cause I hurt your school girl feelings?” He scoffed, rolling his eyes at me immaturely. 

“You know what fuck this?” I turned to leave, but he clutched onto my wrists, pulling me into him. I flipped against his chest, our proximity closing in as I felt the too familiar sensation of his breath fanning over me. 

“Don’t leave when I’m talking to you. Y/N” He asserted. 

I tore my arm out of his grasp, rubbing away the redness that began to from around my wrists. I glowered at him incredulously, I guess change isn’t an aspect in his life. 

“I don’t have time for you” I spat, referencing the same words he threw at me, before he ended any chance he ever had with me. 

He seemingly winced at my words, but still held his tough composure. He emitted a soft sigh, looking at me with a mix of an apologetic and hesitant gaze. He bit the outer corner of his bottom lip, and looked sideways, scouting something. 

“Come with me”

“No Erik, why the fu-” I answered, shaking my head at him. 

“Please” He pleaded in a soft voice, one my ears have never comprehended. 

I nodded my head, letting him pull me away into a secluded back alley of the club. You could still hear the thumping of the beat through the walls, but it was a better environment to continue our conversation. 

“Can you at least let me explain myself?” 

I pondered whether I should grant him the privilege of explaining, twiddling with the bottom of my blouse. I wasn’t going lie, I was curious of his reason, but then again I didn’t want to revisit that wretched night. 

I nodded my head; encouraging him to continue, while I avoided his eyes. 

“I told you I didn’t love you” He started

I felt my heart cringe at his words, and my fingers wrench as I heard that sentence slip from his mouth. 

“It was slightly true, I’m not going to lie. You know me Y/N. You know how I like my eggs in the morning, you know of what I want to do in Wakanda. Hell you know my favorite sex position” He explained, looking down at me with desperate eyes. 

I continued with my silent treatment, wanting to block out the words entering my ears. I wanted to scream and shout, to spit in face. But I knew I couldn’t, not with him. 

“Can you at least look at me” He reached over, tilting my chin up to meet his eyes, and I nearly lost it. His eyes told a different story from before, I knew he had three masks on, but what I didn’t know was that there was a person behind those masks. 

I knew the man who controlled those disguises, the masks he chooses to wear everyday. But, this was the first time I saw the young boy who lost his father due to a king, I saw the determined teenager fighting for a place in M.I.T, and I saw the strength of a man willing to sacrifice his weakness, for the hope of his people. 

“I lied when I said I don’t love you Y/N” He spoke again, barely whispering. 

“I just can’t love you” He admitted. 


Should I make a PT 3, or just leave it like this???
















Word Count: 748

Part Two Final Part

Whatever higher power there is, Gods, Angels, The Universe, Fairies, they tend to have impeccable timing with certain events. 

Here I am, standing in the middle of the dance floor of an infamous club; frozen. I felt his icy glare, nipping at the back of my neck, although he was standing a hundred feet away from me. I remembered the hotness of his breath, clinging onto my skin as he dejected me, and the coldness of his exterior.

It’s been long since our interaction back in Massachusetts. Been long since I threw away who, or what I was supposed to be. 

I had dreams, aspiring goals, valid qualities. But they’re all nothing now, except a reminder shaped into a man named Erik Killmonger. He only valued three things in his life, one of them including me, but that never prevented him from throwing me to the curb. 

Now he stands in the same building, breathing the same oxygen. He had a dark skinned man standing next to him, and two others trailing behind wearing casual attire. One of the men leaned over to whisper in his ear, but he strongly held our gaze. 

I quickly shook my head, drifting my attention away from him. I shuffled through the sea of intoxicated people, attempting to find my friend. I crashed against some of the people, almost doubling over this couple practically having sex. 

I huffed in annoyance, struggling to get by, until I found Leyah. I noticed the colored lights reflecting off of her dyed hair; her side to me as she grinded on a stranger. 

I tapped her shoulder, capturing her attention, before dragging her away. “Hey girl hey, what’s up?” She was slightly tipsy after drinking 2 shots of fireball. She placed her hand on my shoulder, steadying herself and breathing through her words. 

“Guess who showed up?” I grimaced, holding her elbow to keep her from falling. 

“Is it Chadwick Boseman?! OOH HE’s GoRgEoUs” She exclaimed, her eyes lighting up like fireflies. “Chadwick?! BABY I’m free” She shot up, detaching herself from me, and began to yell. 

I pressed a firm hand over her mouth, stopping her from embarrassing herself even more. I let out a breath of relief, as the confused stares from people began to disperse. 

“No Leyah. Although I’d rather have him right now” I sighed, nudging her in the direction of Erik. Her eyebrows furrowed in puzzlement, until she caught the view of Erik. 

“Wait, isn’t that your ex?” She exaggeratedly whispered, pulling me down beside her. A look of shock fabricating on her face. 

“Unfortunately” I admitted. 

“SIS, he’s sexy. Look at his build” She began to gawk at him in awe, while Erik caught her and began to stare back also. Typical. 

I rolled my eyes, pushing her away from his gaze and led her back to the guy she was previously on. “See you later Leyah” I left her alone once again, knowing she wasn’t in the right state to give me one of her motherly talks.

After a while, I began to feel the drum of the music in my hips, and the alcohol sink into my veins. My vision was quite blurry, masked in a flare of confidence. 

I began to back up on a man, swaying my hips into rough motions, before he gripped onto my waist. Once I got into the rhythm, I slung one arm around his neck, pulling him towards me. 

The fumes of alcohol escaped from the strangers mouth, as he mumbled something incoherent in my lower earlobe. He feverishly kissed a path from my ear to my neck, repeating those steps like a simple dance. 

We turned in harmony, letting the music of Travis Scott and SZA to flow through us. Until something, or someone caught my attention. In my peripheral view, I noticed Erik sitting down in one of the red-leather booths, a half filled bottle of Hennessy in his hand, while the other arm laid leisurely on the top of the seat. 

But his eyes, spoke everything he needed to say, without even opening his mouth. His irises were charcoal back, but exploded in the color of red. A sizzling eye of seduction, and anger were coming off from his demeanor as he examined me and the other man. His stare could stop a bullet train, yet could nurture a baby bird, it was like Pandora’s box. 

He had everything and nothing. Although through all that, he still never had me. 




Warnings: Fluff

Anonymous asked:

Can you do another imagine on micheal b Jordan and the reader both in the black Panther movie and now they are red carpet together!! Pls

Word Count: 649

“The one and only Y/N L/N. First of all, huge fan of your work” A female interviewer rushed up to me, fumbling with her microphone as her eyes lit up in excitement. 

“Thank you so much, it’s a pleasure to entertain you guys” I humbly thanked, chuckling lightly at her enthusiasm. I smoothed down the wrinkles, that ran on the front of my dress, as the camera man began to focus in on me. 

“So Ms. L/N-” 

“Please, call me Y/N” I lightheartedly interjected. “I’m not that old yet” I laughed off, showing off that Hollywood grin. 

“Y/N, I’ve heard so many things about this movie. How do you feel about your character, Luwna Ugendja?” She asked curiously, unintentionally cramming the microphone towards my face. 

“Well, Luwna is certainly a female you definitely don’t want to be in conflict with. She holds this strength to her, similar to Killmonger, but unlike Erik, instead of fighting with an unrequited vendetta or honor of their country, she fights to prove that any female can be just as smart, and just as strong, as men are stereo-typically represented to be” I expressed confidently, explaining the motive of my character. 

“Speaking of Killmonger. What is the relationship between Luwna, and him? Is it platonic? Romantic?” She ushered, humorously winking at me. 

I giggled at her actions, tucking a stray hair away from my face. “I’d have to say Luwna and Erik share one of the more ‘interesting’ relationships. There’s definitely tension between the two, but they also have this teenager-angsty kind of thing, due to their different opinions”. 

The interviewer chuckled profusely at my analogy of Erik and Luwna, the camera man joining her laugh fest. She rested her hand on my shoulder, looking into the camera; asking more of the simple questions, before asking a question, that caught my attention. 

“You’ve got to tell us, how is it working beside a man as sexy as Michael B. Jordan?” An undetectable rosy blush painted my cheeks. I looked down hiding a cheesy grin, and folded my hands together. 

“He’s actually one of my favorite people to work with. He certainly brings something different on set” I passionately answered, careful not to expose anything, that doesn’t need public attention. 

“So there’s a little rumor going around the cast- I actually asked Chadwick about this, and apparently there’s a connection between you and Mr. Jordan” 

W-well- wow, um… you see” I began to nervously stutter, biting the inside of my cheek as I cringed. 

A warm and firm arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me to it’s side comfortably. I looked up, only to see the man of the hour, Mikey. The same blush, returning to my face, only this time it wasn’t as obscure. 

“You see, me and Y/N over here have a similar relationship to Killmonger and Ugenja. We’re both opinionated, strong individuals. But the only difference is that I’m not hesistant to ask a gorgeous girl, to give me the honor of going out with me” He replied smoothly, adoringly glancing down at me. 

I hid myself in his arm, as the contagious feeling of warmth and butterflies intensified in my stomach. His proclamation sounding like sweet nectar, in my ears.

The interviewer wore shocked eyes, pointing the microphone towards me once again. “Wow so what do you say, Ms. Y/N?” She questioned, onlookers who overheard Michael, looking over in anticipation. 

“Yeah what do you say, Ms. Y/N” Michael repeated, loosening his grip on my side, so he could look at me better. His eyes held so much hope, and anxiety at the same time, gradually increasing as I prolonged my gaze. 

“Well who am I to not grant you the honor” I ardently replied, giving him a small peck on the cheek, as we continued to drink each others appearance, conserving this special moment. 

“YOU heard it here folks. #Your/Ship/Name is OFFCIAL!” 


Warnings: Cursing, Sexual Implications


Word Count: 1531

My lips twitched, as I bit the inside of my cheek; folding my arms together. I imagined piercing daggers, cutting through the thick skin of that, classless phony, attempting to seduce my ex-partner, Killmonger.  

I scoffed in annoyance, observing her plain tactics, she’s used to appear as flirtatious.The blood rushing through my veins, made it seemingly difficult to recuperate, but I managed. 

I grabbed one of the champagne glasses, stacked neatly on the tray, that the waiters were carrying around throughout the Gala. I took the glass to my lips, taking a long swig of the drink, tasting the clash of aged grape, and pomegranate. 

I set my drink to the side, diverting my gaze away from the two imbeciles before me, and watched the event unfold. There were people chatting among themselves, poised guests elegantly chowing down on their food, and the diplomatic representatives greeting each other with professional grace. 

Between the crowd, I saw Rogers give me signal, initiating our operation. Natasha sat a few stray tables away from him, pretending to check her makeup, in a small compact. She gave me a side eye look, indicating her part was done. 

On this specific night, we were ordered to gather central Intel, on Klaue’s recent arrangement with Killmonger. It was a surprise when they let me proceed with this mission, considering I use to associate with Erik myself. 

I swayed away, from where I was standing and sauntered over to where one of Klaue’s henchmen stood. During this time, I mentally went over the information I was given, in my head. 

“Franklyn James Castro, 34 years old; Domican and Nigerian, with a known alliance with Klaue in illegal transport of goods. Trained in the arts of Masangwe, and Jujitsu”. 

I was due to be back with information, immediately reporting it to Natasha or Rogers. I smoothed the slight wrinkles of my dress, fixing the slit that went from my upper thigh, to the floor. I also shifted the deep V-neck, careful on not exposing the wire, that ran underneath the cloth. 


I tucked my flowing hair, behind my ear, and seductively walked towards the man. I would be lying if I said he wasn’t blessed with attractiveness, he resembled a similar face to the king himself, T’challa, but his eyes were a shade of light hazel, equivalent to autumn leaves. 

I captured his gaze from a mile away, his eyes twinkled, engrossed at my appearance. I licked my lips seductively, staring back at him with the same look, a mischievous smirk etching itself onto my face. 

He looked to the side in hesitance, before ambling towards me, with a charming grin. From my peripheral view, I noticed Steve walking towards the back, proceeding with his role in the assignment. 

“Hey beautiful, I couldn’t help but notice such a pretty girl, by herself” He flirted, taking his bottom lip in between his teeth, basically devouring the sight before him. 

“Hey there handsome, I was just trying to look for my friend. He seems to always be off somewhere, without notifying me” I responded, a fake giggle, made to sound graceful and attractive, slipped my mouth, while I maintained eye contact, and came closer.

His breath hitched, as our proximity decreased, unveiling my exposed cleavage, awakening a new sort of attentiveness from him. 

“Well as a civic duty, I’ll accompany you while you wait” He flirted, slipping his hand on the small of my back, confidently pulling me towards him. 

“So are you going to tell me your name, or do I have to get it out of you, myself” I teased. 

“Franklyn. But I might’ve taken you up on that offer, if I knew you sooner" He chuckled flirtatiously, slyly winking at me. 

A rosy blush crept onto my cheeks, emitting a soft glow. My hands timidly placing them on my sides, creating a vulnerable and believable display. 

“So how about you? You have to enlighten me with your name, unless you prefer me calling you beautiful” He offered, his arm drifting further down south. 

As I was to respond, a familiar tone cut through the air. Almost immediately Franklyn’s arm was forcefully nudged off of my waist, and replaced with a much firm grasp. 

“Actually, you wouldn’t need to call her anything. Franklyn. Now get your ass back to your position, before I tell Klaue about your little rendezvous with women, rather than doing your job” Erik threatened, a fiery glare directed towards Franklyn. 

Franklyn soon sped off in cowardice, and returned to his designated location. I turned around facing Erik, a grimace plastered on my face. “What the actual fuck Erik?” I snarled, stepping away from his hold.

“Well nice to see you too, Y/N” He retorted, reclaiming his position by my side. “It’s been a long time hasn’t it?” 

“More like, not long enough” I grumbled, crossing my arms together tightly, not bothering to shove him off of me, knowing that he will willingly come back anyway. 

“Looks like you’re a bit rusty in the field, darling” He said, staring at me with a twisted excitement in his eyes. I stared at him incredulously, baffled at his statement, before his palm began to travel down the side of my chest, an into the slip of my V-neck. 

“Erik-” A whispered shrill, slipped from my mouth in surprise. 

He easily pulled out the wire underneath my dress, and pulled out the small microphone, and diminished it in his fingers; completely destroying the device. “It was obvious you had a wire underneath your dress. Rule number one in scheming; never hide your paraphernalia under an apparel, that is eye catching, and you definitely caught my eye, Babygirl”. 

“I am not, and never have been you Babygirl” I snapped, resisting the urge to spit in his disgusting, yet charming face. I attempted to walk away from him, and the entirety of our conversation, but he blocked my path by jumping in front of me. 

“So is this what S.H.E.I.L.D’s put you up to? You know they don’t really care about you Y/N, T’challa doesn’t need you either. They just want you for your knowledge” He stated, clawing at my last nerves. 

“You could help me, and Klaue-” 

“Cut the bullshit Erik. Why don’t you ask that girl you were fraternizing with earlier to join your shit team” I fired back, gritting my teeth as my patience was beginning to spread thin. 

“Well, she was going to be part of my weekly hookups, but something else caught my eye” He dangerously, closed up on our space, using his arm to trap me into him. 

He still wore the same deceiving eyes, and delectable lips. His gaze was dark, but his irises held an ember, igniting an old spark I had proudly shown in the past. 

I glanced away, averting my attention to the beautifully decorated tables of the Gala, anything but his eyes. He pressed his fingers to the side of my chin, fondly tracing shapes on my cheek, before forcing me to look up at him. 

“Stop Er-” I was cut off by him, practically dragging me off to a more secluded area. We ended up in a balcony, decently lit, courtesy of the moon, with huge floral vases placed delicately in the corners. 

The railings were made of some expensive marble, sculpted into a shape, you would only see in Greece. I still kept an unnerved facial expression, but my heart beat gave it away. I was internally nervous, this was definitely not part of the plan. 

“Erik, you can’t just-” 

I was pushed back against the glass doors of the balcony, lips feverishly glued onto mine, hastily maneuvering in rough motions. I knew it was a trap to fall into, it had been the same trap I fell into months ago. But it is the same trap, I’ll willingly fall into now. 

We pulled apart, Erik still pressing me against the glass. “Baby you talk to much” He commented, brushing my hair to the side. 

I smiled reluctantly in return. “Maybe if you stopped cutting me off, I wouldn’t have to” I reasoned, snaking my arms around his neck. 

He bent down nipping at my collarbone. “After all this time, even after you left, I can still make you melt under me just by kissing you, my love”. He traveled back up, landing a kiss on my nose. 

“I’m stand guilty” I admitted, enclosing our space with a small peck on his, slightly swollen lips. “But you know I still can’t be with you Erik. I made a deal with S.H.E.I.L.D, and T’challa”.

“Fuck them Y/N. Especially T’challa. They’re all some white crackers, with a brother working with them, who have egos the size of their organization. If they want anything to do with you, they’ll have to go through me first” He said in a confident, yet serious tone. 

“But what about your ‘weekly hookups’?” I questioned, trailing my ring finger down his sharp jawline. 

“All for you baby” He responded, taking my hand and directing it down his chest, over the regal ensemble he was wearing. 

“Well…I wouldn’t want to starve you from your weekly dose, would I?” 



petite-madame: The Order of the Wakandan Tribes - (2021)A follow up to The Order of The Avengers (avpetite-madame: The Order of the Wakandan Tribes - (2021)A follow up to The Order of The Avengers (avpetite-madame: The Order of the Wakandan Tribes - (2021)A follow up to The Order of The Avengers (avpetite-madame: The Order of the Wakandan Tribes - (2021)A follow up to The Order of The Avengers (avpetite-madame: The Order of the Wakandan Tribes - (2021)A follow up to The Order of The Avengers (avpetite-madame: The Order of the Wakandan Tribes - (2021)A follow up to The Order of The Avengers (avpetite-madame: The Order of the Wakandan Tribes - (2021)A follow up to The Order of The Avengers (avpetite-madame: The Order of the Wakandan Tribes - (2021)A follow up to The Order of The Avengers (av


The Order of the Wakandan Tribes - (2021)

A follow up to The Order of The Avengers (availableHEREandHERE). All the outfits are inspired by the ones of various African people (Maasai people, Zulu people, Himba people, etc..) but also by concept art from the book The Art of Black Panther.

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Next Lifetime Michael B. Jordan pt 1.

Warnings: smut, fluff, kids, sneaky link turned into family, angst, crying, 18+, NSFW gifs, series


Relationship: Michael B. Jordan x black plus sized reader (Azina/Z)

<4 years ago>

I’m throwing my ass back to the music just enjoying myself during this time. I’ve had at least 4 shots and I’m feeling all of them.

I feel someone press up behind me and it’s my best friend Michael whose clearly off the Henny just as much as I am. He grinds against me and as I’m working my hips I feel his dick stiffen. A boldness surged through me, or maybe that’s the liquor, and I stand up turning to him sealing a kiss. I’ve always wanted him no doubt I just never knew how to tell him. I guess being drunk is the best way. His hands grab at my waist then snake to my ass. His sweet Hennessy flavored lips are getting me even more drunk but with lust this time. The glisten of his plump lips being out the diamonds in his grill set plastered perfectly on his teeth.

“Let’s go to my house” I nod agreeing with his request and he grabs my hand leading me outside. He hails down a cab and opens the door letting me get on first. He smacks my butt on the way in and I giggle.

“322 Barron Street please” it’s about a 15 minute ride from here.

The driver begins his route and Michael starts kissing my neck and his hand slips down my shorts. My panties are beyond soaked and now he’s rubbing my clit making me whine.

His hand wraps around my throat whispering on my ear “stay quiet ma” he rubs again and as soon as the driver turns the corner into Michael’s loft I’m bussing all over his fingers biting the bottom of my lip trying to stay quiet.

He wraps his hand around my mouth flicking my clit faster making me shake harder. He pulls out his coated fingers placing them in my mouth. I suck off my own sweet juices and he grabs my by the throat kissing me tasting myself off my tongue. The driver clears his throat and we stop giggling and getting out. He tips the driver and walks past me opening the door. As soon as he gets the door open my pants are already unbuckled and halfway off.

“Damn hold on mamas” he slurs. We finally make it up to his nicely decorated bedroom and I’m pushed backwards flying back first on the bed. Michael comes on top of me and I flip us over grinding down on his already rock hard dick. He grabs a handful of behind moaning in my mouth. I move down to his neck where I kiss it sloppily. We stop kissing for a moment and I remove my shirt while he does the same. I move down pulling down his boxers and pants in one motion wasting no time swirling my tongue on the tip of his leaking dick. A low moan fills the room and I wrap my lips around the entire tip and push my head down letting it hit the back of my throat. I let it get wet then go back up to sucking on the tip while my right hand jerks the base and my left hand cups his balls. I come off with a string of saliva and I use my palm to rub on the top directly allowing the slick saliva to give him pleasure. His stomach caves and a loud moan erupts from Michael as he looks down holding vicious eye contact with me.

“Fuck Z” I continue going to town until he grabs me by the throat pulling me up to his mouth. Michael’s tongue roams my mouth fighting for dominance as he pulls me on top of him. I grab his throbbing dick pushing it inside of my aching pussy feeling him expand my walls gracefully. He leans back laying his head on the pillow as I gasp sinking down on him until our hips meet. I place my hands on his chest and sit on my feet rocking my hips along his shaft. His eyes flutter shut as I work my magic swirling my hips in a sloppy drunken circle. He bites his lip while one hand grabs the back of my head pulling my sweaty forehead to his. The other hand grabs a handful of my ass pulling me down. His dick fills my pussy completely making me gasp. Without missing a second Keith grabs both sides of my head keeping deadly eye contact with me and thrusts his hips beating my pussy from below. I let out a mewl holding his biceps while digging my acrylics into them. I bite my lip as he obliterates hot spots I didn’t even know were there.

My entire body feels like it’s on fire as after he thrusts he gives it aches and caves for more. “You like that? You like being daddy’s lil bitch” he moans pounding me out. Michael moves his hands wrapping his hand around my throat pulling me further and growling in my ear. I try to push away as the pleasure is starting to overwhelm me and he holds me by my hips keeping me right where he wants me. The only that can be heard in the room is the slushing sound of my wetness, the clapping of my ass and his balls slapping against my ass. My legs shake already as he continues. My pussy soaks everything underneath me as I let out a struggled moan cumming harder than I’ve ever came with any other man before. Michael pulls out pushing me up onto his face while jerking himself off in the process. He wraps his hands around my hips tasting the beautiful mess he made. My body jerks and my hand instinctively moves to his head as I roll my body on his tongue. He moans at my taste sucking and lapping on my clit. I smile getting off his face and back on his dick bucking my hips wildly. Michael guides my hips keeping himself as deep as possible. He begins thrusting up again at a fast pace making my eyes roll to the back of my head. He growls again giving me a fair warning that he’s about to cum. Without thinking I scream “cum inside this pussy daddy”

I’m aching from his blows. I sit up and keep bouncing at the same pace as he holds my hips tensing up. His seed spills inside of me and I watch his arch his back when I clench my pussy creating a suction. He moans pressing into my hips more.

Michael sits up kissing me and giving me a hard spank to my right ass cheek. His dick throbs inside of me as our mixtures leaks out dripping past his balls and onto the sheets. Drunkenly I lay on top of him giving him lazy kisses. Time and liquor consumes us and before I know it we’re both asleep in each other’s arms.

I wake up with a headache the size of the room. I feel like if I move too fast I’ll throw up. I feel someone warmth next to me and I pause. Who did I go home with last night? What happened? I’m aching between my legs but my conscience tells me not to be scared. I look behind me seeing Michael fast asleep. I sigh in comfort knowing I’m safe. He stirs in his sleep opening his eyes and he sees me. “Morning”

“Morning” I move my legs and notice they’re weak. I pull back the covers and we’re both completely naked. Oh shit. I jump up to the best of my ability and he sits up too

“Mike what did we do last night”

“Well using my context clues we had sex” he says rubbing his eyes

“Michael do you not see an issue with that? You have a girlfriend”

“I know but I mean if I’m being honest I’ve always had feelings for you Z and clearly you feel the same way” he states. I grab my underwear shaking my head.

“Mike that’s not the point you knew we shouldn’t have acted on it especially since you’re in a relationship. This could absolutely ruin our friendship. Lemme ask you this what if we go get together and break up then what you know I’m not friends with my exes. If you can be cool with your ex y’all were never in love or still are in love. There’s no in between” he looks at me with his head hanging low. He knows exactly where I’m coming from. “I’m not tryna lose you as a person in general” Mike goes in the bathroom brushing his teeth and peeing.

I collect my clothes putting them back on and Mike throws on some basketball shorts and a t-shirt he grabs some slides and his car keys . Luckily my car is already at home since Michael and his girl Lori picked me up.

“Z I’m sorry. I know things went too far but I’m glad we at least know how we feel about each other” he says “and I don’t regret what happened last night” I nod and get in his car. He gets in the drivers seat taking off and taking me home.


Lori decided to have a pool party today to celebrate Mike for his birthday. Of course he invited me and being his best friend I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Plus it’s at his new house and I’ve never seen it before. Granite we haven’t talked much or seen each other at all since our ordeal a couple weeks ago. In fact this is the first time I’ve actually seen him since that day.

I walk through their beautiful house with a bottle of champagne in my hand. I see Lori in the kitchen. Honestly me and her have never really been that close. I never really cared for her but I was always cordial with her. “Hey Lori I brought this for y’all” she looks at me taking the champagne without even saying thank you. Bougie bitch. Don’t get me wrong I’m bougie too but best believe I’m as humble and as thankful as they come. I guess that’s why me and Mike are best friends. We’re the same.

I roll my eyes and my heels click outside where I see a bunch of people lounging in the pool and on the sides with drinks in their hand. My other best friend Lamia greets me with open arms. Her perfume makes me nauseous and dizzy “Hey girl” she smiles

“Hey” I say trying to hold my breakfast down.

“Mike is over there. Have you and him talked since then?” As soon as I got home that day I got ready for work and told Lamia what happened. I shrug my shoulders as an answer.

“Only small talk and I’ve low key been trying to avoid him just so the awkward tension doesn’t arise” I say

“Makes sense” Michael begins walking over and I stride a little further away until he catches me.

“Hey ladies” he hugs lamia and I’m next. I smell his cologne and melt. “you want a drink Z” I shake my head

“I don’t feel too hot right now so I’ll stick with water for the day” he nods eyes lingering on me for longer than a second. Lori comes out running his bare back and our contact is broken. While Lori begins talking to him I slip away downing the rest of my water. The nausea is finally gone and I sit on the lounge chair going on my phone. I put on my sunglasses shielding my eyes.

While I’m relaxing in the sun I notice Michael keeps staring at me. I see the small bulge in his shorts and I can’t help but bite my lip, mouth water at the taste of his dick down my throat.

A mid-height dark skin man starts walking my way and I see he has a pearly white smile similar to Michael’s. I get a better glimpse of his face. His name is Jayson. I’ve heard about him before. I heard he’s a player and he sleeps with anything that moves.

He sits next to my feet flashing his smile at me. I sit up with a small smile on my face. “Hey I’m Jayson Mikes friend”

“Yea I know. I’m Z”

“What’s that short for”

“Azina” he smiles scooting closer. I glance up seeing Mikes eyes never leaving me.

“That’s beautiful. Fitting for a beautiful woman” he bites his lip. I take a deep breath and take my sunglasses off. I stare directly into Michael’s eyes and he’s fuming. Dimples are prominent in his cheeks, nose flared, biceps flexed from how tense he is. Jayson moves even closer and that’s when Michael comes over.

“Hey Jay what y’all talking about?” He interjects with his nose held high. A small rage burns in my stomach at how he completely ruined my chance at something. Even if I was just playing Jaysons game right back at him.

“Her name. It’s pretty”

“Oh yea the two ‘A’s in her name stands for aggravated assault. She’s crazy man she beat niggas” he laughs. He’s not fully wrong “but she’s my kinda crazy. Speaking of Azina can I speak to you privately please? Jay you don’t mind right? Course not be right back” before I even have a chance to protest he grabs my wrist and my panties are soaked by the time we enter the glass double doors of his house that Lori happens to be staying in. Just hearing him call my name rather than my nickname has me wanting to be on my knees on this cold marble floor.

“What the hell is your issue?” I ask yanking my arm away. He grabs me again taking me upstairs through the neatly decorated white hallway. We get into his gold coated marble bathroom where he locks the door. I lean against the counter and he folds his arms “why have you been avoiding me”


“And don’t lie to me” he asserts his dominance making my clit throb. Silence and heavy thick sexual tension fill the air and I look down at my long pink acrylic nails. He steps closer sealing any space between me and him. His large hand wraps around my throat making me bite my lip “you like seeing me get all jealous? Shit makes you wet mama?”

“Yes” I whimper. And just like that I’m putty in his hands. He pulls me up to his plump lips placing a wet kiss on them. Michael pulls off my duster of a swimsuit coverup. His large hands play with my breasts and my hand moved to his hard on. He’s rock solid now. His hand moves from my breast to my bikini bottoms rubbing my clit. My hips hunk and my hands move to his bicep as his plump lips kiss my neck. My body jerks as his thick fingers slide into my hole with ease. He begins pressing my g-spot like a button making me lose my breath. Michael moves up to my ear whispering “you’re mine”

He pulls his fingers out and sucks them dry turning me around some I’m facing the huge mirror above the sink. I grab the ledge bracing myself as he rolls my bottoms down spanking me in the process. I spread my cheeks feel his warm hard dick press inside of me. He fills me up and holds my hips bouncing me back to meet his thrusts. His breaths become heavy and ragged and my mouth drops open but nothing comes out.

Michael is pressing right on my g-spot making me lose my breath. “Daddy” I whimper.

“That’s my girl take all this shit. You wanna flirt with other niggas ima show you who you belong to” he wraps his hand around my throat quickening his pace. My eyes squeeze shut and my moans get louder. The sounds of our moans and my ass clapping fills the room but we have to keep it quiet so no one comes up here and finds us.

“You like when daddy fill you up bitch?”

“Yes I love it so much” my legs begin shaking as my orgasm approaches fast like a train. He gets close to my ear still pounding me out against the marble counter.

“Look at me when I make you cum” I bite my lip and his grip tightens on my neck. I open my eyes to the best of my ability as my entire body seizes in front of him. My body is on fire and he chuckles biting his lip “you look so fucking pretty taking all this dick like a good little whore”

I whimper jerking around and he pulls out watching my body tense up and convulse. He smacks my already shaking ass. Michael turns me around again putting me on the counter and he gets on one knee licking my pussy. He slurps you the mess he made moaning at the taste. I watch as he pulls my pussy lips back making sure to get as much of my clit as possible. My body writhes from still being sensitive and I grab the back of his head pushing him further in me. I pull off my bikini top rubbing my nipples while grinding on his face. My head falls back and he gives small licks making me even crazier than before. Michael comes up kissing my lips. I can taste myself on his tongue. He taps his dick on my clit before inserting himself again. I wrap my arms around his shoulders as he wastes no time taking me to Poundtown.

His short nails claw down my back and he buries his head in my neck. “That’s it daddy right there” my nails take through his short waves as his hips ripple through me. My moans uncontrollably get louder and he covers my mouth pounding me harder “can’t scream now can you baby?” I whimper eyes rolling to the back of my head as I squirt on his dick “that’s what I want fuck I’m bout to cum” his growls get louder and he kisses me moaning. His body shakes when he leaks inside of me. My nails scrape down his back and he empties his load inside of me.

He stays inside of me staring deep into my eyes. I can’t help this feeling anymore but I need to for the sake of our friendship. Michael’s catches me in a kiss and for a split second I ignore my feelings and kiss him back. As if he were really mine. That thought stops me from going any further “I’m sorry for avoiding you”

“I understand mamas” he kisses me again and pull out grabbing a towel he wipes off my pussy and leans down placing a kiss on my clit making me gasp. I chuckle getting off the counter with his help. My legs shake and I laugh. I grab my clothes putting them back on and making sure I look like I did before I came up here.

“Mike” I hear Lori call from downstairs. To the best of my ability I walk to the door but before I open it Michael grabs my arm kissing me again. This one was more passion than lust. I smile pulling away and open the door. To see Lori coming in. I turn around and turn him around quickly “so this is the master bathroom?” I look at him

“Yea it’s marble counters and the gold trim it’s my favorite and there’s the waterfall shower in there” we walk towards the shower acting like he was explaining me the layout of the bathroom the whole time. I hear loris heels click in the bathroom “baby the boys are looking for you at the pool” he turns around nodding

“Ard come on Z” We walk past Lori and her eyes linger on us.

Me and Mike walk outside and he can’t stop staring at me. He stands at the front of the bar with a microphone “I wanna thank every one for coming out. I wanna thank Lori for putting this together couldn’t have done this without you babe” that word ‘babe’ leaves a stinging mark on my heart as Lori steps up beside her man. She kisses him and then looks at me. I walk backwards dipping out from the crowd. I go inside and grab the champagne I brought. This bottle wasn’t cheap so if they won’t drink it I will. I pour myself a glass and start sipping it. Michael comes in and once again it’s just us alone.

“I’m sorry”

“Don’t be sorry. Look Michael as much as we both want it us being together might never happen simply because you and Lori are a thing and y’all are basically destined for marriage”

“Now you know I’ve been about you and only you for a while”

“I can’t tell cause I’m still single and you’re in a relationship” I sigh “I’m leaving this house is beautiful but you need to figure out what you really want” I extend my arms and give him a hug. He plants a kiss on my neck Mumbling the words I’m sorry again.

I grab my champagne and leave the house with a heavy heart and a cloudy mind. That nauseous feeling is back.


December 1st, 2002

“Alright Amber it’s your turn this year to pick a color scheme for the tree”

“How bout’ pink mama?”

“Mama no, she always picks pink when its her turn”

“Yea how bout’ orange or something?”

“No it’s your sisters turn and if she wants pink she will have pink and besides there are different shades of pink”

Mama squeezed my fat 5-year-old face with her perfectly painted red nails. Since I was the youngest, the picking the color scheme tree thing was all new to me. Every year I picked pink much to my sisters, Ashlee and Anna’s, dismay. My mother was always our rock. God was she the best. Our dad was never around, but she did it all by herself. I heard he left her stranded at the hospital when she had me. When I was little, I always thought women made babies by themselves, boy did I get a surprise when I got older. I looked at my mother with such amazement. Like damn, how could she raise such beautiful and strong women by herself? May 17th, 2011 is the day my whole life changed. I lost her, my best friend, my everything. I was only 15 with nowhere to go. Ashlee moved to Chicago after she graduated and Anna got married soon after she left college and had a family of her own. Neither one of them wanted to take me in. I ended up living with my grandma and boy she was hell on earth. There was a tad bit of light in my darkness though: Demarcus Austin. My first time, my first kiss, and my first love. After high school, we went to college together for one semester. We were in love or at least I thought we were. He ended up cheating on me and we broke up. The last I heard is that he moved back home to Michigan and he had a daughter with the girl he cheated on me with. I started missing my mother even more and I flunked out of school. I had to move back home with grandma and get a job. Neither Ashlee or Anna ever called me to check on me when I was going through all of this. Even though the Christmas holidays are coming up, God be with us all cause this family is nothing like the one you see in hallmark movies…
