#misha collins


November 15-16, 2021 - Misha swims in a river I guess.


Misha posts a short video of himself holding a lobster/crawdad somewhere in Arizona. He adds that he’s in his underwear at the end. Yes, that’s what got him trending. The video is available below, subtitles also available in the TikTok version here, as well as in his Instagram story.

November 6, 2021 - Supernatural continues to trend following the November 5 celebration and this weekend’s convention in Charlotte [x].


People are still posting about November 5th and all that it entails. On top of that, there’s a con this weekend.

Let’s start with more news from November 5. Yesterday more scripts were released by @spnscripthunt-12x10 Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets (Blue Draft), 11x13 Love Hurts (Production Draft), as well as what’s possibly the first look at some of the graphics and blueprints from Supernatural that are not photos [x].

Now. Let’s continue with Mark Sheppard, who retweeted the tweet below. I don’t think an explanation is necessary [x].


As for the convention, Misha’s panel gathered the most attention. The whole panel is available to watch here.

One of the first questions was about what episode/film Misha would want to do if Supernatural ever got a reboot. The answer was a meta episode.

Misha was also asked about the acting choices he’d made in season 15 after he’d learned that Cas was going to confess his love for Dean. Misha first said that he’d done more “lecherous lip licking,” but then admitted that he hadn’t made many conscious acting decisions, since character of Castiel was so integrated in the fabric of Misha and the things that had happened to Cas during his life had all impacted him and changed him. Misha also admitted that if there had ever been another episode from Cas’ perspective, he’d have wanted to explore Cas’ “existential loneliness.” Cas had been rejected by heaven and never truly accepted by the humanity, but he’d cared deeply for both and that’s something that Misha would’ve wanted to look a bit more into. He also said he’d want for Ben Edlund to write it.

One fan asked Misha for an advice for queer people, whose interpretation is often “met with disgust and disdain.” They brought up how when questions are asked about the confession scene, it’s often said it should be up to one’s interpretation, but when interpreted as romantic, they are told that it is wrong. Misha said “you should be angry.” He wishes that we were in the place where that wasn’t a big deal. He is aware that the confession was meaningful to many queer fans and he said that in a way it sucks, because it should be boring. That this sort of representation should happen all the time and not be a big deal. He said that as it is a work of fiction, people should be able to interpret it as they want and he doesn’t want to pressure people into having the same interpretation as he does, but that the queer interpretation shouldn’t be dismissed.

Another fan brought up the deancas wedding and whether Misha was aware of that event, to which he replied “no, I missed that, I didn’t get the invite.” They also asked about what their wedding vows would be and joked that Cas might’ve wanted for Dean to vow to obey him. Misha answered that he’d want for Jensen to say that to him (”whatever you say, Mish”). Said he’s on board with the obedience vow and that it sounds like makings for a healthy, long-term relationship (/s). The answer about Jensen was met with mixed reactions, from jokes to some fans’ saying it was inappropriate.

Misha also mentioned that one of the weirdest things he’d had to do do on set was the angel blade coming out of Cas’ sleeve and indicated that it’d been improvised. When asked about a prompt for a fanfic, he suggested Dean as a “custodian at a fast food restaurant” and Cas as the US president.

Other Saturday panels that are currently available to watch: DJ Qualls,Samantha Smith and Ruth Connell,Tahmoh Penikett,Rob Benedict.

Misha is also currently trending on Twitter:


Misha is ✨pretty✨

Full video

Oh Felicia, how I feel you.

misha collins

Love and miss these so much I had to create my own content

Love and miss these so much I had to create my own content

Being unable to sleep last night I started instead of counting sheep, listing my favourite characters in Supernatural in comparison to my favourite actors from the show that I look up to for various reasons e.g. charity work / inspirational etc. I was surprised how many crossed over onto both lists and decided to create myself a memory board for each. I then went on to listing all my favourite female characters as I hear so often how female stars get under appreciated in the show but felt that I couldn’t really identify with that, I was forced to stop at 20 of my favourites but had plenty more I could have added, Charlie will forever be my ultimate fave! Not to be left out in the interests of fairness I did the same for the men. I am surprised how quick I had another 20, just goes to show this show has many amazing well rounded characters. This is not everyone by a long shot but I just wanted to make a note of everyone that has had a massive impact on me as they have helped me through dark days, thank you one and all. Also just saying currently ’re-watching the show all the way through for the third time and am I the only one who would have loved to have seen Becky and Garth get together? They would have been so much fun to watch!

Supernatural may be over (at least for now) but my favourite characters live on forever, you have all brightened my life so much and for that I thank you

misha-collins: Supernatural  |  season 6 gag reel misha-collins: Supernatural  |  season 6 gag reel misha-collins: Supernatural  |  season 6 gag reel


Supernatural  |  season 6 gag reel

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Are you wearing space pants? Because I think you’re out of this world.

Those pants make me think about the Big Bang, that’s what I’m calling our next date night.


jensen *twirls hair*: haha mish by the way i wrote a song about someone very dear to me and im gonna put it on the album. and it’s not about you haha! *pops bubblegum* no no no hey *panicked voice* don’t get jealous no no wait don’t hang up babe let me finish it’s about cas. it’s about castiel. yes he is very dear to dean i mean me i mean

misha-collins:Misha Collins — season 5 gag reelmisha-collins:Misha Collins — season 5 gag reel


Misha Collins — season 5 gag reel

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