#minhyuk fiction


Pairing:Lee Minhyuk (MX) x female reader

Genre:fluff / established relationship

Warnings:this is all about painful periods and the symptoms around it.

A/N:I wrote this for my fellow endo/PCOS warriors out there, and anyone who can relate to the sheer hell that it is when you’re on your period.

Word count: 2196

It had only been twenty-four hours.

A day since he had last seen you. And when Minhyuk had been in your company then, you had been laughing, bouncing around happily, and eager to do anything with him.

Today, however, you were still in bed.

And when he greeted you cheerily, you answered with a whine.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, concern sprouting instantly. Brushing your bed hair aside, he discovered your face scrunched up with discomfort.

Had the food you ate on your date made you unwell? He was perfectly fine, so surely it couldn’t be food poisoning. There was a sheen to your skin as well, and when he placed a hand over your forehead, you felt clammy.

“Are you sick?” he questioned, and you met him with another unintelligible groan. “Y/N, what do you need? I’ve nursed back my friends hundreds of times. Have you eaten? I could make you some soup and—”

“It’s not that,” you mumbled, and Minhyuk edged closer, leaning in so he could hear you better. “It’s just… it’s that time.”

“That time?” he echoed, brows knitting together. “Time for—ohhhh. That time.”

He smiled uneasily. He hadn’t quite looked after anyone during their period before. However, that didn’t mean he couldn’t try. After all, it was a normal bodily experience for the opposite gender. And whilst he didn’t know exactly how it felt, he had a younger sister. He’d seen the changes in her during her cycle each month too.

Feeling reassured that he was still up for the job, Minhyuk brushed away the hair that had fallen back into your face again and cupped it gently. “Don’t worry. I’ll make you feel better in no time!”


“Chocolate. Do you want chocolate?” he suggested, knowing his sister has a stash for times such as now, and you peeked out of one eye at him.

“It’s not even ten in the morning. I haven’t eaten breakfast.”

“Of course! I’ll make you something. You love pancakes. I’ll make some.”

Before you could answer, he was up and moving into your kitchen, marvelling that he’d been dating you for four months now, and this was his first time seeing you like this. He stored that slice of information aside for later and set about making you both some breakfast. Admittedly, he wasn’t the most proficient in the kitchen, and although they weren’t perfectly round and fluffy pancakes like the ones his friend Kihyun made, they looked edible when he was done.

By then, you had managed to shift from the bed to the couch in your living room, albeit still curled up in a foetal position. Settling everything down on the small dining table in your flat, he then assisted you to a chair. You smiled weakly. “Thanks, Min.”

“Don’t thank me yet,” he announced, hiding his nerves with a big smile. “I don’t know how good these will be.”

Watching as you ate a mouthful, your surprise was evident. You looked up at him. “You flavoured them with vanilla!”

“You once told me you loved vanilla,” he mentioned softly, watching as a smile graced your face. Your body was still tense, yet you reached for more food, and he silently gave himself a pat on the back.

By the end of the day, he’d be a pro at knowing how to be the best boyfriend during this time of the month for you.

However, Minhyuk’s elation soon wore off when you collapsed back into bed with a heating pad. Hovering, he watched as your breathing changed, your hand clutching the blankets in a fist.

“What is it?”

“I’ll be fine,” you panted, rolling your head haphazardly so you could stare up at him. “Go home. Today isn’t going to be a good day for us to spend together.”

“I can’t just leave you. I’m not sure if you care how you appear right now but you look dreadful. What type of boyfriend would I be if I just left you to endure this alone?”

A deep sigh left you, and your eyes watered with brewing tears. “I must have done something amazing in a past life to have met you in this one. But honestly, it’s better if I just ride this hell out by myself.”

“Will you be okay?” he worried, not sure about your statement at all. Minhyuk couldn’t remember seeing his sister this awful on her period at all. Once she’d taken some medication, she was able to continue her day with relative ease. If anything, she always milked the ailment to get out of things she didn’t want to do.

But you looked entirely miserable.

“I won’t die, no matter how much I curse for a swift ending,” you responded darkly, barking out a laugh before a bitter whine had you curling back up on yourself.

“That’s it. I can’t leave you,” he decided, rolling up his sleeves determinedly. “You need me.”

“I need drugs,” you added, easing yourself slowly to the edge of your bed, as if the wrong move would cause you grave pain. It confused him to see you this debilitated by cramps. Was it really this bad for women?

Standing up, you swayed dangerously, and Minhyuk lurched to steady you before you fell. You vaguely acknowledged his wide stare with a shallow nod. “Ah. I get super light-headed on my period. I faint too.”


“But drugs will help. I keep them in the bathroom,” you said conversationally, as if the fact that fainting on your period was normal. Minhyuk helped you to your destination as he attempted to shelve the information you were feeding him into his logic bank. But nothing was adding up.

Watching as you reached past the normal paracetamol and ibuprofen in your medicine stack, he stopped your hand when you pulled out a medicine type that he’d once had when he pulled a muscle in his back. Alarmed, he shook his head. “Y/N, that’s a heavy drug.”

“I know. Maybe it’ll work today. I pray it will.”

“It’s going to knock you on your ass,” he commented, and you patted his hand softly with your other one, smiling wryly.

“Not likely. I’d gladly accept if it did that,” you told him before turning and slowly trudging back to bed. “But if it makes this just slightly more tolerable, I’ll take it.”

He watched you like a hawk when you took the medication with some water before slipping back down under the blankets. He presumed that in twenty minutes, you were going to be completely zonked out.

Instead, you seemed to be in a worse condition than before.

“Dammit,” you cursed, shifting around to find someplace more comfortable in the bedding.

Minhyuk’s hand glided over your forehead and came back wet from your perspiration. “Why are you sweating so much? Should you take away the heat pad?”

“Remove it and I’ll start swearing like a sailor,” you said through gritted teeth. “I just need this wave to pass.”

Holding your hand, he helplessly watched as you struggled for another twenty-five minutes. And then the knot of tension seemed to release from your body, and you slipped into a slumber.

Once he was certain you were asleep, Minhyuk pulled his phone out of his pocket and started to look up the symptoms you had. He was convinced after five minutes of Googling that he ought to get you to a doctor. What if it was something really crazy that needed medical attention?

He flinched when the phone started to ring in his hand and worried he’d disturb you after you’d just found some peace, he quickly answered it whilst slipping out into the living room of your flat. He let out a shaky exhale, relief flooding him when he saw who had rung him. “Mum! Thank God.”

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m with Y/N, and I think I need to take her to the hospital.”

“Why? Is she okay?” his mother enquired, and after Minhyuk rapidly fired off the signs he was concerned about, he was surprised when she chuckled. “My sweet boy. You really care about her, don’t you?”

“Of course. And I don’t like any of this.”

“You know what you described sounds a lot like your Aunt. Remember when she had to have surgery three years ago?”

“I think so. Why?”

“I had to look after her, and she told me then she had a condition that made things difficult for her to manage. Whilst I think you’re good to have concerns about this, maybe wait until Y/N wakes up and ask her about it. If there’s no known condition, then take her to see someone if it continues, okay?”

After thanking his mother for the sage advice, he went back to Google but looked up conditions that affected menstrual cycles. He was so invested in his research that he didn’t even realise you were up until you wrapped your arms around him over the back of the couch and nuzzled into his neck.

“You’re still here.”

“How are you feeling?”

“A little more alive. Wait. Are you reading about endometriosis?” you enquired, and Minhyuk nodded softly. “Oh, did I tell you I have it? I don’t think I have yet.”

He deflated like a bubble, only to spin and look at you, his eyes full of compassion. He’d been reading for quite some time about the condition, and the idea that anyone had to suffer that badly made his heart hurt. Knowing your painful moments this morning was caused by it, he just wanted to scoop you up and hold you until your body decided to stop causing you so much grief.

Sitting down beside him on the couch, you placed your head on his shoulder. “I have another condition too, called PCOS – well, that’s its abbreviation. I uh, don’t know how much information you want to hear, but it makes things challenging for me when I menstruate. Sometimes I can go months without, and then it’s a whole lot worse too. I’m sorry if today’s been horrible for you. I barely function on days like these until I’ve overcome the wave of pain. It’ll be back again, no doubt soon. It’s not going to be fun for the next few days here.”

“I…” Trailing off, he didn’t know what to say, and you smiled weakly. Someone as beautiful as you was also so incredibly strong. He had no idea how you faced half of what he’d read about. “I wish I could take it away.”

“Me too. Sometimes, there’s no reprieve. That’s why I don’t work a normal job too. Now and then, I can’t even focus enough to do simple things like eating and drinking, so it’s better that I do freelance work. But I’ve got a really good specialist that I see. Don’t worry too much, Minhyuk. I’m sorry you had to see me like this.”

“No. I mean, it was scary,” he admitted, lowering his gaze to his lap. “And I feel helpless.”

“You’ve done more than I ever hoped for,” you told him, nestling into his side, and exhaling contentedly. “Most boyfriends have just left me to deal with it in the past. But you stayed. You made those pancakes. And you caught me before I fell earlier. You’re my hero.”


“Of course! I knew when I met you that you were going to be someone special. Today you’ve gone up the ranks to the best boyfriend ever.”

“That’s a big title.”

“Huge,” you agreed with a grin and then lightly winced.

He washed his eyes over you cautiously. “Another wave on its way?”

“Maybe if I don’t breathe, it’ll just hold off,” you wondered aloud, and he chuckled.

“You need to breathe through the pain.”

“That’s right.”

“And when it hits, I’ll rub your back and help you get into a comfortable position. How about that?”

“Can you make those pancakes again for dinner? I’m not hungry right now, but they were delicious.”

“If that’s what you want to eat,” he told you, and you nodded, slipping your arm around his waist and resting quietly on him for a moment.

“I think I’m falling in love with you, Lee Minhyuk.”

“Why?” he asked, trying to ease the sudden racing of his heart with a lighter tone to his voice. “Because I didn’t leave you in your time of need?”  

“That, but also because you’re you. Today just showed me why I never want to let you go.”

“Well, it’s a good thing that I don’t want to let you go either.”

You sighed again. “Do you really want to spend all day with me whilst I’m like this?”

“Of course,” he answered, turning to kiss your temple lightly. “If I can’t be here to wade through the tough times, I have no right being able to celebrate all the good moments with you.”

“I think I want to marry you someday,” you murmured before slipping into another snooze, Minhyuk’s smile curling up his mouth as he watched you for several minutes before he nodded.

He whispered into your hair, “I think I’d like that to be our future too.”


All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft

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