#mikasa x levi


Another “Mikasa is good for Levi” moment hehe

Levi tells Armin/squad to suck it up, and that they’re killers now lol. Once again, he’s awkward in his wording and because of this it’s taken harshly by the scouts.

Mikasa reacts, visibly frustrated at him. “Captain? Why would you say something like that?!”

AndINSTANTLY Levi starts to rephrase AGAIN just like in my other post. “What I MEAN is… what you did led to saving our lives. Thank you.”

Healways has a reaction to Mikasa’s opinions. He’s always attentive to her reactions to what he says/does. He always wants to communicate clearly with her. And Mikasa is always the only one who dares to challenge him/speak up to him.

Unmentioned Rivamika moments pt2 of Ch54

We’ve seen this panel before; Levi is always quick to correct and check himself when Mikasa speaks up. There’s a ton of dialogue in this scene but ONLY WHEN MIKASA SPEAKS UP does he make the effort to rephrase.

Levi is, as he says, focusing on their shortcomings (aka Eren’s), but when Mikasa says, “But Eren tried his best,” Levi’s like “shit WAIT Mikasa I’m sorry you’re right, I’m just an asshole, let’s rephrase”

Analyses usually stops here, but if we keep reading on we realize that from that point on Levi resorts to the approach of inspiration and encouragement in his own subtle way. He speaks of the moment he learned what the air outside of the walls smelled like; how much better it was to learn that there was freedom out there. Hange translates his kind of vague thoughts, but in the end after Mikasa spoke up to demand his clarification, Levi moves on from the negatives and focuses on the positives (the things they did gain despite it not being ideal).

The delulu in me says, Mikasa helps bring Levi back to earth and pushes him to positive light. AND of course, Levi chooses that positive/inspiring approach mainly to make Mikasa feel better and feel heard even amidst looking at plain facts.

Iono IT’S 12:30AM I cannot stop thinking about these two. Also I really want to reread the entire series to catch more of these moments between them.

I told my husband today I’ve been working on an Attack on Titan fanfic!! I didn’t tell him details yet, and I let him know he can only read it when I’m done and/or when the anime ends I also told him when it’s time, I’ll have a whole presentation for him.

He said “I can’t wait for the steamy sex scene you write of Levi” and WHEN I TELL YOU I BLUSHED because there will definitely be that BUT I DID NOT MENTALLY PREPARE FOR MY HUSBAND SOMEDAY READING EVEN THOSE PARTS

Anyway. LOL. This is new to me I hope he enjoys it. As I’ve said since forever, he will not be surprised AT ALL when I present to him that I’m a rivamika shipper. He loves both characters and hopefully he’ll get on board too

(More context: A big reason why I ship Rivamika came from post-series when Mikasa is older… Husband is an anime only and it would spoil that Mikasa and Levi survive in the manga! So I’ve been holding back from letting him know lol but I’m letting it marinade w him)

not me watching ackerman clan videos and the guy saying

“however as the series continued they became most trusted allies due to their similar strengths and intelligence… it’s very likely the two would stay on good terms”

“if these two live though the end of the series, the only fitting ending will be one of hope… hope that better times are to come. will these two have a happy ending??? for the last 6 years they have known nothing but loss and war, where tomorrow is never guaranteed… will they finally be able to put down their swords and live a peaceful life??? will the ackerman clan live on???

me, a hardcore rivamika shipper: u mean ackerbabies right?

And all the comments are like “ohhhh so the ackerman clan is actually just like the Uchiha clan!!!!

i’m like honey pls you’re late to the party

they know they ship it


As I’m drafting up Chapter 3 Rivamika in Hizuru, I saw this on Twitter and INSPOOOOO

I COULDNT HELP IT, i’m sorry Levi

hange the MVP

Microcosmos is on Ao3

Cryinggg because @rivaille-13 complimenting my writing is everything After the War is top tier in my heart!! Hans you know how much I love your freakin’ work and I’m flattered that you even enjoyed those lil short fics!!!!!!! YOU INSPIRE ME, I WANNA WRITE MORE

I’ve already been conjuring up chapter 2 ideas

 Yes, I am back! XD I hope you like!Happy Halloween to everyone! Please support me on: https://www

Yes, I am back! XD I hope you like!
Happy Halloween to everyone! 

Please support me on: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/IndyMB

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 I wanted to make a brilliant image of a couple on the beach, portraying a happy Rivamika is somethi

I wanted to make a brilliant image of a couple on the beach, portraying a happy Rivamika is something I really like!

See you next time!

Please support me on: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/IndyMB

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 I wanted to zoom in on Levi’s face as if he were watching Mikasa enter like a bride at the al

I wanted to zoom in on Levi’s face as if he were watching Mikasa enter like a bride at the altar! Hope you like it! I loved making the tissue!

If you liked this work and would like to see more please support: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/IndyMB

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ATENÇÃO BRASILEIROS!!Canecas Rivamika a venda por 63 reais + frete! Fretes no estilo de envio PAC acATENÇÃO BRASILEIROS!!Canecas Rivamika a venda por 63 reais + frete! Fretes no estilo de envio PAC acATENÇÃO BRASILEIROS!!Canecas Rivamika a venda por 63 reais + frete! Fretes no estilo de envio PAC acATENÇÃO BRASILEIROS!!Canecas Rivamika a venda por 63 reais + frete! Fretes no estilo de envio PAC acATENÇÃO BRASILEIROS!!Canecas Rivamika a venda por 63 reais + frete! Fretes no estilo de envio PAC acATENÇÃO BRASILEIROS!!Canecas Rivamika a venda por 63 reais + frete! Fretes no estilo de envio PAC acATENÇÃO BRASILEIROS!!Canecas Rivamika a venda por 63 reais + frete! Fretes no estilo de envio PAC ac


Canecas Rivamika a venda por 63 reais + frete! Fretes no estilo de envio PAC acima de 25 e 35 reais ganham desconto de 5 e 10 reais respectivamente, sobre o preço da caneca! Envio em até 10 dias úteis após o pagamento! Entre em contato pelo DM para mais detalhes! Em breve outros produtos! 

For those who live outside Brazil >>> 

If interested in the mugs contact via DM to convert the price and shipping to your country’s currency! And negotiate possible discounts!

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 Loja de links: https://www.redbubble.com/people/IndyMBra/explore?asc=u&page=1&sortOrder=rec Loja de links: https://www.redbubble.com/people/IndyMBra/explore?asc=u&page=1&sortOrder=rec Loja de links: https://www.redbubble.com/people/IndyMBra/explore?asc=u&page=1&sortOrder=rec Loja de links: https://www.redbubble.com/people/IndyMBra/explore?asc=u&page=1&sortOrder=rec Loja de links: https://www.redbubble.com/people/IndyMBra/explore?asc=u&page=1&sortOrder=rec Loja de links: https://www.redbubble.com/people/IndyMBra/explore?asc=u&page=1&sortOrder=rec Loja de links: https://www.redbubble.com/people/IndyMBra/explore?asc=u&page=1&sortOrder=rec

Loja de links: https://www.redbubble.com/people/IndyMBra/explore?asc=u&page=1&sortOrder=recent

Eu tenho uma loja agora! Na minha loja irei postar estampas originais da Rivamika e de outros navios que gosto como o Aruani! Também incluirei outros animes! E estampas totalmente originais feitas por mim! Ajude-me a alcançar o maior número de pessoas! Se você não quer comprar na loja, mas quer ajudar mesmo assim, compartilhe esta informação! Ou faça uma doação de qualquer valor neste link: 


Infelizmente, não queria expor isso a vocês, mas com a pandemia a situação em meu país piorou muito! Tudo é muito caro, impostos muito altos, comida cara, estou em uma situação financeira crítica … então criei a loja para conseguir algum dinheiro, porém se isso falhar, infelizmente terei que deixar o fandom permanentemente e obter mais lucro projetos para mim. Não é algo que eu quero, mas pode acontecer, então eu pergunto se você pode simplesmente compartilhar, compartilhar! Qualquer compartilhamento será de grande ajuda!
Obrigado pelo seu apoio! ^^

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— Why are you smiling, because in an hour we will already be dead?

Levi asked in genuine bewilderment. It seems that for a split second he forgot about the oppressive hopelessness.

— I am happy because this hour will belong only to us.

The captain ran his hand through she dark hair, and an unusual emotion appeared on his face - he was smiling.

— Леви, ты меня вообще слушаешь?

— Конечно, а почему ты решила, что не слушаю?

— Просто ты все время молчишь…

Леви улыбнулся, смотря в стальные глаза напротив.

— Я не хочу прерывать тебя. Мне так хорошо. Просто продолжай говорить.

Микаса улыбнулась в ответ, а щеки предательски зарделись.

Она продолжила рассказ, смотря в синие глаза напротив.

Горячий чай согревал руки, а их сердца - то, что они наконец-то были вместе.

- Levi, are you even listening to me?

- Of course, but why did you decide that I wasn’t listening?

Levi smiled, looking into the steely eyes opposite.

— I don’t want to interrupt you. I feel so good. Just keep talking.

Mikasa smiled back, and her cheeks flushed treacherously.

She continued the story, looking into the blue eyes opposite.

Hot tea warmed their hands, and their hearts - that they were finally together.

RivaMika ❤️

RivaMika ❤️

RivaMika and Gabi ❤️

– He even has girls here.

– What are you thinking, Captain?
