#milk ingredient


The summer vacation is coming, and the nutrition clinic of the Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine gradually ushered in the peak period of the clinic, and the majority  consulted about growth and development problems. Some children are too fat, some children are too thin, some children are not tall, some children are anorexic, and some children have high uric acid…

What struck the nutritionist most was a little boy, Tong Tong, who was just 4 years old and was found to have high blood sugar and fatty liver.

A week ago, the child was examined in the local health center and found abnormal liver function, and then went to the pediatrics of the fourth hospital of Zhejiang University. The pediatrician confirmed that the child had fatty liver, and the fasting blood glucose was 6.2 mmol/L (normal fasting blood glucose in children <5.6 mmol/L), indicating that there was impaired fasting blood glucose, accompanied by high uric acid and high blood lipid.

Tongtong is 106cm tall, weighs 25.4kg, has a BMI of 22.6 (Body Mass Index, normal for children is 13.2-16.7), and has a body fat percentage of up to 40%, which is severely overweight.

“Children’s blood sugar is in the middle stage between normal people and type 2 diabetes. Without intervention, it is easy to develop into type 2 diabetes, and this type of diabetes is mostly secondary to the acquired lifestyle.”

Professor Zhang Aizhen explained to Tong Tong’s parents that Tong Tong was over ten pounds overweight, and it was imperative to reasonably control the child’s weight. After 3-6 months of effective weight loss, there is a high probability that all indicators will return to normal. However, the probability of children suffering from diabetes in adulthood is still higher than that of ordinary people, and they need to adhere to a healthy lifestyle in the future.

So what are the causes of obesity, hyperglycemia and fatty liver in young children? Professor Zhang first observed that the parents of the children themselves are very obese, and both are over 180 jins. After that, learn more about Tong Tong’s eating habits.

“Does Tong Tong usually drink milk?”
“Drink three or four bottles every day.” “
"What kind of milk is he drinking?”
“XX Milk (a popular reconstituted milk)”

It turns out that Tong Tongren has a small amount of rice. He eats two bowls of rice for every meal. He likes meat and vegetables. He likes to drink milk with sweet additives. He usually eats barbecue.

The obesity problem that exists in a family of three is inseparable from family eating habits. Dr. Zhang Aizhen patiently guided Tong Tong’s family of three to develop diet and exercise plans.

Professor Zhang Aizhen emphasized that pure milk and yogurt without additives are the first choices, and Tong Tong’s long-term favorite milk is not considered “milk” in the nutritional sense.

When parents buy milk for their children, they should pay attention to avoid categories of artificially refined sugar such as white sugar and sucrose in the ingredient list. The artificially refined sugar in beverages and prepared milk is one of the important “culprits” causing chronic metabolic diseases such as high blood sugar, high blood pressure, and high uric acid in children.

Therefore, parents are reminded that traditional concepts such as “Children are chubby” “It will naturally become thinner during adolescence” is undesirable. It advocates healthy and nutritious life, early prevention, early diagnosis and early treatment, especially for children with obesity problems More attention should be paid to the occurrence of metabolic diseases such as hyperuricemia, hypertension in children and adolescents, diabetes in children and adolescents.

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