#mick rory fluff


Birthday Surprise

Pairing:Mick Rory x Reader

Rating: None, Fluffy

Requested by:Anon

“could you do a romantic x reader oneshot on mick rory from- Dc’s Legends of Tomorrow (Where rory has to keep the newest member of the legends (who’s from “Lynchburg, Va” and dreams of becoming a fashion designer) busy by taking her on a fake mission while the other legends (Sara, Ray, Nate, Zari 01, Charlie, John Constantine, Gary, and Ava) set up a surprise birthday party for the reader with her favorite DQ ice cream cake (Cookie crunch) . During the fake mission within a deep forest the reader and rory took a wrong turn and got lost rory took off his coat and wrapped it around the reader’s shoulders after telling how cold the reader was, rory then flirted with the reader a bit and told her that he has genuine affections for her and steals her first kiss and wished her a happy birthday as they shared their second kiss. Back to the waverider the legends celebrated the reader’s birthday with gifts (a new sketchbook & pens, and a new Rebecca Silver book from rory) and ice cream cake)!Details: The reader’s from Lynchburg, VA who’s studying to be a fashion designer, she’s a skilled martial artist, she’s a vegetarian, her favorite color is blue, she loves to read, she loves animals, she even loves designing clothes, she doesn’t drink: wine, beer, alcohol, or liquor of any kind! DQ is Dairy Queen a restaurant that sales food and ice cream cakes!”

I really hope I did this justice! I hope you enjoy it! Happy early birthday Anon!!!!!! Hope you devour the hell outta that DQ ice cream cake!!

Well, another year older and it’s just another day. I thought the Legends were my friends. I thought they’d at least wish me a happy birthday. Instead, I woke up and was immediately sent out on a mission with Mick. They chose now to finally show me the ropes. They chose today of all days. After getting ready I met Mick on the main deck. He went over the plan. We were scouting some bunker that was supposedly hidden in the dense forest we had landed in.

I followed behind Mick as he led us off the Waverider. I hadn’t seen any of the other Legends since I got up.

“Where is everyone?” I asked as we started into the trees.

Mick shrugged.

“Probably still asleep,” He said.

I nodded even though he couldn’t see me. We walked deeper into the trees until we were completely surrounded by the dense overgrowth. Light barely shown through the branches to light our way. Several minutes of walking passed. Mick had turned in different directions making me think he actually had no clue where he was going.

“What are we suppose to be looking for?” I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest.

The temperature seemed to drop the further into the trees we went. Mick stopped then turned in different directions.

“It should be around this area,” Mick grumbled to himself.

I sighed as I rubbed my hands against my arms. I swear if he got us lost I’m going to kill him. He finally chose a direction then continued on. We were only walking for another minute or two before he stopped again. He looked in every direction again.

“Mick,” I said in annoyance.

He instantly turned to look at me. I was bouncing now trying to warm myself up. I was surprised as Mick suddenly pulled his jacket off. He walked over to me then gently draped it over my shoulders. I groaned softly as the warmth of it came over me. I grabbed it pulling it tighter against me.

“Sorry (Y/N), I think I got us lost. All these damn trees look the same.” He said in his usual deep grumble.

“Any way to get us out of here before I freeze to death?” I asked.

I stiffened as Mick wrapped his arms around me then pulled me into his chest. He was so warm! I found myself snuggling closer to him. He chuckled softly but I didn’t care.

“You know there are other ways to warm you up.” He said in a mischievous tone.

I leaned back to look up at him with a brow raised. He looked down at me with a cheeky grin that made my heart skip a beat.

“What’s a beautiful girl like you doing in a place like this?” He asked in amusement.

I laughed as a blush filled my cheeks. I shook my head but didn’t say anything. I knew he was only trying to take my mind off the fact he’d gotten us lost.

“It’s a good thing I have my library card because I am totally checking you out.” He said in a softer voice.

“Mick!” I chided him as I slapped his massive chest.

“Do you really think right now is the time for jokes?” I asked harshly.

“Jokes? What jokes?” He asked tilting his head to the side.

I opened my mouth to answer him but then I realized what he said.

“You weren’t joking?” I asked hesitantly.

This time he chuckled.

“No (Y/N), I wasn’t joking. I thought you’d figure it out by now.” He said softly.

“Figure what out?” I asked as I played with his shirt.

He chuckled again then lifted my chin so I’d look at him.

“That I like you. The first woman in the world to get me wrapped around her finger and she doesn’t even know it.” He said with a small smile.

“Me?” I asked in surprise.

He chuckled as he leaned forward slightly. I was frozen in place as he got closer. His warm soft lips gently pressed against mine. I melted against him as butterflies erupted in my stomach. He pulled away all too soon but pressed his forehead against mine.

“Yes you, birthday girl,” He said quietly.

My heart almost stopped at his words.

“You knew?” I asked him.

He nodded then suddenly kissed me again. I wasn’t entirely sure what to do as my mind swam from his confession.

“Happy Birthday (Y/N)” He said softly after he pulled away.

I couldn’t help but smile. Leave it to me to get myself in this situation but I’m seriously glad I did.

“Are you sure?” I found myself asking.

“Of course I am. I’ve never taken the time to learn as much about anyone else as I have you.” He said with a proud smile.

“Oh really? What could you possibly know?” I asked in amusement.

“Well, you’re from Lynchburg, VA. You’re currently studying to be a fashion designer. You’re a badass badass. You’re a vegetarian, your favorite color is blue, you love to read, you go crazy over any animal, and you don’t drink alcohol of any kind. That’s okay I’ll drink it for you.” He said everything like he already knew they were facts.

I stared at him in surprise. I don’t think anyone has ever remembered that many things about me. I found myself leaning closer like I was going to start the next kiss until his phone rang making me jump.

“You had your phone the whole time?” I asked in bewilderment.

He gave me a sheepish grin then answered it.

“Yea,” He said into the device.

There was a pause as he listened to the person on the other end.

“Sure thing, we are on our way,” Mick said with a nod.

He hung up then placed his hand against my back to guide me forward.

“I thought we were lost?” I asked raising a brow at him.

I looked up to see a smile on his face but he didn’t answer my question. Before I knew it we were back at the Waverider. I smacked his arm making him laugh.

“Why pretend we were lost? That would be a stupid reason just to confess your feelings for someone.” I told him harshly.

He rubbed his arm and only continued to smile. I huffed as I stomped past him. That’s the last time I let Mick “show me the ropes.”

“Surprise!” The loud shouts had me jumping out of my skin.

Mick laughed from behind me as he slid his jacket off my shoulders. In front of me stood the Legends and behind them, the entire main deck was decorated.

“Happy birthday!” They all cheered in unison.

I couldn’t help the ridiculous smile that took over my features. Here I was thinking no one cared at all but in reality, this group of extraordinary people cared more than anyone else ever had. I felt Mick step up behind me. He leaned forward then he pressed a gentle kiss to my temple.

My pretty bad day had turned completely around. My friends had thrown me my first ever surprise party. They even got me my favorite Cookie Crunch DQ ice cream cake. I finally felt like I was home.

The Legends were also fantastic gift-givers. I got new sketchbooks and pens. Mick waited to be last. When it was his turn I quickly unwrapped the gift to find a beautiful 1st print of a Rebecca Silver book. I won’t lie, I almost cried on that one.

Another year older but not just another day.

Requests are open!
