#military conscription

A bit of March 3rd history…1791 - 1st US internal revenue act - taxing distilled spirits and

A bit of March 3rd history…

1791 - 1st US internal revenue act - taxing distilled spirits and carriages

1849 - US Home Department - later renamed the Department of the Interior - established by Congress

1861 - Alexander II of Russia signs the Emancipation Manifesto, freeing serfs and granting them the full rights of free citizens (serfs reading manifesto pictured)

1867 - 1st US wartime military conscription bill enacted

1921 - Discovery of insulin announced

1931 - “Star Spangled Banner” officially becomes the US national anthem

1991 - Los Angeles police officers severely beat motorist Rodney King, the beating is famously captured on amateur video and later leads to riots

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