#mirkwood rising

Newsfeed #103 August 16, 2018 (16 Úrimë)WHERE HAVE I BEEN: WORDPRESS and other places….ahem..

Newsfeed #103 August 16, 2018 (16 Úrimë)

WHERE HAVE I BEEN: WORDPRESS and other places….ahem..

Let’s just say, it has been an unimaginable summer. I sign Lee Pace’s birthday card, the next thing I know he’s signing a PlayBill and I started a WordPress Blog for The Kingdom of the Woodland Realm Trilogy around the time I learn that Lee Pace (and Tom Hiddleston) will be in my backyard–6 to 8 hours away at ACE ComicCon in Chicago.

There’s more, but if I told you, I’d have to kill you…(kidding..no, seriously).


Wait, what’s this?

Okay, so Book II: The Saga of Thranduil doesn’t actually end here–it ends in the EpilogueofBook III: The Last Tale of Legolas Lasgalen. Soon you’ll realize Book I: The Epic of Eryn Galen will end in the EpilogueofBook III: The Last Tale of Legolas Lasgalen. No, The Song of Seven Rivers isn’t ending in the EpilogueofBook III: The Last Tale of Legolas Lasgalen (as far as I know).. In other words, no one knows how Book II: The Saga of Thranduil will end. All you know now is that THE LAST CHAPTER is called THRANDUIL EVERLASTING. And it is found where?


In the EPILOGUEofBook III: The Last Tale of Legolas Lasgalen. Very good. ☺️

Now, for the fun part: WORDPRESS.

OnAugust 18, 2018 (8.18.18),The Kingdom of the Woodland Realm Trilogy will debut on WordPress. Yes, it will be the entire trilogy (unless something else happens this year and forces me to put it in real book form and sell it in a book store–and at this moment, I’m trying to figure out how to translate my book into Hungarian).


(I had a lot of requests for TKWRT to find a way to be translated into several different languages). 

PLEASE NOTE: The Tumblr Blogs aren’t moving. The Book just has another blog to make it more accessible to more readers. It will be the last online platform for the book because, to be honest, it’s starting to outgrow the internet and is moving into website territory. When it comes to that…I have no idea what will happen but I’m sure a guy named Royd will have something to do with it.


I’m turning on the Ask Me Thing. Please be patient with getting answers: I’m getting them from E-V-E-R-Y-W-H-E-R-E: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr.  If you wish to contact me on WordPress, go to https://tkwrtrilogy.wordpress.com/contact/. Here: https://tkwrtnewsfeed.tumblr.com/ask.

So that’s about it–oh right: https://officialwptkwrt.wordpress.com.


Welcome To the Kingdom: Every journey has a beginning and a story to be told.

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Newsfeed #100 June 2, 2018 (8 Nárië)THE NEXT RELEASE DATE–AND THEN SOMEI always release the PD

Newsfeed #100 June 2, 2018 (8 Nárië)


I always release the PDF version of Book II: The Saga of Thranduil on Father’s Day–after all, it is dedicated to my father. There will be a Table of Contents in this version (second draft). This year, there is more to be thankful for. 

Book II: The Saga of Thranduil was invited (as it were) to be submitted to professional readers in order to be seen by publishers and literary agents. This is a first for me; nothing I said to them scared them so they are well aware of all things that will come for any publisher or agent that chooses to represent The Kingdom of the Woodland Realm Trilogy–including the fact that I recently began working on the “second” book of the trilogy. All they said to me was, “We look forward to your submission.”

Book II: The Saga of Thranduil might get to see actor Lee Pace (with the first news, this “secret” news probably won’t remain quiet forever). Fans of the book and Lee Pace have been wanting him to read it and an opening to do that became available. (I won’t say when, where or how just yet–stay tuned; that one’s complicated and more so with the first news).

It is the Summer of 2018–Mirkwood Rising, I call it. It seems to be coming true in more ways than one.


So there it is: the Father’s Day gift I never expected to be able to give to my father (that received an autographed copy of my book for him for his birthday). He wondered out loud when people in the literary world were going to see this book. This year I can say with 100% certainty they will. It is a dream come true for my first book and trilogy. No matter what happens, Book III: The Last Tale of Legolas Lasgalen will always be dedicated to my readers all over the world–whether they are reading the PDFs or maybe one day, holding the book in their hands. Because of you, I got the chance. 

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