#monsta x drabble



You we’re waking up from a perfect night of sleep. Still sinking into your sheets as if you were glued to them. The crisp, cold morning air coming through your slightly open window hitting your face. Stalked by yolk colored sunshine peering in, practically painting your room and sheets.

As you lay there fuzzy headed and lazy eyed you hear silent groaning beside you. Turning your head you see sleepy Minhyuk awaking from his slumber.

The morning sunrise perfectly hitting his skin, making it glow even more. Pouty swollen lips and light blue messy hair stuck to his forehead.

As he slowly peels his eyes open and gives you the same warm loving smile that you’re greeted with every morning.

goodmorning mrs. lee” He whispers.

You slowly caress his face and peck his strawberry sented lips. smiling at your newly found last name.

good morning mr. lee


  • I could see Hyunwoo being the sort of person just to randomly ask you to marry him without really thinking
  • For example, one night in bed if the thought of proposing crossed his mind, then he’d suddenly ask you to marry him
  • It would start off as a joke between the two of you, but the more you spoke about it, the more you pondered
  • Hyunwoo especially would find the idea of marrying you very appealing too, suddenly not laughing anymore
  • When you agreed to it, Hyunwoo would make sure to promise you that a proper proposal would come your way too
  • He’d definitely do something silly like wrap a bit of tissue around your finger as a fake ring until he got one
  • His slightly dysfunctional proposal would be something that you would laugh about in the future though


  • When proposing to you, Minhyuk probably wouldn’t be able to stop himself from having a bit of fun with you
  • He’d probably go to propose, but pull out a box instead that you had to open up to be able to get your ring
  • It wouldn’t just be one box though, there would be several with each one getting smaller and smaller in size
  • Eventually you would get to the box that you wanted, which Minhyuk would quickly take to propose with
  • You would be too busy laughing to really even pay attention to what Minhyuk was saying to you as he proposed to you
  • Minhyuk wouldn’t mind too much, just as long as you heard the last bit he had to say to you, asking you to marry him
  • There would definitely be some revenge coming his way for pranking you so much when he proposed to you
  • And a lot of cardboard to have to throw away into your bin when the two of you got home too


  • The proposal that Kihyun had planned for you would be adorable, he would put a lot of thought into it
  • You would be able to tell for a good couple of weeks that he was up to something as he was so nervy
  • When Kihyun invited you out to dinner one night, you had a feeling that something was coming your way
  • The one thing that you hadn’t prepared yourself for though was Kihyun proposing to you at dinner
  • As your evening came to an end, Kihyun came around the table and got down on one knee beside you
  • He had managed to book a table which left the two of you away from others, making his proposal very quiet
  • There would definitely be tears from Kihyun, especially as he told you just how much you meant to him
  • Honestly, by the end of his proposal the two of you would both be in tears because of how soft he was


  • He was the perfect gentleman when it came to proposing to you, making you feel as if you were in a movie
  • There would be a high chance that Hyungwon would promise on holiday or something to make it a special time
  • It would definitely be on your last night too when Hyungwon would ask you to marry him to round the trip off
  • If there was a beach, he would take you there to propose, finding a secluded spot for just the two of you
  • He would speak from the heart, there would be no planning involved as Hyungwon knew that he’d forget it
  • Luckily for the two of you too, someone on the beach would see you and take a photo to send to you both
  • You’d try your hardest to keep your proposal quiet, but it wouldn’t take long before the boys noticed something was up
  • When they eventually found out, they would make sure to throw the two of you a party to celebrate too


  • You would get a whole day out of Jooheon when it came to his proposal, with that being the final part of the day
  • He would spend the day doing things with you, dinner, a film, going to play sports, anything that you wanted to
  • On the walk home, Jooheon would stop at the perfect spot and position you so that you were face to face with him
  • You would have no idea what was going on as Jooheon thanked you for such a lovely day, before lowering himself down
  • If the timing allowed it, he would probably try and propose just as the sunset or when the pathway was quiet
  • Although his speech was something that he had rehearsed, nerves would get the better of him, and he’d forget all of it
  • In the end he would be a bit of a blubbering mess, just looking out mainly for when your head hopefully nodded
  • As soon as it did, Jooheon was up on his feet and pulling you into the tightest hug that he possibly could


  • He was meticulous when it came to proposing, Changkyun wasn’t going to run the risk of something going wrong
  • Over time he wrote down little notes of your favourite things that you mentioned so that he didn’t forget them
  • I could imagine him proposing somewhere sweet too, possibly the place you met if it was close enough to you
  • The other members would help him out too by driving you to the location so Changkyun had time to prep the location
  • He would probably struggle to get through his speech to you, finding himself getting surprisingly emotional
  • A stuttering voice would end up asking you the big question as Changkyun tried his best to keep his composure
  • You decided to keep your engagement secret from everyone but the boys for a while, living in your own little bubble
  • Of course, your proposal ended up giving him plenty of inspiration to take back into the studio with him too



“Finally,” Hyunwoo sighed in relief as yet another attempt to call you finally got accepted.

“What do you want?” You frowned, sitting down on one of the benches in the park, feeling the anger resurface as soon as you heard his voice.

Unlike you, Hyunwoo was calm, only worried about you. “Why are you ignoring me Y/N? I know you’re upset with me, but would it be so bad for you to just let me know that you’re safe.”

“What did you expect to happen? I’ve only been out of the house for an hour?” You quizzed, not quite as over things as Hyunwoo.

He could hear in your voice how agitated you still were too. “Anything could happen, you know how busy it can be sometimes.”

“I’m alright, so can I just hang up now?”

“When are you coming home?”

“I don’t know Hyunwoo,” you sighed, running a hand through your hair, “I’m in the middle of a walk, and doing a lot of thinking whilst walking too.”

His head nodded, although you couldn’t see, “will you keep me updated? Maybe let me know when you’re coming home at least?”

“I’ll try and remember to text you, promise.”


“What’s wrong?” Changkyun asked as he watched Minhyuk rush out of his room at the dorm.

“Has Y/N come home yet?” Minhyuk nervously questioned him and Kihyun, only for their heads to both shake back to him, looking around the room.

Both of them could see how worried Minhyuk was as he paced around the room. “Are you expecting Y/N to be home by now?” Kihyun asked him, tapping the space beside him for Minhyuk to sit.

“We had a bit of an argument, but it was ages ago, and I’ve not heard anything from her,” Minhyuk told them, his voice shaky.

The two of them both sat nice and close to him, “she probably just needs a bit of time, let’s give her until the hour to come home.”

“What do we do if she’s not come home then?”

“We’ll go out and look.”

“You guys don’t need to do that,” Minhyuk told them both, but they both quickly shushed him, admittedly a little worried about where you were too.

Changkyun wrapped his arm around him, “we can’t have you nervously waiting for Y/N all night long, we’ll find her somewhere.”

“Thank you, I really appreciate your help.”


“I thought I might find you here,” Kihyun gently smiled as he sat down beside you by the water.

“What are you doing?” You sighed as Kihyun shuffled towards you, keeping a small distance between you both, sensing you were still mad.

His smile was weak as you looked across at him, “I didn’t know where you were or what you were doing, but usually when you’re upset this is the spot that you come to for a while.”

“I didn’t want to be found, I wanted some space,” you tried to tell Kihyun, but his shoulders shrugged in reply to you.

He felt like he’d given you enough space already. “I did try to text you, but you didn’t reply, what else was I supposed to do?”

“Were you really that worried about me Ki?”

“Of course, I always care Y/N.”

“I know,” you whispered, allowing yourself to relax around Kihyun. “I didn’t think you’d come out and look for me, not at this time of night too.”

His head shook in reply, “I couldn’t stay at the dorm any longer without you there, not knowing if you were safe or in any danger.”

“I’m alright, just enjoying the view.”


“Don’t ever do that to me again,” Hyungwon told you as soon as his arms wrapped around you.

“Get off me,” you told him, trying your best to push him away, but Hyungwon was far too strong to be able to even give you the chance to move away.

His head shook, as his grip got tighter around you. “I don’t care about arguing or fighting. I’ve never been so terrified in my life Y/N, why didn’t you answer my calls or just text me even?”

“Because my phone is on the table over there,” you told him, pointing to where your phone was on the coffee table in the room.

Hyungwon’s eyes rolled as he looked across too, “I should have come and looked for it rather than just sitting up in the bedroom all confused.”

“Do you really think I’d ignore you on purpose?”

“I don’t know, you seemed mad.”

“I am mad,” you corrected, “you said some horrible things to me earlier, maybe if I did have my phone on me, I still would have chosen to just ignore you.”

Hyungwon’s arms dropped down to his sides, “don’t say that Y/N. You have no idea how worried I was about you.”

“I guess that makes us even then.”


“What are you playing at?” Jooheon yelled down the phone as soon as you answered the call.

“You’re not Minhyuk,” you sighed, picking up the call thinking that you were going to speak to Min, only to hear a different voice on the end of the line.

A sigh came from you as Jooheon’s voice got louder down the other end of the line. “Why aren’t you replying to me Y/N? I’m trying to make sure that you’re safe and you just decide to scare me.”

“I don’t want to speak to you right now,” you tried to tell Jooheon, “did you not think that there was a reason as to why I didn’t answer?”

A sigh escaped from Jooheon too, “but why couldn’t you just reply and say that you’re alright, did I really wind you up that much to not do that for me?”

“You hurt me, I tried to tell you that Jooheon.”

“But I wasn’t listening, right?”

“Exactly,” you frowned, resting your head in your hand, “I tried to talk to you earlier, so I didn’t see any point trying to talk to you now when you had paid no attention.”

Another sigh came from him, “can’t you just come back home now so that we can talk about this, somewhere warm too?”

“I’ll turn around now and head home.”


“Why would you do this to me?” Changkyun asked you as soon as he heard the front door open.

“Do what?” You quizzed as his hands came against your shoulders, shaking you gently. As he did, you could see the panic that was in Changkyun’s eyes.

His heart was racing as he looked over you closely, “why didn’t you answer my calls, or just reply to one of my texts? Why did you try and frighten me by just ignoring me at this time of night Y/N?”

“Relax,” you tried your best to tell him, “my phone was buried in the bottom of my bag, I didn’t hear it ringing or buzzing.”

Changkyun’s head shook back across at you, “are you sure you weren’t just ignoring me because you were mad at me? Trying to wind me up some more?”

“No, I honestly didn’t hear it going Chang.”

“At least you’re home now.”

“I’m sorry if I frightened you,” you told him, placing your hand over his, “I didn’t mean to make you think that I was still mad at you by not answering your calls.”

His smile slowly turned up in your direction, “it doesn’t matter, your home, and you’re safe, they’re the most important things.”

“Come on, let’s talk about this properly.”



gryffindor!shownu x yourhouse!reader (moodboard)

word account: 1.7k ops

tags: FRIENDS-TO-LOVERS!AU DEAL WITH IT; fluff ;kinda angst; making out ( maybe more but not explicit); violence; shownu being badass hot and a soft bear!!! pls be careful to not bust all your uwus. 

I am so sorry if you guys don’t like drabbles, but seems like i’m an anxious person and i like to rush stuff so,,, sorry ig:3

  • a normal day for you, going to your potion class just living your life 
  • then this stupid ravenclaw boy with his crew start to shout out offensive things to you because you were a half-blood. 
  • little did he know that, for more than 30 years, bullying and segregation about blood type were not allowed anymore in Hogwarts, thanks merlin. 
  • one of the teachers petrified them, for one hour and they were taken to the director after. 
  • all my friends asked if you were alright and you just nod. ugh, honestly? people are still like this? this is so overpassed. 
  • anyways this day ended quickly and soon you apparate yourself to the centre of London with some friends. It’s Friday, club day!
  • Little did you know what would happen. 
  • before all the mess, let me explain who is shownu
  • he is, of course, the Quidditch main player, the leader, but he is also a very nice guy. But what no one understands is that he is very reticent and discreet, different from the other jocks. He does date some girls, but the regular type ones, he doesn’t claim for attention and: he is everyone type. Smart, tall, handsome, has manners, athletic, good with spells and love all magical creatures of the school. 
  • back to the club, after one hour you could find yourself wasted.
  • YES, this was a muggle club and that’s what you love, people who don’t know about your big secret and have no idea how to judge you because, honestly, they don’t care.
  • So you find yourself dancing with strangers and receive a text from your friends. one of the Slytherin girls were not okay and they rushed to Hogwarts without you, but hey, they found a familiar face and asked him to find me. What a nice idea. 
  • You were not mad, after all, it’s normal for you always be alone and you enjoy it a bit. 
  • So, after ten minutes, this hella cute guy called Kihyun was offering you a drink, he seems familiar but you said “no thanks”, and of course he understood. 
  • you needed some air, so you went to the roof aka the smoking area 
  • “oh finally" 
  • you turned your head, finding shownu brown eyes. 
  • damn, he was hot, leather jacket, dark jeans and a cigarette in his mouth. 
  • ” shownu? wait,, you are the familiar face that will keep me company while my weak friends can’t take two shots of vodka?“
  • he smirks at your comment, nodding to you while discarding the rest of the cigarette
  • sh: "my friends left me too, so here we are”
  • you: “ wow the mr.athlete smokes?”
  • sh : “ and the Mrs.top notes like to go clubbing every Friday? we discover crazy things every day" 
  • you could only laugh and little did you know that he took a little note on is thoughts about how pretty were you smiling. 
  • he asked you if you wanted to dance more or walk around the streets of London and maybe, grab something to eat. 
  • you liked the idea of a little adventure with shownu, and also, food is always the number one. 
  • so that’s when your friendship with him started. you both talked about yourselves, your houses, friends and even the incident you lived this morning, he was very horrified with that, making him frown and being absolutely adorable. 
  • since this day, you both saw each other almost every day
  • you helped him with his grades and the O.W.LS
  • he used to call you to watch his games and well, we all know you two were in love with each other
  • but of course, you dumbasses couldn’t see that so, the summer arrived and your friends made up a plan 
  • do you think a house with a lot of teenagers, in a magic beach, were all the wizards go in summer would be a great plan to get you both together? idk but let’s go I guess. 
  • so you proposed something for your group, including shownu’s friends as well ( cofcof kihyun which is weird but he is your friend now). 
  • ” no magic" 
  • “WHAT” everyone, except for shownu, who was smiling, screams
  • “c'mon! the house and everything are already enchanted! plus, car rides!”
  • “ but the food and the train?”
  • “ Okay, these too can be magic but only!" 
  • everyone agreed because sometimes its nice to not use magic you know? 
  • when you all arrive at the house, the bags and your belongs were already flying and organizing themselves by magic. Lame, you thought. 
  • "Hey” shownu put his arm around your neck “ want to give a lot at the beach" 
  • you: ” sure,,“ godgodgodgod
  • it was genuinely nice, walking in the sand while talking what do you expect in these two weeks, shownu offered to hold your shoe and god, he smells good. Sorry, any way
  • you both didn’t have a lot of time alone this week, but even tho, shownu held your hand in the forest train, trowed water in you at the waterfall and also kept watching your body in that bikini hihi 
  • he made sure to stay by your side in all the games and even when you were bronzing yourself in the sand, reading an ordinary book. He also would sneak around at night with you just to see the stars or smoke a bit. 
  • so, the truth or dare game has arrived I am sorry for the cliche
  • OH NO, you were picked 
  • "y/n I dare you to… okay I will be nice, just hold shownu’s hands the whole game" 
  • that was safe, you have held his hands already and shownu was very affectional with everyone so, no big deal right? NO BC YOU BOTH WERE SWEATING AND BLUSHING HARD 
  • game is going and you couldn’t look at his face, even knowing that he was looking at you. 
  • ” shownu, I dare you to tell y/n about what you feel about her" minhyuk is the DEVIL itself. 
  • shownu didn’t even hesitate, he smiled at you and whispered: “ every time with you is a good time, you know?" 
  • it was clear that you HAVE to get the fuck out of there. 
  • so you just do, like a clown, stand up and run away in the beach
  • edeudbnebd what a jerk 
  • shownu has no idea of what to do, were you upset? he should have told you he likes u? do you have feelings for him? he is freaking out 
  • so he finds you bellow a tree, looking at the waves
  • sh: ” hey…“
  • you: ” hi…“ 
  • sh: ” look, I’m sorry if what I said-“
  • you: "Ilikeyou”
  • he just stares at you, smiling slowly
  •  sh: “ that’s what I said" 
  • you: "no, you said that every time with me is a good time" 
  • sh: ” isn’t it the same but more poetic?“ you laugh because he is so silly
  •  and that makes you heart race and the blood of your face go directly to your cheeks burning
  • sh: ” Can I kiss you?“ 
  • oh damn
  • he was getting closer and you could feel how hot his body was when he delicately touched your cheeks, his chocolate eyes searching for your response. 
  • You, into almost a spell that he had, nodded quietly. 
  • when his lips touched yours, you could feel your head spinning but in an amazing way, you were so captivated by the ways his soft lips were dancing against yours, the way his hand were found now at your waits and how soft was his hair between your fingers
  •  is this a dream? cause looks like one in your head. 
  • he distanced himself a bit, smiling widely, what an image my friend. 
  • sh: ” we could get out of here and…“ 
  • you: ” makeout in some free room? agree"
  • you stand up and offered your help for him to stand.
  • sh: “ reading minds now huh?" 
  • you: ” you didn’t like it?“ 
  • he hugged you from behind, whispering close to your ear: "I will show you what I like soon”
  • bitchwhat
  • you both just run into the house, your friends looking at you both at the door with the biggest poker faces ever while you both just laugh and run upstairs, opening your room and locking it ;) 
  • shownu wasted no time, he sits on the edge of the bed, already putting you on his lap, locking your lips in his again as his life depends on it.
  •  God he was so hot, the messy hair, the plushie lips, the way he smirks, the way his strong hands grip your thighs and your waist, travelling everywhere but careful to not scare you, he is so gentle!!!!
  • you can resist and start to kiss his neck and you could feel him whimper while tensing his body. he returns the favour, kissing you neck back and giving soft bites, that’s when you lose your shit and starts unconsciously griding on him, feeling him, got harder by your movements and a low moan leaves your mouth
  • you can feel shownu smirking and kissing your neck, collarbones and the curves of your breasts, making you wetter and wetter. 
  • sh: “ do you want to keep this going? because I have been wanting this” he squeezes your butt strongly, making you moan again “ wanting you… so badly y/n”
  • you kiss him slowly again, whispering “ I am yours already baby, and I am sure" 
  • you can imagine the rest right? 
  • the next day, your roommate was mad at you but, no regrets. even with kihyun and jooheons dirty comments, you can only be happy to be dating shownu.
  •  he was so sweet and lovely you
  •  both spend the rest of the summer going out together and going to clubs and pubs
  • he even taught you how to fly in a broom like a player
  • it’s strange how he became your best friend and also is your boyfriend
  • and even sometimes fighting for silly things, nothing serious, everything seems so natural and peaceful with him
  •  you: ” babe “
  • sh: ” yes, love?“
  • you: "every time with you is a good time" 
  • sh: "I love you too baby”. 

Dancing in the kitchen w/ bf!kyun

can you do a fluffy imagine with changkyun where he and his girlfriend are dancing to old music in the kitchen in their pajamas?


  • All normal writers: no topic imagines
  • anyways
  • It’s Sunday
  • That means all the members are trying to live rest so they won’t be interrupting you and kyun.
  • Also Sunday its the official date day so….
  • Every Sunday is an different thing ( even hiding the relationship blah blah)
  • But today
  • Oh today is a bad day
  • Rough week for both of you can only mean chill and netflix ( even tho as kyun said, he does this on Christmas but, who I am to judge right?) He said chill and netflix in this order I fucking hate him
  • So dinner at home with soft music after a hot bath?
  • [changkyun] YES!!!!!!
  • He got home first and prepared the bath
  • So you brought the food and some groceries
  • That’s all you need
  • you both just quietly hug and kiss
  • Enjoying the warmth of the hot bath in your tub
  • Just soft chill music
  • Changkyun helping you to put a hot fluffy pyjamas
  • He puts your favourite song while you both crazy dance in the kitchen
  • Then a romantic song starts
  • And you both just slowly dance
  • Smelling each other fragrances, the body’s really close
  • You could feel that, whenever you get this feeling, it’s home.
  • That means that changkyun is home for you
  • He whispers “I love you” time to time
  • You do the same
  • You only stop bc your crackheadbf is STARVING
  • but you love him so much

shownu not so soft afternoon at the snowfall

Can you write something about an afternoon with Shownu. Where he as reader just had a steamy session *winkwink and they both are lying under covers and enjoying the snowfall. Fluffy or suggestive, please

You got it ;)


  • Okay idk why snowfalls give me some “I’m not your bf but ugh I can be one I guess” vibes so…
  • Yeah just follow me on this one
  • Shownu is a senior and you’re are one year before him in college.
  • You both met because he was tutoring you in a specific lesson and
  • You know the thing just happen
  • but
  • slow people annoys me but not you two
  • not “ we haven’t had sex yet” slow
  • but the “ we don’t know what we are even if we spend 24/7 together and had sex since the first date” slow
  • you both love each other
  • and that’s a lil secret
  • AnYwAyS
  • Hi national holiday with snow? Oh shownu’s family has a ski chalet? OH ONLY YOU TWO IN 4 DAYS
  • so you were there, skiing and being a happy lil couple babies ( not making babies pls kids use PROTECTION)
  • and in the second day a HUGE NEVASCA JUST WOOOOW fucks up your plans what a shame!!!!
  • iamaclown
  • It’s 10 am, cozy morning, you both woke up, made hot chocolate and ate whatever u want bc you can :) and
  • go back to bed
  • it’s snowing and cold outside bed
  • the bed it’s warm, shownu smells nice and u get free kisses
  • = bed won
  • Cozy warm bed with your b*tch, shownu
  • And he’ll kiss here and there
  • And then maybe a lil bit more THERE
  • There= neck
  • And well shownu has big hands that can explore all your curves and sensitive places
  • But he …. Stops?
  • And looks at you
  • sh: I don’t think we will find a better moment than right now to talk about it so yeah… I really like you * soft eye smile*
  • you: I really like you too? I thought you knew.
  • sh: I do but I mean,,,,hmm,,, letsdate
  • Shook
  • you: you want to? Date? Like a relationship date???
  • sh: yeah I want to be your boyfriend, can I?
  • you: ….. Yes! omg yes!!
  • Happy hugging
  • And kissing
  • And makeout
  • Damn his lips are waaay to soft shownu is just like THE BEST kisser I can bet my pu*sy he is
  • you: you want me to be yours?
  • shownu says yes almost in a whisper, already out of breath
  • you: then show me
  • .
  • You ask for it ;)
  • And I will assure you that this man WILL make you his girl.
  • You’re shownu lil (girl)friend now
  • Work for it