#minecraft youtuber x you


Beauty and the Beast Epilogue

<<Previous//The End

~C!Technoblade x Fem!Reader): Beauty and the Beast AU

Welcome to the Epilogue my Lost Souls. Enjoy.

Cover art is done by: @abovenyx


Technoblade groaned softly burying his head in your chest as his daughter pounded loudly on the master bedroom’s door in the West Wing. “Your daughter’s awake…” He mumbled into your chest, tail wrapped snugly around your waist.

“Hm…”You kissed the top of his head not bothering to open your eyes, “Before sunrise, she’s your daughter.”

“Fuck you.” He grumbled sitting up in bed allowing the sheets to spill out around his waist, he heard you chuckling and whacked you with his tail. You yelped eyes shooting open, sharp eyes glaring into his soul. He could only smirk, “You weren’t complaining about that last night.”

“You’re a shit head.”

“I know you guys are awake!” Another series of loud pounding, resounded through the room, “Both of you! Now wake up you promised to take me to the village today! I wanna see Uncle Tommy!”

“Your mother needs her beauty sleep,” Technoblade called back watching you sit up, his marks from the night before needed to be covered before the two rulers ventured into the village. Especially since they were seeing your brother, the both of you had news to share and wanted to get it out there sooner rather than later. If it was going to be the same reaction he had when Athena was born he didn’t want to see how he reacted when you told him you were once again pregnant. The boy almost killed Technoblade on the spot considering the both of you weren’t even married at the time of the announcement. But now you were, so maybe his reaction would be a little different. Athena groaned and they heard her tiny footsteps retreating down the hall. He then noticed you glaring at him, “What?”

“Beauty sleep?” You criticized with a huff,“really?”

“You come up with a better excuse than Princess. What do you want me to say sorry, we slept in I fucked your mom so hard last night we both are super spent.” Sarcasm dripped from his tongue and it earned him a pillow to his face.

“You’re a pig. No wonder you got turned into one,” You sat up yourself and Technoblade brushed the comment off, after all his two favorite things in the world were on display to view. When you were pregnant before they swelled so nicely, a pleasant buzzing stirred under his skin at the thought that they’d probably soon be that size again. “You’re staring again,” You mused with a fond eye roll used to his antics by now. After he ‘discovered himself’ sexually there was almost no quelling his libido.

“Can you blame me?”

“I would say yes, but your ogling makes me feel pretty.” You flushed a sweet pink and Technoblade beamed from ear to ear.

“You’re gorgeous.”

“Hush.” You waved your hand shyly, sliding off the bed to grab a fresh pair of undergarments and a more casual dress. He hummed following in your footsteps and getting dressed for the day himself,

“Braid my hair?”

“Always sit.” You commanded and he sat down at the vanity, he felt your skilled fingers scratch at his scalp and he hummed. You brushed out the messy pink locks before braiding his hair down his back to keep it out of his face. You reached towards his crown placing it on his head, he felt you press a light kiss to his cheek, “I love you.”

“I love you too.” He looked up at you and caught you smiling cheek to cheek, “And he’s gonna love you too.” You hummed, he turned to place his forehead on the minuscule bump in your stomach.

“He? I’m hoping for another baby girl. What do you mean?” Technoblade complained, “I want another Athena.”

“I don’t. I want a little boy who looks just like you.” You kissed his nose and he groaned,

“Why would you want that?”

“Cause you’re lovely and a good man, even if you had to learn to get there.” Technoblade flushed at your earnestness, “Now come on we have a daughter to entertain. Plus the exciting news to share with everyone, that is if Athena can keep her mouth shut.”

“She got that from your side. Tommy that is.”

“Can it, Techno.”

“Yes ma’am.” He saluted as you rolled your eyes, you headed for the door, he followed behind you like the puppy he was. Phil, with hair greying slightly and a lighthearted smile on his face, was talking with an eager Athena. Technoblade knew he missed Sally and Wilbur, and Fundy to that extent. The three of them asked for permission to leave the castle to become a normal family once again once they found Fundy and of course Technoblade was going to let them. So long as they visited every once in a while because Phil wanted to stay, the castle was all he knew.

“Dad uncle Phil said he was going to teach me how to use a sword!”

“Good it’s important you learn to protect yourself.”

“And my baby brother or sister!” Athena added puffing out her chest, the smile on your face said it all.

“Exactly baby!” You chirped and his daughter smiled wide, the gap in her front teeth showing. “Alright now, are you ready to go see Uncle Tommy?”

“Finally!” She headed for the door and tossed it open, you sighed softly,

“She forgot her coat.”

“I’ll get it. You shouldn’t be walking up the stairs that much,” Techno assured, giving you a tender kiss to your lips. You sighed into it and his heart fluttered,

“Thank you, baby.”

“Anything for you. Phil, do you mind helping her to the car?”

“I’m not that far along Tech. Don’t force Phil into this!”

“It’d be my honor, your highness.” Phil mused looking down at your eyes twinkling.

“Phil call me by my name.” You laughed walking outside with him, Phil snickered and shook his head as you let out a little huff. Technoblade joined you and your daughter a few minutes later with Athena’s coat in his arms. Athena was feeding the birds some leftover bread from breakfast, “If you catch sight of Wil tell him I miss him.”

“I will,” Techno gave Phil a stern pat on the back, the old man chuckled letting out a laugh. “Stay safe and make sure the boys don’t get into trouble.”

That’s like asking Tubbo not to stick his hand in the beehive in the back garden.” From beside Techno, he watched you cover your mouth to hide your giggles, the number of times you had to take stingers out of that boy’s hand was too many to count. “Have fun, dinner will be ready when you return.”

“Thank you, Phil. For everything,” You curtsied and stepped into the carriage, he stuck his head out of the door and shouted, “Thena come on we’re leaving!”

“Uncle Tommy!” She cheered stumbling into the carriage, “Ouch mom move your fat butt!”

“Rude! Apologize!” You scoffed as Technoblade laughed stepping in behind his overly rambunctious daughter. Technoblade pulled his daughter to his side and ruffled her hair,

“Apologize to your mother.”

“I’m sorry you have a fat butt.”

Technoblade howled with laughter and you glared at your husband only sighing in defeat. At least you knew he liked your fat butt, but if he was going to be like that you weren’t going to let him touch it. Eventually, your little family arrived at the village, everyone greeted the King and Queen with awe. Kids jumped up on walls and fountains just to get a glimpse at the royal family, you waved like the elegant royalty you were. In the crowd you spotted a little red-headed boy on his father’s shoulders, his face lighting up with joy. You nudged Technoblade and he spotted Wilbur holding his son on his shoulders, “Wilbur!” He called waved, Wilbur waved back knowing they’d have a chance to catch up later at Tommy’s. Speaking of the new young adult male gave a loud whistle waving the family over. The crowd parted like the sea, just as thrilled to see the Queen’s younger brother out of his laboratory.

“Tommy,” You smiled eagerly and Athena squealed launching herself at her favorite uncle. Tommy grinned picking her up by the waist and spinning her around eagerly, he peppered his niece’s cheeks in kisses. “He’s more excited to see my daughter than me.” You pouted and Technoblade laughed, it was a deep rumbling as he kissed your cheek.

“You’ll live.” You both watched as Athena talked his ear off, asking about his inventions and what he was currently building. Wilbur and Fundy made their way through the crowd, Sally was sick once again, unfortunately, but apparently, Wilbur couldn’t keep Fundy away from his favorite people. “It’s good to see you Wil, Athena will be thrilled to see Fundy if he can put up with her.”

“He loves to see Athena, he thinks of her as a little sister. Right, my little champion?”

You all watched as Fundy’s face turned a deep red and he whined, “Dad you’re embarrassing me.”

“Don’t care.” He cooed, “I love you.” Wilbur cooed and Fundy whined as Wilbur placed him on the ground. The teen huffed off weaving through the crowd as Wilbur laughed, “Yeah, I think he preferred it when I wasn’t with him.”

“Wilbur Soot! You know that’s not true!” You scolded lightly hitting him in the chest, “I remember when you and Sally found him you were all in tears. How is she by the way?”

“Hanging in. She’s devastated she couldn’t come to see you.”

“Next time we’re here we’ll absolutely visit, unfortunately, I don’t think we’ll have time…” You frowned worry etched across her features. Now it was Wilbur’s turn to hit you,

“Nonsense she wouldn’t want to see you today anyway. She’s not her best, and she doesn’t like seeming weak. You know how she gets.” You nodded lightly in understanding and Technoblade gently rubbed your back trying to soothe your nerves. “She knows you both care.”

“She better. Or (Y/n)’s gonna beat the shit out of her.”

“Techno! Language!”

The two men laughed and began to chat in their own conversation, you took the moment to look around the crowd, you saw a young woman trying to carry a basket of heavy apples across the way. You moved swiftly grabbing the other end with a small smile, “Let me help.” She blinked a smile spreading across her red lips, her brown hair fell over her shoulders.

“Thank you, you have such a kind heart, your majesty.”

“Oh hush it’s no trouble. Anyone would help.” You flushed and helped her place the basket by the stand. The woman stood up and seemed to eye you and then Techno, she let out a little hum.

“Not everyone.” She was looking at Technoblade and you raised an eyebrow feeling awkwardness began to grow inside you. Something didn’t sit right with the way she was looking at your husband, “It’s funny, to see him like this now. You’ve really changed him since he was a child. I’m Minx,”

Holy shit.

This was the witch that cursed your husband in the first place. A wave of emotions came crashing into you all at once, anger, pity, guilt, understanding, and sadness. “He was a child,” You spoke hesitantly,

“I know he was a fucking child. A rude ass one.” She snapped, crossing her arms, “But he wouldn’t change, wasn’t going to change, that’s why I cursed him.”

“They all could’ve died, all the innocent lives in the castle.”

“But they didn’t.”

“You couldn’t have known that-” She smiled giving you a little wink and you flushed, she was absolutely gorgeous and even with your boiling anger you couldn’t help but admire her looks. “Did you know?”

“I know many things, when you’ve been alive as long as me you figure things out. As a witch, you learn to predict certain things, know certain things. If I didn’t curse him he wouldn’t have changed, wouldn’t have met you and you both wouldn’t be blessed with a daughter and another child on the way.”

She chuckled as your flush only grew darker, “the heir to the throne,” You opened your mouth to ask about how she could possibly know the gender but you heard Technoblade let out a choked sound. You looked up and saw that his pupils were the size of pinpricks looking between the two of you. Nervously you pressed a hand to your stomach and all at once Technoblade was blinded with rage, he felt small hands tug on his cloak. He glanced down seeing Athena, her big doe eyes innocent and hopeful, she’d never seen him lose his temper and she never would. He swallowed, picking her up in his arms, she smiled letting her arms squeeze around his neck.

“My love. Shall we, Tommy’s waiting.”

“Yes! I’ll be right there.” You called, your husband’s eyes wouldn’t leave the witches until you were safely tucked by his side. “Tech?”

“Let’s go.” He gently nudged your body forward and rested his hand safely on your lower back, although you knew it was more so he could ground himself in reality. “You okay?” He whispered as your odd little family walked towards your old childhood home.

“Fine…she says we’re having a boy.” Technoblade kept his mouth shut tight, only nodding his head, his eyes looked fuzzy and you were worried he might be dissociating. “Tech?”

“I’m alright.” He breathed out softly, his breath swirling around his mouth looking like a puff of smoke from the cold. “I just need a minute, I’ll join you inside in a moment.” You hesitated and he placed a kiss on your forehead.“Promise,” He handed Athena off to you. “I would never lie to you.”

“Five minutes.”

“Five minutes.” He nodded as you trailed inside, Athena waving at him over your shoulder, he smiled giving a small wave back in response. He turned around to stare back at the witch but she was already gone, leaving her basket behind. Technoblade watched as the village got back to its regular activities. Kids playing in the square, adults, and artisans selling their goods at the market. Young men played instruments while some women (and men) swooned in delight at the melodious sound. He never thought to be here, standing as a human in his village surrounded by his people, his tail swishing over the wood on the porch. Moments like this made him realize how much he truly did love you, without you, he’d never be able to stand and be human again. The wind rustled and blew through the loose strands of his hair, it was cold, and nipped at his bare skin turning it pink he swore he could hear it whisper.

‘I’m proud of you.’

Before the world was quiet once more.


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@taysgarden,@solivagantlife,@otterly-fey,@reverse-iak,@abovenyx,@luluwinchester,@victory-is-here,@sandyy-woo,@fischlvonluftschloss,@honeyco0kie,@hopefulann,@judas-draws,@friday-dsv,@blxux,@boiled-onionrings,@pastelmoonwitche,@jupiters-night,@mack4676,@xx-smiley-xx,@dreamslittlebitch,@hee-hee-haw,@theultimatewifu32,@royaltytheo,@fiorenc,@creatorofstars,@beepbopbee,@howdoiwork, @omlstargirl, @ashenvix,@techno3,@suranne-doesstuff,@mayempress,@luminaaz,@yourlocalfandomfanficauthor,@drovers1girl-blog,@potatogodlol,@sunnynapp,@im-not-very-good-at-nothing,@natsueyama, @jup1t37-planet, @depressed-bitchy-demon,@lokiandbuckylove,@honeyicve,@deceptionistic-psycut1e,@mushmushkid.

Beauty and the Beast

<<Previous Part/Next Part>>

(C!Technoblade x Fem!Reader): Beauty and the Beast AU

Cover art is done by: @abovenyx


“Tonight is the night you confess your love.” Wilbur mused, holding Technoblade’s cheeks with his candlestick hands. Phil was behind him brushing out Technoblade’s long hair, detangling it from years of abuse. He growled at every pull and tangle, Phil would scoff, scolding him that he should’ve been keeping up with his hair and that he’s lucky you’ll even look at him with this much of a rat’s nest.

“Wil. I’m not sure I can do that.” He huffed as Wilbur shoved a toothbrush in his mouth,

“Your breath is disgusting. She probably could smell it for miles! Brush!”

“It’s not that bad.” He mumbled self consciously, as Wilbur scoffed,

“You must confess tonight!” Wilbur groaned and Technoblade whined softly,

“You care for (Y/n) Don’t you?” Phil asked braiding Technoblades hair down his back, Technoblade sighed a dreamy smile.

“More than anything.” No one doubted the earnestness in his voice,

“Then why not tell her?” Phil hummed, “Done.” He took a step back to admire his handiwork, “You look good old friend.”

“I can’t tell her…I just can’t.”

Wilbur scoffed taking Technoblade by the collar of his shirt, “You must! There will be beautiful music, romantic candlelight provided by myself. So I’ll be with you every step of the way! Then when the moment is right you tell her.”

“But how will I know!”

Both Wilbur and Phil looked at one another and sighed,

“You’ll feel slightly nauseous.” Wilbur mused and Phil hit him over the head,

“You’re gonna scare him. You’ll know because you’ll feel it in here.” Phil pointed to his heart, “Speak from there. Your highness, I know you don’t want to hear this…but the rose is wilting. It has so little time left. You must.”

“Guys I can’t. She could say no or worse laugh or-”

“Look at yourself.” Wilbur urged holding up a mirror, Techno looked away but Wilbur turned his head to look. Techno stilled not wanting to face his own horrible reflection, but Wilbur continued to urge him to do so. Finally, he looked at his reflection and was startled by what he saw, he saw someone handsome. Even with the beastly features souring his reflection his hair was braided nicely down his back, loose strands fell in his face that framed it nicely. Gold littered his fingers, ears, and his neck his dress shirt was pressed nicely with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. It was snug but not enough to tear if he moved at an odd angle. “See? If she says no she’s a fool.”

Your highness!” Sally called knocking lightly on the door, “She’s ready.”

Technoblade took a deep breath in and stood up from his stool, “As am I Sally.”

“You look handsome sire,”

“Thank you.” He smiled genuinely at the woman who looked excitedly over at Wilbur,

“Remember I’ll be by your side the entire time.”

Technoblade nodded and stepped into the wild unknown, he greeted you at the top of the steps and was at a loss for words. You were beautiful, stunning even, his tongue felt heavy and his mind reeled trying to find the appropriate compliment to express himself. Hair framed your face perfectly, Niki and Sally did a wonderful job for you, the dress was golden and hugged you in all the proper places. It pooled out by your hips and trailed along the floor making you look like the Princess his young self wished he could have, the princess who would swoop in and break his curse. His tail began to wag behind him at a rapid pace as you grew close, he hissed for it to stop, like it had a mind of its own. Finally, you stood before him, you took the dress in your palms and bowed, “You look handsome your highness.”

Heat flared everywhere in his body, tail only wagging harder as he swallowed, he tried not to stare down your dress but it was hard not to.


He coughed as you stood back up holding out his arm, “And you look stunning Princess.” His heart soared as you giggled as if to say you weren’t a Princess. “For tonight you’re royalty and I’ll treat you as such.”

“Tech…” You flushed taking his arm within your hand, “You’re a tease.” He shook his head fondly leading you to the dinner table, as he did previously he held out the chair for you to sit down in. Wilbur sat in the center of the table and winked at Techno as he passed by as if that was a cue beautiful orchestral music filled the air. They chatted as the food was delivered, Technoblade got her to laugh many times, swelling his heart further with love and anyone who looked could notice their young Price had fallen for the village woman in front of him. “Then Tommy…” You said between giggles, meal long since over, Technoblade chuckled fondly listening to your story, “Set Sapnap’s pants on fire! It was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. Dream was so mad!” Your lips twitched into a frown at the mention of the man’s name and Technoblade noticed. He didn’t comment but a flash of anger stirred in his heart, if this man hurt you he’d tear them limb from limb, but that was not a conversation for now. The music seemed to kick up in tempo as a new song started and you stood. “Dance with me?” You asked through fluttering lashes, cheeks stained a lovely pink as you held out his hand.

“Oh…I don’t-”

“Dance with her.” Hissed Wilbur from the table and Technoblade stood up,

“Okay,” He whispered, reaching out to take your outstretched hand, it was so small on its own. He squeezed it lightly, he could cover your entire hand with his paw he pulled you flush against him and you smiled brightly. He felt his cheeks burn as he pulled you onto the dance floor, he was desperately trying to remember his dance lessons from when he was a kid not wanting to make a fool of himself. He bent down slightly so your hand could rest on his shoulder and it snapped him out of his stupor.

“Hey,”You whispered, “Get out of your own head and just dance with me big guy.”

Techno’s heart and mind melted at your words as the two of you danced the night away, his hand placed on your waist and he squeezed it adoringly. You smiled, flushing a little under his stern gaze, he spun you around elegantly, your dress poofing out from the wind. You laughed as once more the music swelled and he picked you up by the waist, spinning you in the air. You were so high up you felt like you could touch the lights of the dance hall, meanwhile, all Technoblade was focused on was your delight and happiness instead of his own. As the music ended he dipped you and all he could focus on was your lips, how they would taste, and how they would fall against his own, or look wrapped around- He shook his head mentally whining at his unabashed thoughts. Don’t ruin the moment, he jolted, feeling your hands brush lightly against his fur and an adoring smile on your face. “Shall we cooldown on the balcony?”

“Yeah.” He breathed, a little breathless as he stood you back up, he knew it was time. It was now or never and you would look so beautiful in the moonlight. He followed behind you like a puppy trailing behind his owner, tail swinging behind him. He heard Wilbur hop off the table most likely to follow and he shook his head over his shoulder. As if to tell him ‘I got this,’

Wilbur smiled proudly and nodded himself allowing Technoblade to do his thing.

“Thank you for asking me to dinner,” Teachnoblade said carefully standing beside you, you looked off into the forest and the stars but you were the prettiest sight there by far.

“Dinner was wonderful. Thank you for accompanying me.” You turned to face him your eyes shimmering in delight, he melted at the tenderness of your voice his paws wringing nervously in front of him.

(Y/n)…I…are you happy here?”

“Oh yes! Everyone has grown dear to me, they’re so kind. Wilbur, Phil, even Ranboo and Tubbo too!” You spoke joyously,

“With me?”

“Oh.”You blinked a few times, apples of your cheeks lighting up a scarlet red, “Yes of course.” You spoke honestly, but your throat felt tight. Your mind couldn’t help but drift back to Tommy who was alone in the village.

“Then I must speak from the heart…” Technoblade started but noticed your melancholy look and hesitated, “Are you alright?”

“I was just thinking about Tommy. I miss him so much,” You paused, steading a shaky breath, and Technoblade’s heart ached for you. “I just wish I could see him again is all…I’m sorry if I sound ungrateful-”

“No, you don’t. I-” He stood up and pulled out his enchanted mirror, his hands shook with nerves. “It’s another gift I was waiting to give to you, but I don’t think there’s a better time than now. Just tell it you want to see your brother.”

You took the mirror from his hands and pressed it close to your chest, eyes shimmering with tears, “Thank you Techno. Thank you so much.” You held the mirror out in front of you and Technoblade looked over your shoulder, “Show me, my brother, please.” The mirror swirled and your brother was shown to you, he was face down in the show in the middle of the woods. Blood stained the ground below him and you let out a frantic cry, Technoblade tensed. “No..no, please. Tommy!” You screamed into the mirror and Technoblade’s throat ran complete and utterly dry.

“Go to him.”

“What?” Your voice quivered turning to face the man you’ve come to call a friend. “But what about…”

“You’re not my prisoner anymore.” He swallowed hands clenching at his sides, his heart ached painfully screaming at him not to let you go. “You haven’t been for a long time. Take the mirror with you so you can look back and think of me.” He took your delicate hand within his own, squeezing it tight like a lifeline.

“I could never forget you.” The way you spoke so earnestly made him want to sob,

“(Y/n) I-” The words I love you made his tongue feel heavy, “Go, go.” He thought better of it, it would make it harder for the both of them. You looked sad briefly and he wondered why, but you gathered up your dress and rushed to the main entrance. “Fuck. I’ll never see her again…” He choked both Phil and Wilbur burst into the balcony, panic clear on both their features. “I let her go.”

“YouWHAT.” Wilbur practically shrieked,

“I had too…” He mumbled and Phil put a hand on his son’s shoulder, or what he assumed to be.

“After all this time, you finally learned to love Technoblade.” He laughed it was wet, eyes showing nothing but pain,

“Then that’s enough! It should break the spell, right? Right?” Wilbur looked between the two men eyes pleading and desperate, “Sally and I can finally go find our son?” Technoblde hadn’t thought about Fundy in years, the baby was the only one spared by the witch’s curse.

“I’m afraid not Wilbur, it’s not enough. She must love him in return.”

Technoblade didn’t respond to them, staring at the night sky and the grounds of the castle, both men hopped back into the castle ready to share the bad news with everyone. The situation was unfortunate but Technoblade did the right thing, so why did he feel so horrible about letting her go.

“I was the one who had it all, I was the master of my fate. I never needed anybody in my life I learned the truth too late.” He swallowed claws digging into the marble of the balcony, “I’ll never shake away the pain. I close my eyes but she’s still there, I let her steal into my melancholy heart, It’s more than I can bear.” Technoblade’s voice quivered as steam curled around his nose, “now I know she’ll never leave me, even as she runs away!” He cried watching run through the garden and into the forest, out of your gorgeous dress and back into the clothes you had when he first met you. If only he’d done things differently then, maybe he’d still have you, “She will still torment me, calm me, hurt me, move me, come what may. Wasting in my lonely tower. Waiting by an open door! I’ll fool myself, she’ll walk right in and be with me forevermore.” He laughed hysterically at the world he thought he could have for himself, a world where you’d come back to him arms open wide. A smile on your face declaring your undying love for him, a world where he was human again and he could marry you. Wilbur and Sally would find Fundy and be a family again. Tommy and you would live forever in his castle, you’ll find him handsome and you’d rule together. Keeping one another forever in check until a little girl with your eyes and his hair was born, then a son. A new heir to the throne, so he could be a better father than his own ever was. He choked, throwing his head into the sky, “I rage against the trials of love. I curse the fading of the light. Though she’s already flown so far beyond my reach she’s never out of sight! Now I know she’ll never leave me, even as she fades from view. She will still inspire me. Be a part of everything I do, wasting in my lonely tower, waiting by an open door…I’ll fool myself, she’ll walk right in.” He was lost again in the fleeting thought that tomorrow you’d be there, “And as the long, long nights begin, I’ll think of all that might have been…waiting here forevermore!”


Tommy flinched feeling warm water sprinkle against his forehead, he groaned his voice sore and hoarse.

“Shhhh.”You tutted, and his blue eyes opened almost hysterically “You’re home now rest.”

“I- you’re alright.” His voice is tight trying to keep his tough-guy exterior in front of you, his big sister. His big sister who had gotten trapped with a monster because he was a selfish idiot who cared more about his inventions than anyone else. He didn’t care that his shoulder ached with pain, he choked back a sob throwing his arms around you, you hugged him right back. You pretended not to notice how wet your shoulder was getting as you held Tommy close to your chest. “How did you escape?” He croaked, not pulling away from you even to speak, afraid he’d lose you again and he’d be alone.

“I didn’t escape. He let me go.”

“He let you go?” Now Tommy pulled away staring into your eyes, his eyes were red and puffy as he looked disbelievingly at you. “That fucking terrifying monster? He let you go?”

“He’s not terrible! And he’s not a monster,” You scolded and Tommy’s nose scrunched up, “I was so frightened in the beginning, frightened for you and frightened for myself; I thought it was the end of everything. But something changed within me…within us.”

“Yeah Stockholm syndrome.”


“What? It’s clear that’s what’s happening here.”

“You can’t develop that quickly!”

“You’ve always been unique. OW!” You dug your finger into his wounded shoulder and he cried out in pain, “Asshole!”

“Don’t be a bitch then!” You snapped back before stilling “I missed you.”

“I missed you too.”

A knock on your door broke the moment and you tensed, standing up and making your way to the door you opened with just a crack. “Dream,” You hissed, “And guests?” It seemed like the entire town was gathered outside, even the little redheaded homeless boy was beside them all.

“Good evening (Y/n).” He pushed past you into the room, “Sap, George come in as well! There’s plenty of room inside.”

“Hey! I didn’t invite you!”

“I didn’t ask.” Dream hummed taking you by the waist, his small hand felt wrong there and radiated only coldness instead of the warmth you were used to with Technoblade. “We’ve come to collect your brother.”

“What on earth are you talking about?”

“Don’t worry we’ll take good care of him.”

“My brother’s not crazy!” You argued as Sapnap stepped inside and grabbed Tommy harshly, “He’s hurt! Please be careful!”

“Let go of my you bitch!” He shrieked wiggling in his hold,

“He’s a raving lunatic, we all heard him! Didn’t we?” He looked out into the mob who all cheered in agreement.

“You can’t just do this!”

George laughed walking up to Tommy’s other side wiggling his fingers, “Tell us kid just how big was this monster!”

“Taller than you’ll ever wish to be Gogy!” He spat at him and George snarled in disgust,

“He’s crazier than we all thought, aye Dream?”

“But it’s true!” Tommy whined desperately, “Let go of me! (Y/n)!”

“Poor (Y/n). It’s such a shame about your brother. We can only hope it’s not genetic!”

“Dream you know my brother! You know he’s not crazy!” You desperately pleaded and he tutted like you were a child.

“I may be able to clear up this misunderstanding if you marry me.”

“What?!”You snarled, “all this for that!”

“One word is all it takes, love.

“Never!” You spat and he growled his grip on your waist tightening, as he pulled you into a messy kiss. You whined breaking free from his hold, a loud SMACK reverberated through the house as you hit the man. Dream snarled,

“Fine, have it your way. Take the boy!” Sapnap pulled him out of the house as you desperately tried to find something to save your brother.


“Wait! I can prove he’s not crazy!” You pulled out the magic mirror, “Show me Technoblade!” The mirror shifted to reveal the image of your beast curled up next to the ever-wilting rose, red eyes glassy and sad. The crowd gasped behind you and Sapnap dropped Tommy onto the snow,

“Is he dangerous?” A woman called holding her baby close to her chest, she was frightened and as you gazed upon the crowd you saw they all were frightened.

“Oh no!” You cried laughing fondly, “He’d never hurt a soul! He may look scary but he’s really kind and gentle. He’s my…friend.” You spoke breathlessly, eyes pleading the people to believe you,

“If I didn’t know any better I’d say you have feelings for that monster.” Dream snarled and you snarled right back at the man,

“You’re the only monster here, Dream.”

“She’s as crazy as her brother!” He declared, facing the townspeople, “She says she’s the monster’s friend, well I’ve hunted wild beasts and I’ve seen what they do to people like us! He’ll make off with your children, stalk them in the dead of night!”

“No! He’d never do that!”

“I say forget the boy and his insane sister and instead we kill this beast!” The crowd erupted into cheers as you desperately looked at your brother, he looked just as upset as you did. You felt George’s hands on your shoulders as he threw you and your brother into the basement and locked it up tight.

“No!”You sobbed slamming against the cellar door in desperation, Tommy watched heartbreak clear in his eyes. “No please…don’t hurt him.”

“(Y/n)…” Tommy murmured, “I’ll be okay.”

“How?!”You shrieked at him, “Technoblade is going to die and it’s my fault!”

“Techno’s gonna die?” You and Tommy both shrieked as Tubbo popped his head out of your satchel,

“Tubbo!” You cooed holding him up in your hands, “how did you get here! Why?”

“Cause you’re nice and I needed to make sure you came back to break the curse!” Tubbo declared, “I’m gonna save everyone!”

“Oh, Tubbo.” Your shoulders slumped,

“Who’s the talking teacup?”

“I’m Tubbo and you are?” He challenged,

“Her brother asshat!”


Tubbo only laughed, hopping in your palm, “Let’s get the two of you out of here!” You looked relieved and Tommy followed behind the hopping teacup,

“Oi! Why’re you fiddling with my shit!” Tommy argued as Tubbo poked and prodded at his invention, the Elytra, “I’m talking to you cup!”

“I said I’m getting you out of here duh! Now stand back!” Tubbo pulled a cord on the invention and it roared to life charging headfirst into the cellar door breaking it to pieces. You all laughed in relief as Tubbo hopped back on Tommy’s shoulder. “Let’s go save Technoblade!”

Tag List: If your name is not here or not underlined that means I could not tag you, please check your visibility settings!

@taysgarden,@solivagantlife,@otterly-fey,@reverse-iak,@abovenyx,@luluwinchester,@victory-is-here,@sandyy-woo,@hopefulann,@fischlvonluftschloss,@honeyco0kie,@judas-draws,@friday-dsv,@blxux,@boiled-onionrings,@pastelmoonwitche,@jupiters-night,@mack4676,@xx-smiley-xx,@dreamslittlebitch,@hee-hee-haw,@theultimatewifu32,@royaltytheo,@fiorenc,@creatorofstars,@beepbopbee, @omlstargirl, @howdoiwork,@ashenvix,@techno3,@suranne-doesstuff,@mayempress,@luminaaz,@yourlocalfandomfanficauthor,@drovers1girl-blog, @potatogodlol, @sunnynapp,@im-not-very-good-at-nothing, @76angel

Beauty and the Beast

<<Previous Part/Next Part>>

(C!Technoblade x Fem!Reader): Beauty and the Beast AU

Cover art is done by: @abovenyx


Chapter 2:

The West Wing of the castle was dark almost like Technoblade didn’t want anything to illuminate this wing. You frowned sniffing from the dust that seemed to have settled over everything in sight. A large door greeted you at the end of the hall, the wood was dark and littered with carved filigree. Your fingers delicately traced over the engravings, you were in awe at the gorgeous handiwork. A skilled carver had to have made this, it must’ve cost a fortune. You gently pushed the large door open, it creaked in response and you flinched at the sound you looked around seeing that no one heard you, you entered without hesitation.

The room was somehow even messier than the corridor it was attached to, trash and torn pieces of tapestry littered the floor and you couldn’t wrap your head around how anyone could live in conditions like these. Your eyes gazed upon a torn tapestry hung up on the main wall of the room, on it was a picture of a handsome man. A strong jawline and long pink hair, eyes a blazing an intimidating crimson…they looked almost familiar to you. Slowly you turned towards the balcony just before the entrance to the outside sat a rose, it was held up by nothing but magic it looked wilted as it was losing petals at an alarming rate. Water…maybe it needed water? Why would anyone let this rose wither away and die if it can be revived with some water? You reached your hands out gently cupping the glass dome it was residing in, a snarl tore you out of your stupor. You screamed as a clawed hand gripped your wrist tight pulling you away from the glass case. Technoblade blocked your view of the rose, his eyes like hot coals looked into your own, steam curling around his snout as he growled.

“What are you doing here?”

“I…” You couldn’t find the words, mouth going dry as you stared up at the towering beast above you.

“I told you never to come here? Do you have ears? Do you listen to anything anyone says ever, you dumb girl!” He spat and you tensed, standing up straighter ready to defend your case you opened your mouth,

“I know that you told me not to come. But-”

“Do you realize what your insolence could’ve done!? How would it have affected everyone here? Get out!” He pointed to the door with a clawed hand, “Now!”

“No, I-”

“YOU HAD NO RIGHT TO BE HERE! NO RIGHT!” He yelled directly in your face, you flinched moving to run past him as he spun you both around so he was blocking the exit. Technoblade reached out grabbing your arm and promptly tore a piece of your sleeve off, tearing into your delicate skin. You yelled in pain thin lines of blood trickling down your upper arm, and for the first time since you’ve been there, you looked petrified. Seeing what he had done his face fell, he held his hand tight to his chest, “No, I…I didn’t mean-”

“PROMISE OR NO PROMISE I WON’T STAY HERE WITH YOU!” You screamed hair falling down your face, and sticking there due to the tears. You turned on your heel and burst out the door, down the hall, you dodged a rather frantic-looking Wilbur and Phil.

“Miss (Y/n)? Where are you going?”

“Wait it’s dangerous you mustn’t! Techno what did youdo!” Phil snarled the beast of a man must be hot on your heels.

“I’m sorry! Please! I didn’t mean to frighten you or hurt you! I didn’t- You don’t understand…there’s so little left of me…so little.” He trailed off watching as you ignored all their pleas and opened the main entrance door. Cold air immediately burned your cheeks raw, it was snowing once more as you bolted through the gardens and into the dark woods that would lead down to your village. The woods were dark, and the moon did little to illuminate your path, you weren’t prepared to be out in the snow. The wind and snow chilled you to the bone, as the wet snow soaked through the thin fabric of your dress and shoes. Your panted breaths came out in a little puff of fog as wolves howled in the distance. You took a nervous breath. Stopping briefly in the middle of a clearing you panted looking around the area for the proper way to get home to the village. That would prove to be a challenge because just as you made a choice in which direction to go in a wolf stepped out of the darkness. You tensed stumbling a few steps back, you made a move to turn back in the direction you came but you found yourself surrounded by a pack of ravenous wolves. They all were baring their teeth and snarling, as they closed in a circle around you, you frantically looked around before picking up a tree branch and holding it out like a sword. You were so dead,

‘I’m so sorry Tommy.’

You were startled out of your self-pity with a loud roar, suddenly snow fell around you as something landed in front of you. “Technoblade!?”You squeaked as he looked down at you, blazing red eyes so stern and serious it made heat pool in your gut. You shamefully looked away,

“Get behind me.” He huffed pushing you behind him shielding you with his cape, the wolves snarled in response and lunged themselves at Technoblade. He growled right back at the beasts and ripped them off his arms as they latched onto them with their teeth. He tossed them into the air like they were nothing, clawing at their fur as they clawed and bit right back at him. One latched onto the back of his hand and he snarled teeth baring as he ripped the wolf off, tearing through the skin on his hand and into a tree. It seemed to be the Alpha because the other wolves began to back off seeing their unmoving Alpha. Technoblade snarled at them once more and they backed off completely and utterly, he fell to his knees clutching his arm. “Are you alright?”

“I’m…I’m alright are you?”

He only grunted nodding weakly panting heavily. His eyes looked bleary, if you wanted you could leave him here. You could continue back to the village, you looked back over at the wounded beast…no wounded man and your choice was made. You slung his arm over your shoulder and helped him back to the castle. Once you both made it back into the castle he sat down in a large armchair by the fire, you were still in his lap. A part of you was too stunned to move, especially when he nuzzled his snout into your neck, you blushed shamefully red.

“What happened?” Phil fretted hoping over, Wilbur by his side,

“I got attacked…he saved me.”

“He what?” Wilbur asked in disbelief and Techno snarled weakly,

“He’s hurt. I need warm water and a cloth please, the wound needs to be cleaned.”

“I’ll get Puffy.” Phil nodded, a few minutes later he came back with a teapot, who you assumed was Puffy. Phil had a rag in his hands and you moved off his lap, a loud whine spilled past his lips, all three members looked shocked to the core.

“He must be really hurt.” Puffy fretted pouring warm water into a bowl, you took the rag gently and dunked it in the water squeezing it out and shaking it so it wouldn’t be too hot. You placed the rag on the wound and he howled, teeth barring, pulling his arm away from you.

“Let me see! Don’t do that!” You scolded reaching for his arm and he moved it out of your grasp, another growl but this one was less ferocious and more nervous. “Just let me help you.” You grab his arm and touch the cloth to the wound he hissed painfully eyebrows furrowing in pain.

“It hurts!”

“If you just hold still like a good boy it wouldn’t hurt as much.” You retorted, with all the fur you couldn’t see his blush but he felt his cheeks warm. He scoffed,

“If you hadn’t run away this wouldn’t have happened!” Technoblade shot back, his eyes sparkling like he won this mini-debate.

“If you hadn’t frightened me I wouldn’t have felt the need to run away!” You shot, not backing down, not this time not when you saw he truly had no intent to hurt you. He paused another moment before coming up with a retort,

“Well,”He growled, “You should’ve stayed out of the West Wing like you were told!”

“You should learn to control your temper.” You glared hotly at him and he wilted only slightly under your stern glare, never one to back down he glared right back. However, he was the one to avert his gaze as he looked down at his friends for help who all avoided eye contact. He huffed and you continued “now hold still please, this may sting a little.” You continued to clean the wound, all of you sat in relative silence before Technoblade noticed your cheeks turning a soft red. Your voice came out quiet and tender, “Thank you by the way. For saving my life…”

Techno blinked in surprise, finding that your gentle tone made him blush as well, “You’re welcome…”

Puffy, Phil, and Wilbur all looked at one another with eager surprise, it was happening. The young Prince was falling in love.

The night passed with hushed conversations between the two potential lovers before they both departed for the night. Techno’s heart felt light and fluttery, he couldn’t stop a smile from spreading across his cheeks, shit this could work.

The next afternoon Technoblade asked you to have lunch with him, you nodded kindly but before you could go anywhere he grabbed onto your hand. “Your wound…did you patch it?”

“My wound…oh.” You blinked laughing lightly, “I forgot all about it I just passed out.”

Technoblade clicked his tongue,“come.” Giant hand still in your own he led you into one of the many bathrooms. He fumbled opening the bandages and you smiled fondly,

“Let me.” You opened them easily with your fingers and he grunted in displeasure, he wanted to help you. Looking up at his furrowed brow you held out your arm, “Wrap it for me.”

He stilled for a moment, eyes widening in genuine surprise, “uh sure.” He murmured as he ever so gently tended to the wound he inflicted upon you. “Is that alright?”

“Perfect Technoblade. Thank you,” You took his paw away from your arm and kissed it lightly. He pulled away soon after seemingly completely and utterly flustered. “Lunch?”

“Er yes.” He nodded a few times too many leading you to the familiar dining hall, somehow remembering his manners he pulled out the seat for you. You smiled sitting down as he clumsily pushed the chair in, you smiled in thanks. You watched as Technoblade crossed to the other end of the table and sat down in a way too small chair. You laughed softly watching him fumble his way into it, his tail poking out the back and swaying uncomfortably behind him. He swallowed visibly nervous as you took a spoon in your hand and sipped politely at your soup, looking over the spoon you saw Techno ravenously digging into the bowl of soup. Techno spotted your eye contact and felt his face burn to see you eat so differently from his own way, he wilted but your smile never left your perfect features. Instead of scolding, he watched you pick up the bowl his way and sip at it, he joined you, his own heart swelling with pure joy. “Would um…join me outside? Maybe in the garden?” He asked as they finished lunch, the roaring snow had stopped sometime in the night covering the grown with a fresh layer of pure fluff.

Oh absolutely.” He watched as her face lit up excitedly, holding her hands close to her chest, “I need to get changed first!”

“No rush, not everyone can have fur as nice as mine.” He thought the attempt at a joke would fall flat but you laughed, really truly laughed, he could melt.

“Be back in a jiffy.” You chirped practically rushing out of the dining room, this time happily he slumped against his chair. His tail that once had been thumping nervously, was wagging furiously behind him thumping on the ground. He caught sight of Wilbur and Tubbo laughing and he huffed trying desperately to stop the swaying of his tail.

“You seem happy.” Tubbo mused innocently hopping over, Techno huffed picking him up and placing him on the table.

“Me? Happy? Never.”

“Sure about that big guy?” Wilbur hummed and Technoblade slumped letting out a slightly dreamy sigh.

“When she smiled at me, Wilbur…when she smiled at me. I get all choked up and I-I feel like I can’t breathe.”


“That’s good?”

“It’s excellent your highness!”

He looked like he wanted to say more but you came back adorned in a soft blue coat with fur, gloves, and earmuffs covered your head. You looked just as excited as earlier, “You ready!”

“Hmhm.” He nodded standing up, the both of you walked outside side by side, the snow was beautifully laid out and you both ruined the blanket with your footprints. The garden was beautiful especially covered in snow, he watched you hum and dance about eyes shining like the sun. It took Technoblade’s breath away, panicked he put together a giant snowball and chucked it at your face.

The panicked thought of ‘WHY DID I DO THAT?!’ ran through his head as it landed right on your face. You blinked blearily shaking the snow off you, you gave him a stern look and he laughed nervously.

“This is war Blade.” You mused making a snowball of your own and hitting him in the face, it was puny and he barely felt it but he acted as he did. For your sake. You laughed triumphantly and he smiled, his attention was drawn away from you for a few quick moments. He saw two little birds hopping around the snow, he stepped towards them and they flew away in fear. Technoblade flinched rather visibly, you frowned stepping over,“Here.” You smiled kneeling on the ground, he followed suit, he saw you pull out some bread seeds from your pocket and scatter them on the ground. The birds came back happily chirping and pecking at the seeds, Technoblade looked at you questioningly and held back a panicked yelp as you touched his hand so gently. You poured birdseed inside of it and placed it on the ground, slowly and unsurely the birds looked at the both of you. Until the smaller one jumped into his hand, you watched his entire face light up in pure and utter delight. He looked over at you, vibrating in excitement almost as if to say, look they’re not scared of me! You nodded clapping lightly and the birds fluttered away.

It’s something sweet, and almost kind. But he was mean and he was coarse and unrefined, but now he’s dear and so unsure…I wonder why I didn’t see it there before.’ You thought glancing over at Technoblade, his features may be monstrous in nature but somehow you found him handsome. Those sharp eyes and a strong jaw, big arms, and hands but they were gentle with things that were fragile. Technoblade cleared his throat successfully snapping you out of your staring. Your face flushed and you took his hand within your own, you squeezed it fondly and he laughed almost breathlessly.

‘She glanced this way, I thought I saw…and when we touched she didn’t shudder at my paw. No, it can’t be. I’ll just ignore, but then she’s never looked at me that way before.’ Technoblade thought as both of you stared at one another so fondly, it was your sneeze that broke the silence.

“Are you getting cold?”

“A little.” You responded and were shocked to see him take off his giant cloak and drape it across your shoulders. You flushed as red as the cloak and murmured a soft thank you,

“It looks good on you. Go head inside to change…I have something to give you after.”

“A gift I couldn’t possibly-”

“Go.” He bumped his head against your own affectionately and you smiled scurrying inside, his long cape trailing behind you. He followed inside after a few minutes, tail wagging helplessly once more like it did when he was a child and cursed. Once more Wilbur greeted Technoblade with an eager look on his face,

“She was wearing your cloak huh? Did you both warm yourselves up in the snow-”

“Wilbur.” He snarled ears pulling back, flustered beyond belief, “No she was cold.”

“Damn. I thought there was some gossip there…you alright?”

“She’s wonderful. I’m giving her a gift.”

“Oh, what?”

Techno knelt down and whispered his plan to the candlestick his face lit up, “You sly dog!” Throat clearing was heard and Technoblade stood up to his full height, it was Phil standing beside you. You had a gorgeous baby pink dress on, that stopped just above the floor and a corset that sinched your waist elegantly. “Say something about the dress,” Wilbur coughed nudging Techno with his hand.

“It’s pink.” He blurted and Wilbur groaned this time very audibly,

“A compliment idiot.”

“Oh. What a nice dress.” He stepped toward you swallowing thickly, you curtsied in response, smile still present on your features.

Thank you.”

He glanced over at both Phil and Wilbur who both gave him a signal to go on. “Okay don’t freak out,” He placed his paws over your eyes and you didn’t so much as flinch, he let out a shaky breath. “I’m gonna lead you okay?”

“I’m in your hands Tech.” You hummed his tail sped up at the nickname but pushed forward chuckling deeply.

“Good hands I hope?”

“Very good, and very strong.” You said those words with such ease his heart thudded rapidly in his chest, the urge to show you how strong they really were flooded through his mind. The urge to pin you against a wall and kiss you breathless fluttered through his head, his big hands sliding under your dress as you mewled cutely under his touch. Techno would chuckle in your ear, tusks grazing your neck, before sliding his hand under your- He swallowed thickly shaking his head trying to rid his mind of those dirty thoughts. You were a lady and should be treated as such. He felt embarrassed of his thoughts, his primal teenage urges never were properly released, considering he was cursed so young. “Techno?”

“Almost there.” He said a little too quickly opening the door with his other hand, he led you into the room, “Eyes closed.”

“Alright.”You giggled feeling his paws pull away from your eyes, Technoblade stumbled back and held out his hands wide.

“Open!” He bit his lip and watched your eyes flutter open with delight. Your gift was his very own expansive library, books were stacked high into the ceiling and you spun around to take it all in. “So?”

“I’ve never seen so many books in my entire life!” You squealed running up to him and throwing your arms around his sturdy middle. He purred, actually purred, and patted the top of your head,

“So you like it?”

“I love it!” You looked up at him resting your chin on his chest, he felt the urge to flex, make sure you could feel the muscle he had beneath the clothes and all the fur.

“Then it’s yours.” He exclaimed breathlessly, you squealed in delight, a sound that shouldn’t have been so becoming. But to Technoblade it was the cutest sound in the entire world, he watched you pull away and flutter from stack to stack gazing at all the books not entirely sure where to start.

‘New and a bit alarming! Who’d have ever thought that this could be.’ You thought looking over your shoulder as Technoblade gave a shy wave, you waved back. ‘True that he’s no Prince Charming, but there’s something in him that I simply didn’t see.’

“Oh!” You called happily pulling a book off the shelf, Techno hummed in curiosity, “This is one of my favorites. The legend of King Arthur have you read it?”

“No.” He spoke almost shyly, “I haven’t-”

“Then you read it first then!” You pushed the navy blue book into his arms,

“No, it’s alright-” He pushed it back into yours,

“You must!” You insisted, he grunted eyebrows furrowing,

“I can’t okay, I never.” He groaned embarrassed and exasperated, “You know…”

“You can’t read?” Your question came out as a hushed whisper. His jaw clenched tightly, steam curling around his nose

“Only a little…a long, long time ago. Look I’ll, I’ll leave you to your reading-”

He felt a hand on his chest stopping him from moving forward, he glanced down and was surprised to be met with your hand on his chest. “Well…” Your voice suddenly shies, “It just so happens that this is the perfect book to start with. Sit with me?” Technoblade nodded, feeling as if he was in a trance as he followed you to the sofa in the middle of the grand room. Unknown to the two of them, Phil, Wilbur, Puffy, Tubbo, and Ranboo were peeping from around the corner.

“Well, who’d have thought.” Wilbur laughed breathlessly,

“Well, bless my soul.” Puffy giggled as Ranboo and Tubbo snuggled up to her,

“Well, who’d have known.” Phil smiled adoringly,

“Well who indeed!” Puffy exclaimed,

“And who’d have guessed they’d come together on their own?” Wilbur chirped brightly.

“It’s so peculiar! Wait and see!”

“We’ll wait and see, a few days more. There may be something there that wasn’t there before.” Tubbo chirped just for fun.

“And here’s a thought, perhaps there’s something there that wasn’t there before.” Phil mused patting Wilbur on the back, “good job son.” Wilbur’s flames brightened and he smiled at his father.

“What, Puffy?” Ranboo asked brows furrowing together,

“There may be something there that wasn’t there before.” Puffy continued to hum leading the boys away from the potential couple.

“What is it? What’s there?” Ranboo insisted as Tubbo snickered,

“I’ll tell you when you’re older,” Tubbo teased sticking out his tongue, Ranboo huffed

“Okay, I’m older!”

Tubbo howled with laugher and Puffy shushed them putting them both to bed.

The two potential lovers sat on the couch together long into the evening, the flickering fire keeping them warm and safe. Somehow Technoblade’s head ended up on your shoulder, tail wrapped securely around your waist.

“I never knew books could do this…”

“Do what?”
You asked curiously, with a small tilt of your head,

Take me away from here for a little while. Make me forget for a little while…” He frowned slowly taking his head off your shoulder.

“Forget what?”

“Who I…” He swallowed, “Sorry…what I am.”

You frowned, hand cupping his cheek, brushing at the soft fur there, he startled looking over at you with intense red eyes. “A wonderful man and a gentleman at that.”

“What…” He spoke breathlessly, “but I’m a monster.”

“Not a monster. A man, no child, who was cursed. No one deserves to have that fate thrust upon them Technoblade.” His heart swelled, eyes darting to your lips, he looked away swallowing a thick lump in his throat. “You remind me of Tommy…”

“Heh?”His snot scrunched up as he looked back at you disbelief written across his features.

“The village hates him. He adores collecting and inventing little gadgets to help me around the house. Our parents passed when he was young, so I care for him…” Your face fell, “Cared. He’s a troublemaker and the villagers scold him relentlessly, he acts tough. But he’s cripplingly insecure.” You glanced over at him, “Have dinner with me.”

“Heh?” The switch in tones gave him whiplash.

“A redo of last time. Another chance will you join me later tonight?”

“Yes. Yes of course.” He spoke breathlessly,

“Good.”You stood up and he had to physically force his tail to unwind itself from around your waist. “See you tonight,” You smiled brushing your hair behind your ear as you seemingly floated out of the library. Technoblade groaned loudly burying his head in his hands, he loved you so much it was crazy.

“Wilbur! Phil!” He called and both men hopped into the room eagerly, “I need your help…I need- I think I have a date.

Tag List: If your name is not here or not underlined that means I could not tag you, please check your visibility settings!

@taysgarden,@solivagantlife,@otterly-fey,@reverse-iak,@abovenyx,@luluwinchester,@victory-is-here,@sandyy-woo,@hopefulann,@fischlvonluftschloss,@honeyco0kie,@judas-draws,@friday-dsv,@blxux,@boiled-onionrings,@pastelmoonwitche,@jupiters-night,@mack4676,@xx-smiley-xx,@dreamslittlebitch,@hee-hee-haw,@theultimatewifu32,@royaltytheo,@fiorenc,@creatorofstars,@beepbopbee, @omlstargirl, @howdoiwork,@ashenvix,@yourfavinxp,@suranne-doesstuff,@mayempress,@luminaaz,@yourlocalfandomfanficauthor

Phantom of the Opera: Chapter 3

(Techno x Reader x Wilbur)

The guests of the opera house were coming in, in droves. Carriages lined the streets letting out the most esteemed and wealthiest guests all donning masks of various shapes and colors. The opera house was reopening and in honor of it, Quackity had planned the most extravagant masquerade ball. The marble outside the opera house seemed to glisten in the moonlight above, Schlatt stood next to Quackity adorned in ram attire his mask had the face of a ram with horns adorning the side of the head. Meanwhile, Quackity was dressed like a bird, complete with a bird mask and feathered wings coming out of his back. Quackity turned to Schlatt with a coy grin, nudging him with his shoulder, 

“Well, Schlatt you were right. This is a splendid party and we’re making some good money from it too.” Schlatt chuckled taking a drag of his cigarette, 

“It’s a prologue to a bright new year!” He mused, “One where money will flow in buckets.” Quackity snickered in response,

“Quite a night! I’m impressed! Here’s to us!” Quackity held up his glass of champagne and Schlatt held up his glass with another hand. “I will say though, it’s a shame that ‘Phantom’ fellow isn’t here!” He let out a haughty laugh as they both turned and entered the opera house. The ball was in full swing, colors and masks could be seen dancing to the music the staircases were adorned with red carpets and gold wreaths decorated the banisters. The band was an odd sight, it consisted of a monkey with cymbals, a toy soldier with a drum, a peacock with a triangle, and a dog with the bells. The oddity of it all seems to only add to the charm as the guests danced and drank to their heart’s content. Phil stood off to the side a crow mask on his features, Tommy as always was by his side, 

“What a night.”

“What a crowd!” Tommy gaped in awe the cow mask was struggling to stay on his face. Both managers heard their conversation and Schlatt wrapped an arm around Phil,

“It Makes you glad!”

“Makes you proud!” Quackity added ruffling Tommy’s hair under his fist as he protested, “All the creme de la creme!”

George entered and rushed over to the little group, he was dressed as a stereotypical prince, “Watching us watching them!”

Phil and Tommy exchanged glances “And all our fears are in the past!” Phil added with a small, tight frown. 

“It has been six months…after all.” Quackity hummed fondly, “of relief and delight.” 

“No more notes.” Schlatt snorted, “and no more ghosts.”

“Here’s to health!” Phil held up his own glass, 

“Here’s a toast. To a prosperous year.” 

“To the new chandelier.” Quackity winked and they all chuckled to themselves before clinking their glasses together. Tommy meanwhile glanced behind them only to spot you and Wilbur entering the party, his eyes lit up with joy. However he hesitated to make his way over to you, it seemed you and Wilbur were in a deep conversation. 

As you entered the party you clutched the gold chain around your neck that contained your engagement ring from Wilbur. Your smile was tense and small, he knew you didn’t like coming back to this place.

“Come on Wil, think of it. A secret engagement! Just think of it!” You chirped spinning him around your white dress billowing out around you, you were dressed as an angel, and Wilbur in return was dressed as a knight. He let out a small chuff at your antics but his smile didn’t fully reach his eyes, 

“But why is there a need for it to be a secret. Songbird what have we to hide?” 

You only frowned the smile vanishing from your face, “Please, let’s not fight…not tonight.” 

“You’re free though my love. Nothing can harm you any longer, it’s been six months and no one has seen or heard from the Phantom.”

“Let’s just wait till the time is right.”

“When will that be?” Wilbur laughed, but it wasn’t unkind, he brushed a stray hair from your face, “It’s an engagement, not a crime.” He placed his hands within your own and spun you around fondly, “what are you afraid of?”

“Let’s not argue…” You murmured, “please pretend I can only hope that you will understand in time.” You breathed against his chest as he pulled you in and spun you around once more. Wilbur smiled and dragged you out onto the dance floor to try to ease your mind. It seemed to work as you focused on trying not to step on Wilbur’s feet, it was something you always worried about even though you were a trained ballet dancer. You looked up at his sparkling brown eyes and he brought you closer to his chest, his hands settling on your waist. Your own hands rested on his shoulders as the two of you spun around the dance floor. The activity and music only grew and you found yourself relaxing all the more especially with a few glasses of champaign in your stomach. Just as the cymbals crashed someone let out a shriek, which brought everyone’s attention back to the staircase. Your mouth went dry as you were greeted by a tall man at the top of the staircase, he was dressed to the nines with a crimson mask on his face, the mask was recognizable to anyone who knew him. 

The Phantom joined the party. 

Wilbur’s arms tightened around your waist, his nails digging into the flesh of your hips. His lips were downturned and he looked to almost be snarling at the newcomer. The Phantom only laughed as he began to descend the steps, once he made it to the middle of the landing he let out a deep laugh. 

“Why so silent? Did you think that I had left you for good? Have you missed me? Well, there’s good news for I have written you an opera!” Techno mused reaching into his robe and pulling out an enormous manuscript with a boar’s head on the cover of the binding. “Here I bring the finished score,” He tossed the score to Schlatt who caught it with a fumble, after all, he had to drop his champagne. “I advise you to comply. My instructions should be clear remember there are worse things than a shattered chandelier,” His voice dropped a few octaves as he finally locked eyes with you the smile on his face almost seemed innocent and blissful. He reached out his hand to beckon you forward, you did so hesitantly as Wilbur made a noise of protest. Techno wrapped his hand around your own pulling you close to his chest just as Wilbur had done earlier, he brought his other hand up to trace the delicate features of your face. His eyes moved down to the sparkling chain around your neck he grabbed at it and ripped it from your throat. 

“You bastard!” Wilbur snarled and went to charge at The Phantom but Phil grabbed his arm and held him in place. The older man’s eyes urged him to not do anything hasty so he bit his tongue harshly. 

“You will sing for me!” Techno commanded you his red eyes staring into your own, still just as beautiful and haunting. “You will,” He said again this time quieter like he was begging before he stepped away from you and disappeared in a puff of smoke. 

Phil made his way backstage marching past the cowering dancers and actors with some type of purpose. From behind him, Wilbur continued to call his name, your fiancé was frustrated beyond belief, if anyone were to know something about this ghost it would be Phil. 

“Phil. Phil! Goddamnit, slow down! How can you even move this fast with your cane!” 

“Don’t ask me anything.” Phil suddenly whipped around his blue eyes were harsh but his pupils were shrunken in with what looked to be fear, “I know no more than anyone else…not about (Y/n) and not about Techno.” 

“Techno…” Wilbur questioned with a raised eyebrow and Phil cursed under his breath, “You’ve seen something, haven’t you. You’re familiar with The Phantom- with Techno.” Phil grit his teeth and looked away from Wilbur, 

“Just don’t ask me-”

“Phil. For all our sakes, for (Y/n)’s please tell me what you know.” Wilbur begged and Phil took in a shaky breath and looked around, 

“Not here anyone could be listening. Come. We will go to my office.” Wilbur nodded following Phil easily into the deep parts of the opera house until they reached Phil’s office. It was a small thing, barely fitting two people. Wilbur looked at the pictures on the desk, one was of Tommy wearing tap shoes and the other seemed to be a family portrait taken long ago. It featured a stunning dark-haired woman holding a baby Tommy in her arms, her cheeks were rosy and everyone in the picture was smiling so genuinely. It made Wilbur wonder if you and he could have a family one day, be as happy as the folks in the picture. He watched as Phil poured them both a glass of red wine and handed it over to Wilbur, “from my secret stash, don’t tell Schlatt he’d flip his lid.” He watched Phil look into the red liquid before taking a breath, “It was years ago at this point. My wife was still alive and there was a traveling fair in the city. One of those fucked up places, a freakshow is what they called it, terrible name for people who had deformities.” Phil paused taking a small sip of his wine and Wilbur nodded pleading with him to continue. “I went against my better judgment, just to see what was happening maybe I could get the police involved if the people were being mistreated…but I never. I didn’t anticipate the level of mistreatment. There was..and I’ll never forget him: a boy locked in a cage…”

“In a cage?” Wilbur’s jaw fell open, “A boy how old?” 

“At the time probably around the age, Ranboo is now…like I said it was years ago. But God was this boy a prodigy, he was a scholar, architect, musician.”

Wilbur felt sick to his stomach, “A composer…”

Phil smiled, it was weak and tense, “And an inventor too Soot. They boasted he had once built for the Shah of Persia, a maze of mirrors. They called him Technoblade, he didn’t even seem to know if his parents gave him an actual name. They called him a freak of nature, a monster more than the boy he was. He was attacked you see, by a pack of dogs when he was only ten years old, he became deformed. Scars covering one side of his face entirely, it’s a surprise he didn’t go blind in the eye it was a miracle really. He also was born with teeth like tusks, people are cruel. An accident combined with a deformity caused people to stir, they’d pay good money to see a monster like that in the flesh.”

“My God…” Wilbur murmured and was surprised to find his heart aching for this monster who haunted his life. 

“And then…he went missing. He escaped.” Phil shrugged and swallowed like he was trying to get down a rock in his throat, “They never found him it was said he had died.”

“But he didn’t die, did he?” 

“The world forgot him, but I never can. I’m a fixer at heart as well as a father even if Tommy wasn’t born yet. I couldn’t leave him to die on his own…For in this darkness I have seen him again.”

“And so our Phantom’s this man…” 

Phil made a face and his jaw clenched, “I have said too much. And there have been too many accidents, he’s hurt our Phantom. He never…the world was - is - cruel to him, it can’t excuse many of the things that he’s done. But your Songbird was the first to see him as he truly was. A man, not a monster. Now please leave my fucking office.” 

The managers were in a panic, the score sat open on Schlatt’s desk who was into his fifth cigarette in the past thirty minutes. He was growling as he flipped through the score, “Not another Chandelier, we almost went bankrupt the last time! Everything was going fine but Miss Daae just had to come back and it’s all gone to shit.” He spat slamming his hands down on the desk as the door opened, standing there was his partner with two notes in his hands, “Not more fucking letters-” 

“I’m afraid so…” Quackity winced, “here read yours.” Schlatt snatched it from his hands and tore it open, 

“Dear Schlatt, we need another first Basson player, get one with tone. That third trombone has to go! That man could not be deafer, so please preferably one who plays in tune- This is fucking ludicrous!” 

Quackity frowned opening his letter and reading his aloud next, “Dear Quackity, Some chorus members must be sacked. If you could find out which has a sense of pitch, wisely though, I’ve managed to assign a rather minor role to those who cannot act.” Quackity winced and looked at Schlatt, “George isn’t going to be happy about this…” 

“Shut up or you’re gonna summon him!” He hissed and just as he said George burst through the doors, 

“Outrage! This entire affair is an outrage! Have you seen the size of my part?!”

“Please, understand this is beyond our control.” Quackity tried to placate the primadonna, but his anger only grew as you, Phil and Wilbur entered the office. 

“Oh! Here she is now our little flower.” He spat venom on his tongue, and you frowned at him.

“Ah, Miss Daae the lady of the hour. You have secured the largest role in Phantom’s new opera.” Quackity smiled nervously as the frown on your face didn’t disappear. 

“Even though you don’t have the voice.” George snapped harshly, 

“Señor please-” 

“I take it you’re agreeing?” Wilbur huffed looking at both managers, George was beyond fuming at this point, 

“He’s behind all of this! You all have to know that the little skank-” 

It was the first time Wilbur heard you raise your voice as you turned to the man with fire in your eyes, “How dare you!” 

“I’m not a fool!”

“You evil man how dare you! I don’t want any part in this plot!” 

This time it was Schlatt who began to sweat, “Miss Daae surely, you don’t mean that!” 

“If she doesn’t want it just give it to me!” George snapped with a sharp click of his tongue everyone’s eyes turned back to look at you and Wilbur had you in his arms. 

“I can’t…I won’t do it…” Wilbur shushes you softly before his eyes lit up with a marvelous thought, 

“We have all been so blind, I can’t believe I didn’t see it before! There’s an answer staring us right in the face! We shall play his game, perform his masterpiece, but we hold the ace. For if my Songbird sings he is certain to attend.” 

“Then we make sure the doors are barred, we make certain there are armed men there!”

“Then his reign will end as the curtain falls!” Quackity finished there was a conflicted look on your features that Wilbur caught but didn’t comment on. Phil however noticed and spoke up, 

“Madness. This is madness!” Phil huffed banging his cane on the ground, “there is no way of turning the ride! We are talking about murdering a man!” 

“He’s murdered others. Stick to ballet you old crow.” Schlatt snapped back, Phil was seething and Wilbur turned to him. 

“Then help us, Phil,” Wilbur urged softly, knowing what he had spoken about earlier he wasn’t a murderer if there was a way to get the Phantom to stop safely he’d be more than willing to take it. 

“I wish I could truly-” 

“Or are you on his side?” Quackity spit and you finally moved to guard Phil with your body and Wilbur sent a frown Quackity’s way.

“I intend no ill-will, but you all must be careful. We’ve seen him kill before who’s to say he won’t kill again hm?” 

“Phil…” You trailed off desperately, 

“We say he’ll fall and he will fall!” Schlatt roared, “If we succeed we will all be free, we’re killing the prick and that’s final.” 

“Wilbur please.” He looked down at you with pity, for he didn’t want to stoop to murder either but it seemed this was going to be the only way. 

“Hear my warning!” Phil snarled, “Fear his fury!” 

“If (Y/n) sings we’ll get our man, it’s all too clear!” Quackity laughed and Phil took a step forward, 

“I beg you. Do not do this.” Phil was looking at Wilbur now who swallowed thickly, his eyes flickered over to you, 

“Please don’t Wilby. If you don’t stop I’ll go mad! I’m frightened alright!” You burst into tears now, fat ones rolling down your cheeks in droves. “I don’t want to do this, Wilbur it scares me! I can’t aid in murder! He’ll take me, I know he will and we’ll all be parted forever! He won’t let me go, I don’t want him dead! He doesn’t deserve death but yet…if I don’t sing and aid you he’ll always be there singing songs in my head!” 

“Yeah, she’s insane alright,” Geroge grunted and Wilbur glared at him, his face softened taking you in his arms, 

“You said it yourself my love, he is nothing but a man. But even so, he’ll keep haunting us until we’re dead.” 

“That gives you no right to kill him.” You argued back heart aching painfully in your chest, Wilbur said nothing only wrapping his arms around you and holding you close. Everyone in the room seemed to wish you would combust on the spot, not comprehending what you’ve been through. A part of you knows you’ll always care for and love Technoblade, and you know Wilbur can see that, for you loved Wilbur too. 

“Just trust me.” He whispered into your hair, “for now simply rehearse like nothing is wrong.” 

The rehearsal was like pulling teeth, you were a mess and the anxiety you felt was suffocating you, choking you, making it hard to breathe let alone sing. Quackity had called for a fifteen-minute break, and you marched off stage. Not even Tommy seemed to be able to break you out of your funk. 

“Just tell me what’s wrong.” Tommy urged taking you by the wrist, “We’re all worried-I’m worried. You’re not acting like yourself.” 

“Tommy please.” 

“No enough of this! Tell me what the fuck is going on with you-” 

“I’m fine Tommy. Just leave me alone.” You snapped, “I just need some air.” You shrugged your arm out of his grip and stood outside in the cold, you opened up your palm to feel the snow that began to fall around you. Your eyes trained on a carriage outside of the opera house, you looked back at the theatre before boarding the carriage. “Take me to the cemetery,” you told the driver who only nodded before getting the horses to move. You hugged your own body bringing your knees to your chest. Your hair rested against the window watching the flurries flutter around outside sticking to the stone pathway. Once the carriage finally stopped you exited and began to walk through the beautiful snow-covered headstones of the cemetery. As you walked you felt as though you were being watched, so you began to talk to yourself. 

“In sleep, he sang to me, in dreams he came.” You laughed bitterly, “that voice which called to me and spoke my name.” Church bells began to toll as you looked around the cemetery, “Little Songbird who thought of everything and nothing, her father had promised her that he would send her an angel of music. Instead, he sent her a broken man with a broken heart. Angels aren’t real.” You spoke bitterly finally coming to a giant mausoleum, moss hung from the sides as snow began to stick to the roof and the steps. On the front it was engraved with your father’s name and music notes beside it, you felt your throat begin to close up. Your eyes stung, “You were once my one companion. You were all that mattered. You were once a friend and father then my world was shattered.” You placed a hand on the entrance feeling the cold marble under your fingertips grounded you just enough, “Wishing you were somehow here again. Wishing you were somehow near. Sometimes it seemed as if I just dreamed, that somehow you would be here. Wishing I could hear your voice again. Knowing that I never would. Dreaming of you won’t help me to do all that you dreamed I could.” The church bells rang once more and you laughed wetly, “passing bells and sculpted angels, cold and monumental, seem, for you, the wrong companions you were warm and gentle. Too many years fighting back tears. Why can’t the past just die?” A hand gently caressed your shoulder, it was a tight but a comforting hold, you could recognize the deep baritone voice anywhere his tone wasn’t unkind, as usual, it was gentle.

“Wandering child. So lost. So helpless. Yearning for my guidance…” He smiled as you turned around bewildered to see Techno behind you, had he followed you all the way from the opera house? 

“Angel? Or are you more Phantom?” You smiled sadly and Techno brought his hand up to your cheek, 

 “Have you forgotten your Angel?”

“I can never forget you Techno, but you are no saintly angel.” His lips pulled into a frown at your words, “They plan to kill you.” 

“Heh? You’re joking?” His nose scrunched up in displeasure and you laughed bringing your own fingers up to trace across his jaw and he purred contently at the touch. “They won’t accomplish that, that I can promise you my Siren. You should come back with me, come back with your angel. It’s cold out here my offer still stands from all those months ago.”

“I’m engaged Techno…”

He grumbled at that response ears twitching in displeasure, “I do not care for him, you can’t tell me you love the fool.” 

“Wilbur isn’t a fool. He’s a magnificent singer in his own right, and he’s an amazing author…but…” 

“You don’t love him?” Techno’s eyes lit up like stars, they were hopeful and you flinched, 

“I love him. But I love you too…” You trailed off, “But…you really scared me those months ago. You scared me so much I had to get away.” 

“It wasn’t my intention-” 

“I was afraid you’d hurt me-” 

“I’d never!-” 

“Or those I care about.” You stated sternly, and Techno knew you meant Wilbur, “He doesn’t want to kill you, you know…” 

“How can he not. I’m his direct competition.” Techno grumbled his hands moving to wrap around your waist, he missed you, missed your voice, your smell, and your very presence. “I…I’m sorry for scaring you away,” He swallowed, “But I cannot lose you, Siren.” 

“You might not have to,” Techno took you in his arms and held you tightly, protectively, as Wilbur appeared in the darkness of the cemetery. 

“Wilbur.” You whispered tensing in Techno’s hold, 

“You can’t win her love by making her your prisoner.” He continued looking into Techno’s eyes. “But I think we can come to an…understanding, but you need to let her go.” 

“I’m not holding her against her will here fool,” Techno snarled squeezing you tightly, you winced and Techno loosened his hold on you. You watch as Wilbur tenses slightly, both seemed to have a staring match before Techno let you go. Wilbur ran over to you and pressed a kiss to your forehead, 

“You alright?” 

“Yes…your plan?” You asked hesitantly and Wilbur locked eyes once more with Technoblade, 

“This is going to be dangerous, for all of us.” 

“I can deal with dangerous.” Techno scoffed, “your point?” 

“I think there’s a way we can all be happy.” 

“I’m listening…”

Tag List: @bloodrose0723@lovestruckfool@judas-draws@friday-dsv@xx-smiley-xx, @dreamslittlebitch, @thatguythatsshy, @little-odd-dude, @theultimatewifu32, @hee-hee-haw, @thegeekisheere, @honeyco0kie, @victory-is-here, @theoneandonlyyeti, @abovenyx, @boiled-onionrings, @fiorenc, @sandyy-woo, @pastelmoonwitche, @royaltytheo, @mack4676, @luluwinchester
