#mirkwood headcanon



There’s a rumor that’s less of a rumor but more of a stretched fact that some sort of horrible River Monster lurking in the rivers of Mirkwood. 

Many visitors claim to have seen it, as they stare desperately into the depths of the surprisingly deep waters. Occasionally it’s said that the great creature will leap up on some unsuspecting thing coming to the waters edge for a drink. Finding themselves snapped nearly in half by a powerful set of jaws quicker than they could blink 

But for something so large, the creature is fast. Extremely fast. So while many people say they have seen the great beast, the do not know what it is. 

Some say it’s some sort of old and forgotten water dragon, content to lay in its murky depths and ignore the world. 

Some say its a different form of hideous beast that doesn’t have a name, but even if it did few would dare utter it for fear of summoning the great creature. 

Some even whisper that it was some kind of evil creation sent from the poisoned walls of the old fortress. 

The men of Laketown have the most stories of the massive, mysterious beast for sometimes it leaves the fast flowing rivers for the calmer waters of the Lake. 

Even the Men can feel the shift energy in the waters beneath their feet, as the fish draw away quickly to hiding places unknown to any that don’t have gills. Children stand on the roofs of their houses eagerly searching for a glimpse of it, while the adults continue to try and convince themselves ita all just stories. For their own peace of mind if nothing else. 

For none know the identity of the horrible river monster except for the woodelves that share a forest with it. Woodelves that could be persuaded to take a young inquisitive ranger to meet the creature of myth as long as he promised to keep the information within the confines of of mind. 

Even the elves of Imladris has begun to whisper to one another about this powerful water creature, and Aragorn could not suppress his smile at listening to his own brothers debate the issue between them. 

Knowing it was not some sort of dragon or a creature created and formed in darkness, but something much different:  

Snip-Snap, the massive vegetarian Snapping Turtle who enjoys neck scratches, elvish music, blowing bubbles out of her nose, and trying to jump out and scare her elvish friends. 
