#mk11 imagines


All possible interaction dialogues between ScorpionandY/N.


Y/N:Do all scorpions set themselves on fire?
Scorpion:You would rather be stung?
Y/N:Got it, not a questions guy.

Y/N:You’ve evolved into Sub Zero’s partnership?
Scorpion:He is not the man I thought he was.

Y/N:You are one with your anger.
Scorpion:Nothing could match my vengeance.

Scorpion:You were foolish to come after me.
Y/N:After you? I thought you were after me.
Scorpion:Do not mock me.

Scorpion:Your anger has drawn the attention of Sub-Zero.
Y/N:What’s wrong? Scared?
Scorpion:It is you who is not scared enough.

Y/N:You know, I kinda dig the whole fire thing.
Scorpion:I’ve no time for your pyromaniac fantasies.
Y/N:You would be so lucky.

Y/N:You know, I kinda dig the whole fire thing.
Scorpion:I’ve no time for your pyromaniac fantasies.
Y/N:Who said I was talking about you?

Scorpion:Do not tempt me with your beguiling ways.
Y/N:Not sure what you’re talking about.
Scorpion:Then I will end it for you.

Scorpion:I used to think you were honorable.
Y/N:I have never changed.
Scorpion:Even worse then.

Scorpion:You have too many strings attached to be trusted.
Y/N:I am who I am, Scorpion.
Scorpion:Thatis the problem.

Y/N:You think I hate you?
Scorpion:You are a liar and a thief.
Y/N:Oh, so youhateme

Y/N:You should have warned me about Noob.
Scorpion:Bi-Han could’ve finished you off.
Y/N:Just as Quan-Chi did to your family.

Scorpion:You think you know anger?
Y/N:Like you would never understand.
Scorpion:I find that hard to be true.

Y/N:Impressive Kunai spear.
Scorpion:It is sharper than your blades.
Y/N:You assume too little.

Y/N:I love these little talks.
Scorpion:They are becoming rather frequent.
Y/N:Not enough.

Scorpion:You remind me of someone I used to know.
Y/N:Someone you grieve?
Scorpion:Not anymore.

Scorpion:You are more skilled than anticipated.
Y/N:Can’t say I’m not grateful to hear that.
Scorpion:It is true discipline that you lack. 

Y/N:Dvorah was asking about you.
Scorpion:I can do without Kytinn.
Y/N:A scorpion beats a spider, I say.

Scorpion:You could have been Shirai Ryu.
Y/N:An insult, or an honor?
Scorpion:A mourning.

Y/N:You warming up to me yet?
Scorpion:Your fire could not match mine.

Scorpion:You move with balance.
Y/N:You move like a scorpion.
Scorpion:I would not mind a closer observance.

Scorpion:You are playing with fire.
Y/N:And you’re not?
Scorpion:I refer to our relationship.

Y/N:I could never replace your wife and son.
Scorpion: Nobody could.
Y/N:You are not the only one who mourns.

Y/N:What’s got you all amped up today?
Scorpion:You have lit a new fire on me.
Y/N:Allow me to put it out.

Scorpion:Flattery will not save you.
Y/N:Flattery implies that my words are lies.
Scorpion:You never stop.

Scorpion:Have you no honor?
Y/N:What is this image you have of me in your head?
Scorpion:My image of you is far better than reality.

Scorpion:Have you no honor?
Y/N:What is this image you have of me in your head?
Scorpion:My perception is not faltered by my feelings.

Y/N:You are not my enemy, Hanzo.
Scorpion:Who told you of that name?
Y/N:Anyone who cares about you knows it.

Scorpion: Your radiance won’t save you.
Y/N:You think I’m radiant?
Scorpion: Your mind goes to the wrong place.

Y/N: I would trust you with my life, Scorpion.
Scorpion:And I with you.
Y/N:You… would?


Sub-Zero to Y/N

Sub-Zero: Scorpion has taken a liking to you.
Y/N: He has to you too.
Sub-Zero: Show me what impressed him.

Sub-Zero: Beware your tie with Hanzo Hasashi.
Y/N: You’d know all about cutting people close to him off, wouldn’t you?
Sub-Zero:The cold impairs your judgement.


Sub-Zero to Scorpion

Sub-Zero: Do not pour all your energy into attachments.
Scorpion: They do not control me.
Sub-Zero: Y/N would beg to differ.


Cassie Cage to Scorpion

Cassie:So, what happened to the no family oath?
Scorpion: My oath is not broken.
Cassie:Yeesh, hard to break the news to Y/N.

Cassie: I hear you’ve got it bad for someone.
Scorpion: Your imagination will never cease to amaze me.
Cassie:Don’t be a baby about it.


Cassie Cage to Y/N

Cassie:So, you and Scorpion huh?
Y/N:We are not even friends.
Cassie: <laughter> Does he ever tell you to ‘GET OVER HERE!’?


Dvorah to Y/N

Dvorah: You relationship blinds you.
Y/N: Okay, you’re asking for it.
Dvorah:This one will lay eggs where you sleep.


Kotal Khan to Y/N

Kotal Khan: Do you not fear being burned?
Y/N:It can be fun if you do it right.
Kotal Khan: Then I suppose that explains enough.


Sonya Blade to Y/N

Sonya: Scorpion’s got a price on his head.
Y/N:The hell am I supposed to do about it?
Sonya: You know what needs to be done.


Baraka to Scorpion

Baraka:Your lover tastes most sweet.
Scorpion: What would you know of this?
Baraka: I will flay both your corpses.


Kung Lao to Scorpion

Kung Lao: Y/N and Hanzo sittin’ in a tree…
Scorpion: I will burn your tree to the ground.
Kung Lao: Oh no you don’t. 


Liu Kang to Scorpion

Liu Kang: Y/N has feelings for you.
Scorpion: I do not fall for your tricks Quan-Chi.
Liu Kang: Don’t tell me you want to lose two. 


Cetrion to Scorpion

Cetrion:You two are perfect for each other. 
Scorpion:Quiet, puppet.
Cetrion:But some men never learn.


Cetrion to Y/N

Cetrion:He does think about you, youngling.
Y/N:I won’t take courting advice from an old hag.
Cetrion:Precisely what he said.


End of Round Taunts

Scorpion: Your heart will burn.
Scorpion:I will end your suffering.
Scorpion:A quick death will suffice.
Scorpion:I have been patient with you.
Scorpion: See inside me.

Y/N: I’m sorry, Hanzo.
Y/N: Flame on.
Y/N: Not very bright, are we?
Y/N:And they say fire is a tool.
Y/N:Want me to pull your hair next?


*Read* All ____ Interaction Dialogues can be updated and added upon at any time. Dialogues can be changed on whim, request, or added too appropriately. Return frequently for more dialogues. 

Something I decided to hurry up and finish for the time being. Almost done with a Cassian Andor piece now. Then I will move onto other requests.
