#mk kuai liang



Oh No.

Kuai Liang/F!reader

This one is technically a WIP but I’m posting it as a two-parter so I can convince myself to finish the second part because of how short this fic is.

TWS!: unplanned pregnancy, chosing whether or not to keep the pregnancy, anxiety.


“Shit.” Shit. Shit shit shit. Dear gods- what were you going to do? Why was this fucking happining? Why was it fucking hapining now? 

You didn’t know what to do. What could you do? You couldn’t exactly ignore something like this. The pregnancy test feels frigid in your hands, the panic in your chest near unbearable. All of this is so… unexpected. You and Kuai hadn’t even talked about kids yet. Hell, he had just defeated Sektor! He had just become grandmaster! This is all so much in so little time…

Keep reading

OOOO I FORGOT THIS EXISTED!!!! currently squirreling away some time to finish this lol.


anyway!! Here’s those birthday fics! I’m sorry that there a month late but uhhhh

We can Dance.

Pairing: Smoke/GN! Reader

Warnings: none

Wordcount: 898


This was going to be a long day. Normally you and the others would be up and training by 6 am at the latest, or risk a worse punishment. Your group always had a schedule, each day, one of you would wake the others up and get started on breakfast. Yesterday it was your turn, the day before was Kuai’s, and today was Tomas’ turn. Or at least it was, until a certain someone overslept and forgot to wake the others up.

“They seem to be having fun In there.” Smoke says, as music and the sound of merry-making of the others floated through the hall.

“Could’ve been us, If all three of us hadn’t been late, Smoke.” Kuai grumbles. Tomas smiles and sighs, he had already admitted that he was at fault for your earlier mistake, but the Grandmaster wasn’t having any of it. You thought it was kinda funny at first, until he put you and Kuai on cleaning duty too.

“I still can’t believe he decided group punishment was a good idea.” You say. Even Sektor and Cyrax had been punished, and they woke up on time. “I still think Sektor is going to kill us.”

“Not if Bi-han gets to us first.” There’s a noise of mutual agreement between the three of you, dreading what kind of punishment he was ready to deal out in secret. You shudder at the thought of last time your group did something Bi-han had a problem with. The boys had to Hold a ten minute handstand, with five more minutes added every time someone slipped or gave out. The only reason you were spared was because you had been away on a mission when it had happened. Kuai stops sweeping for a moment to stretch.

“Alright. I’m going to move down the hall. Keep an eye on smoke, would you? The last thing we need is another punishment.”

“Hey!” Tomas complains, pushing Kuai’s shoulder lightly as he passes by, leaving the two of you alone. It’s silent for a moment as you focus on the task at hand, before Tomas brushes up against your arm.

“Hey.” You side eye him, smiling.

“Smoke.” You say. Tomas frowns at the formality.

“You’re not mad at me too, are you?” You can’t help but smile even wider, looking up at him.

“No. I’m not mad. But I will be, if you don’t get to work.” Tomas’ smile makes your heart flutter and he picks his broom back up. A catchy tune starts playing in the other room, and you start humming along unconsciously. Thomas starts humming too, and wiggling around as he sweeps. Soon enough, he sets the broom against the wall and starts dancing in full. You roll your eyes, a little annoyed that he was getting off track, but the mood was too fun to ruin.

“Care to join me?” Tomas asks. You shake your head. You would not dance. Absolutely not.

“Tomas, I do not dance.”

“I guess I’ll have to make due then.” You smile and laugh as Tomas takes the broom from your hands, dancing with it while singing along with the drunkards next door. He was most definitely a silly fool at times, but that was just one of the things you loved about him. Tomas spins and dips the broom, making a show about holding it close and acting lovey with it, even leaning in to kiss the handle with an obnoxious “mwa!”. You’ve been smiling for so long your cheeks have started to hurt, and when he holds his hand out for you to take, you can’t help but want to join him.

“Fine!” Tomas’ smile could light up the room as you take the broom from him and set it to the side to take his hand. He twirls you and holds you close as you dance, just like he did with the broom. You’re giggling and laughing all the while, and he is too. He leans in and kisses your cheeks with that obnoxious noise again, and your chest hurts from laughing and giggling.

“Ahem.” In just a moment, you push Tomas off and throw yourself away from him. A mildly pissed Bi-han stands at the end of the hall, arms crossed. You blush furiously as you brush the wrinkles out of your clothes. Thomas rubs the back of his neck nervously as he quietly moves to stand next to you.

“Working hard, I see.” Bi-han says sternly. You shift away from his direct eye contact, looking at the floor instead.

“We were just a little distracted, it won’t happen again, I promise.” You say quickly. Tomas agrees next to you. Bi-han doesn’t buy it.

“Kuai is going to be at the sparring grounds at 4 am tomorrow. I was going to tell you to be there at the same time, but I will see the two of you there at 2 am instead. Am I understood?” You and Tomas nod, both inwardly groaning. Tomas turns to you apologetically when Bi-han turns the corner.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to…” You ignore his sentence, leaning up to press a kiss to his lips and grabbing your broom, getting ready to move to a different hall.

“I’ll see you at 2.” You say, winking at him as you leave, Tomas’ flustered face was going to be something you wanted to see more often.
