#misao x reader



Misao with a best friend

Plot summary: Imagine Misao with a best friend

This Contains: Mentions of bullying, sexual assault, and abuse. ❗❕ SPOILERS ❗❕

Note:For those unfamiliar, Misao is a character from the game of the same name. This will contain spoilers and mentions of some dark topics, so please be warned when reading this. Thank you!

  • With a childhood best friend, she will open up much faster as opposed to one she made more recently. After what happens with kudoh though, she may become more shy and formal around you. Just tell her not to do that, treat her kindly, and she’ll return back to normal.
  • Regardless though, once she does become your friend, especially your best friend, she’ll take to being near you and always wanting your company.
  • With kudoh gone, she sees you as her only true friend. She’ll open up about her feelings, tell you things every now and then, but for the most part she enjoys the calm silence shared between you two.
  • If you’re both timid personalities, you’ll definitely be a target for Yoshino’s bullying, although you may not receive the same severe treatment Misao will get/gets. You two comfort each other afterwards though, especially you caring for her. She appreciates it more then anything, it gives her the energy and will to keep going.
  • Once it gets bad, however, she may not open up about how bad her bullying is. She doesn’t wanna bother you with what she’s going through, she doesn’t wanna relive those events. She just wants to be with you, comforted by you. That’s all she needs.
  • If you’re more bold though, sticking up for Misao during those times of torment, she’ll absolutely adore you. She’ll often say you don’t need to help her, but she appreciates your efforts nonetheless.
  • Of course, this will also cause the bullying to get worse quicker, Yoshino teasing Misao about her little partner not saving her this time. She’ll get especially nasty in this case, which will result in Misao sobbing into you and begging you to ‘make it stop hurting’.
  • She loved you above all else in her sad, short life. When Tohma broke her heart, she came to you. When Saotome released her love poem, she came to you for comfort. When kudoh had fully rejected her, she came to you. You were almost always there for her.
  • But again, you couldn’t be there all the time. And this would result in her death, and disappearance.
  • Under her curse, she would punish everyone that had ever caused her suffering. Make them die a cruel and agonizing death.
  • But even in her vengeful state, she would never bring herself to harm you. Instead, she wanted you to find her. Find her. FIND HER. That’s all that rang in your head, and that’s all she wants you to do.
  • Even when you go and break her curse, she can’t bring herself to truly hate you. Instead, she can only cry in despair, asking you why this had to happen to her. Why did she have to die? Why did she have to suffer? She wanted to live a full, happy life; have a family, grow old. She didn’t do anything wrong, so why did she suffer such a cruel fate?
  • You can’t give her the answers, but you can be here for her now. You comfort her the best you can, apologizing for not being there when she needed you the most. In this moment, she’ll cry once again; both out of sadness, but also out of joy, having missed you so, so much. It was bittersweet.
  • She forgives you, but asks you one last thing. That you don’t forget her, because she won’t ever forget you. And with all of that, with your help and guidance, her spirit is finally able to rest peacefully.
  • And you’ll wake up, as if everything was all a dream. Everyone that Misao had placed in the other school will be gone, seemingly wiped from existence. You’ll think it all a dream.
  • But one look at the chalkboard in front of you will confirm that it wasn’t. The final message from Misao, your dearest friend.
  • “thank you”