#mieko ueda

This is a Media Press Release for Mamechiyo and Mieko Ueda, Please share to any media possible! “FasThis is a Media Press Release for Mamechiyo and Mieko Ueda, Please share to any media possible! “Fas

This is a Media Press Release for Mamechiyo and Mieko Ueda, Please share to any media possible!
“Fashion helps people stand out by expressing their individuality, but it also helps bring people
together when they share a love for it. Anime North celebrates Japanese fashion and brings
people together in their appreciation of it.” Dawn McKechnie Executive Director at Anime North.
The Anime North Fashion Show is one of the main J-Fashion North programming events at
Anime North. This fashion show bridges the gaps between kimono, steampunk, Lolita fashion,
runway fashion and cosplay. We believe there is so much that can be achieved when the
fashion and cosplay worlds collide, allowing for sharing and collaboration amongst those with
the same skills. The Anime North Fashion show will take place in the Toronto Congress Centre
North Building, on Saturday, May 25th, 2019 at 12:30pm.
Media accreditation Deadline May 10, 2019
Media department email: [email protected]
Media website
If past the May 10th deadline, please contact Priscilla Dixon at the J-Fashion North email address, please use the subject line Media!

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