#platonic headcanons



For Platonic Yandere Bayonetta

Plot summary: Bayonetta being a platonic yandere, and how she’d fare should you perish.

This Contains: Overbearing behaviour, angst, character death (receiving). Possibly OOC

Note:you’re probably wondering why I haven’t posted for a long time! Well, truth be told, I’ve been… Lazy. But! I’ve been trying to get back into the swing of things, get back into writing. Here’s some headcanons for Bayonetta! To tide youse over until I post again. Tbh, this was going to be shorter but…. I ended up making it longer and sadder then needed. So yeh, enjoy~

  • She will protect you with her life, that is a given. You mean the world to her, for you are her little one.
  • Whether you were born from her or simply a child she found later on, Bayonetta would feel no different about loving, caring, and raising you as her own.
  • Will tease you, I’m sorry. She just likes pushing your buttons a little. But it’s nothing severe, and she just adores when you laugh or giggle at her antics.
  • Never have any doubts about yourself, little one. Mother Bayonetta is your absolute wingwoman. You’re perfect, and should never be ashamed of yourself.
  • Will encourage you to flaunt your natural beauty. After all, you are the child of the famed witch, shake what your mother gave you!
  • Should you have the spiritual energy required for it, Bayonetta would train you like an Umbran Witch, making you especially efficient in the Bullet Arts. Despite her confidence, she knows she can’t always protect you, so it’s better you learn how to defend yourself as well.
  • Should you not, then Bayonetta will be extremely protective of you. Will not want you leaving her side much at all, especially when the threat of angles are always around the corner. She can’t afford anything to happen to you. She won’t let anything happen you, she swears it.
  • If you were alive during the Witch Hunts, then Bayonetta (or Cereza) would absolutely refuse to leave you be. Even if you’re a capable witch yourself, she won’t leave you for even a second. You, Bayo, and Jeanne will be going together to find Rosa. No exceptions.
  • If you died during that time, Bayonetta would be heartbroken. Her darling, little one, just… Killed. Like some animal. She wouldn’t be the same, not after losing her brightest joy in the world, and that added onto her mother’s death will push Bayonetta over the edge. She’d simply give up, unable to fight anymore. All her confidence, all that self-reassurance, gone with the winds - just like you.
  • She can’t even say you’re in a better place now, as it’s extremely likely you’re wandering the depths of inferno, forever. And that thought alone will crush her even more. She had failed you.
  • Even in the future, where all her memories are forgotten, Bayonetta still feels empty inside. There’s this subtle sense of sadness in her, something no one, not even herself, can tell why. She can feel the ghost of your memories in her heart and yet, she can’t exactly recall who you are.
  • In this scenario, Bayonetta’s assault against the angles are just that much more brutal and ferocious. It’s abnormal for her to express her anger in such an overt way, there’s barely any teasing or flirtatious remarks. Just pure slaughter.
  • When she does remember who you are, she will allow that confident walls of hers to crumble down in the dirt. Bayonetta is a woman who keeps her negative emotions in the back of her head and yet, with you, she can’t help but let her grief overcome her. It’s at that one moment she will feel all the more hopeless. What is the point of this battle, if she won’t ever see you again? Her little one is gone forever..
  • But she can’t give up. No, she can’t. Your death would be for nothing if she did. She’s pushed into a fury powered by your death, Rosa’s death, and that of the Umbra clan. She will avenge you, she will. Bayonetta will not fail you again.
  • Baldur and Jubileus’ defeat is especially gruesome.
  • There will always be a hole in Bayonetta’s heart. She could move past the near-eradication of the Umbra clan, she can move past the death of her mother, but she cannot leave your death behind her. That is something that will always haunt her.
  • Bayonetta will carry you with her always and forevermore. You will always be in her heart, that precious smile and adorable memories permanently engrained. There will be days where having your memory with her will be maddening, causing her raw nature of confidence to falter at the seams. But not once would she trade them away. Always and forever, Bayonetta will keep your memory alive within her.
  • Her little one, forever in her broken heart.


YandereByakuya with a delinquent S/O (requested) (Danganronpa)

YandereTeruteru with an S/O who doesn’t mind his obsessiveness (requested) (Danganronpa)

General Headcanons for young and older Aya Drevis with an S/O (self-indulgent) (Mad Father)

General Headcanons for Charlotte “Lottie” La Bouff with an S/O (self-indulgent) (Princess And The Frog)

General headcanons for Cooking Companions (self-indulgent) (Cooking Companions)

Male S/O practicing underwater bondage with Kukui (requested) (Pokémon)

BarryredeemingArchie’s son (requested) (Pokémon)

ObsessiveGyomei with an S/O he sees as god (self-indulgent) (Demon Slayer)

Being the favourite child of platonic yandere Abuela Alma (self-indulgent) (Encanto)

A deity reader making the KNY boys their plaything (self-indulgent) (Demon Slayer)

Yandere headcanons for Cove Holden (self-indulgent) (Our Life)

Yandere headcanons for Derek Suarez (self-indulgent) (Our Life)

YandereSokka&Katara with an older sibling (self-indulgent) (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

YandereRennala (self-indulgent) (Elden Ring)


Being the friend to Platonic yandere Mono & Six

Plot summary: How platonic yandere Mono and Six (separate) would be with a best friend S/O

This Contains: ❗❕ SPOILERS ❗❕. Yanderic themes. Abandonment (giving). Cannibalism (receiving). Character death (S/O). Angst. Possibly OOC for six.

Note:Traumatized children in a traumatized world, good intentioned boy with a selfish minded girl


  • By default, Mono is protective, so adding some Yandere influences onto him would only push it to the extremes.
  • You’re his only friend in this crushingly cruel world. You’re the light in the darkness, and you mean so much to him. You’re his best friend, and he’d do anything for you.
  • And I mean that, if he can he’ll do it for you without hesitation. You hold so much power over little mono.
  • Mono is extremely overprotective and possessive. He’s scared something might hurt you, so he’ll tend to cling practically to the side of your hip and do his best to follow you everywhere he can.
  • Normally, he’d have no issues with having around other children, but with the way he is here, he doesn’t like them hanging around you. Mono fears they may also hurt you or take you away from him, leaving him all alone.
  • He wouldn’t know how to go on if you actually did leave him for another friend or if you died. The two of you have been through so much together; the bond you share is unimaginably strong (in his mind, at least), and so the idea of you no longer being part of his life anymore causes him anxiety and almost pain.
  • Mono loves you deeply (platonically, of course), and he’ll always be by your side. If you ever show him physical affection, he’ll practically melt into your touch. The world of Little Nightmares is extremely harsh and little gestures like these are hard to come by, so when you hold his hand it makes him so warm and happy on the inside.
  • You’re probably the only person he’ll ever show his face to. He trusts you a lot and really wants your acceptance. His face is pretty. . Scary. . so the fact you accept it and accept him makes him feel dreamy, comforted and secure. He doesn’t care how many monsters come his way, as long as he has you by his side he’ll take on anything.
  • If you were to die, Mono would be inconsolable. He’d sit by your body, holding your lifeless corpse, and just let himself cry over the death of his dearest friend; his soulmate, even, unable to do anything else but hug you desperately.
  • He’d die right alongside you, slowly withering and starving away as he continued to craddle your decaying body. Without you, there wasn’t a point in going on any longer. You two were meant to get out together, you were suppose to survive, together.
  • He became extremely dependent on you emotionally, so when you died a huge part of him died along with you. Guilt-ridden and defeated. At least on the bright side, he got to see you again. He hoped.
  • If, however, the situation was like the ending in the game and you ended up abandoning Mono, he’d be a cocktail of emotions. Confused, stunned, hurt, silent. . But above all, despair.
  • He’d climb right up on that chair and simply sit there, motionless. His heart was broken by what you did, and much like his reaction to your death he’d simply give up.
  • But under the tower’s influence, he continued to live. And through this influence, his emotions would be twisted and corrupt.
  • Once he becomes thin man and is freed from the room, his first thought would be to find you and take you. He’ll hunt you down in any spot he can find, and if he has to, he’ll try and slow down or even hurt his younger self just to have you in his grasp.
  • Once he does get you, he’ll take you away to the tower. No matter how much you may scream or cry, he’ll ignore it and bring you back with him.
  • Now, Thin man doesn’t really ‘hurt’ you like you’d expect. He doesn’t wanna hurt you actually, he simply wants his 'best friend’ with him again. And now that he does, he’ll make sure you’ll never leave him again. Mono loved you even when you left him, and so does thin man.
  • Thin man’s psyche was broken from both your betrayal and the time of isolation he had to endure. He’ll no longer be able to process the fact he may be hurting you, selfishly thinking only for himself. He’ll turn you into a monster so you’ll have no choice but to be with him, and if he has to? He’ll make it slow and agonizing.
  • But don’t worry. Once it’s done, you’ll be placed in a special room tailored just to your liking. If you had a favourite object then he’ll give it to you, making it the item that keeps you locked in this form.
  • Unlike mono, Thin man will treat you more like a pet then a person. His mind is warped, and his treatment is just as much, but overall he’s just happy to have you with him again. And you’re never leaving his side, ever.
  • Of course, his plan doesn’t fully go accordingly, and he’s eventually stopped by his younger, much stronger self. But everything that’s happened is already done, and unknown to mono, he has ultimately began his own undoing.


  • Six was suspicious and untrusting of you at first, but once you got her trust she never left your side.
  • She came to depend on you for many things. You became a source of comfort for her, a reason to survive. You treated her kindly, and she grew to want everything you could offer her, while she did her best to return it.
  • Six doesn’t like anyone or anything getting near you, especially other children. If she sees one getting too close, she’ll start to growl like a protective dog. Your friendship is only for her, she doesn’t want anyone else taking it. She may even try to isolate you from any others.
  • While she isn’t as self-sacrificing as Mono, Six will do a lot to ensure your safety. She’ll follow your lead and do everything you ask, assuming they’re safe enough of course.
  • You make her feel safe, like she doesn’t have to always run away or hide from the dangers of the world. Her guard will still be up, but she’ll be just a little less tense with you around.
  • She really likes your affection, but she cannot handle extreme amounts of physical touch. So a handhold is just perfect for her. She’ll be flustered, but Six loves it nonetheless.
  • If you died, Six would be so incredibly sad, and incredibly angry.
  • She’s never allowed herself to get this close to someone before, to find such comfort in another living being. And for all that effort and love just for it to be mercilessly torn away, it would only make her heart close off from any emotional connections again.
  • Unlike mono, she won’t stay by your cadaver for the rest of her life. She’ll take whatever item you had, something she knew you had an attachment too, and keep it with her for the rest of her journey.
  • A final semblance of her only friend, and the first, and last, connection she had.
  • If you were to die when Six developed her hunger, there is a massive chance she may eat parts of you. In her mind, she may see it as keeping you closer to her, as you’ll become ONE with her.
  • But if you were to betray her, then six would be infuriated beyond belief.
  • She would be hurt, and extremely vengeful, wanting to now find you and pull you apart like a broken doll.
  • Spite is a huge part of Six’s personality, so pray you never run into her again, as she can and will hurt you if given the chance.
  • Her trust issues definitely spiked after this, no longer allowing anything else to fester inside beside cold rage and the need to survive.
  • If you’re still alive by the time she gains The Lady’s powers, she may go out of her way to hunt you down and hurt you, exactly how you hurt her.
  • She’ll make you suffer in any way possible, because she can’t forgive for what you did. Never.
  • She may even turn you into a nome and keep you locked away in a metal or glass cage, where she’ll keep you close and watch you, perhaps even using some of her magical abilities to punish you.
  • Because despite it all, her chilling heart does have some compassion for you, albeit weak and impaired. She’ll see this fate as both punishing and rewarding, mainly for her.
  • You won’t ever see the day of light again behind the enclosure she’s placed you in. You’ll only see her and the darkness around her.
  • And she’ll always get to be by your side, watching you, observing you. She may even demand your attention and affection, and she will force it out of you if she must.
  • Even as she grows older, bigger, stronger, Six will still keep you under lock and key. Your existence will only be known to her, and her alone.
  • Two best friends, united for all eternity.


Misao with a best friend

Plot summary: Imagine Misao with a best friend

This Contains: Mentions of bullying, sexual assault, and abuse. ❗❕ SPOILERS ❗❕

Note:For those unfamiliar, Misao is a character from the game of the same name. This will contain spoilers and mentions of some dark topics, so please be warned when reading this. Thank you!

  • With a childhood best friend, she will open up much faster as opposed to one she made more recently. After what happens with kudoh though, she may become more shy and formal around you. Just tell her not to do that, treat her kindly, and she’ll return back to normal.
  • Regardless though, once she does become your friend, especially your best friend, she’ll take to being near you and always wanting your company.
  • With kudoh gone, she sees you as her only true friend. She’ll open up about her feelings, tell you things every now and then, but for the most part she enjoys the calm silence shared between you two.
  • If you’re both timid personalities, you’ll definitely be a target for Yoshino’s bullying, although you may not receive the same severe treatment Misao will get/gets. You two comfort each other afterwards though, especially you caring for her. She appreciates it more then anything, it gives her the energy and will to keep going.
  • Once it gets bad, however, she may not open up about how bad her bullying is. She doesn’t wanna bother you with what she’s going through, she doesn’t wanna relive those events. She just wants to be with you, comforted by you. That’s all she needs.
  • If you’re more bold though, sticking up for Misao during those times of torment, she’ll absolutely adore you. She’ll often say you don’t need to help her, but she appreciates your efforts nonetheless.
  • Of course, this will also cause the bullying to get worse quicker, Yoshino teasing Misao about her little partner not saving her this time. She’ll get especially nasty in this case, which will result in Misao sobbing into you and begging you to ‘make it stop hurting’.
  • She loved you above all else in her sad, short life. When Tohma broke her heart, she came to you. When Saotome released her love poem, she came to you for comfort. When kudoh had fully rejected her, she came to you. You were almost always there for her.
  • But again, you couldn’t be there all the time. And this would result in her death, and disappearance.
  • Under her curse, she would punish everyone that had ever caused her suffering. Make them die a cruel and agonizing death.
  • But even in her vengeful state, she would never bring herself to harm you. Instead, she wanted you to find her. Find her. FIND HER. That’s all that rang in your head, and that’s all she wants you to do.
  • Even when you go and break her curse, she can’t bring herself to truly hate you. Instead, she can only cry in despair, asking you why this had to happen to her. Why did she have to die? Why did she have to suffer? She wanted to live a full, happy life; have a family, grow old. She didn’t do anything wrong, so why did she suffer such a cruel fate?
  • You can’t give her the answers, but you can be here for her now. You comfort her the best you can, apologizing for not being there when she needed you the most. In this moment, she’ll cry once again; both out of sadness, but also out of joy, having missed you so, so much. It was bittersweet.
  • She forgives you, but asks you one last thing. That you don’t forget her, because she won’t ever forget you. And with all of that, with your help and guidance, her spirit is finally able to rest peacefully.
  • And you’ll wake up, as if everything was all a dream. Everyone that Misao had placed in the other school will be gone, seemingly wiped from existence. You’ll think it all a dream.
  • But one look at the chalkboard in front of you will confirm that it wasn’t. The final message from Misao, your dearest friend.
  • “thank you”