#ml leaks


All this time I was like, “Why the fuck is there a snorkel tube sticking out of Gabriel’s head?”

Turns out that’s just the Rabbit Umbrella


Ok, but what if Chat’s unification with the Rabbit Miraculous is Ladybug’s first attempt at being more open and sharing the burden with him?

For the looks of things, since they already know Alix is Bunnyx and Monarch will sting her with Venom, they’ll probably borrow her miraculous from her to follow Gabriel through time. And under those circumstances it’d be just as easy for Ladybug to unify the miraculouses as it is to Chat. So wouldn’t it be sweet, meaningful, and, more importantly, in character with the last few minutes of Strike Back if instead of becoming Bunnybug or Lady Bunny or whatever you want to call her, she just stood aside and smiled at Chat Noir like, “C'mon, you got this. I trust you.”?

Because at this point, if that’s not what happens, I riot.


Lila Rossi in Risk (Shadow Moth’s Final Attack - Part 1).


I logged into Instagram quickly before work and this popped up and I’m terrified now. We don’t know for sure what episode was being recorded but based off of what I know and what the other voice actors posted, this is probably the season finale. I’ve also been terrified for the season finale for months now ever since I started speculating about season 3 back when the titles weren’t even confirmed. If this episode made the producers of the show cry, it’s going to make me cry as well. We all know Nathalie isn’t doing the best after she uses the Miraculous and it looks like she’s going to pay for those consequences.

I’m both excited and terrified for this. And hopefully I’ll be able to watch the finale live

Final update to my theory until we get like,,, actual Penalteam teasers.

I was a little right and a little wrong. I was right about Marc having the rooster miraculous, but I was wrong about the names, and I imagine rooster!Marc and goat!Nath are the “correct” distribution of miraculouses.

What does that mean about the intro? Neither Coq Courage nor Caprikid match the silhouettes of the goat and rooster even closely.

My final theory is that there will be another Aspic/Viperion situation where Ladybug initially chooses the “wrong” holders for each miraculous, much like most of the fandom apparently. She’ll start with rooster!Nath and Goat!Marc, then realize they’d work better the other way around and switch them.

I hope that would imply some character development or at least in-universe character analysis from Ladybug as she realizes she misinterpreted them.

Tangentially related, but was the most impactful, iconic, plot-relevant episode of ml ever, Party Crasher, foreshadowing Penalteam a whole season ahead of time? Or am I reaching

Lastly, remember when Gloob literally said that Marc was gonna get the rooster and Nath the goat back in like April or something in a miraculous holders “theory” video and most of us didn’t believe them? What a troll.


brb guys gonna go across the globe to learn some miracooking


tell me they’re equals, tell me now–

tell me, fandom

btw did people decide on a separate tag for the leaked lore bible yet? cuz youre never going to stop both its spread and people posting about it so there should be a separate tag for it but I havent seen it yet

Maybe stick with ml leaks? or mlb leaks for miraculous lore bible leaks?


HOLY FRICK YOU GUYS I WAS RIGHT! SHE LOOKS SO BEAUTIFUL AND BADASS! Me and @chataclysmes are frigging losing it! Yes, this is from Jeremy Zag’s official instagram account! THIS IS NOT A DRILL REPEAT THIS IS NOT A FREAKING DRILL! SPREAD THE WORD!!
