
Es from MILGRAM is nonbinary!(requested by anonymous)

EsfromMILGRAM is nonbinary!

(requested by anonymous)

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(late post) happy birthday mappi


milgram dump!!

lately ive been trying to draw them as the songs they covered! for now its es with hibana and mahiru with psychogram


wanted to draw some of my favorites LMAO (the joke is that they’re all my favorite, but i don’t have the energy for all ten prisoners :/ one day surely)

 the prison guard is so (pathetic) cute!!

the prison guard is so (pathetic) cute!!

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I just want Haruka to be happy please please please

Yuno: If there’s going to be a big dramatic scene, wait until I get back.

Mikoto: Of course. I can’t flip this table by myself!

[at the end of milgram]

Fuuta:I learned some very valuable lessons from this.

Es:I’m guessing they are all horrible distortions on the lessons you actually should’ve taken away.

Fuuta:Death isn’t real, and I’m basically God.

Mu: Croissants: dropped

Mikoto: Road: works ahead

Yuno: BBQ sauce: on my titties

Mahiru: Shavacado: fre

Fuuta: Miss Keisha: fuckin dead


Kazui, grumpy: I didn’t understand a single word of that and I hate every single one of you.

Mikoto: Must be hard not being able to laugh

Kotoko: I do have a sense of humor you know

Mikoto: I’ve never heard you laugh before

Kotoko: I’ve never heard you say anything funny before

Kotoko: Okay okay stop asking me if I’m straight, gay, bi, whatever. I identify as a FUCKING THREAT.

Yuno: How do I deal with my enemies?

Mu: Kill them

Yuno:That’s a bit extreme, I was hoping for a more passive solution

Mu: Kill them only a little?

Mahiru:So are we flirting right now?


Mahiru: That still doesn’t answer my question

Shidou:Some of you may die, but that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.
