

Affiliations with Aquarius seem challenging to Virgo. Aquarius perplexes you and makes you yearn for more love and friendship from them. At first, the connection will not be mutual, but after getting to know Aquarius, the relationship will explode for the better. It is not likely for you to meet Aquarius through social events, as Aquarius is normally serious and only loosens up in work environment, with people they already know. This makes it ideal for Virgo to approach Aquarius at the office, and it usually happens when you are sharing responsibilities while working on the same project. Through such professional interactions, Aquarius will notice your intellectual abilities and thereafter slowly become attracted to you. The two of you love to volunteer in humanitarian projects with an aim of giving back to the society. However, there are some differences between you two. For instance, Virgo is mostly nervous and withdraws from expressing emotions, because they are naturally shy. Aquarius is more into Mother Nature and wants to have a positive influence on the world. They will convince you to engage more in social events, which you find to be a good gesture. To some extent, the two of you are somehow perfectionists in whatever you do, therefore Aquarius and Virgo connection glows. Trying to work together is suitable to strengthen and prevent unfavorable attitudes.

This combination is usually difficult, but not impossible. If you get into long lasting relationship with Taurus, it will teach you a lot, as well as your partner. Libra brings affection and warmth to Taurus. You will find the persistent nature of Taurus to be very appealing, especially when it comes to aiming for things in life. The patience of Taurus will come in handy when handling your indecisiveness. Be careful however. While Taurus quietly tolerates you, his patience is not infinite and once the limit is met, you will be seriously surprised by the emotional storm that will unexpectedly hit you. The two of you share mutual satisfaction for each other. When you have a major disagreement, the two of you can get into violent confrontation. Libra finds it hard to tolerate the dictating nature and attitude of Taurus. The two of you can get along if you work on your differences and learn to compromise. Libra has a good way of inspiring and encouraging Taurus, and this helps Taurus to achieve so much in life. You bring a change to creative endeavors, speculation and love, which will stimulate Taurus. Taurus is also a sort of a faithfulness fanatic and flirtatious nature of Libra can be a serious impediment to a successful relationship and a cornerstone of many arguments. Therefore if you want to avoid this, it is important not to make Taurus feel jealous. Stubbornness is another trait that Taurus exhibits, and their stubbornness can be exemplified when they are under pressure or when cornered.

Scorpio and Cancer are both water elements, and this makes it easier for the two of you to get along. The relationship between Scorpio and Cancer is comfortable, since neither of you have to impress the other. The attraction between the two of you is mutual and the relationship is one of the best Scorpio could have with any other sign. You have the same traits as Cancer does. Both of you are caring, emotional and sensitive. However, when it comes to love, you would feel that you give much more than you receive. Cancer is very adaptable and can cope with some of the characteristics of Scorpio that are not very pleasant, such as oppressiveness and possessiveness. However, you should be more considerate and avoid taking advantage of Cancer, as this could easily break your relationship. You are naturally driven by passion, whereas Cancer yearns for emotional attachment before they can show their passion. Despite some of the traits of Scorpio that usually put people off, Cancer tends to tolerate them no matter what. Cancer has a great connection with Scorpio on a whole different level, which makes them endearing to Scorpio. It also enables you to open up. The relationship between the two of you may last a lifetime.

The two of you have very different qualities. Taurus is mostly concerned with material things that they can feel and touch. On the other hand, Sagittarians go for independence, spontaneity and freedom. Besides, you may never be able to give Taurus the comfort and assurance that they really need. Taurus has to feel that the financial and practical sides of life are satisfying. You always appreciate life the way it is and you handle issues with an ease. Moreover, socially you act hasty, and this could really irritate the delicate nerves of Taurus. Sagittarius’s life is not programmed and structured like that of Taurus, and this difference may eventually make you feel like your partner is inflexible. This can frustrate you a great deal. One of the finer points that Sagittarians possess is the ability to change their mind and adapt to various circumstances. This may confuse Taurus, especially when they see how easily you adapt to different situations. Therefore, it will require both of you to make some adjustments if you really want to have a fruitful relationship. If you get rid of Sagittarian bravado, you will be able to discover your sympathetic side. It is your sympathetic side that will unite you with Taurus. You will need to persevere and be patient in order for the relationship to work.

Scorpio has a strong emotional depth and a vast comprehension of sentimental values. This makes them very compatible with Pisces, since you are a sympathetic and sentimental individual. Pisces and Scorpio are perfect mind readers and have a way of identifying feelings and thoughts of each other. They are also sensitive and intuitive and apply feelings to complex issues. If you believe in soul mates, a suitable Scorpio partner is the closest thing you’ll ever find. Pisces is always accurate when they base decisions on first impressions rather than on after thoughts, so if there is a Scorpio that seems right for you – go for it, this relationship is very unlikely to fail. Scorpio can offer much needed protection to Pisces. Pisces is vulnerable to manipulation. It is quite easy for others to take advantage of their kind heart. Pisces should also be very aware of subtleties in their Scorpio partner. Scorpio’s protection may suddenly turn into control. At the same time, Pisces may resort to escapism in order to avoid some of the harsh realities of life, when they feel overwhelmed with issues. Since Scorpio is more independent than Pisces, they are always there to offer a shoulder to lean on. Both of these signs usually have a wide range of interests: music, dancing, artistic pursuits, fishing, swimming or boating and many other similar activities. In the bedroom it is an excellent match as well, since Scorpio loves the way Pisces treat the love making as an almost sacred act. Even though it might be tempting to give in to the sensuality of Scorpio, if you are not serious about the relationship, it is best to avoid it or defer until you have a better idea about where the romance is headed. Once Scorpio made love to someone, he expects faithfulness and claims ownership of that person, which may obviously lead to some problems, if you don’t plan to get seriously involved.

Gemini is intellectual, clever and witty, while Pisces is sensitive, intuitive and compassionate. This divergence in character might cause some problems. Pisces might be willing to compromise on many issues, but in order for this relationship to work out, Gemini has to be aware of the emotional side of their partner. If Gemini is not capable of understanding, this is going to be the point, at which communication breaks. Afterwards Gemini will find it difficult to appeal to Pisces’s soft side. Pisces can at times live in a fantasy world with idealistic romantic exploits, that can be detrimental to their relationship. Gemini is not swayed by emotions, they are more realistic when it comes to romance. Pisces takes things seriously and thus Gemini should be cautious when they feel like flirting. The wandering nature of Gemini, although completely innocent, will make Pisces jealous and uneasy very soon. Both Gemini and Pisces are prone to digress from plans already made, but they cope well with the spontaneity of such alterations. Pisces looks for the greater good in a person, despite the first impressions created. Pisces lives in a fantasy world and would rather tolerate the suffering, than hurt Gemini’s feelings. Pisces can be hard to understand, and this can cause problems with Gemini. When it comes to solving issues, Gemini can view Pisces as disoriented. If Gemini can learn to keep the promises made, show sentimental sensitivity and set some time aside to share with Pisces, then things can be extremely good between them.

someone asked for more about me so here goes : My name is Rachael.I’m a senior.I have my S

someone asked for more about me so here goes :

My name is Rachael.
I’m a senior.
I have my Sun in Gemini and moon in Taurus.
I’m in a relationship with an Aries man.
If there’s something more you want to know ask :)

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taurus & taurus - done sagittarius & taurus - on the way, but taurus & sagittarius is do

taurus & taurus - done
sagittarius & taurus - on the way, but taurus & sagittarius is done if you want to look at then
taurus & scorpio - done
cancer & pisces - done

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When these two meet, this is love at first sight. You have a lot in common: both of you are down-to-earth and materialistic, and you share high intellect pursuits. Both of you are stay-at-home people who love comfort. Virgo and Taurus are both practical and share responsibilities when combined. In a relationship, Virgo will take care of expenditures, while Taurus cautiously caters to other miscellaneous activities. Devotion is vital in this combination, where Taurus is strong emotionally and very nurturing as well. Virgo really appreciates this gesture, is patient and this places both of you in charge of the relationship. The major priority to both these signs is managing finances and if done properly, you will have a successful marriage. Financial misunderstandings rarely affect this combination, since both give material security a high priority. Both feel relaxed if only there is enough money to sustain their personal needs. Being practical is essential to these earthy signs. Forming a solid and firm combination that cannot easily dismantle is also the key to a strong relationship. Taurus may be fussy at times, and this may come as a surprise to Virgo, who can get frustrated. Nevertheless, both of you share many common interests that will compensate the differences. You are perfectionists and love traveling. Despite the small differences, this relationship has every chance of surviving and turning into successful and a long lasting one.

When these two signs come together the relationship may be very steamy. Taurus finds the passionate and pleasant nature of Sagittarius exciting, but that is just about everything the two share. The two of you have very different personalities. Taurus wants to control Sagittarius, while Sagittarius treasures personal freedom. Both of you have some domestic abilities and talents, but you do not seem to notice this and realize that those can actually bring you together. Taurus is romantic and appreciates the imagination Sagittarius has. The two of you are good lovers and are compatible to some extent, but your union has a short future and marriage does not have any favorable prospects. Taurus can build a future with Sagittarius only if they both review their objectives and make sure to accomplish what they start. Taurus finds Sagittarius to be quite a challenge, but it is this challenge that will unearth the potential of Taurus. The two of you have a way of attracting other people, this is a good thing, because it can land you on a good financial deal.

The critical, perfectionist and cool Virgo has very different characteristic from Aries. This difference is likely to make you irritated and even annoyed with each other. Virgo likes everything to be detailed and very precise, while Aries is not known for carrying out activities with precision. Virgo is more prone to repeating instructions just to make sure that Aries can understand. Virgo will not be satisfied with loose answers, they need to know every detail to be fully satisfied. Virgo is service oriented and can be counted on to take care of the home and ensure everything from bills, receipts and other important papers are kept well in order. The combination between Virgo and Aries is highly suited for work and financial matters. Both of you can learn great lessons from each other. If Aries is willing and open to apply the advice Virgo gives on financial matters, both of you are likely to benefit from it. On the other hand, if Virgo is attentive and willing to experiment, both of you can learn to be more energetic, adventurous and take risks. This combination will be very productive and successful if you decide to work together, because Virgo will offer complete support in areas that are not usually your strong side. This is attributed by the fact that Virgo is more focused on perfection and service. For the union to succeed, we suggest you to spend time exploring and learning each other’s subtleties prior to committing to a serious relationship.

Sagittarius and Aries present an adventurous and powerful combination; there is an exciting ride that awaits both of you. The two of you are likely to fall in love with each other at first sight. You exhibit a lot of playfulness and joy, since both of you are very friendly. You also have your communication channels wide open and fully broadcasting. It would be useless though, if you did not understand each other, but luckily most of the times, you have very good understanding of one another. However, sometimes you will discover that your arguments get overheated or disagreeable. Occasionally, Aries will be idea aggravating and action packed; at least this means that you will never have dull moments. You both hate predictable and boring relationships and believe that variety is the way to spice up your life. Aries will always be supportive of Sagittarius’s ambitions. And if you use their support, it will result in better and bigger things. This way, both of you will be motivated and supportive of each other. Sagittarius will always bring out the intuitions and idealism of Aries. There is something predestined and simply wonderful about this combination. Sagittarius loves freedom and this makes you a good match for Aries, who has an outgoing and dramatic nature. Nothing will stop either of you if you choose to make your relationship work.

Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac, and this usually means that Pisces is more likely to explore the spiritual nature of humans. Pisces is also selfless and will not care much about material wealth. Pisces is an introvert who draws their motivation from within and is therefore, deeply intuitive and receptive. A relationship with Pisces might not last because after a while, Libra will find out that their partner seem detached and lives in a world of their own. Libra is naturally social and bubbly and being with Pisces will greatly hinder your chances of exploring this side of you, because Pisces would prefer to be by themselves in a quiet place. Pisces is intelligent and would probably match you well intellectually, but they would prefer to keep this to themselves rather than find common topics to talk about. Pisces may not realize that a healthy discussion could potentially strengthen the relationship. They would prefer to listen rather than talk but when they talk, Libra might not be able to comprehend what they are saying, which can create conflicts in the relationship. Due to deeply spiritual nature of Pisces, you might not always be able to relate to what they are going through and will be feeling left out of their lives.

Gemini is an air sign and you are water, and together it creates rain. So get ready for quite an intense ride. Gemini is known to be intellectual, lighthearted, changeable, unstable and superficial. You, Scorpio, on the other hand, prefer deep discussions which cannot be sustained when talking with Gemini. The ability of Gemini to take things lightly can get on Scorpio’s nerves. You could even assume that your partner is not serious about you. You need all the patience you have to fully understand how to deal with Gemini. The relationship between the two of you can teach you to let go and have fun once in a while. With Gemini, one can also learn not to judge a book by its cover. As much as Gemini loves having fun, it should not be assumed that they are indifferent, but rather that Gemini has their own way of self expression. You are extremely compatible in the bedroom as both of you are passionate and willing to try new things. All in all this can be a very fruitful relationship for you, where you could learn a lot an have tons of fun as well.

Both Aquarius and Sagittarius enjoy each other’s company and share many common interests; hence when paired together the union can be very productive. Both of you take pleasure in social functions and are willing to venture into unknown territories. A relationship between Aquarius and Sagittarius is likely to work out as you both love to socialize and to be right in the middle of any ongoing action. Outdoor games, theatre, entertainment and clubs make both of you tick. Although Aquarius is very social, you can be aloof at times. Your detachment from the world might make it difficult for you to adapt to Sagittarius at first, as Sagittarius is known to be enthusiastic, affectionate and self assured. When Sagittarius’s planet Jupiter and your planet Uranus come together they provide a combination of optimism, hope and excitement for your relationship. You both will be up for some wild experimentations in the bedroom. Your sex life will never turn into a routine. Since Sagittarius loves traveling, you might find yourself traveling and exploring by their side within no time. You can be systematic in the way you do most things, but you also like to change your pace and/or direction radically which might throw Sagittarius off for some time. Don’t worry about it, Sagittarius will adapt quickly. A relationship between Aquarius and Sagittarius is favored by stars despite the minor character differences.

Pisces is a perceptive, extremely intuitive soul with a lot of compassion. It is easy for Pisces to understand Leo’s moods and sentiments, but Pisces may find it hard to comprehend their emotions. Alternatively, Leo is much more self-confident and likes conveying their feelings in a dramatic way. It is unusual that Pisces and Leo not be drawn to one another; however, they might end up discovering that they are incompatible after uniting. Both are creative signs, and the relationship can be very dynamic and exciting. Leo has a firm character and this might attract Pisces, but there is nothing else that strongly draws them to each other in a long term relationship. Leo is a self centered and opportunistic individual. This is a complete contrast to Pisces, who readily sacrifices for the benefit of others, very often to the detriment of themselves. The opportunistic character of Leo may cause friction between the two, since Pisces will feel ignored and rejected. Remember that Pisces is a romantic being, while Leo is more of a passionate sign. Enthusiastic displays of affection might make Pisces retreat in shyness and often result in dreaming and fantasizing. Leo loves to defend and this makes them compatible with Pisces, who is usually feeling much more comfortable when there is someone to protect them. Leo likes to give a shoulder to lean on and is more of an authoritative being. This also makes it easier for Pisces to cope with Leo, since Pisces often likes someone to be there for them. Pisces in general is more submissive than other signs.

Despite the differences that the two of you have, you are a perfect example of the saying “opposites attract”. An astrological comparison of these two signs clearly indicates that you both possess absolutely opposite characteristics. Despite the differences, both of you can learn how to ameliorate each other’s shortcomings. In this union Pisces is usually the one who has to make all the sacrifices for the sake of the relationship. At times Virgo may cause strain in the relationship by fussing over small details. If Virgo understands that you are above those little things and don’t even notice most of them, it should not be a problem. Due to the timid nature of Pisces, Virgo must be careful when dealing with their partner, especially through minimal use of abrasive speeches. Virgo is more of a realistic thinker, while Pisces likes to get emotions attached to decisions they make. These different approaches make you compatible when it comes to problem solving, since you are able to make a balanced judgment. Both of you enjoy taking some time in solitude to reflect on life and other issues that you might be facing; this rejuvenates you both. But what’s more important, it gives you, Pisces a chance to recharge your spirits. This time might be complemented with activities such as swimming, painting, listening to soft music and dancing.

Certain intrinsic differences exist between Virgo and Gemini, especially when it comes to their temperaments. For instance, Virgo has a detailed eye and a perfectionist attitude, which will drive Gemini crazy. You are likely to take pleasure playing intellectual games together, but Gemini has a preference of skimming on the surfaces of topics, rather than submerging themselves in the details, which is generally what Virgo prefers and is especially good at. Virgo possesses a reference to the family and domestic sphere of Gemini, and they offer a secure heaven to allow Gemini gain entry into their varied activities and ever-changing world. You will feel safe with Virgo, who will offer financial security and stability. It is one thing Gemini signs commonly lack in their lives. The inclination of Gemini to be jocular and lighthearted about life will often cause Virgo to be apprehensive and take things negatively. While Gemini may seemingly assume that certain jokes are harmless to Virgo, it is appropriate to remember that these may be offensive to your sensible partner. Virgo should however, learn to take things more lightly to ensure that their journey as they go through life is more fun. With regard to the romantic relationship, the survival of the union is dependent on your ability to learn and understand the approach, each has taken to love and life.

The two of you are very compatible, as you are both Earth signs. You share same ways of self-expression; you will see a lot of yourself in each other. You are both logical, practical, patient and very down-to-earth. When it comes to choosing a partner, both of you are serious and take your time in the process. Although you are very alike, you still have some differences. Taurus is well grounded but at the same time, they are more sensitive. Taurus is ruled by feminine Venus, which makes this sign sensual, nurturing and caring. Capricorn, on the other hand, ruled by cold Saturn, which makes you very goal-oriented, hard-working, disciplined overachiever. Capricorn always looks for a mate that has similar traits. This means that your partner should be aware of how to behave in public in a proper manner, since you have a more corporate behavior. You are naturally drawn to people who admire achievement or those, who have put practical goals. Once in a commitment, you are extremely faithful but you may find it difficult expressing your feelings. Taurus needs a dependable and loyal partner who is financially conscious, and will not take unsound financial risks. This makes Capricorn and Taurus to be compatible but on an emotional level, Taurus may not be fully satisfied by the connection they have with Capricorn.

Sorry I’ve been absent!
I’ll get back to posting tomorrow
