#mlqc date



A date from CN server which hasn’t been released in EN server. This is a FREE SSR ^^ all you need is log-in for 12 days and the karma is yours~


Translations under the cuts~

Clerk: You ordered a cup of hot cocoa and a soufflé, please wait a moment on the side.

MC: Okay , thank you.

I took a step towards the dining table and looked out the window. A thin layer of snow lay on both sides of the street, almost melting in the brilliance of spring.

Two days ago, there was a heavy snowfall in Loveland City without any forecast. After that, the temperature suddenly rose sharply, and the winter was gone forever.

The news says this is likely to be the last snow of the year - many days earlier than expected.

And Lucien went to participate in the closed meeting, which will end tomorrow. At this point, we were not able to abide by the agreement of “watching the last snow together”.

Looking at the last glimpse of the winter scenery outside the window, I helplessly lowered my shoulders and turned to look at the steaming coffee machine.

According to the agreement with Lucien at the time, when I completed all the tasks he assigned before he left, it was almost the time when his closed meeting ended.

And we are about to see each other after more than ten days of “long distance relationship”.

So early this morning, I rushed to this coffee shop to complete the last item on my to-do list.

“The day before Lucien came back, went to the coffee shop we used to visit and bought a cup of hot cocoa.”

MC: Let’s report the itinerary to Lucien….

I took out my phone and opened Lucien’s chatroom.

MC: “What are you doing now?”

I looked down at the screen, there was no movement on the other side of the dialog.

MC: Is the break time over?

When I was swiping my finger on the screen, I wanted to send another text message to cheer him up, but I heard a familiar voice from the corner of the cafe.

Lucien:To gather vine goes she, when her I do not see, one day seems longer than months three.

Lucien:To gather reed goes she, when her I d o not see, one day seems long as seasons three.

Lucien:To gather herbs goes she, when her I do not see, one day seems longer than years three.

  • T/N: He said those line in English, thank Xia Lei-laoshi for your hard work~

The tone that followed the way was soft and steady, I didn’t turn back, but felt my heart skip a beat, and a smile unconsciously hung on the corner of my mouth.

Clerk: Your hot cocoa and souffle are ready.

I blinked and smiled at the clerk.

MC: Can I have another spoon?

By the fireplace in the cafe, three or four kids gathered around a tall figure, chatting with each other.

Kid A: Big brother, so what does this poem mean?

Kid B: Can you read another poem for us?

The man surrounded by the center smiled and took off the frame on the bridge of his nose, and started to say something.


As if feeling my sight, he turned to look at me.

When I met those eyes that were thinking day and night, my footsteps stopped in place, and the corners of my mouth subconsciously raised a big arc.

The deep eyes suddenly lit up a little, and the fire of the fireplace flickered at the bottom of the eyes, mixed with a faint joy that could not be concealed.

The kids around him were still urging Lucien to explain the meaning of the poem just now. He didn’t take his eyes back, his eyes fixed on my eyes.

Lucien: The meaning of this poem is….

Lucien: Sometimes, time suddenly slows down.

Kid: Will time slow down?

Lucien: Will do.

Lucien: If you like someone, then as long as you haven’t seen her for a few days, you will feel that time is slowing down, as if a long, long time has passed.

With the restless waves in my heart following his words, I stepped towards him and traced his outline with my eyes.

He was wearing the shirt I bought for him when we were shopping together, as if he had just had his hair cut, and looked in good mood.

He seems to have lost some weight again, and the profile of the face looks sharp and angular. I pursed my lips and suddenly remembered our brief phone call between work the other day.

MC: …. So you didn’t go to the cafeteria to eat today?

Lucien: Yesterday’s failed tasting experience taught me that today’s dishes need to be chosen carefully.

MC: Then you can’t skip meals!

MC: And… When did Professor Lucien have such strict requirements for food?

Lucien: It may have to start with a little chef who is keen to develop a variety of dishes-

Lucien: I have been eating the food you made some time ago, and now I will inevitably feel a little “once in the sea”.

  • T/N:曾经沧海难为水 (céng jīng cānghǎi nán wéi shuǐ ) Idiom: One who has seen the ocean thinks nothing of mere rivers.—to a sophisticated person there is nothing new under the sun

The child-like playful tone couldn’t be shaken out of my mind, and I couldn’t help but chuckle.

The kids followed Lucien’s line of sight and looked around curiously. One of the kids showed an expression of sudden realization.

Kid A: Huh? Big brother, is this the sister you were waiting for?

Lucien: Um. I’ve been waiting for this sister for a long time, so can you let the big brother give her a time?

Kid B: Yes, but why?

Kid A: You are so stupid! Big brother means, this is his girlfriend, let’s go, don’t disturb them on the date!

The other children nodded ignorantly, took the poetry collection from Lucien’s hand, thanked him politely, and then ran away.

I walked up to him with a blushing face, put down the plate, bent down, opened my arms wide, and embraced his breath in my arms.

There was a light laugh in his skin-to-skin ear as he wrapped one arm around my back and the other in my hair.

Lucien: Why did you finish the mission so early?

MC: If I hadn’t come earlier, The Great Professor Lucien didn’t know how many poems he would have translated for the kids here.

The deep low smile fell into my ears again, and I reluctantly left his embrace and sat down beside him.

MC: Didn’t you say that you will be back until the next day?

Lucien: It is indeed tomorrow. There was a party tonight, but I tried to push it off.

I was stunned for a moment, but I quickly understood the reason why he pushed the party away, but I still blinked knowingly.

MC: Why push it off?

Seeing as if he saw my mind, he smiled and took a sip of coffee.

Lucien: Some people say that it only takes 21 days to form a habit.

Lucien: For the past 21 days, I have been with MC every day.

Lucien: Go to get off work on time, eat the food you cook, get used to seeing you every day, and get used to the taste of the food you cook, so…

MC: Oh~ so you are used to having me by your side, so you came here to wait for me and meet me by chance?

I continued what he said, pouting in a feigned grievance.

MC: It was just “habituation”.

Lucien raised his slender eyes, shook his head gently, and covered my lap with the blanket hanging on the back of the chair behind him.

Lucien: Just like you have main ingredients and main ingredients in cooking, habit is just a “main ingredient” that makes me come back early.

MC: So what is this “main ingredient”?

He silently flattened the blanket on my lap, and the corners of his relaxed mouth rose slightly, as if he could reveal all his thoughts to me.

Lucien: Before revealing the answer, I would like to correct the wording you just made.

Lucien: It was my long-planned plan to spare today’s time and wait for you here.

Lucien: Rather, it was a well-planned reunion, not what you might call a “meeting by chance,” to be precise.

Lucien: Because before I left, I expected this kind of urgency now, so…

He raised his eyelashes and looked deeply into my eyes.

Lucien: Wanting to see you is the “main ingredient” that I can’t wait to come here.

  • T/N:I believe he means “because I miss you” 

The heat of the fireplace scorched my whole body, and my cheeks were gradually getting a blush from the heat.

I quickly picked up the hot cocoa and took a sip, suppressing my throbbing heartbeat.

MC: Then you can also tell me in advance, in case I come late, don’t you have to wait a day?

Lucien: As it turns out, I still know a lot about MC.

He squinted his long and narrow eyes, and he seemed confident in my actions.

I pouted and snorted softly, took out the task list Lucien left me from the backpack, flattened it carefully, and took out the pen to tick the last task.

MC: I, I just want to hurry up and finish this task list. That’s it.

MC: You see, it’s all done!

He smiled, and took out a task sheet from his pocket. Most of the task bars on it were ticked, and only the one with my appointment to see the snow was still empty.

Lucien: It’s a pity that I couldn’t finish all the things you gave me.

MC: The plan can’t keep up with the changes.

MC: Besides, I decided to watch the last snow to say goodbye to winter, but now I think about it, I don’t have to watch the snow to say goodbye.

Seeing him pursing his lips thoughtfully, I blinked and put on a playful look.

MC: Of course, if Professor Lucien is really unhappy, then I will take a small note of you and see your performance~

His brows opened slightly, and a smile appeared at the corners of his eyes.

Lucien: So now give me a chance to make up for it.

After leaving the coffee shop, Lucien took me to the forest park on the outskirts of the city.

Since it is far from the city center, the temperature around the park is not high, and the flowers and trees in the park are still covered with a thick layer of solidified snow paved on the ground.

I put my hand in Lucien’s coat pocket and put my fingers together with him, stroll along the tree-lined paths in the park.

The snow-white branches faintly exude a fragrance, stretching quietly over the trail, and time seems to be quietly condensed at this moment.

MC: How pretty…

He stopped and raised his hand to brush my messy hair and tucked it behind my ear.

Lucien: Will that make up for some of our regrets not seeing the last snow?

MC: Of course! …In fact, whether it is watching the last snow, or saying goodbye to winter, all are excuses.

MC: A greedy excuse for me to stick with you all winter.

After speaking, I stuck out my tongue in embarrassment, pretending not to see his increasingly obvious smile.

Lucien: It seems that I have to arrange the closed meeting more often.


Lucien: In this way, I can listen to the thought of the lady beside me more often.

When he said these words, the bottom of his deep eyes revealed a rare trace of cunning, and I had to turn my eyes away with a blushing face.

MC: Then you have to “bribe” me with such beautiful scenery.

Saying that, I looked up and saw that some dead trees had already bloomed with green buds, dotted with vitality on the white snowdrifts

MC: However, the trip to winter farewell arranged by Professor Lucien it’s indeed a worthwhile trip.

There was a chuckle that seemed to be unbearable, and I looked at him suspiciously.

MC: What are you laughing at?

Lucien: I’m sorry, I just think the phrase “winter farewell” is cute.

Lucien: After all, most people seem to be welcoming the spring, and very few people “saying goodbye to winter”.

MC: You say that as if it’s true….Why? Wouldn’t it be nice to say goodbye to winter?

He lowered his eyes slightly and pondered for a moment.

Lucien: Probably because winter farewell means looking back at winter, and more people choose to look forward to spring than to look back.

MC: But isn’t it fun to look back at winter?

I bowed my head and thought seriously about my experience this winter.

MC: There are sweet hot cocoa, warm home theater nights, and the ability to hug you in the sun, and the work is very fulfilling.

MC: By the way, we also participated in several outdoor niche sports and making a set of DIY ceramic couple cups.

MC: There are many, many, many, countless joys….

MC: Thinking about it this way, my winter was very fulfilling, not only worth looking back, but also a little nostalgic!

Lucien narrowed his long and narrow eyes, as if he had heard something interesting.

Lucien: It sounds like I’m a part of these countless joys.

Lucien: It seems that as MC said, we have been “stuck” together all winter.

As if I had been told, my cheeks were slightly hot, and I held my face and raised my chin.

MC: …There should be times when we don’t stick together.

I pretended to pull my hand out of his coat pocket and try to count the “beautiful bits” of my life alone.

MC: My friends and I went to eat delicious food, watched the art exhibition with Kiki and the others, and read a very interesting novel…

As I spoke, my voice became smaller and smaller, and finally I cleared my throat with a guilty conscience.

MC: …I admit, compared to the time with you, this seems to be a lot less.

I silently slipped into his coat and pressed my forehead against his chest.

MC: So during your absence, I was looking at plums to quench my thirst, drawing cakes to satisfy my hunger, and remembering sweets.

  • T/N: MC is using an idiom: 望梅止渴, 画饼充饥, 忆甜思甜.
  • (1) quench one’s thirst by thinking of plums—console oneself with false hopes; feed on fancies
  • (2) draw cakes to allay hunger— feed on illusions; false hope
  • (3) remember sweet things

There was a slight vibration in his chest, and Lucien’s voice carried a hint of joy.

Lucien: But to my ears, these experiences of yours are very interesting.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my neck like he was lying.

Lucien: In the past ten days, my time other than meetings has been very boring.

MC: Is it? Then as Professor Lucien said, how did you spend your days when I was away?

I don’t know what he remembered, he suddenly let out a chuckle, then took out the mobile phone from his pocket, operated it a few times and handed it to me.

On the screen, I was sleeping on the sofa, the corners of my mouth were slightly raised, as if I was having a sweet dream.

In the video, the sound of the air conditioner humidifier running can be vaguely heard, which is familiar and pleasant.

The lens is firmly focused on my face, the sun shines on my brows through the floor-to-ceiling windows, casting a shadow under my eyes.

MC: You, when did you shoot…

Lucien didn’t answer, and his fingers landed on my lips, as if to signal me to watch first.

In the video, I suddenly wrinkled my nose and took a few breaths. With a slight shaking, a familiar chuckle came from the video.

I subconsciously looked at Lucien with a look of embarrassment and slammed into his eyes. After scraping the tip of my nose, he retracted his hand and raised a beautiful arc between his eyebrows.


Lucien: Look at plum to quench thirst, draw cakes to satisfy hunger, and remember sweetness.

MC: So show me your photo album again.

I shook Lucien’s hand slightly to see if he had any other “candid evidence” in his phone.

Lucien smiled and looked down at me. He didn’t answer right away, and swept across the woods not far away with a thoughtful expression.

Lucien: If there is an empathetic producer who can help me buy a hot drink, of course I can agree to anything.

I looked in the direction of his fingers with some confusion, and saw a food truck selling drinks parked on a nearby alley.

MC: You mean, I’m going to buy it myself?

I repeated it suspiciously, and got Lucien’s acquiescence with a smile.

This cunning man must have wanted to do something. According to his usual habits, he should go with me.

MC: ….Alright then.

I narrowed my eyes and decided to cooperate with him unconditionally and see what he wanted to do.

Although the weather was getting warmer, it was still a little cold outside in the suburbs. With my hands in my pockets, I stood by the dining car and waited for the boss to make a hot drink.

My fingertips suddenly felt the touch of a piece of paper in my pocket. I took it out and saw that it was the task sheet I left to Lucien.

My eyes subconsciously fell to the last column, which was also the only one that was not ticked—“Watching the last snow with MC”

This line was circled, and the ink-colored pen writing faintly smeared on the paper. I turned my head subconsciously and looked in Lucien’s direction.

In the open space surrounded by bushes, Lucien sat on the bench. He casually leaned back in his chair, tilted his head slightly, and stared at the trees above his head.

And where his sight fell, the branches of the trees had suddenly formed a thick layer of ice.

Crystal clear crystals envelop the entire grove, reflecting a strange multicolored light in the sunlight, which is extremely beautiful from a distance.

Stallowner: Miss, your drink is ready.

MC: Okay, thank you.

I came back to my senses, picked up the hot drink, turned around and walked towards Lucien, paying careful attention to the bushes around me.

When I passed by here just now, is there such a beautiful scene? It seems that there is only snow left on the branches…

I subconsciously circled around but found that there was only an ordinary snow scene around me, and only Lucien was surrounded by such a fantastic and unreal glacial scene.

He didn’t seem surprised, instead he looked up calmly, even with a bit of observation and scrutiny.

The temperature of the hot drink spreads along the fingertips to the palm of my hand. I stared at the white mist above the hot drink cup, and my heart suddenly moved.

Could it be that…the “Ice and Snow Forest” in front of me has something to do with Lucien?

If that’s the case, then his strange act of taking me away just now makes sense!

I slowed down my pace, walked quietly behind him and before he could react, I gently pressed the side of the hot drink to his cheek.

He looked stunned for a moment, looked up and saw that it was me, and narrowed his eyes.

MC: These groves covered with crystals are not Professor Lucien’s “experiments” are they?

He nodded calmly and made no secret of it.

Lucien: Do you like it?

MC: …Of course I like it.

I got a positive answer, and my heart was full of surprise joy, so I simply sat on the bench behind him, leaning back to back with him.

The warm breath enveloped me, and when I looked at the pure “winter scenery” in front of me, my heart felt inexplicably peaceful.

Lucien: I’ve been thinking about what else to do if you miss that snow, to get the winter you envisioned.

Lucien: After thinking about it, maybe creating the most beautiful winter scene and letting you say goodbye to this winter is the best way.

Lucien: If you like it, the “experiment” is very successful.

The sky was as blue as a wash, and the warm sunlight poured down through dazzling brilliance.

I felt like a warm energy was injected into my heart, and I couldn’t help but smile.

MC: This is really the best winter scene I have ever seen.

Lucien: But I think this is not enough.


Before I could respond, there was warmth in my ears.


Lucien: Wait a moment.

His breath lingered on my auricle, itching and numbness, and within a second, my ears was stuffed into a hard gadget.

I reached out and touched it and found it was a headset. Looking along its cord, the other headset is in Lucien’s ear.

I turned my head to the side and saw Lucien took out his phone and clicked on an audio. Strangely, there was no sound coming.

I was about to ask, when he interrupted me softly.

Lucien: Close your eyes, MC.

I closed my eyes in confusion.

In the quiet environment, only his voice came clearly and lingered in my ears.

Lucien: On the snowy day, I happened to be sitting by the window of the conference room.

Lucien: When the snowflakes started to fall, while regretting not being able to watch the last snow with you, I suddenly remembered a sentence I saw a long time ago.

Lucien: “A lot of beauty in the world is moving, often because of the moment you witness the beauty, and the person you remember.”

His voice was low and deep, like a pair of soft hands, slowly plucking my heartstrings.

Lucien: What is certain is that at that moment, there was only your appearance in front of my eyes.

Lucien: The snow fell on the glass without making any sound, but I heard your voice.

Lucien: So I thought, no matter what, I would re-witness such beauty with you once again.

His words seemed to mean something, my heart still moved, and some vague idea flashed in my mind.

MC: What’s on the headphones now…?

Lucien: It was the sound of snow that day.

As if a small warm current was injected into my heart, I couldn’t suppress the curvature of my lips, and I closed my eyes and listened with bated breath.

Lucien: I originally wanted to “watch” the last snow with you in this way.

Lucien: But when I was walking here with you just now, a new idea came to my mind.

Hearing what he said, I subconsciously opened my eyes to look at Lucien, and caught a glimpse of a small crystal icicle flying out of his fingertips.


The branches were clanking, the ice layer shattered in an instant, and the fresh petals on the branches flew in the air together with the snow, floating in the air.

Beautiful as snow.

The white noise in my ears was still flowing, I looked at the white sky in front of me, as if I really heard the sound of falling snow.

I suddenly remembered that a long time ago, he also sent me the sound of melting glaciers on the other side of the earth.

Come to think of it, maybe my winter wasn’t good enough.

It was the man behind me who brought all the good things into my winter.

At the end of winter, the sun already had a warm warmth. I leaned back comfortably on the back of the chair and felt the warmth of Lucien on my back.


After taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes again, stretched my arms lazily, and cleared my throat.

MC: Lucien, I understand why I dare to look back at winter.

MC: Not only because this winter is very warm, but also because of having you by my side, I have seen many small and beautiful things.

MC: In these beautiful moments, I realized that there are many moments in life that are easily overlooked.

MC: And you always draw my attention to these moments, shove them into my field of vision, and fill my world.

MC: I think you are the source of my beliefs that everything in the world is beautiful.

I leaned against his shoulder and felt his head slowly resting on top of mine.

Lucien: Sounds like I’m your “filter” for seeing the world?

I froze for a moment, and couldn’t help but chuckle.

MC: As expected of Professor Lucien who is good at summarizing!

Lucien: So, I am honored to be your “filter”.

The flying “snowflakes” gradually fell to the ground, mixed with the melting snow and ice, and became a new memory left this winter.

The world is rewashed into the scenery of early spring, full of vitality and spring.

I straightened up, stretched out my arms, took a long breath of satisfaction, and embraced the sun in my arms.

MC: So now, I declare - our “winter trip” has come to a successful conclusion!

MC: As the organizer, does Mr. Lucien has anything to say?

He chuckled softly, cleared his throat cooperatively, and the deep voice fell softly into my ear.

Lucien: In the winter of next year, please allowed MC to witness this good thing with me.

  • Notes from me: Thanks for always enjoying his date and my translations~ There’s so much idiom for this date which I’m afraid I make a mistake for translating it, so if you guys find some mistakes, please let me know ^^
  • Always take care of your health! don’t skip meals and rest regularly is a must! xoxo 


A date from CN server which hasn’t been released in EN server.


Translations under the cuts~

Chapter 1

In the hall, all the ministers stood. I sat on the throne and watched the man walk to the center of the hall step by step, followed by the envoy in different clothes.


The man bowed down humbly, dressed in white so neatly.

??: Lucien of the Qing Kingdom, to meet the princess of the West Kingdom.

He stood up straight, raised a bag wrapped in yellow silk with both hands, and his eyes with a smile fell on me.

I didn’t say anything, but when the waiter saw this, he immediately bowed down and walked down the steps, respectfully took the burden from the man’s hand, returned to me, and carefully opened it—

A seal lay in there quietly.

Uncle Huang: Haha, good! I heard that a prince of Qing Kingdom has a dignified an talented. When I saw it today, it was really extraordinary.

It’s absurd.

Facing the heroic laughter of the uncle, I couldn’t help sneering in my heart.

However, he was the “proton*” sent by the Qing Kingdom to be in harmony with him, and it was worthy of such boasting.

  • T/N:zhìzǐ (proton), a prince sent to be held as a hostage in a neighbouring state in ancient China

The border between the two kingdoms has been in constant disputes for many years, and the battle of Tiansha Pass four years ago caused heavy casualties on both sides. Finally, a marriage agreement was made two years ago.

As the promoter of this matter, I was ready to marry into the Qing Kingdom.

But it never occurred to me that the Qing Kingdom took the initiative to bring Lucien, the former eldest prince of another country, into the West Kingdom as a token of sincerity.

I cast my eyes on Lucien with cold eyes, and I couldn’t help but feel a subtle feeling in my heart.

In view of Qing Kingdom’s bizarre initiative, I once sent undercover agents to investigate this former eldest prince.

When he was young, he had both political integrity and talent. He joined the army before he was a weak champion. He made good use of the art of war. He served as an adjutant in the battle of Tiansha Pass and made the West Army suffer a lot.

However, such a person suffered from a serious illness three years ago and has never stepped out of the mansion since.

Two years later, the second prince inherited the throne, but the eldest prince, who was once shocked as a god, was reduced to a proton sent to the West Kingdom.

I stared silently at the man standing by His Highness, and I vaguely felt that something was wrong.

He fits the rumored image very well, gentle and courteous, and handsome.

However, would the young man who commanded the Qing army almost won the battle of Tiansha Pass back then would really fall into silence?

The uncle didn’t seem to care, he just raised his hand enthusiastically, and wrote the final touch for this delicate meeting amid the congratulations of the ministers.

Uncle Huang: You’ve worked hard all the way.

Uncle Huang: As we planned, we will hold a ceremony of reconciliation after seven days.


MC: Uncle Huang, don’t you think the seventh day is a bit fast?

Uncle Huang: A group of envoys from the Qing Kingdom behind him even handed over the seal, so what else could go wrong.

Uncle Huang: You, just like your father, are too cautious.

Outside the side hall, facing my hesitation, Uncle Huang waved his hand nonchalantly.

Uncle Huang: Since your father passed away four years ago, for the sake of the stability of the West, I have temporarily assisted you in running the government, but I am also getting old.

Uncle Huang turned around and looked at me kindly.

Uncle Huang: I know that there is a gap between you and me. You have been in trouble many times before but you have never found the person behind the scenes. It is natural for you to doubt me.

MC: Uncle Huang, I….

Uncle Huang: It doesn’t matter, the marriage ceremony is also the new emperor’s enthronement. At that time, you are the official Her Majesty of the West Kingdom, and I can finally relieve this burden.

Uncle Huang: So, don’t blame your uncle for being impatient.

The uncle’s face seemed a little dark in the shadows, and it was fixed in my eyes together with Lucien’s smiling eyes in the hall.

Obviously everything just like was I wanted it to, but where did this inexplicable anxiety and subtlety feeling come from?

In the middle of the night, I tossed and turned, and finally sat up. After thinking for a while, I decided to listen to my intuition and meet the eldest prince Lucien in private.

Avoiding the guards on patrol, I turned to the top of the temple, and I touched the small pavilion where Lucien was resting.

There were only a few stars left in the quiet night. I fell off the roof and was about to knock on the door, but there were faint voices in the pavilion.

??: You’re not dead?

I was stunned for a moment. It seemed that it was Lucien’s voice. Is there anyone else looking for him this late?

??: The underworld is boring, so I came back.

The person he was talking to didn’t seem nervous, and even had a bit of a smile on his face.

??: However, I gave you a month, and you just walked to the imperial city.

??: If you want me to start until the marriage ceremony is over, it’ll be too gentle.

There was a bit of coldness in the soft laughter, which made me shiver hard.

Behind this marriage, something wasn’t as simple as I thought.

“Lucien”: I have already handed in the seal, and if you kill me now, West Kingdom will never get rid of it.

“Lucien”: You don’t want to be the eternal sinner who caused the war, right?

That layer of warm skin seems to have been peeled off, leaving only the smug and complacent. My heart was silently filled with sadness, and I really felt the undertones of the person who might be marrying me.

“Lucien”: Guards! There are assassins!!

Lucien didn’t seem to want to chat with that person any longer, and suddenly shouted.

I was startled, this night trespasser seems to know a lot of inside information, maybe I can get in touch with him,

Thinking of this, I was about to break into the house when a man dressed in black came out of the window.

Most of his face was covered under a black cloth, only revealing a pair of cold eyes, as if all the moonlight was caught in it.

I was stunned by those eyes, and when I saw it slowly narrowed, it was a little surprised.


??: How does the princess feel about the moonlight tonight?

At the moment when I was stunned, a warm breath covered my back. A sword moved slightly, and then it was placed on my neck.

The guards came around, and the bright candles were folded in my eyes.

??: Are you interested in admiring the moonlight of the west city with me?

This may be an opportunity to get in touch with him, and the accompanying shadow guard can also ensure my safety in the dark.

Even if there is something wrong with this person, I’ll deal with it later

Thinking of this, I slightly raised my fingertips, indicating that the shadow guard in the shadows would not take action for the time being.


MC: It depends on whether you have the qualifications.

Hearing this, the man in black laughed lowly, as if he had heard an interesting chat.

He put his hand on my waist and gently lifted it, like a falling leaf, and the two of us reached the eaves and dug out of the palace in the rush of the guards.

I didn’t say much along the way, the man seemed to be very familiar with West City, and he used the night as a cover, like a floating cloud in the sky.


??: The princess didn’t seem to panic.

MC: If you just admire the moonlight, why panic?


I tried to remain calm on the surface, trying to ignore the pounding heartbeat and cold fingertips on my chest.

MC: And I’m intrigued by what you just said.

The man’s ink-like eyes curved up, like the silent moonlight, shining silently.

??: You are better than I thought.

After saying that, he hugged me and landed on the high eaves of the restaurant, pulling down the mask covering his face.


??: Hello, my future wife, I am Lucien.

??: So am I qualified to admire the moon with you? 

Exclusive Radio

Lucien: Lucien sees the emperor.

Emperor: Big brother, don’t be too polite… I came to you this time because I have something to discuss with you.

Emperor: The West Kingdom sent an envoy saying that the princess intends to marry the Qing Kingdom.

Lucien: …. hm?

Lucien: It was a bold decision.

Emperor: Our Qing Kingdom is a great country, how could that wild princess be able to climb up if she wants to be relatives!

Lucien: That’s right, with such a great country, the West Regions were still unable to be conquered for a long time after eight years of campaigning, and even nearly collapsed at the Tiansan Pass.


Emperor: Big brother, shall we accept it?

Lucien: We have no reason to refuse.

Lucien: If I were the princess of the West Kingdom, I would definitely spread the news even if I offered to take the initiative to this marriage.

Lucien: If my guess is correct, now both the people of the West Kingdom and the Qing Kingdom should already know about the princess’ decision.

Emperor: …that’s true.

Lucien: This is a clear move.

Lucien: Both armies suffered heavy casualties in the Battle of Tiansan Pass, and the people on the frontier suffered unspeakably.

Lucien: At this time, if the Qing Kingdom rejected the princess’s intention to be in harmony, it would be an enemy of the hope of peace in the world.

Emperor: But if you accept the marriage, then there is no reason to send troops in the West Regions?

Lucien: If you want to own the world, it is not the only way to suppress it.


Emperor: Well, then I will listen to the elder brother and marry the wild princess.


Lucien: …. No.

Lucien: I will go.

Emperor: Big brother, what do you mean?

Lucien: Tell the envoys of the West Kingdom that the Qing Kingdom is willing to accept the princess’ proposal and will send the prince to the West Kingdom.

Lucien: It should be, to show the sincerity of the country.


Chapter 2




In the rustling night wind, the candle flames hurriedly passed on the street, leaped into the man’s eyes, and folded into fine and quiet sparks.

He looks like he is too young and looks very handsome. He is as rough as a West people who has been honed by the wind and sand, with a gentle and elegant demeanor.


But those eyes, which were encased in the moonlit night and the flames, were as deep as the desert under the moon in the distance behind the desert soil.

“Lucien” in the palace took out the seal of harmony between the two countries, and now this man says he is Lucien?

My brain was a little confused, and the marriage seemed far more complicated than I imagined.

MC: You say you are Lucien, what evidence do you have?

Lucien: I was attacked on the way, all the envoys were killed, and the seal was also robbed at the same time.


He shrugged, and the scene that sounded very thrilling fell into his mouth, as easy as the plot in the book.

Lucien: But I can prove that the person the princess saw during the day was not “Lucien”.

Lucien: This point, the princess can send her subordinates to confirm.

He turned around and took out a customs clearance document from his chest and handed it over, his eyes fell on the shadow under the moon.

I was shocked, did he know from the beginning that my shadow guard was always behind me?

I cautiously glanced at the customs clearance letter in front of me and raised my hand slightly.


MC: Go check it out.

In an instant, a shadow fell between the two of us. After taking the letter from Lucien’s hand, it disappeared into the darkness.

The air fell into silence again, and the guards who were searching seemed to have found our trail, and the gathered candles rushed towards us.

But the man didn’t panic, he hugged me and pointed his toes, riding the night wind, passing by the tile eaves lightly.

The full moon had never been so close, the cold wind swept past my ears, my eyes lifted from down to his face, and the body under my fingertips was strong.

The vague shadow in the rumor slowly faded away, and I don’t know why, but I felt that “Lucien” really should have been like this.

MC: Three years ago, he suffered from a serious illness.

Since then, he has suffered from all kinds of diseases. He has never stepped out of the mansion again, and he has become a member of the public regardless of the government.

MC: If you are really Lucien, don’t you think you are too far from the rumors?

Lucien: Since I want to get married, I am naturally happy to be frank with the princess


Although he said this, there was no emotion in his eyes.

It seemed that he was tired of covering up, and exposed the alienation and coldness beneath the warmth.

Seeing him like this, I don’t want to be in vain with him anymore.

MC: You said you gave them a month to show that you came prepared for this assassination, so why let it go?

MC: Do you know who is behind the scenes? What is their purpose?

MC: And what is your purpose?

As I asked calmly, Lucien’s eyes became more and more curved, and the corners of his mouth raised meaningfully.


Lucien: I heard that the princess of West Kingdom is very smart, and after the death of the first emperor, the selection of virtuous people can be used to maintain the stability of this kingdom…

Lucien: It’s even more amazing to see it with my own eyes.

MC: I didn’t come to hear your toasts.

I looked straight at him and saw Lucien casually land on the eaves again, looking coldly at the imperial city standing in the distance

Lucien: The mastermind behind the scenes is the current Qing Emperor, and your uncle should also be involved.


My heart sank, and my whole body seemed to be immersed in cold water.


Lucien: It should be said that what I have in my hand is not enough to be evidence.

Lucien: The significance of the relationship between West Kingdom and Qing Kingdom is very important. After the ceremony, you will become the official Queen of the West Kingdom.

Lucien: An easy-to-manipulate puppet that stays by your side day and night will always attack you better than your uncle.

A faint smile permeated the air, Lucien leaned over to my ear, and the warm and ambiguous breath came over, but it was tinged with chills.


Lucien: Even if you can’t make a move, being the person next to you will have a better chance to influence you and control you.

Lucien: Whether it is for your uncle or the Qing Kingdom, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, and they are justified.

I stood still, just turned my head slightly, and the breaths that were close together were intertwined, as if I could touch the fascinating moonlight if I got closer to half an inch.

MC: I have no reason to believe you. After all, your appearance is too coincidental, as if you deliberately pushed all this to the front…

My words stopped suddenly.

All the darkness of the night was hidden behind him, and in those eyes that became more and more ambitious, I couldn’t help but subconsciously want to take a step back.

However, an arm was wrapped around my waist, tightly clasped around it, making the vague breathing a little tighter.


Lucien: The princess asked four questions, which I have not yet answered.

Unlike the cold face, the scorching body temperature was pressed against my palm, and the extremely close breath made me a little nervous.

Lucien: This was really supposed to be an ordinary marriage, but the birds were trapped in the car, so I just took advantage and made the fire more vigorous.

Lucien: If I stand up to West Kingdom, some things will be covered up for the rest of my life, and I will continue to live in fear.

Lucien: So it’s better to give them a chance.

Lucien: After all, some silt and carrion had to be flushed out before it could be plucked out.

He raised his hand gently, and his icy fingertips pulled a few strands of my hair behind my ears, and brushed the tips of my hot ears deliberately.

Lucien: “Eldest Prince Lucien” is just a symbol for the princess, he can be anyone.

Lucien: I wonder if the princess thinks that the moonlight tonight is a good reward?

The next day, news of the princess being held hostage spread throughout the city. The Prince Regent ordered the entire West City to be sealed off and tried his best to arrest the thief and rescue the princess.


Lucien: The princess was kidnapped last night, and if he really didn’t want the princess to go anywhere, the city should have been sealed off since last night…

Lucien sat at the tea table, resting his chin with one hand.

Lucien: It seems that your uncle doesn’t really want to save you.

MC: Just because I’m staying here doesn’t mean I believe you, just think this as an opportunity.

MC: And you can talk without going around like that. He wished I was killed on the spot.

Looking at the sheepskin map in my hand, I didn’t take Lucien’s ridicule to heart.

MC: It will take at least a month to return to Qing Kingdom…. I will also investigate the uncle and send off the relatives…

MC: Reconciliation ceremony postponed for seven days. But the people must not be fooled into thinking that someone is trying to obstruct this symbol of peace.

A bit of low laughter slipped into my murmurings and I pouted and raised my head.


MC: If things develop to the point where neither you nor I can control, I will go back.

Lucien: Even marrying a scheming puppet?

MC: This is my mission as a princess.

MC: I was born into the royal family and decided what I had to do and what I couldn’t do.

I turned to Lucien firmly without any hesitation.

Lucien just watched silently, before standing up after a long time.

Lucien: Princess, how does it feel to always work hard alone?


I was stunned, I don’t know why he dropped this question at this time, but when I hesitated, he jumped out of the window

Maybe it was just his unintentional remarks, but it made my heart ripple.

From the time I became a princess I knew what my identity meant. Since my father left, I’ve been walking on thin ice.

In the silent night of swallowing, no one will forgive those tears so I have to accept it all and struggle to see.

There were shrill footsteps outside the door, and I came to my senses and cautiously hid in the shadows.

At this moment, Lucien jumped in from the window and put on his previous night clothes to cover his face.


In an instant, a violent impact slammed open the door, and the stern elite soldiers broke in, the long spear glowing with cold light.

But Lucien quickly leaned over and embraced me, and flew out of the inn with a tap of his toes.

I don’t know what he’s going to do. But maybe it’s time to play this kidnapped scene.


MC: Kidnapper! Let go of me!!

Light laughter fell in our ears, and behind us, officers, soldiers and the people of West City who joined in the fun gathered one after another.

He seemed to be “running away”, but the entire route was extraordinarily careful. Knowing that the guards were afraid of hurting me and dare not shoot at him, it became more frantic.

In the end, he took me “as a last resort” and landed on the city gate.

General: You! Your death is imminent, let go of the princess right now!

Lucien: However, I don’t want to let go.

General: Could it be that the thieves of the Qing Kingdom want to destroy this marriage!

Lucien smiled, a seat in black clothes was dazzling and eye-catching in the sun.

Lucien: This statement is wrong.


In front of everyone’s eyes, he leaned down slightly, lifted my finger, and put it to his lips vaguely.

The temperature diffused through the fabric, and like a heat flow, it instantly rushed to every corner of the body along the fingertips.

MC: What are you….

Lucien: I’m just an ordinary person who has admired the princess for many years.

He turned his head to the side, his voice wrapped in a smile firmly in the ears of everyone present.

Lucien: After learning that the princess was about to get married, it was really hard to control my feelings, so I made this decision.

Between heaven and earth, above the city gate, the cold wind and yellow sand whistling all year round, but he was the most striking strange color that broke into it.


Lucien: MC, I like you.

Lucien: Can you choose me to be your husband?


Chapter 2 - Memory Silhouette

Four years ago.

The thick black cloud oppresses the silent yellow sand, and the sight is desolate.

The black-pressed cold iron was full of killing aura, the warhorse standing at the front neighed, and the restless iron hooves paced in place, only waiting for an order.

Lucien was wearing a suit of armor, standing on the hillside, overlooking the earth indifferently.

??: Your Highness the First Prince, even if you are investigating, you are too close.

??: Aren’t you afraid of dying?

The voice broke into the wind unceremoniously, the man sat on the horse and stopped beside Lucien.


Lucien: General Lu.

Lucien nodded slightly to the man, and cast his eyes down again.

General Lu: I don’t know if I should say that you are lucky or unlucky, but when you arrived at the border, you caught up with this battle.

Lucien: Tiansha Pass is the most important pass in the West Kingdom. If it can be captured, it will be a matter of time before the West Kingdom is captured.

Lucien: Hearing that the monarch of the West Kingdom had just passed away three months ago, even the valiant and skilled iron cavalry army must have been a blow to the morale of the army.

Lucien unfolded the scroll map in his hand, seemingly careless, but there was a hint of arrogance in his words.

The man laughed and even had a bit of sarcasm on the side.

General Lu: First Prince, listen to my advice, don’t underestimate West Kingdom.

General Lu: Do you think our group just likes Great Wall, a place where birds don’t throw the dump, and have only stayed here for so many years?

Lucien’s calm gaze fell on the man, and the wind lifted the dusty cloak behind him.

General Lu: Now that you have chosen to come here, let’s see some scenery that you can’t see in the imperial city.

General Lu: Be careful though…..

General Lu: The wind in the Great Wall can eat people.


As soon as the man’s voice fell, a thunderous drum sound suddenly sounded.

The yellow sand gradually rose, and the biting wind passed over Lucien’s face. He squinted slightly and looked at the source of the sound.

A scorching red flashed in his eyes.

In the distant line of sight, there seems to be a girl wearing a red dress, standing in front of a high war drum.

The fierce wind lifted her red gauze, like the only rouge color on the desert, beautiful and decisive



General Lu: That is the little princess of the West Kingdom.

Lucien: Why is the little princess of the West Kingdom here?

Lucien’s tone couldn’t hide his unbelievable surprise, he opened his eyes slightly, trying to see the girl more clearly.

But the wind and sand were too large, blocking most of the sight.

General Lu: I heard that after the Emperor of the West Kingdom died, the little princess did not keep a few days of filial piety, and went straight to the border.

“Boom! Boom!”

The thunderous sound of the war drums filled the desert soil full of chilling air under the waving of the little figure.

The black iron cavalry was like a huge blade, swooping silently from the other side of the horizon.

The sound of the drums changed its rhythm, and the neat iron cavalry spread out immediately and pressed down neatly.

General Lu: First Prince, don’t blink your eyes.

General Lu: She will be your biggest opponent on this border trip.

The whistling and the roaring iron hoofs collided together, but the thunderous drum sound was clearer and clearer, as if it could penetrate the dense cloud of sorrow.


Lucien narrowed his eyes, and finally raised a smile.

Lucien: Perhaps, she is the best opponent.


Chapter 3

Storyteller: Said that the man in black expressed his love to the princess in first sight.

Storyteller: Some people say that he is the eldest disciple of the eccentric Butterfly Valley Master, and some people say that he is an orphan from the previous dynasty, with superb martial arts and looks like Pan An.

Storyteller: Four years ago, during the Battle of Tiansha Pass, he happened to pass by, fell in love with the princess in red, and found the West Kingdom all the way.

Storyteller: And the princess naturally swears to resist and refuses to obey, and even almost falls off the city gate!

Storyteller: In broad daylight, the man in black kidnapped the princess and escaped the pursuit of elite soldiers, hiding in this west city where his whereabouts are unknown.

A series of low-pitched whistles sounded from the teahouse, and I covered my veil and twitched the corners of my stiff mouth as I listened to the storyteller bluntly describing the scene ten days ago.

There have been various versions of “Princess Captive” in different populations, but fortunately they have nothing to do with politics.

Lucien: You look a little stiff.

Lucien, who was beside me, leaned into my ear, with a smile in his words, which made me stare at him angrily.

He was dressed as a scholar in white, holding a fan, raising his hands and throwing his hands full of a gentle and unrestrained temperament.

MC: ….You don’t talk to me.

Although it is common for women in this city to wear veils, I am still very apprehensive.

I thought that Lucien would continue to hide with me after the “announcement” was over until all the investigation came to light.

Unexpectedly, he put an opaque veil directly on my face the next day.

Lucien: While I’d love to wait with the princess until the results to prove it all, we seem to have a lot of time left.

Lucien: Why don’t you just take it as a pastime and take it as a familiarity before we get married?

The search for West City continued, but he still asked me to take him to visit the city.

The best steamed buns in the city, the most sour sea buckthorn fruit, the hottest horse farm, the most lively streets and alleys

This unplanned “marriage escape” seems to be more … than I imagined.

Lucien: In front of you is the eldest disciple of the eccentric Butterfly Valley owner, the former orphan with superb martial arts skills.

Lucien: Are you sure you don’t want to talk to me?

MC: …. The day before yesterday, you were still a fox fairy who came down from the Tiansha Mountains.

Lucien: Do you prefer fox fairy?

MC: Don’t be silly with me.

I pretended to be indifferent, looked around vigilantly, and found that everyone was still paying attention to the eloquent storyteller.

Lucien: MC doesn’t seem to like listening to the story.

MC: How do you like it?

His eyes blinked slowly, as if thinking of something, he was silent for a while before opening his mouth softly

Lucien: The last time I listened to the story was five years ago, and the old general took me there before going to the border.

Lucien: Returning from the border, in order to maintain the legendary image of “Lucien”, you can’t just go out and listen to it.

I was stunned for a moment, he said it lightly, but it sounded too much to mean.

MC: How do you usually maintain your image?

The storyteller has started the next story, and we hide in the crowd, biting our ears.

Lucien: I cough five hundred times a day, walk ten miles to catch my breath, the sun rises and the moon rises again

MC: You’ve been like this for three years?

I was really curious, so I smiled and asked him to see the soft light outside the window folded in and fell into his eyes.

MC: Then, you have been pretending like this for three years, and now you showed up in front of me, is it appropriate?

Lucien: It doesn’t matter what the path is, as long as the final goal is reached.

Lucien: My attack can cut open the carrion, bring more favorable results, and let the princess see the pros and cons directly.

Lucien: So at the moment, nature is the most appropriate choice.

Lucien casually flicked the table top, raising a little bit of dust.

MC: You look up to me too much.

Lucien: It can only be said that it all started from Princess Night Detective.

His burning eyes came over, making me suddenly think of the moment when I first saw those eyes.

Lucien: My original intention was just to show my face and let them mess up.

Lucien: But when you were there, it all changed.

I don’t know why his words made me suddenly feel a little hot.

I didn’t know what to say, so I stiffly stepped back a little, but Lucien’s smooth fingertips touched a corner of my veil.

As soon as I take another half step back, the veil will come off.

MC: What are you doing?

Lucien: Is MC scared?

Seeing him carelessly rubbing the veil, I leaned back stiffly again, trying to escape the scorching breath.

MC: What am I afraid of? It’s just that you’re too close. Does Qing people do not understand about gender boundaries?

He smiled lowly, his voice scorched by the tea and rustling from the crevice of my ear to the apex of my heart.

Lucien: If nothing happened, we should be married by now.

Lucien: And I should call you… my wife*.

  • *T/N:娘子 (niángzǐ), /dialect/ form of address for one’s wife

As he said that, he chuckled and let go of the fingertips holding the veil, and the warm fingertips landed on my lips through the thin veil.

The light temperature burned quietly, as if it was more intimate and bewitching than a kiss.

Lucien: Even qualified to drop a kiss here.

MC: You… You really reach for a yard after getting an inch.

In these days of getting along, Lucien’s behavior is like a test, constantly exploring my bottom line, from hooking my fingertips to now breathing too arrogantly.

The man was full of bad habit, and he didn’t seem to be trying to cover it up.

But he was always able to control the most delicate measure, and continued and secretly stepped forward again, invading my heart step by step.

Let it jump in a chaotic manner, and even his breathing becomes a little incoherent, and I just wants to run away.

MC: Time to go.

When we left the restaurant and turned into the alley, a sharp bow and crossbow attacked with murderous intent.

Lucien took me in his arms, and with a twist, he dodged nearly ten crossbows.

He raised his hand to catch it, picked up a few crossbow arrows and threw them in the direction of launch with precision and ferocity.

After a while, there was a muffled sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

Lucien: Go first.

He instructed in a low voice, took me and turned into a cross alley, hiding in the shadow of the corner.

The sound of rustling footsteps came over, as if they were looking for a trail.

MC: Can’t you just deal with those people like you did yesterday?

Lucien: I’m tired.

This corner is a little narrow, I leaned my head in his arms, and the subtle atmosphere came over again, I gritted my teeth and looked at his outspoken appearance, for a while I didn’t know how to refute him.

In the end, I was so angry that I had to laugh at him.

MC: This is already the eighth wave of people who have come to kill you, and you seem to be really hated.

Lucien: After all, such a thing as being able to marry the princess is too much to be ostentatious.

He lowered his head very deliberately, and pressed the tip of his nose against mine, as if he wanted me to remember the scene just now.

Lucien: Moreover, by constantly attacking me, wouldn’t it be more proof that I am Lucien himself?

I knew he was right, but I still felt that this man was too blatant.

MC: We were chased by officers and soldiers in front of us, and we were chased by killers in the back. Are you still going to the streets with me like this?

Lucien: Why not, I don’t think these are burdens.

Lucien: After all, I still need them to continue to provide me with opportunities to keep the princess familiar with me.

Lucien: See if I am qualified to stand by your side.

His arms around my waist tightened slightly, and the scorching heat scorched through the front of the clothes.

MC: Is this the kind of person you really are?

Lucien: It depends…who I meet.

Chapter 4

In the search of officers and soldiers and the attack of killers, Lucien and I hid in Tibet, but we still ran to different places every day without delay.

For some reason, West City, who was already familiar to me, has transformed into a completely different color by his side.

It snowed heavily that day, and snowflakes fluttered in the air, adding a bit of silence to the city.

Lucien: It turns out that it also snows in West City.

MC: You are not the only ones who will celebrate with snow.

Seeing Lucien’s fresh face, I proudly raised my face to him, dragged him and ran to the west of the city.

Passing through a small plum forest, I came to a desert that was completely covered with snow.

The cold snow hides on the fine sand, the vastness between the sky and the earth melts into a snow-white color in the distant sky,

I dragged Lucien and walked along the edge of the desert, stepping on the fresh snow and making a creaking sound.

Lucien: How can there be Merlin in this West Kingdom?

MC: When my mother said she liked it back then, my father tried his best to plant it.

MC: There were more of them back then, but now they’ve dried up a lot.

I looked at the narrow Merlin and the long pavilion, as if I saw many distant pictures.

Lucien didn’t say anything, just held my hand tightly. 

The snow fell on our bodies and on our heads, and long footprints followed us, silent and gentle.

Lucien: The desert can be so quiet.

MC: You are biased against deserts.

He stopped with a smile and turned to look at the boundless silence.

Lucien: When I was young, I went to the frontier, and the yellow sand filled the sky, and everywhere I saw was a vast and desolate barren grassland.

Lucien: The wind in the sky is full of temptation and killing intent, rotten flesh and bones are piled up everywhere, you can’t even tell who he was and where he should go.

Lucien: It is not known whether he rests in his native land.

His words were indifferent, but it seemed that the distant killing and the cold hitting sound of the weapon were pulled into this silence.

The world is ups and downs, the mountains and rivers are undecided, and the weight hanging between the two countries is still precarious.

But maybe, it’s my heart that’s always wavering.

Lucien: But I have seen red in the dust with my own eyes.

Lucien suddenly changed the conversation and I raised my head to see that he picked up a plum blossom petal from the top of my head.

Lucien: She was still a young girl who had not yet reached the age of marriage. She was dressed in red, like a blazing wildfire, standing in front of the war drum behind the West Army.

Lucien: The drum was twice as tall as her, and the sticks were thicker than her arms.

Lucien: But she slammed it down with such force, shocking like a thousand troops.

His eyes moved from the young girl wearing red gauze to my face.

Lucien: I heard that after the Battle of Tiansha Pass, the girl never wore the red gauze again.

MC: Because that is the blood of our soldiers who died on the battlefield.

My emotions were intense, and my whole body was shaking uncontrollably.

MC: I ordered them to die, and watched them go to death for the sake of the prosperity of the country and the cleanliness of Haiyan River.

MC: Great ambition only leads to disputes, and it only needs a tiny flame to start a prairie fire.

Everyone sang “I would like to establish my heart for the heaven and the earth, establish a destiny for the life and the people, continue the unique learning for the sages of the past, and open peace for all the worlds”, and their blood is willing to sprinkle on the mountains and rivers.

It burns in the eyes of people, making people forget where it started, and only the complete disappearance of one side is enough to quell the fire.

MC: Everyone thinks they’re doing the right thing, but all choices lead to killing.

MC: But what is heaven and earth and what is eternity.

I can’t understand this righteousness, I just hope that there will be less tragic red on the homeland of the West Kingdom

MC: I know that the Qing Kingdom has always been eyeing the West Kingdom.

MC: The initiative to send protons and pros is also to usurp the throne in secret for annexation.

I looked straight at Lucien, no longer hiding anything.

MC: You dormant for three years, disguised as another, and even gave up the throne.

MC: In the past three years, have you never doubted yourself or worried that it is not worth it?

Lucien smiled, the sharp edge fell in his eyes, decisive and firm.

I don’t know why, I suddenly seemed to see the eyes of the one who was looking into the bronze mirror that night when I decided to married.

He raised his hand lightly, and a hidden weapon was shot out with a strong wind and shot behind me—

With a muffled sound, a masked man in black fell into the snow.

Sometime in the snow-falling plum forest, several men in black flashed out. They hung their blades and rushed towards us.

A sword slowly being pulled out of the scabbard, Lucien casually pulled a flower, and the cold light folded into my eyes.

Lucien: Of course I’m worried.


Before he could finish his words, Lucien broke into the people in black like a phantom.

The unparalleled thin blade silently swept across the neck of the man in black, his red eyes gushing red like a spring, but it didn’t stain the sharp blade.

The cold light was fierce and slaughter, Lucien stood in the wind and frost of the falling snow, and the hem of his clothes was raised high.

The blossoming red plums hung in front of him, no different from the red blooming on the snow.

His eyes were cold, he raised the tip of the sword sharply, and with a slight swing he cut the fine snow and the flying flowers into an icy incision.

Lucien: Worried that the uncle on the princess’s head is too powerful, worrying that a puppet emperor of the Qing Kingdom will do all kinds of stupid things.

Lucien: Worried… that the princess is also a fool.

Lucien straightened the sword, as if the light between the world and the earth was trapped on it.

His figure flashed out, and there was a dazzling bright red everywhere he went.

My heart can’t stop running, but Lucien’s words didn’t stop.

Lucien: However, I just can’t help but want to look forward to it.

Lucien: I wonder if the girl whom I regard as my opponent will also grow into a better being.

A large area of ​​black and red was dyed on the red plum snow, Lucien threw his sword and walked in front of me.

Lucien: So I sent myself in front of you, which is also a part of my selfishness.

Lucien: You’re right, being born into a royal family decides what must be done and what must not be done.

Lucien: But I still want to do something for myself.

Lucien: And that’s what I do for myself.

He raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and the blood stains on the sword were dripping on the snow.

Lucien: It seems that your shadow guard is not necessary to play.

My heart sank, realizing that Lucien already knew that my shadow guard had returned from the Qing Kingdom investigation.

The sweaty horses of the West Country can travel thousands of miles every day. As early as half a month ago, the Shadow Guard had returned to the Qing Kingdom and reported everything to me.

Lucien is too dangerous, he can be ruthless to himself and make himself a chess piece on this chessboard.

Rather than continuing to test him, I was always hesitant to choose this man with hidden fangs.

Lucien is right, “eldest prince Lucien” is just a talisman, it doesn’t matter who he is.

Perhaps, after I know the truth, that puppet that remains useless in the palace will be more suitable.

MC: What if I… live up to your expectations?

Lucien: That is just to continue my plan to annex the West Kingdom.

MC: Is this all your purpose?

Lucien: of course not.

He laughed arrogantly, and put his brimming ambitions naked in front of me.

Lucien: I want the world to be rich, and it will last forever.

My heart kept trembling, and the constant shouting in my ears and the sound of weapons clashing seemed to be slowly dying.

MC: What world?

He raised his palm, there was nothing in it, but it seemed that everything was there,

Lucien: It is not called West Kingdom, nor Qing Kingdom.

Lucien: It is more magnificent and vast than you can imagine, it covers all rivers, and it has only one unique name.

Lucien: This is the world.

Lucien: I’m here because I wanted to make it happen myself, but you’re better and more fascinating than I ever imagined.

The raised palm was handed in front of me. I knew that Lucien had said everything, but he still stretched out his hand.

Lucien: Would you like to choose me and realize it with me?

MC: ….How can I trust a beast full of fangs?

Lucien: You can pull its tusks, or…

With his other hand, he took out a stack of letter paper from his chest and handed it over together.

Lucien: Tame him. Let him be your fang.

Chapter 4 - Memory Silhouette

MC: You really….!

With my tight breathing, I lay in Lucien’s arms and stared angrily at him, but he obviously had no intention of reflecting.

Behind the teahouse, this man quietly began to move forward again, pulling my lower limit lower and lower.

MC: This is the fragrant house!

Lucien: It turns out that the best fragrant house in your west country is like this.

He raised his eyes slightly, looking at the hazy curtains and colorful screens, and the fragrance burner on the wooden table beside him gave off a sweet and dry smell.

Lucien: Although I do want to visit the Fragrant House here, today is supposed to be planned ahead of time.

Lucien: It’s a surprise.

There was a faint sound of rushing footsteps on the outside of the high wall outside the screen window, and the armor made a cold sound as it moved.

MC: ….Do you still want to go to Fragrant House?!

Seeing Lucien say this, I subconsciously asked what was in my heart.

His eyes blinked extremely slowly, and the corners of his mouth climbed into an arc.

Lucien: Did my wife feel sour?

MC: Nonsense! Also, don’t call me wife! You disrespe


A date from CN server which hasn’t been released in EN server.

Phone Call here


Translations under the cuts~

A thin golden color appeared behind the dark cloud curtain, and it dyed the lower night clouds red, pushing them into the day.

I picked up the camera, put the viewfinder frame on the line where the light and dark meet in the middle of the clouds, and pressed the shutter. The time is exactly one quarter before sunrise, six forty.

A wind brushed the bangs on Lucien’s forehead, he turned his head and smiled at me.


Lucien: Is this your impression of me?

I checked the photos I took - the night was still sinking in the lower layers, but the sky was full of broken stars, and in the quiet mid-air, day and night were changing.

MC: Well, sometimes you feel like this…The feeling before sunrise.

The reason for this is that two weeks ago, I signed up for a visual design class, and the teacher mentioned a tool called “mood board” in the class.

By continuously collecting various types of pictures and gathering them on the “mood board”, we can convey our thoughts to the viewer in as much detail as possible.

–Break through the information limitation of language and express more elements, feelings and atmosphere.

The homework of the class is to describe a familiar person by taking pictures and collecting pictures. There is no standard answer to the homework, and it is all done by feeling.

I chose to describe Lucien without hesitation.

Out of curiosity about how I would complete this assignment, Lucien suggested to accompany me to take pictures.

I also thought that if I want to complete a high-quality homework, I really should be accompanied by the knowledgeable Professor Lucien, so I gladly agreed.

At this moment, Lucien and I are sitting on the bench on the rooftop, overlooking the center of the city.

Lucien: … What does it feel like before sunrise?


Lucien quietly looked at the sunlight that was slowly rising from the horizon, allowing the brilliant colors to gild gold in his deep pupils.

I cast my eyes in the same direction as him, thinking about the answer.

MC: …I can’t tell you either, but whatever you feel at the moment is fine.

The vastness of light is surging upwards, they do not converge into a point or a line, they are huge and silent, slowly engulfing the night.

MC: In my eyes, this is a feeling that something is about to break through the darkness.


Lucien suddenly took my hand, he didn’t speak, he didn’t want to disturb the world’s last-minute sleep.

Moments later, the sun showed the clouds.

MC: How? Isn’t it interesting?

After watching the sunrise, I took Lucien off the rooftop and walked into the bustling street.

Before going to the next stop, Lucien bought some steamed buns at the breakfast stall along the street. We sat on the bench, ate breakfast, and discussed the assignment.


Lucien: Many abstract and complex concepts are really difficult to convey clearly if only described in words.

Lucien: That’s why we need so many art forms.

Lucien: Whether it is literature, painting, photography or sculpture, when it comes to conveying information, it has its particularity in form.

MC: Well, our teacher also said that many communication problems are often caused by lack of information.

MC: For example, the proposition “lively streets”, I’m thinking of a scene of a large crowd walking aroundㅡ

MC: But your understanding of “lively” is an endless stream of vehicles.

MC: In this way, there was a misunderstanding between us in communication.

Lucien looked at the driveway in front of him, and laughed leisurely.

Lucien: Indeed, in my understanding, the scene before me is very “lively”


The road in front of us suddenly became crowded, and I followed the traffic flow and it seemed that there was no accident.

Lucien: There is a school further ahead from this intersection. Now is the time when parents come to take their children to school, so there will be more traffic.

Lucien: But don’t worry, they won’t be blocking the road here.

Lucien: There is a hospital nearby, if it occupies the driveway, the ambulance will not be able to pass smoothly when it arrives, the parents know this.

MC: It turned out to be so.

Then, he pointed to the mall on our right.

Lucien: The “lively” people are here.

I looked in the direction of his fingers, and a group of aunties in tai chi suits were forming a formation at the entrance of the mall.

They held soft swords, and once they stood still, they danced dazzling sword moves, which made people applaud.

Lucien: When the mall opened at 8:30, they would leave, carry their long swords, and drop by the next door to buy some ingredients.

I was biting a hot steamed bun, and I was greeted by people coming and going in front of me. Every street scene is captivating.

I bite the hot steamed buns, and was impressed by every scene of the street scene where people came and went.

MC: Hmm, it’s really lively…

After thinking for a while, I turned to look at Lucien again,

The reason why he knows this is probably because he always works all night until this time.

And after stepping out of the laboratory, he will not just head back in the car, but walk slowly down the street, paying attention to every lively corner.

Hearing the noisy voices of the world, passing by all kinds of people - all these times, he remembered all these moments in his heart.

Thinking about it, I raised the steamed bun in my hand and took a picture of the crowd and vehicles while it was still hot.

Lucien’s gaze, hesitantly, fell on the sesame bun in my hand.


Lucien: Is that what you want to put on your “mood board” too?

I nodded and continued to bite into the sweet buns, unaware of Lucien’s slightly raised lip line.

Lucien: So specifically, I give you the impression… white on the outside and black on the inside?


I stunned.



I couldn’t help but leaned towards him, touched his arm lightly, and gave him half of the sesame bun in my hand.

MC: Early morning city, people living in it and steaming buns…

MC: These things contain the feeling you give me.

MC: I can’t quite tell what it is. You also know that “mood board” can only be understood, not spoken.

Lucien took a bite of the steamed bun, smiled and looked at the noisy street, the sesame filling stuck to the corner of his lips, he gently wiped it with the pulp of his finger, and smiled slightly.


Lucien: …I can understand the feeling you said.

Lucien seemed to know that my next stop was Loveland University, and he walked through the familiar streets without asking any questions.

The winter vacation has already come, and the school is so quiet that only a few fat little feral cats occasionally meowed twice.

I led Lucien to the reading room on the second floor of the library, crouched on the ground, and took out the camera.


Lucien: Are you shooting the corridors of the library?

MC:Hmm~ One time when you have nothing to do after the class, you just came here to sit for a while.

I adjusted the aperture and placed the entire corridor in the center of the frame.

MC: At that time, the sun was about to go down, and the ground was full of red clouds, I thought…

MC: If the sunset light is replaced by the clear morning light, it must also look good.


Lucien sat on the stairs a step away, holding his chin, watching the light pouring down from the window while waiting patiently for me to finish taking the photo.

The warm sun shines on Lucien’s hair tips, neckline, and finger edges, drawing out delicate lines of his entire person’s outline.

MC:Check it out.

I sat down next to Lucien and showed him the pictures I took.

MC: I think the library is also a place with a “Lucien” atmosphere, especially the corridors.

MC: Loud speaking is not allowed here, and it always gives a sense of silence under order.

MC: And the black marble floor, which is swept every day.

MC: The sound of stepping on it is also “tap”, “tap”, “tap”, and it is very hard.

MC: There are countless documents, books, newspapers and magazines are collected behind the doors.

MC: As soon as you open the door, you will be greeted by the vast accumulation of human wisdom.

MC: To sum up, it is a very “quiet” feeling, but it is not only…  


Lucien stared at the photos I took, and seemed to feel the information conveyed by the details in the photos.

Lucien: It was lively just now, now it’s quiet…

Lucien: The picture you used to describe “Lucien” seems to be irregular at first glance?

Lucien: I’m not sure what kind of person I am in your heart.

I pondered this question carefully, thinking about how to express my intention in words.

MC: In fact, I took more than these three pictures.

MC: When I just got this proposition last night, I was taking pictures all the way back.

So I went through the previous photos with him.

MC: This one, is the mailbox I accidentally saw when I was passing the street corner.

MC: Thought it was always here, just… we didn’t noticed.

MC: Somehow, I thought you might understand how it feels.

MC: Then, passing by a retro grocery store.

MC: Outside the window, I saw the discs on the projector in the store, which happened to reflect the color of the sunset, so I took the pictures.

Lucien patiently listened to my description of each photo, and from time to time guessed how I felt when I took the photo.


Lucien: Is this a construction site?

MC: Yes, right across from our office, every day I get up from my seat, I can see the crane.

Lucien nodded and took the camera closer.

Lucien: No wonder the angle of this photo is looking down from the top. It seems that their construction progress should have progressed to more than half.

MC: I look at them every once in a while, and I see that the building has built up a few more floors, and every two days, a few more floors have been built.

MC: It’s amazing…humans can build buildings as high as the sky on the ground…

MC: There is also heating, Internet, and all kinds of convenient facilities!

I sighed for no reason, and Lucien couldn’t help but laugh.

Lucien: If such a project reminds you of me, it’s highly rated.


He flipped to the last photo.

Lucien: You also photographed the bedroom rug?

Not let him to think I was just taking a random photo, I quickly pointed out the difference between this photo and reality,

MC: Not just an ordinary rug, I deliberately moved the floor lamp in front of it to let the light fall before taking pictures.

MC: Although there are no rules for taking the material, these pictures are all the feelings you gave me.

Lucien’s eyes fell on my face leisurely, as if he liked my expression very much, liked me very much at the moment, and thought carefully about what to use to describe his mood.


Lucien: These photos are really good–

Lucien: When you take pictures, it is very late, so most of these pictures are cold-toned, but each picture has a warm light.

He lowered his eyes slightly, a warm smile on his lips.

Lucien: Did you know that people can’t really know themselves.

Lucien: All our perceptions of ourselves come from the environment around us and from others.

Lucien: The environment shapes our perceptions, evaluations of all people and things in the world, and even we can only see ourselves through a mirror.

Lucien: The more we do, the more we want to know what we look like in the eyes of others, and I am no exception.

Seeing me staring at him intently, he suddenly reached out and touched my hair.

Lucien:In fact, I have always been curious, what do you think of me.

Lucien: Now, it seems that there is an answer,.


At this moment, a gust of wind rustled through the window, and a few petals blown in the wind flashed past.

A thought suddenly entered my mind, and I hurriedly pulled Lucien to look in the direction where the petals were blowing.

The reading room in the deepest part of the corridor was quiet and empty. As soon as I opened the door, I saw the bright colors outside the window.

A touch of delicate color is dotted between the blue sky and white clouds. Under the shuttle patrol of the breeze, the peach blossoms on the branches are slowly blooming.

I picked up my camera and captured this scene.

MC: Okay, with this photo, the content of the “mood board” is enough!

Lucien stepped forward, put one hand on the windowsill and looked out.


Lucien: Peach blossoms?

I shook my head, pointed to the whole world outside.

MC: Not peach blossoms, but spring.

The nice fragrance of peach blossoms came in wisps, and across several teaching buildings, the lawn of the playground was already lush green.

MC: Spring has a feeling of blooming and reborn.

MC: Whatever is buried in the snow in winter will be covered with flowers and plants in spring.

As long as you stand in the spring sunshine, you can feel the freshness and splendor of it.

MC: I don’t even know what to say… The word “spring” alone makes people feel very comfortable and warm.

MC: Whether it is quiet or lively, it is full of vitality and full of people yearning.

I opened my arms, trying to embrace the spring that lives in the sunshine.

MC: Do you know Lucien, you often make me feel like spring is coming.


Lucien’s finger edge lightly rested on his chin, as if thinking.


Lucien: Don’t you think… you describe me a little too nicely?

I took a half step forward, bent down and tilted my head to look into his eyes.

MC: But the person I care about is the best in the world, in my heart, and nothing can compare.

I stretched out my hand and grabbed Lucien’s sleeve and lowered my voice.

MC: Although I’ve taken many, many pictures, trying to paint you many, many paintings…

MC: But the feeling you gave me….I can’t describe it in any way.

A smile slowly appeared in Lucien’s eyes.


In those dark pupils, the branches and leaves of peach blossoms are reflected, like a curved spring scene, which makes people involuntarily want to sink into it.

MC: If it had to be conveyed in words, I would call it romance.

After a brief pause, I affirmed my conclusion.

MC: Well, it’s romance, although I still can’t outline the connection….

MC: But the teacher said that the limitation of expression will not affect the conveyance of the atmosphere.

MC: Even if I can’t say it, you will understand.

Lucien raised his head and smiled faintly. The spring breeze brushed the broken hair between his foreheads and seemed to blow his thoughts far away.


Lucien: Maybe you are the only one in this world who can describe me with these beautiful images.

Lucien: Even the most beautiful image in the world.

He suddenly seemed to have thought of something, hooked my hand, and pulled me towards the bookshelf in the reading room.

Lucien: MC, take a guess.. If I were to describe you, what kind of pictures would I take?

I was slightly startled, lost in thought. Lucien was silent for a while, then spoke slowly.


Lucien: Perhaps it was a cloud carrying the morning light, lying lazily in the air, looking at the lively crowd on the ground.

Lucien: Perhaps it was the heat steaming up from the steamer with the fragrance and sweetness, that couldn’t help but floating upwards.

Lucien: Or maybe the wooden door of this reading room has been opened with a gap, and light and darkness meet on the ground and flow into the boundless sea of ​​books…

He turned his eyes and took out a book from a shelf next to us and put it in my arms.


Lucien nodded with a smile, his fingertips still resting on the back cover of the poetry book

Lucien: If you describe me as romantic, then I will describe you as, romantic habitation.

His fingertips slowly climbed up from my lower jaw, stroking my cheeks and auricles along the way, leaving and taking away some heat.


Lucien: I would like to inhabit all the voices you hear.

Lucien: I would like to inhabit the colorful colors in your eyes.

Warm fingertips brushed from the corner of my eyes - he opened his hand, with a wide palm, close to my side face,

Lucien: I would like to inhabit your warm skin, the touch of your skin

Lucien: I would like to inhabit this soul that always regards me as a ray of warm light.


The soft whisper flowed through my ears, Lucien gently pulled me into his arms as he spoke. The warm wind blows from the window, brushing the cover and the pages of the book.

I embraced the collection of poems and looked at him quietly. When the eyes meet, there seems to be a silent dialogue, which is conveyed in each other’s eyes.

The white drapery rose and fell in the corner of the eye, and the gently swaying shadow of the tree was cast on it, spreading a greenery.

With a smile on the corners of his lips and warm breathing, he was close to me, but he refused to put it on immediately.

So I leaned up against his slightly bent knees - reached out and took off his glasses and kissed him without thinking.

He hugged me tightly and let me pour my entire weight into his embrace.

I half-opened my eyes and saw his eyelashes for a bit. Between his lips and teeth, he seemed to have something to say, but he held back. All that left, was a breathless laugh.

I smelled the scent on his collar, heard the chirping of sparrows on the tree, and captured every moment of his breathing.

….I can’t describe anything.

I just want to be immersed in it.


!Spoiler warning! : The followings contain contents for dates of Mr. Love: Queen’s Choice/Love and Producer that are yet to be released in Global server. If you do not wish to be spoiled then please refrain from going undercut.


Karma Quote : “The secret to my inspiration, I’ll reveal it only to you.”

The translation is undercut. You have been warned about spoilers.


Part 1

The harmonious melody gradually turned cheerful and the accordion street performance was about to reach its final climax.

Audience: “La la la~ la la la hey!”

MC: “La la la~ la la la la hey!”

I joined the audience to the melody, clapping enthusiastically as the last note came in and out.

The busker waved to us with a smile and said something to Kiro who was accompanying them when the performance officially ended.

The crowd gradually dispersed and Kiro jumped to my side in quick steps. The end of his golden hair moved slightly with the sky and his bright blue eyes were full of satisfaction.


Kiro: “How was it?”

MC: “Super amazing!”

MC: “How did you achieve such a seamless accompaniment? Have you practiced this song before? What did he tell you-”

Kiro: “Pff- Miss Chips, you have so many questions that I don’t know which one to answer first.”

MC: “It doesn’t matter whichever comes first as long as you answer them.” 

Kiro: “I haven’t practiced at all, this is the first time I’ve heard this type of ballad. Impromptu accompaniment is not that difficult. After all, music is the same everywhere.”

Kiro: “As for what the artist uncle said to me….”

Kiro looked at me innocently. 

Kiro: “I didn’t understand.” *snickers cutely*


MC: “Pff hahaha!”

MC: “It’s okay, I think he was praising you for being his good partner!”

Kiro: “NONONO! Just you is enough as my good partner.” 

Kiro pretended to look at me mysteriously, motioning me to come closer.

Kiro: “One of the most important things I gotta tell my good partner is that I have an inspiration!”

MC: “Really?”

Kiro: “Mm! I’m going to add a few brighter cords to the chorus….just like the song just now.”

Kiro: “That will make the entire song more cheerful!”

MC: “Sure enough, writing songs need a discovery of inspiration in life!”

Kiro: “Thanks to you for pulling me out. Otherwise, I would still be bored in my house, worrying.”

MC: “After all, it’s a songwriting invitation from Senior Lawrence. It really has to be done more perfectly.”

Lawrence is a singer who Kiro respects very much and is quite famous in the music world.

Kiro made a special trip abroad this time to participate in a charity performance at the invitation of his “predecessors”. They were going to sing a new song written by Kiro.

This song tells a story about giving. After its premiere, it will also become a promotional song for a well-known charity.

MC: “But your new song is perfect, isn’t it?”

Kiro: “How is this perfect? It’s far from it.”


Kiro took my hand and showed a smile even brighter than spring

Kiro: “Taking advantage of the presence of the god of the inspiration, we gotta continue to find “it” and sing it!”

Part 2

The afternoon sun was bright and gave a golden color on both horizons.

A breeze blew and the green leaves of the street trees rustled. I raised my hand to straighten my blown hair—

Kiro: “MC, look at me!”

The moment I turned my head, I heard a “click” sound of Kiro pressing the shutter.

Kiro: “Yes! This shot is very beautiful.”


Kiro enthusiastically handed the camera to me as he spoke but the screen suddenly went dark with a warning sound of “low battery” twice.

On the dark screen, only our facial expressions were reflected.

MC: “Haha, didn’t you just say you will save the power?”

Kiro: “Saying that is one thing, seeing beautiful scenery that you can’t help but capture is another.”

Kiro: “But we’ve taken a lot of pictures and now the camera is full of inspiration materials.”

Kiro raised his eyebrows and put away the camera as he spoke. The moment he lowered his head, beads of sweat on his forehead became clearly visible.

The weather in March has been noticeably warmer and it is indeed still a little hot after walking all this way. 

I took out a tissue and wiped the sweat for him, then looked around and found five or six coffee shops not so far away.

MC: “Let’s find a place to sit and have a drink to take a break.”

As if to attract more customers, there are display boards promoting special drinks in front of several coffee shops.

Kiro: “So the shop’s name is “Flower and Coffee”….. no wonder there were so many flowers at the door.”


MC: “And there’s a “Spring limited cherry blossoms flavor” drink, why don’t we try it….”

MC: “The “Daily Special” on the other side also looks good….Roasting the coffee beans yourself and the taste of the coffee may be very special.”

Kiro: “Or….this one?”

Following the line of direction of Kiro’s finger, I saw a simple coffee shop. There was no drink introduction on the display board but just two little people drawn simply.

The little people hold a gift box in each hand and the box reads….

Kiro: “Luck….exchange?’ Kiro read out the words and nodded while pinching his chin. 

Kiro: “Well, it has managed to pique my curiosity.”

MC: “Since you’re curious about it, let’s go in and have a look?”

We smiled at each other and rushed in quick steps.

In the retro-style shop, the aroma of coffee floated in the air.

A row of small sofas for rest came into our view, the soft and comfortable fabrics making people want to sink in.

The coffee machine and various syrups were neatly arranged on the left bar. I walked over to the bar and looked down at the menu with cute illustrations.

MC: “I want to order a signature latte!”

Kiro: “Then what should I get….”

When Kiro was pondering, a white haired old grandmother suddenly came out from the storage room next to us.

???: “WELCOME Welcome, welcome, lovely guests from China~”

The old grandmother took a bag of fresh coffee beans, laughing and some wrinkles even appeared on her face.

MC: “You….speak Chinese?”

Shop Owner: “I lived in China for a while when I was young, so I can speak a little bit of it. Now that I see Chinese guests, I feel nostalgic.”

MC: “Hearing Chinese here, I also feel very cordial.”

Shop Owner: “Haha, the Chinese guests who came to exchange luck before also said the same.”

MC: “Exchange luck?”

The old lady smiled and pointed behind me. I turned around and saw that there was a staircase leading to the second floor in the corner.

Shop Owner: “There are many treasures on the second floor, all of which are “lucky things” left by every guest who has visited here.”

Kiro: “Oh~ That’s why the sign at the door says “Exchange Luck”.”

Shop Owner: “Yes, this is a “special feature” of our shop.”

The grandmother shook her finger mysteriously.

Shop Owner: “If you have something you like, exchange it with something of your own!”

Part 3

There were several neat rows of shelves on the second floor of the coffee shop. I walked between the two shelves, my eyes flicking across the rows of disparate items before finally landing behind a tea cup.

MC: “Huh, this is?”

I gently pushed the tea cup at front and found a small sign hidden behind.

MC: “…..Whether you win or lose, running through the whole distance is a way to overcome yourself.” It seems that this is a participation award in a long-distance running competition.”


Kiro: “This picture frame also has something written on it, but there is only one sentence.”

Kiro: “Stay humble and always reflect”, which seems like to be an insight for the process of learning to paint.”

Kiro and I looked at each other and picked up a random item. Sure enough, there were signs and symbols hidden behind them. They all were written in different languages.

Kiro: “It turns out that the “Mystery” we were looking for is here, this really is not an ordinary store.”


Hidden messages succeeded in igniting our desire to explore. I took a step forward and picked up another calendar written in Chinese.

MC: “Finally there are Chinese characters!”

I looked at the message that said….”Carry it through the end”.

I flipped through the calendar lightly and found out that every page had detailed records.

MC: “The original owner is so preserving….hey, look.”

In the upper right corner of the last page, a doodle of a villain with victory gestures was very eye-catching.

Kiro: “Haha, looks like a preserving “self-portrait”~”

Kiro smiled and put the calendar back, accidentally knocking his wrist on the old shelf, making a soft sound. Immediately afterwards, a shadow fell from above.

MC: “Ah-”

The soft red item fell into my arms. I blinked and found a hooded teddy bear in my hand.

Kiro: “It seems to have fallen from the top shelf?”

Kiro stood on tip-toe a little and took down the sign from the grid he was searching for.

I moved closer and looked at the text on the sign.

MC: “It’s in French…..”to give”….uh…”

Kiro: “It feels happier to give than to take.”

While I was still inspecting it, Kiro seemed to have finished reading the text already.

Kiro: “Orphanage…..”

MC: “What?”

Kiro: “It’s nothing, I meant this little bear is a gift for the children in the orphanage.”

MC: “Is the child the original owner of the bear then?”

Kiro shook his head gently, his eyes shifted from the message to the Little Bear.

Kiro: “The story is not written, only a smiling face is drawn at the end.”

Kiro: “But no matter who….the person who left the bear should’ve just wanted to pass on the joy of “giving”

Hearing this, my heart suddenly moved.

MC: “Isn’t the theme of your new song “given”? So, it’s like the meaning behind this bear.”

Kiro blinked as if thinking of something, he bent his fingers against his chin.

Kiro: “Little Bear…..giving feels happier than taking….”

After a while, he took out his phone and opened the recording app and hummed a tune. I figured it was the end of the new song.

He closed his eyes slightly, slowed down and hummed for the second time and there were obvious changes in some notes.

Kiro: “La la la la…..”


Kiro hummed repeatedly, making subtle adjustments each time.

After some time, he looked at me again, his bright eyes filled with excitement.

Kiro: “MC, do you think the last note has changed from the previous ones?”

MC: “Mm. The tone feels more lively and catchier.”

Kiro: “Great! When I thought of writing the ending, I always wanted to express the grand feeling of selfless dedication but I was always dissatisfied with the results.”

Kiro: “Now I think the final melody can actually be more cheerful because the tone itself is happy.”

Kiro: “And every gift, no matter how big or small, has its meaning.”

After Kiro finished speaking, he gently squeezed the bear puppet.

Kiro: “Thank you for the inspiration, lucky little bear.”

Unexpectedly, this “Inspiration Journey” really brought Kiro’s new song to a perfect ending and the joy in my heart also burst out of the water like bubbles.

MC: “Since you have such a connection with this lucky bear, why don’t we exchange it!”


Just as Kiro was about to nod, he immediately shook his head instead, as if thinking of something.

Kiro: “Forget it, I didn’t bring anything with me when we came out. After all, it’s a cherished gift so I can’t just take it.”

Kiro: “Although, meeting it itself is already a kind of fate.”

Kiro patted the little bear on the head, put it back where it was and continued to walk forward.

When I looked at the little bear on the shelf and Kiro, an idea suddenly popped up.

After a few minutes, while Kiro was not paying attention, I took the bear puppet and sneaked to the counter then took out the recording pen I was carrying in my bag.

MC: “Hello, I would like to exchange it for this bear.”

The owner pushed her reading glasses and looked at the object for a moment.

Shop Owner: “It looks like this recorder has been used for a long time. I can see that it is something you cherish, little girl. Isn’t it a very important thing?”

MC: “Well, I used to take it with me to work overtime until the early hours of morning and go out for interviews in the cold weather. Fortunately, those efforts have paid off.”

MC: “In the message, please write “Silent effort always pays off!”

I gently stroked the body of the pen, saying goodbye to his old friend who has stayed with me for so many years.

Shop Owner: “Such a precious one, why are you suddenly willing to exchange it?”

MC: “Because I like the story behind this bear, I want to give this luck to someone else.”

The shop owner suddenly showed a face of realization.

Shop Owner: “Alright, alright, lovely young couple, bless you! How do you say that in Chinese again? I wish you “Happy Hundred Years of Love!”

I felt my face heat up a bit and I quickly turned around after thanking the owner.

I took the bear puppet and walked back thinking that I could let “Luck” stay by Kiro’s side and my steps eventually became brisk.

Part 4

I was about to go back quietly but then I saw Kiro beside the small sofa.

Kiro: “MC! You disappeared in a blink of an eye. After looking for you for so long, you’re finally here.”


I raised the bear in my hand—

MC: “For you!”

Kiro looked at the smiling shopkeeper behind me, his eyes fell on the recorder in her hand and suddenly he understood something.

Kiro: “Are you sure you wanted to exchange something so important to you?”

MC: “It doesn’t matter. Isn’t it better for it to encourage others than stay with me who has already used its luck?”

MC: “And you have such a connection with Little Bear, if you have him with you in the future, maybe there will be more inspiration.”


I picked up the puppet and imitated a bear’s voice—

MC: “I am the lucky bear! Kiro, I’m very happy to meet you. I will give you more inspiration in the future—”

Kiro opened his mouth slightly, his eyes flashed as if he wanted to say something but quickly showed a flawless smile.

Kiro: “Thank you, my Miss Chips.”

Kiro: “I only had one secret source of inspiration before. With this little bear, there is one more secret inspiration.”

MC: “A secret before? I don’t get how….”

Kiro motioned me to get closer with his eyes, as if he wanted to say something very confidential. I complied with a gesture of listening.

Kiro: “I’ll reveal it only to you, my secret is….”

The next second, Kiro suddenly reached out for my shoulder.

The distance between us two was drawn infinitely close and I could hear his clear and powerful heartbeat. Immediately afterwards, a gentle kiss fell on my cheek.

Perhaps it was a coincidence that after a light music that was playing in the store, it switched to a lingering jazz slow tune next.

The numb feeling lingered for a long time but Kiro still didn’t let go. He turned his head to the side and the heat of his exhalation stained my ears.

Kiro: “The secret is….my inspirational muse who’s always by my side.”

Kiro: “She is always keenly aware of my state, and then takes me to the places where the light is bright.”

Kiro: “Having her, my inspiration will never run out.”


The weather on the second night was exceptionally clear, and the twinkling stars formed a line, echoing the street lights that lit up the town at night.

I stood outside the performance venue and waited for Kiro.

MC: “The speed of media coverage is so fast! “Young Music Star”, “Lawrence presents Kiro with a golden award”….”

I flipped through the phone’s screen and clicked on one of the group photos. It was the moment when Kiro took the golden trophy from Lawrence.

Kiro on the stage looked extraordinarily handsome, making people unable to look away. I was looking at the photo when I suddenly heard Kiro’s voice.

Kiro: “MC, sorry to keep you waiting!”

Kiro stopped in front of me hurriedly, reached out his hand and raised the brim of his hat.


MC: “Why are you back, wasn’t there just an interview backstage?”

Kiro: “Mm, but after the interview, I sneaked out to give you an important thing.”

He mysteriously took out a small box from his pocket.

MC: “….Recording pen?!”

Kiro: “Tomorrow morning, we will return to LoveLand City, so I took the time to go back to the “Exchange Luck” coffee shop.”

Kiro would never exchange items so casually, I subconsciously frowned slightly.

MC: “What did you exchange it with?”

Kiro: “My trophy.”

I widened my eyes in surprise, only to regain my senses after a moment.

MC: “Is it the “Golden Trophy” you got?”

Kiro: “Yep.”

A burst of frustration and blood rushed to my face in an instant— this has to be some kind of joke!

MC: “How is this fair!”
MC: “How can a mere voice recorder be exchanged with your trophy!”


Kiro: “I think it could be exchanged fairly.”

He held it back and blocked my words.

Kiro: “I think the exchange was worth it for your voice recorder.”

He emphasized it again.

MC: “But….”
MC: “That is an international award, a very high honor…..”

My argument became less and less loud, but it still reached Kiro’s ears—

Kiro: “Don’t you know me? What I care about the most are not those….”

MC: “I know you care about the music itself the most.”

Kiro: “Hmmm, the smart Miss Chips is only half right today. There’s one more thing I care about.”

Kiro pretended to act puffed up.

Kiro: “I am very “stingy”, I don’t want anyone to take away your special “luck”


That joke was half-truth then I was suddenly surrounded by strange emotions.

I took a step forward and embraced Kiro with open arms, as if I had said a thousand words in silence. He smiled and raised his hands, stroking my hair tenderly.

Kiro: “In fact, the trophy was supposed to be regarded as our common souvenir. Because of you by my side, I can successfully find inspiration and write satisfying songs.”

Kiro: “So, let’s take it as we left a “luck” in the coffee shop together!”

Kiro: “Guests who wished to exchange this souvenir…..”

Kiro looked at me and I saw my own reflection in those azure blue eyes.


Kiro: “—also enabled him to meet the greatest luck in his life”




MOMENTS【猫咪马克杯】Cat Mug


Kiro’s Moment Post : “I bought a set of mugs with cats on them that look very similar to cello, each has a different expression~”

Option 1 :

MC : “Cello must be interested in them!”

Kiro : “I didn’t even notice it at first, it’s all thanks to Miss Chips’ eyes!”

Option 2 :

MC : “The two of us are really the perfect duo of little shoppers~”

Kiro : “Today’s shopping for goods was a complete success, let’s go have a big meal to celebrate!”

Option 3 :

MC : “There are so many mugs of different designs in that store!”

Kiro : “I also bought you a “secret model” and hid it in your bag without telling you~”


Call of this date : [Classic Adaption]


!Spoiler warning! : The followings contain contents for dates of Mr. Love: Queen’s Choice/Love and Producer that are yet to be released in Global server. If you do not wish to be spoiled then please refrain from going undercut.


Karma Quote : “The secret to my inspiration, I’ll reveal it only to you.”

The translation is undercut. You have been warned about spoilers.

Keep reading

These two are just so precious!!!!!

Thanks so much for translating, @itaruchi-trash!!

Lucien: Towards Spring Date [Translation]

Translations under the cut!

Credits to @acrispyapple for all the karma CGs used in this post!

[Section Zero]

The lights in The Highest Bioscience Research Centre were switched on for a very long while. It’s already deep into the night, and yet there’s still a lot of people working silently. The hands of the mounted clock ticked slowly, already pointing towards ‘1’.

Lucien wore a white lab coat, his head hung low as he jotted down the details of the results of the experiments conducted a while ago. Without any time to spare for a break, Ming handed him the compared results right after. A few researchers in the same lab coats surrounded Lucien, splitting the work methodically.

Moments after the experiments have begun once again, a few have reached their limits, rubbing their eyes and heading out for strolls lethargically. However, Lucien’s eyes remained fixated on the scientific paraphernalia right in front of him.

Suddenly, a loud beeping sound came from the depths of his coat’s pocket, its screen lighting through the layer of fabric. Lucien reached towards the phone, yet as soon as he did so, an abnormality appeared within the tables of writings. His hand immediately went to press the off button.

Lucien:“Investigate on the source of reaction.”

I squeezed within the crowds in the bookstore, silently celebrating the fact that I’ve arrived and waited at the bookstore early.

MC:“..Even if it’s just a small-scale lecture, Lucien’s popularity is still through the roof,”

Ming told me Lucien’s having a lecture today. Though he was originally busy with work, and had no time for speaking in lectures at all, the speaker suddenly became ill and had to be hospitalised, so Lucien was called in to save the day.

I looked around, towards the place everybody was focused towards.

Lucien:“Therefore, even if it’s just a sudden, fleeting thought, or a small emotion, they’re all involved in a neuronal system that is difficult to be quantified.”

Lucien stood in front of the crowds, explaining complex theories and science. The spot where he stood was pleasant, with spring’s sunshine pouring in in big patches, landing on his brows, his face, his hair – it made the tiniest bit of his hair looked rather fuzzy.

Yet my eyes trailed down, I noticed the light blue of his shirt, and on the sleeve was a button, buttoned into the wrong boutonnière – solid proof that this man hasn’t rested in a very long time. I sighed heavy-heartedly.

Lately Lucien’s been fully immersed in a challenging research, and I have not seen him returning home for while. He’s been replying to my messages at late midnights as well. I’ve also heard that the research centre’s been in high pressure lately, as everyone’s confident in the research, believing in the possibility of a breakthrough. Ming told me as well,

Ming: “Everyone’s been treating the professor like a God, as long as we’re under his guidance, we’ve got to be on the right path. We do place all of our trust in him.”

But humans can’t possibly be Gods after all..

Before I could get out of my distracted mind, Lucien’s already ended his talk. He walked towards me, seemingly unsurprised at the idea of me being there.

Lucien:“Looks like next time, I’ll have to let Ming keep the secrets a little better.”

Perhaps assuming that I wasn’t going to reply, he raised his hand, and lightly knocked on my forehead.

MC:“It’s not Ming, also-“

I was thinking of what to say next, when suddenly, I was cut off by someone cutting in from right beside me.

Fan: “Hello Professor Lucien! I’m a big fan! I’m so happy to have the chance to listen to your lectures. Can you recommend a few books related to the topic?”

Lucien smiled as he agreed.

Lucien:“Of course.”

He looked towards me and smiled apologetically.

Lucien:“Can you wait for me?”

MC:“Mm, I’ll be waiting for you by the seats over there.”

[Section One]

While waiting for Lucien, I absentmindedly took a collection of English poems and skimmed around it on the seat. However, after a while my focus had unconsciously shifted from the books, and right towards Lucien.

He stood by a shelf of books, his hand holding a few books as he bent down to look for the other books.

Under the sunlight, a silhouette casted itself right before him. And I could tell that he’s gotten thinner once again.

On the days when he’s not home, I’d send messages to him everyday to remind him to eat and sleep on time. Yet his responses are sent hours after, always with an apology. And the next time, it’ll be the same. There are times where I’m tempted to just snatch him home from the research centre, order him to not think of anything else, and just take a break. Yet a part of my mind thought of how important it must be for him, how he’s got to put all of his efforts into it in order to succeed..

After thinking of it for quite some time, suddenly, it’s as if Lucien’s noticed something. Because he stopped, and tilted his head to look towards me.


Our gazes caught one another’s mid-air, and suddenly, his eyes curved, and the corners of his lips lifted up into a soft simper. It’s like he’s dug a hole within the small of my heart – his smile’s natural and gentle, as if he’s always the professor who’s skilled and clever in everything.

Lucien handed the carefully selected books to the audience, and exchanged a few words with them. I’ve overheard bits of the fan’s overwhelmed and excited voice.

Fan:“Thank you Professor Lucien!”

Fan:“I heard one of your researches have been about decoding one of the scientific community’s biggest challenges. That’s impressive!”

Lucien smiled politely, yet he didn’t say anything.

After greeting the audience goodbye, he walked over, his arm lightly resting on the back of my chair. He bent down slightly to read the book I was holding in my hands, and turned to look at me.

Lucien:“Sorry for the wait. Would you like to get coffee together?”

His eyes held a genuine sense of joy, dark pupils lightly landing themselves onto my shadow.

MC:“Can I suggest something else if we don’t get coffee?”

Lucien furrowed his brows, and sighed lightly.

Lucien:“But I’ll have to rush back to the research centre later..”

He seemed to not be used to rejecting me at all. However, when speaking, his eyes showed a rare sight of reluctance.

Lucien:“Is it alright if we do it next time?”

I let go of the book in my hands, stood up, and held his hand. His large palm immediately wrapped itself around mine, his eyes focused on me.

MC:“It’s not something that will take a lot of time.”

I held his hand as we walked out of the bookstore, and winked towards him lightly.

MC:“How about you send me home?”

And immediately after that, I added,

MC:“It’s a convenient route to the research centre as well.”

MC:“So – is it okay if Professor Lucien walk me home first, and then go to the research centre?”

Lucien glanced at the watch strapped on his wrist, as if in a moment of thought, before looking at me and smiling lightly.

He reached out to pull the doors of the bookstore open, and tilted his head to look at me, with a bit of glee in his eyes.

Lucien:“Mm, it’s definitely a suitable route.”

Lucien:“Let’s go, Ms. Audience whom have not only invited herself, but have also decided to ‘lean’ onto me as well.”

[Section Two]

As we’re about to reach the front entrance, I slowed my pace, pretending to not have noticed that I did so as I chatted with Lucien.

MC:“Oh right, lately you’ve been in the research centre all the time, so I’ve been taking care of the flowers on your balcony. They’ve blossomed these past few days, won’t you like to go and see?”

Lucien looked at me a little surprised, however, upon looking at my excited face, he nodded and smiled softly.

Lucien:“Of course.”

The balcony was bursting with life, with gardenias and irises blooming along with the season, their petals basking in the sunshine’s warmth. Lucien stood on the balcony, his gaze landing on each and every flower, as if his sight was painted with the most brilliant of colours.

The warm spring breezes blew gently past him, and he broke his gaze as he said,

Lucien:“You’ve taken such good care of them. Much better than their owner.”

I bent down as I skillfully used a small pair of scissors to snip away the dry leaves and branches.

MC:“I’ve heard the florescence of irises are short, only blooming in spring.”

MC:“They bloom so greatly, yet the owner isn’t around. If I were a flower on your balcony, I’d be bored to death.”

I said simply, pretending that I was only concerning the health of the flowers on his balcony.

Behind me, Lucien laughed airily.

I turned around to see that Lucien’s mirrored my actions, bending down slightly to check the petals of every flower.

Lucien:“Did they told you so?”

I nodded, acting stern.

MC:“They did.”

I pointed at the pot of flowers in front of me,

MC:“Look, this iris flower was still a bud when I was watering it yesterday. But today, it’s bloomed completely. Maybe it does know that there will be someone admiring them today.”

Lucien’s eyes stayed on the violet flower thoughtfully.

Lucien:“If that is so, I’ve been neglecting them too much.”

He said it as a matter of fact. I was bewildered for a moment, before responding with,

MC:“..If that’s how you think of it, then yes, you’re right.”

Lucien grinned gently, his head tilted as he looked towards me, his gaze gentle and soft.

Lucien:“Ms. MC, won’t you teach me how to tend to their branches?”

He lifted up a pair of scissors as he observed the pot of golden acacia flowers.

Lucien:“It seems unenergetic.”

MC:“You’re right,”

He reached to hold the drooping golden flowers of the acacia plant, his lashes downcast as he turned his focus onto them. I looked at the pot of flowers as well, and said after a while later,

MC:“Normally, it’ll be alright once you water them. But I’ve watered them yesterday, so what’s going on..”

MC:“Wait, I’ll go grab my botany notebook!”

I rushed back into the house, stopping in front of Lucien’s bookcase and taking out a notebook with much familiarity. When I turned however, I’ve knocked myself onto Lucien’s chest.

MC:“What’s wrong?”

Lucien helped me up, his eyes landing onto the notebook on my hands with a glint of amusement.

Lucien:“Seems like you’ve been doing lots of homework while I’m away.”

MC:“That’s because I thought.. I was hoping no matter when you might come home, you’ll still feel a little bit of spring.”

My hands trailed lightly on the cover of the notebook as I added,

MC:“I’ve also taken the opportunity to learn about the little facts to nurturing plants, so I think it’s a win-win situation.”

After hearing what I’ve said, Lucien was stunned momentarily, before he smiled once more.

Lucien:“I’m intrigued to know what you’ve learned.”

MC:“There are lots of them, let me read them out.”

I sat on a cushioned seat, and soon Lucien sat on the floor as well. And, as if he’s truly trying to focus on a lecture, he put his glasses on. The sunlight steps through sheer white curtains, gently and silently colouring themselves onto him.

I’ve seen Lucien in glasses many, many times. However, no matter how many times I’ve seen it, I’ll still subconsciously think that they look good on him.

Lucien laid his head on one of his hand. In that moment, he looked like a student, focusing attentively onto me. Seeing my dazed look, he couldn’t help but chuckled.

Lucien:“What’s wrong?”


I kept my gaze away from him, and flipped open the notebook, a little surprised.

MC:“I didn’t realise I’ve noted down so many things..”

I couldn’t help but feel a bit of pride growing within me as I cleared my throat, and began my little introduction of botany and the nurturing of flowers for Lucien.

MC:“Let’s start with the different ways to water different types of plants. Herbaceous plants needed to be watered plentifully, while it’s not as necessary for xylophytic ones. For example, you can soak the money leaves in water, but you can’t do it for the gardenia flowers.”

I lifted my gaze to look at Lucien, as he nodded in agreement.

Lucien:“I see.”

I flipped to the next page, and read,

MC:“You’ll have to be wary of pests in Spring. Laundry powder, milk and other things can be made into pesticides. Isn’t that interesting?”

As I continued reading, I relaxed myself and laid against the soft cushioned seat. The spring’s rays of sun landed on my face cozily. My ears caught onto Lucien’s soft laughter, and his arm wrapped me into his embrace. I lifted my head, seeing the line of his jaw clearly.

His voice and tones were relaxed, his words gentle and kind.

Lucien:“Have you bore yourself from reading?”

I shook my head, my hand attempting to cover my face from the sunlight’s embrace. My thoughts were slow and hazy, clumsily floating about in the air. Suddenly, I couldn’t help but say:

MC:“I miss you, Lucien.”

Lucien’s light breaths came to an abrupt halt.

The afternoon’s minutes drifted slowly and silently. I covered my eyes, scouring for all the things I’ve been wanting to tell Lucien lately, then, spilling them out.

MC:“I bought a new spring exclusive tea, I’ve been wanting to try it with you. They say QinMing tea is at its best quality, with a mild flavour. I figure you’ll like it.”

MC:“You’ve been stuck in researches, so you must’ve not eaten well..”

MC:“I have especially went to the research centre to give you a lunch box, but I couldn’t even see you.”

MC:“And I don’t know if someone as busy as Professor Lucien actually finished the lunch box too.”

Words kept falling out of my mouth, and Lucien grew quiet. I removed my hand from my face hesitantly, meeting a pair of dark-coloured eyes.

Lucien looked at me soundlessly, his emotions indecipherable.

MC:“I’m not complaining, Lucien..”

He suddenly brought his hands to my temples, and rubbed them gently.

Lucien:“Mm, I know that.”

Lucien:“It’s my fault, I’ve made you worried.”

[Section Three]

The afternoon sun continued basking its tender light indoors, the notebook in his hand held tilted aside. I rolled over towards it, and looked at Lucien. He kept his usual mellow gaze, however, hidden under downcast lashes were his gentle eyes.

Lucien:“I’ve eaten every lunch box, and they were all delicious. We can make the tea together, and I’ll leave my serious review.”

As he was telling me all of that, a light, seemingly helpless chuckle left his lips.

Lucien:“I’ve been too busy lately, I am a little tired.”

Lucien:“I did not want you to know, and yet you’ve discovered it still.”

It’s a rarity for Lucien to say these things with such honesty, and so I kept quiet, listening soundlessly.

Lucien:“I did not know I’d make you this worried.”

Hearing the guilt in his voice, I thought for a little while, before responding,

MC:“Actually, I didn’t think too much about it.”

MC:“It’s just that the flowers have bloomed, and I’d love for you to see it. Spring is here, and I’d like to see spring with you. That’s all.”

To other people, Lucien can be a scientific prodigy, can be a gentle, likable professor, he can be a restless research machine.

But to me, the him who’s been peeled of each layer of a given identity, of every distance, is the real Lucien only I know of. He’s an important person who I’d love to experience things with, slowly, and one by one.

Lucien looked at me silently through his glasses, and I noticed the corners of his lips lifting slightly, can see the space between his brows gradually relaxing.

Lucien:“Perhaps you’re right, MC.”

Lucien:“No one can ever create a rest-less machine.”

Lucien:“You have pulled me from the data and analytics of the laboratory, and allowed me to see this small corner of spring. I’m very happy.”

The iris on the balcony swayed at the mercy of the winds, as if awaiting an arriving message.

I was reminded of a passage I’ve skimmed across in the poetry book.

‘The sunlight clasps the earth,

And the moonbeams kiss the sea—

What is all this sweet work worth

If thou kiss not me?’*

I reached out my arms without a warning, wanting to remove the pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose.

Yet as if a kindred spirit, he laughed lightly, and pulled his glasses away before me. Pleasant breezes brought along with them the fragrance of flowers, and Lucien lowered slightly, the tip of his nose nuzzling against my cheek lovingly.

The whole room was enveloped with a soft floral scent, and Lucien’s breath was long and steady. I could feel as he slowly relaxed his breathing, and raised my hand to reach to his hair as I ran across them lightly.

The fuzzy feeling of strands of hair through the tips of my fingers, soft and smooth.

MC:“Actually, in the beginning, I did missed you a little bit.”

MC:“I wanted to tell you, that spring is here.”

MC:“But maybe humans are too greedy after all, because when I really did meet you, I did not just want a glance of you, or to only talk to you.”

MC:“I want to be with you, to see with our eyes, and to smell with the tips of our noses.”

MC:“And.. stay in the light of spring, together.”

Lucien chuckled, and simply lowering his head and burying it in the nook of my neck.

I asked carefully,

MC: “Then.. will you still go to the research centre?”

Lucien grinned as he glanced towards me, his hand tracing my arm until it reaches my wrist, and held it.

Lucien:“I am not going today.”

Lucien:“I’d not like to miss the florescence that’ll only happen once a year, after all.”



The poem MC read was “Love’s Philosophy” by Percy Bysshe Shelley. If you’re interested, read the full poem here.

Hope you’ve enjoyed, have a nice day, and stay safe!

