


“Finally,” Hyunwoo sighed in relief as yet another attempt to call you finally got accepted.

“What do you want?” You frowned, sitting down on one of the benches in the park, feeling the anger resurface as soon as you heard his voice.

Unlike you, Hyunwoo was calm, only worried about you. “Why are you ignoring me Y/N? I know you’re upset with me, but would it be so bad for you to just let me know that you’re safe.”

“What did you expect to happen? I’ve only been out of the house for an hour?” You quizzed, not quite as over things as Hyunwoo.

He could hear in your voice how agitated you still were too. “Anything could happen, you know how busy it can be sometimes.”

“I’m alright, so can I just hang up now?”

“When are you coming home?”

“I don’t know Hyunwoo,” you sighed, running a hand through your hair, “I’m in the middle of a walk, and doing a lot of thinking whilst walking too.”

His head nodded, although you couldn’t see, “will you keep me updated? Maybe let me know when you’re coming home at least?”

“I’ll try and remember to text you, promise.”


“What’s wrong?” Changkyun asked as he watched Minhyuk rush out of his room at the dorm.

“Has Y/N come home yet?” Minhyuk nervously questioned him and Kihyun, only for their heads to both shake back to him, looking around the room.

Both of them could see how worried Minhyuk was as he paced around the room. “Are you expecting Y/N to be home by now?” Kihyun asked him, tapping the space beside him for Minhyuk to sit.

“We had a bit of an argument, but it was ages ago, and I’ve not heard anything from her,” Minhyuk told them, his voice shaky.

The two of them both sat nice and close to him, “she probably just needs a bit of time, let’s give her until the hour to come home.”

“What do we do if she’s not come home then?”

“We’ll go out and look.”

“You guys don’t need to do that,” Minhyuk told them both, but they both quickly shushed him, admittedly a little worried about where you were too.

Changkyun wrapped his arm around him, “we can’t have you nervously waiting for Y/N all night long, we’ll find her somewhere.”

“Thank you, I really appreciate your help.”


“I thought I might find you here,” Kihyun gently smiled as he sat down beside you by the water.

“What are you doing?” You sighed as Kihyun shuffled towards you, keeping a small distance between you both, sensing you were still mad.

His smile was weak as you looked across at him, “I didn’t know where you were or what you were doing, but usually when you’re upset this is the spot that you come to for a while.”

“I didn’t want to be found, I wanted some space,” you tried to tell Kihyun, but his shoulders shrugged in reply to you.

He felt like he’d given you enough space already. “I did try to text you, but you didn’t reply, what else was I supposed to do?”

“Were you really that worried about me Ki?”

“Of course, I always care Y/N.”

“I know,” you whispered, allowing yourself to relax around Kihyun. “I didn’t think you’d come out and look for me, not at this time of night too.”

His head shook in reply, “I couldn’t stay at the dorm any longer without you there, not knowing if you were safe or in any danger.”

“I’m alright, just enjoying the view.”


“Don’t ever do that to me again,” Hyungwon told you as soon as his arms wrapped around you.

“Get off me,” you told him, trying your best to push him away, but Hyungwon was far too strong to be able to even give you the chance to move away.

His head shook, as his grip got tighter around you. “I don’t care about arguing or fighting. I’ve never been so terrified in my life Y/N, why didn’t you answer my calls or just text me even?”

“Because my phone is on the table over there,” you told him, pointing to where your phone was on the coffee table in the room.

Hyungwon’s eyes rolled as he looked across too, “I should have come and looked for it rather than just sitting up in the bedroom all confused.”

“Do you really think I’d ignore you on purpose?”

“I don’t know, you seemed mad.”

“I am mad,” you corrected, “you said some horrible things to me earlier, maybe if I did have my phone on me, I still would have chosen to just ignore you.”

Hyungwon’s arms dropped down to his sides, “don’t say that Y/N. You have no idea how worried I was about you.”

“I guess that makes us even then.”


“What are you playing at?” Jooheon yelled down the phone as soon as you answered the call.

“You’re not Minhyuk,” you sighed, picking up the call thinking that you were going to speak to Min, only to hear a different voice on the end of the line.

A sigh came from you as Jooheon’s voice got louder down the other end of the line. “Why aren’t you replying to me Y/N? I’m trying to make sure that you’re safe and you just decide to scare me.”

“I don’t want to speak to you right now,” you tried to tell Jooheon, “did you not think that there was a reason as to why I didn’t answer?”

A sigh escaped from Jooheon too, “but why couldn’t you just reply and say that you’re alright, did I really wind you up that much to not do that for me?”

“You hurt me, I tried to tell you that Jooheon.”

“But I wasn’t listening, right?”

“Exactly,” you frowned, resting your head in your hand, “I tried to talk to you earlier, so I didn’t see any point trying to talk to you now when you had paid no attention.”

Another sigh came from him, “can’t you just come back home now so that we can talk about this, somewhere warm too?”

“I’ll turn around now and head home.”


“Why would you do this to me?” Changkyun asked you as soon as he heard the front door open.

“Do what?” You quizzed as his hands came against your shoulders, shaking you gently. As he did, you could see the panic that was in Changkyun’s eyes.

His heart was racing as he looked over you closely, “why didn’t you answer my calls, or just reply to one of my texts? Why did you try and frighten me by just ignoring me at this time of night Y/N?”

“Relax,” you tried your best to tell him, “my phone was buried in the bottom of my bag, I didn’t hear it ringing or buzzing.”

Changkyun’s head shook back across at you, “are you sure you weren’t just ignoring me because you were mad at me? Trying to wind me up some more?”

“No, I honestly didn’t hear it going Chang.”

“At least you’re home now.”

“I’m sorry if I frightened you,” you told him, placing your hand over his, “I didn’t mean to make you think that I was still mad at you by not answering your calls.”

His smile slowly turned up in your direction, “it doesn’t matter, your home, and you’re safe, they’re the most important things.”

“Come on, let’s talk about this properly.”

