#mikey mcleod


- despite popular belief Mikey and Nate are not attached at the hip

- they are attached at the hands

- but it’s okay because Mikey has two hands, one for Nater and one for you

- so as long as you’re fine with being jokingly told you’re a home wrecker everything is fine

- the boys love you, they just like to tease

- Mikey would get really offended on your behalf even if you’re okay with the jokes

- he just really wants you to know you’re his number one

- the guys spend a lot of time together but he tries and makes sure to spend just as much time with you

- he loves loves loves to cuddle

- definitely the little spoon

- he just likes feeling a little small and protected sometimes

- unless you like specifically ask him to be the big spoon

- can be clingy but it’s just not in his nature to be alone for too long

- whenever he’s with Nate you get “your boyfriend misses you” snaps of him looking grumpy

- whenever he’s with you Nate gets “your boyfriend misses you” snaps of him looking grumpy

- he has the softest hoodies but complains when you steal them

- mostly because you never give them back so he has to regularly raid your stuff to steal them back

- but when he gets them back he really likes to just wear them when you can’t hang out for a while because they smell like you and he can pretend you’re there with him

- even after not dating for long he’d make room at his place for your things just so you can leave things there and not have to bring anything over when you’re staying at his

- not the best cook but he has a few things he can make

- very proud when he cooks for you

- he’s the worst gift giver so it’s his little way of spoiling you

- but he’s also good at ordering take out so that’s always an alternative

- otherwise the guys try to help steer him in the right direction with dating things when it looks like he needs a little help

- you can never go wrong with some flowers even if they’re from the supermarket

- needs a grocery lists when it’s his turn to do the shopping but he adds a ton of treats just because

- has your favorites memorized

- very much down for a relaxing facemasks and romcoms night in

- not a big fan of the blackmail worthy pics but at the end of the day they’re just showing that he is the best boyfriend ever because he likes spending time with you even if it gets a little funny at time

- Mikey tries to think of a few exciting date from time to time but he also just likes staying home and spending time together

- relaxing on the couch with some takeout is just his favorite thing 

- he will 100% use you as a pillow

- not really the kind of guy to buy you stuff with his name and number on it (be it jewelry or merch) but he absolutely loves it when you steal his things with his numbers on it

- because that would mean you chose that yourself and not just because he asked you to 

- so many small and innocent kisses that turn dirty real fast

- mans as never met a cute lil peck that didn’t turn into a filthy make out sesh

- overall Mikey is just a really soft boyfriend that loves being with you
