#evol x love




*Contains Episode 1 SPOILERS*

  • I came in with the mind set that MC was going to be a super tropey reverse harem heroine. Kind of like Yui from Diabolik lovers where she isn’t even a person. 
  • Just look at MC she looks like a super cute cinnamon roll but gurrrlllll you have some BALLS and I lived for every single second of her character in  this episode. 
  • She’s super determined to keep her show running and keep the same energy that her father brought to the show and I love that she’s running from place to place and hustling like a pimp. 
  • One thing I can’t stress enough is that she speaks her goddamn mind.
  • You tell her MC! Finish her! Ref Anna on the side tho lol 
  • Now don’t get me started when she went to go look for Victor when she found through Anna that he was withdrawing funding from her company. 
  • She went up to receptionist of his company like “LET ME TALK TO HIM OR  I WILL GO TO HIM” and she FUCKING DID 
  • Remember when Vic walked into the building like it was his palace or some shit cuz he had to make an “emergency visit or whateva”?? All his employees started bowing down n shit but my GIRL didn’t 
  • Then she met with the grand DICK himself my boo Victor
  • She be like hey why you cutting my funding bruh?? I need it! Then he was like cuz is just as I thought…. TRASH. 
  • It hurt my girl for like a second but then she started thinking of her hommies from the hood in Loveland and then she pulled up a OOHH Hell NOO and was like Aight you GONNA Pay fo dat shit 
  • If we make it big don’t bring yo lil bitch ass running to me cuz it gonna be late as fuck. You Good? 
  • MC told him infront of every single one of his employees!! Every single one!! the shameeeeee on his cow tho 
  • I FUCKING DIED. I was dead.  ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ just like every single one of his employees 
  • Then my boii was so amused and so intrigued by hood rat MC  that he looked at her like FUCKING TRY ME   with that sexy ass smile of his 
  • MC  looked at him like  I’m ready BITCHH bring IT. 
  • Them death stares got me like OOOOHHH is gonna get good. 
  • If Anime MC is like this then I’m in for a treat with RENEGADE MC. I’m living so much for her bad bitch energy that I honestly forgot that Gavin didn’t even have enough screen time and that’s coming from one of his #1 hoe’s.  
  • I think I might up just developed a big ASS crush for MC. 
  • Anyway, Good Job MAPPA so far I’m hooked. 
  • Still a low blow for naming her “Watashi” tho when she has more personality than Yui 


But having coffee with Victor is nice to do while on my leisure time ☺️☕✨

Li Zeyan translated CN date doodles & chibi illustrations~ 我爱李泽言! (*ฅ́˘ฅ̀*)❤

All thanks to @perhaps-in-anotherdream for translating all 3 of his unreleased dates! Your the best & ily! (/^▽^)/

Introducing these cute Evolver charms from Koi to Producer! Who do you want to take with you? 2.5&quIntroducing these cute Evolver charms from Koi to Producer! Who do you want to take with you? 2.5&qu

Introducing these cute Evolver charms from Koi to Producer! Who do you want to take with you? 2.5" double acrylic board with different expressions on the front and back sides~


Post link


[… beep. ]

It’s been a while, hasn’t it? How are you? Have you been doing well?

A lot has happened since I last checked in but you know, there is this one constant that’s been hanging on to me ever since I have met them and yes, it’s the same dummy I have been telling you about, Mother.

How should I put this? For some reason her presence around me had become something that I continuously look forward to. I didn’t know when it started but lately, all that I could think about is how I wanted to revel in the time and effort she had given me throughout the years of knowing each other.

I want to cherish her, Mother. I want her to know just how much she means to me and I think… I’m getting there.

You kept saying that I should open my heart more and let people know just how much they mean to me and she… she taught me how to. She keep on teaching me ways to express myself more and I couldn’t be any more glad that she did.

She even came up with another silly surprise just for today. All because she wanted me to feel cherished and loved on my special day.

You’d like her, mom. Maybe even love her the way you love me.

And uh. She’s calling me now. Something about making another wish of some sort. I’ll talk to you again soon, Mother. Take care.

Have we come to a full circle with the birthday prompts? Yes. Yes we did. You know what that means right? I think I’m reaching an anniversary with these prompts.

Started somewhere in feb or march I think. lol. Wow. What a journey this has been. Do I want to continue? Of course.

Anyway, Happiest Birthday to you my beloved Victor.

Send in some prompts!

MLQC Dictionary;Masterlist

Walls., n.

“Do you know that sometimes… I worry about you, you know?” her voice muffled by the sweet sound of lull, sleepiness trying to take over her. “I worry a lot about you… and maybe even scared for you.”

Despite the silence permeating in the room, she dared continue, throwing her head back until the wall behind her supported her, pulling her knees up to her chin. “Sometimes, I get scared at the thought of leaving you be, all by yourself surrounded by your thoughts and emotions. Leaving you unguarded with that high fortress you built upon yourself.”

“Sometimes, I wonder if I am able to climb up- if I could even climb these immeasurable walls you built for yourself.”

Letting out a shaky breath as she turned her head to the side, lips dangerously close to the barrier between them. “But I want to try, you know? I am trying. So please… don’t shut yourself on me, okay?”

Just one more prompt to go!

Send in some prompts!

MLQC Dictionary;Masterlist

なんでもないや., phr.

She shouldn’t. Oh god, she shouldn’t. But she couldn’t not stare at him.

The way his long sleeves were rolled up to his forearm, him being unaware at the way it highlights the veins decorating his forearms, his graceful movements as he glided through the kitchen as if he knew it from the back of his hand despite not being his own, and the way his face looked oddly at peace despite cutting some onions.

For some reason, these all felt domestic for her. Too domestic… andtoo unrealistic.

She shouldn’t. She couldn’t. But oh god, how she wished to at least revel in this moment.

“What is it now?” she hated how his voice can immediately break her reverie when not even her closest friend can do so. “You looked all too lost in your day dreams again, dummy.”

Letting out a small nervous laugh, she averted her gaze from him, trying to reign her rampaging feelings deep down.

“Nothing,” she answered all too quickly. “It’s nothing.”

She really need to shove all these emotions deep down.

Fun fact: Nandemonaiya is my favorite song in Kimi no Na Wa. There’s just so much pinning and angst in that song.

Send in some prompts!

MLQC Dictionary;Masterlist


Never for one second think that I don’t know what goes on with your pretty little head, dummy.

With the years we’ve spent with each other, whether it be during our childhood or now, I will always know when doubts are starting to creep in.

Don’t. Please don’t doubt me, don’t doubt us.

This love is, after all, ours.

Send in some prompts!

MLQC Dictionary;Masterlist


Despite his silent vow of never telling a lie to her, no matter how much the truth hurts, there are still some things he wished to keep for himself.

Like for example, how he loved seeing her after work and how he thought of her always basked in this eternal glow, even if it was just a few seconds.

How he loved gazing into her eyes as she kept the entire galaxy in it, for a moment and then another.

Send in some prompts!

MLQC Dictionary;Masterlist


Of all the words that she can associate to Victor, this is one of the words she would never dare to.

Not when she knew just what kind of a man he was. What kind of a person he is.

And yet, despite her reservations, she couldn’t help but wonder… how on earth does he do that?

How can this man make her heart lurch wildly while her stomach did flips?

Send in some prompts!

MLQC Dictionary;Masterlist


“Do you think…” her voice is quiet, almost blending into the night as she clutched her phone to her chest, wondering if she should even finish the sentence. Knowing him, and knowing what had just transpired, it would do her good to just outright say it- lest she wanted another round of raised voices and frustrated groans. “Do you think we’ll last?”

How can the silence between them become too unbearable? When had it stopped being so comfortable with him?

Maybe it’s the distance, her heart thumped. Maybe it’s because of the workload and the timing just don’t make sense.

Or, in another part of her brain, maybe it’s because life had gotten in the way and they had been all too consumed by everything they didn’t say.

Had they always been like this? When did the distance between them grew? How can they keep up with the silence stretched between them?

At the other side of the call, he let out a small sigh, making her heart shatter.

“I… don’t know,”

She could already imagined the half-dimmed hotel room, the scattered paper works he should’ve been looking at the moment.

She could feel him waning until all that’s left was a defeated shell of a man.

Hello there and welcome to Victor’s birthweek prompts. I’ll be dropping different prompts for Victor for seven days with the last prompt being birthday.

Anyway. I’m kinda having little to no energy with writing so there’s not really much activity in my blog so just expect me popping out of nowhere and then disappearing from time to time.

Send in some prompts!

MLQC Dictionary;Masterlist

Things you said when you’re trying to figure it out

“I don’t know why,” he spoke, hands flying in gestures as she watched on with these big doe eyes widened with amusement. “but I can’t voice out these thoughts to you.” he groaned, making her curl her mouth in a small smile.

“It’s like… as if like I buffer around you.”

Raising an eyebrow, she tilted her head at him, trying to make sense of what he had just dropped on her. “Oh?” she asked, not missing the way he shoot her pointed looks. “Should I be offended?”

“Yes,” he grunted, exasperated. “And it’s just you! I don’t know why but it’s just you who I am like this. To others, I have no qualms of letting them know of my thoughts of them.”

“Huh,” her mouth pressed in a thin line, looking up as if the thought had just occurred. “Then I really should be offended.”

Peeking from his place, he let out another groan. “You’re not taking this seriously,” he observed as he watched another smile blossom on her. “Why are you not taking this seriously?”

“I am!” she let out a small nervous laugh, trying her best- and failing- to assure him. “I am taking this seriously! It’s just… do pray tell, what can’t you tell me?”

“That I like you, of course.”


Happy Birthday to our bird cop, Gavin!

Hey guys, Im posting a link to a form for my stickers.

If you want one of them please readandfillit!

Payment via paypalonly.


Yesterday was my birthday, I forget about it every year xD

Buy Im glad people reminded it for me!

Mlqc reminded it for me too, and they even sang. They are awesome

Some angst I should have posted a while ago….

Also color adjustments are always the most difficult.. I have two screens (see below) the bottom one is my pc screen and the one on top is my second screen.. Different colors

You ask why I dont draw on the second screen? Because my desk is not big and my neck hurt if I have to constantly watch the screen above….

A little part of Lucien’s Archery date I had to draw I like him so much aah

Happy birthday!

I decided to come back here to post mr love fanarts idk how long until I’ll drop tho

Love and Producer/Mr. Love Queen’s Choice [恣色正浓 Event]
